Second Part of The Project HRM 600

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Business leadership and success have been detoned to motivate, inspire, influence, and empower

employees to contribute to the effectiveness and profit of every organization. Couples of years
ago COVID-19 has taken the world by storm. It has managed to shut down the entire world:
social distancing and lock downs are now common in all countries; all airspaces have been shut
off for commercial travel as well as lock down of all businesses and trade. The economy of
Lebanon has been suffering since the beginning of 2019 and now has been pushed to extents
previously unseen. Moreover, these conditions have affected the motivation and productivity of
employees in the public and private sector. This presentation will shed the light on several
industries listed below and demonstrate how all these conditions have shaped the economic crisis
in Lebanon.

We mention some like: ALFA Telecom, University La Sagesse, Norwegian Refugee Council,
Infomed International for events, Maronite Court and Mega Tools.


I- Overview

Alfa is the brand name owned by Mobile Interim Company 1 SAL which is managing the first
Lebanese mobile network for the benefit of the Republic of Lebanon / Ministry of
Telecommunications. Alfa plays a leading role in Lebanon’s digital transformation journey
through driving innovation, employing technology for the benefit of the community and setting
the foundations of a digitally sustainable and trust-based customer culture. Alfa’s digital and
technological agenda has seen exceptional milestones and accelerated change over its 26 years
history, enabling it to attain operational efficiency and offer a service of high quality with
exceptional nationwide mobile speeds and an expansive network capacity.
 In 2011, Alfa was the first to launch 3G+ mobile broadband services.
 In 2013, it became the first to commercially roll out 4G-LTE services in the country.
 In 2015, it launched the first live 4G+ site in Lebanon.
 In 2016, it was the first to complete a nationwide deployment of the 4G LTE-A (4G+)
 In 2018, it was the first to accomplish the 1st 5G trial in Lebanon with speeds reaching 25
Gigabits/sec for the first time in Lebanon’s history.

Alfa currently serves more than 2 million subscribers (75% of them are data users), through a
state-of-the-art network (2G, 3G+, 4G and 4G+/LTE-A) that covers 99% of Lebanon.

II- How is management coping with the stress of economic

conditions and COVID19?

In light of the current situation that Lebanon is going through, and the telecommunications
companies in particular, and despite the MoT violation of the employees’ right, including health
insurance contracts, and salary adjustments to face the depreciation of the Lebanese lira against
the dollar, Alfa was able to maintain the business continuity through a sustainable work

Online formal Learning

Alfa has set up and aligned IT systems in place to ensure smooth business operations. Moreover,
and in line with Alfa’s continuous learning culture, Talent Development team occasionally
shares online learning includes online training courses about specific topics, providing
knowledge that cannot be found locally, and various resources and events for complementary
informal* learning (such as webinars, publications, or free public events and learning resources),
with all Alfa members or specific groups as deemed relevant.
The Need for Training
Training Needs Analysis should take place by EoY during the Performance Appraisal process
and enables Talent Development team to match requested employee development with business

Development needs may arise from:

1) Probationary Period Evaluation

2) Ad-hoc job requirements or regular performance review, communicated through Line
Managers, approved by Sr. Managers, Directors and CxOs
3) New projects, regulations or operating standards/requirements
4) Need to ensure Talent availability for business continuity
5) Training and Awareness Feedback Log and lessons learnt
6) Organizational change (due to internal or external changes in the organizational
environment, strategies, or other factors)

Objective and constructive feedback about learning events should be submitted by all colleagues
who attend learning events within the specified timeline to allow accurate data analysis and
reporting. Training-related concerns should be addressed to Talent Development team to enable
proper support and corrective actions. All comments and suggestions for improvement
mentioned in the “Evaluation of Leaning Event” forms should be recorded by Talent
Development team on the “Training and Awareness Feedback Log” and subsequent
preventive/corrective actions should be assessed and followed up on accordingly.
The training evaluation is carried out as follows:

The Evaluation of Learning Event should be submitted by the employee after the learning
event, within the indicated deadline, with the aim of:

 Collecting learner’s feedback

 Supporting learners to optimize acquired learning by setting an action plan
 Contributing to organizational learning by committing to share the gained knowledge
with colleagues

For specific corporate programs (strategic/leadership development, team building, or learning

event for a very large population), feedback may be collected through a customized survey
instead of the regular online evaluation.
Evaluation forms are not initiated for technical vendor trainings and massive informal learning
resources; however, specific informal learning events are assessed through dedicated and
automated feedback survey forms.

