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SUMMARY of Resource Requirements and Cost Estimates

Activity Maintenance Program Road

Quantity 25km Routine Section 00 - 00+10
Periodic Period 00-00+15
Resource Cost
General item 780,000.00
Equipment 1,716,000.00
proffesional staff perdium & allowence 142,500.00
Daily labour 210,000.00
Fuel and Lubricants 491,400.00
pitty cash 300,000.00
Food and Refreshment & Allowence 300,000.00
TOTAL 3,939,900.00
Resource Requirements and Cost Estimates
Activity Maintenance Program Road XAYASUFTU-SORRA
Quantity 25km Routine // Section 00+10
Periodic // Period 00+15
Drainage //
perdium XAYASUFTU-SORRA Incentive and harship allowance
Resource Qntity Unit Rate Cost Rate Cost
Labour No
Abdi mahamed(Project Coordinator) 1 30 man-day 400 12000 500 15,000.00
Project Manager(Eng Abdikadir A) 1 30 man-day 400 12000 500 15,000.00
Site Engineer(Eng dayib abdi) 1 30 man-day 350 10500 400 12,000.00
logistics yaxye sheikh 1 30 man-day 350 10500 400 12,000.00
sanayt(store and fuel controler) 1 30 man-day 350 10500 400 12,000.00
planing (c/fatax) 1 30 man-day 350 10500 400 12,000.00
( Cashier) Siyad faqid 1 30 man-day 350 10500 400 12,000.00
Total 76,500.00 66,000.00
dailly laibours
Time keepers 4 30 man-day 250 30000
Guardian 6 60 man-day 250 90000
daily labours 8 30 man-day 250 60000
Food Coockers 4 30 man-day 250 30000
Sub-total 210,000.00
Allowence ( food & refreshment)
( food & refreshment) 30 ls 300,000.00
pitty cash 30 ls 300,000.00
Sub-total 600,000.00
Equipment Day/Hr Rate Amount
fuel truck 1 30 day 4000 120,000.00
Shower Trucker 2 30 day 4000 240,000.00
grader 1 240 hr 1600 384,000.00
dowzer 1 240 hr 2500 600,000.00
Roller 1 240 hr 800 192,000.00
service car 1 60 day 3000 180,000.00
Sub-total 1,716,000.00
Fuel and Lubricants Rate Days
Grader 1 150 Litre/day 26 30 117,000.00
8 tone Roller 1 130 Litre/day 26 30 101,400.00
Shower Trucker 2 120 Litre/day 26 30 187,200.00
FuelTruck 1 110 Litre/day 26 30 85,800.00
service car 1 80 Litre/day 26 30 62,400.00
dowzer 1 400 Litre/day 26 30 312,000.00
Resource Requirements and Cost Estimates
Activity Maintenance Program Road xayasuftu-sorra
Quantity 25km Routine Section 00 - 00+10
Periodic Period 00-00+15
Others Project
General item Qty Rate Cost
Mobilization 3 130,000 390,000.00
Demobilization 3 130,000 390,000.00
TOTAL 780,000.00
Resource Requirements and Cost Estimates
Activity Maintenance Program Road Jare-Dambel
Quantity 70km Routine Section 00 - 00+70
Periodic Period
Construction Materials Qty Rate Cost
Cement 20 240.00 4,800.00
Sand 20 350.00 7,000.00
Gravel 30 430.00 12,900.00
Water 1 20,000.00 20,000.00
Tools 1 10,000.00 10,000.00
TOTAL 54,700.00

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