The Efficiency Assessment of Learning Event should be submitted by the line manager 3 to 6
months following the training; it is a tool meant to:

 Assist managers in coaching team members after learning events by helping them to set
action plans which sustain individual and organizational objectives
 Support employees in assessing their action plans and defining follow-on actions, if

Roles & Responsibilities of the Entities Involved

1) Line Managers/Sr. Managers/Directors: Managers hold a key role in the continuous
development of their team members through setting objectives, appropriate assessment of
development needs, motivation, orientation, feedback on performance and proper coaching.
 Prioritize employee wellbeing: Employee motivation, engagement, and satisfaction have
long been a top concern for organizations due to their impact on performance.
 As Alfa Talents are key partners in achieving business objectives, managers are required
to support team members’ skill development, not only on the short term but also to
expand individual and team capabilities in view of preserving organizational knowledge,
maintaining skills polyvalence (know-how back-up among the teams), and ensuring
business continuity under all circumstances.

They are responsible of:

 Demonstrating commitment to excellence and continuous learning culture and
encouraging colleagues to take the optimal benefit from learning opportunities and self-
development resources shared by HR
 Identifying team and individual development needs which take account of both the
company goals and relevant personal aspirations
 Supporting senior members with the needed development and coaching that would
enhance leadership, managerial and other skills, thus increasing their readiness to take on
additional responsibilities in case future opportunities arise
 Ensuring fairness and equality in allocation of training opportunities in line with the
company’s strategy and individual needs
 Liaising with Talent Development team for support regarding their teams’ development
 Releasing team members from their duties during training while ensuring business
 Clarifying learning goals (SMART goals: are defined as specific, measurable, achievable,
results-focused, and time-bound.) with team members before the learning event
 Following up on the achievement of learning goals above and subsequent improvement
action plans
 Giving constructive, objective and timely feedback on the learner’s performance.
 Making sure that knowledge sharing is effectively implemented following training
 Providing Talent Development team with their feedback, 3 to 6 months following
trainings attended by their team members, aiming at assessing the efficiency of the
overall event based on tangible work improvement as well as the quality of the
knowledge sharing initiative.

Accordingly, they are required to fill online the “Efficiency Assessment of Learning Event” form
(link provided through email).

Making sure that team members have sufficient awareness regarding Alfa’s IT Security policies
and the need for teams’ full abidance in order to secure Alfa’ workplace, network and business
applications while attending online events.
2) Employees: As employees are key partners for Alfa business success, they are expected to
ensure continuous skill development and performance improvement, and they should abide
by the following guidelines:
 Discuss development needs with their Line Manager during their Performance
Review Meetings with a view to establish priorities in relation to their personal, and
departmental objectives
 Take full advantage of learning opportunities and development resources shared by
HR and discuss any issues preventing successful learning with their line manager and
Talent Development team in order to allow appropriate and timely handling
 Commit to the learning goals and put in practice the acquired knowledge
 Submit objective and timely feedback on learning events when requested by Talent
Development team, whether through the online form “Evaluation of Learning Event”
(where they should rate the course content and the trainer’s performance, in addition
to providing an action plan to implement the acquired learning) or any other feedback
 Agree with the line manager on a timeline (within two weeks from the last day of
training) and on the method to use in order to share the newly learnt skills/knowledge
with peers or other colleagues.
 Importance of Knowledge Sharing lies in helping learners consolidate their own
knowledge by contributing to colleagues’ development as well as receiving
insights/advice and recommendations from these colleagues.
 Knowledge Sharing Methods: a presentation delivered to colleagues, feedback
report, on-the-job training, or any other relevant means, in addition to sharing the
training material with other colleagues who could take benefit.
 Share a soft or hard copy of each certificate they receive following a learning event
with Talent Development team, for the purpose of completing their respective
employee records at HR
 Review Alfa’s IT Security policies and ensure full abidance by the guidelines below
in order to maintain the security of our workplace, network and business applications
while accessing online events and resources:
- Use a secure internet connection when attending events offsite.
- Practice safe browsing and refrain from visiting websites before confirming
link security.
- Avoid using corporate email when attending online events.
- Create new passwords that are not similar to any previously used ones.
- Set strong passwords for their devices and keep privacy settings turned on.
- Refrain from sharing login details with any other individual or third-party
- Do not install any applications on business devices and always select the
option to “Join from browser”.
- Avoid disclosing personal information.
- Avoid sharing desktops during live events, clicking on any add-ons or pop-up
messages and downloading files from untrusted sources.
3) Talent Development Team: TD is responsible of following up on the yearly Development
Plan (preparation and implementation) in coordination with the different departments while
ensuring that learning opportunities at Alfa converge with corporate goals, in line with our
fast-paced environment, and that related programs/activities are effectively managed.
TD responsibilities also encompass:
 Providing consultancy to all colleagues on internal and external development at Alfa
 Ensuring effective staff development, from development needs assessment, to design and
selection of training methods, through to the delivery and evaluation of learning events
 Maintaining effective partnerships with departments and providers for appropriate
development activities
 Ensuring such activities are conducted in accordance with the company’s policy on Equal
 Ensuring training records are systematically updated and properly maintained
 Ensuring all development activities are evaluated and followed up on as needed
 Guiding managers to provide effective coaching and feedback, where needed
 Supporting colleagues in developing effective action plans and knowledge sharing
 Promoting and contributing to Alfa’s continuous learning culture
 Providing colleagues participating in online events with needed guidelines in line with
Alfa’s IT Security policies to ensure safe attendance of online events and to secure our
workplace, network and business applications.

III- How are employees coping and reacting to these conditions?

Employees Engagement

This section covers the following:

Level of commitment, accountability and resilience during crisis, and in line with Alfa’s
policies and corporate beliefs:

 Exemplary behavior and commitment towards Alfa rules and regulations during crisis
period and off-site working.
 Promotion of our corporate beliefs as an Alfa ambassador.
 Readiness to support or suggesting innovative solutions/ideas aiming to ensure business
continuity and competitive edge within our industry.
 Abidance by and advocacy towards workplace health and safety as well as our social
responsibility engagement, including Road Traffic Safety.

Continuous Self-Development and Knowledge Sharing:

 Level of awareness regarding Alfa Talents’ continuous development as a determinant

factor for the company’s success.
 Employee efforts invested in self-growth and skill development through constant
learning, supporting others in their development, sharing knowledge and know-how in a
way that stimulates positively coworkers’ performance and promotes Alfa as a learning
 Interest in personal improvement, either in taking advantage or involvement in new job
activities or seizing all available opportunities for online learning, publications and other

Abidance by Alfa’s Road Traffic Safety Culture: Acting as a role model in promoting Road
Traffic Safety awareness, ensuring and spreading around clear understanding of Traffic safety
regulations and practices, while actively reflecting responsible driving behavior.

Abidance by Alfa’ Culture promoting Safety and Security: Knowledge of information and
physical security rules, in addition to a responsible attitude and behavior in terms of protecting
company data and preserving physical assets, while maintaining utmost safety within Alfa


I- Overview

The ULS, a Lebanese, Catholic, private, and non-profit institution, was founded in 1875 by

the Maronite Archdiocese of Beirut. Its mission is to prepare generations of Lebanese youth for
the changing labor market andto support active members of society in their quest for knowledge.
Sagessians are vectors of progress and innovation, free willed to make the right choice, open-
minded and committed to good values and hard work; they work for a united citizenship and for
a society based on justice, transparency and ethics.

Preferred Values
Anchored in Greater Lebanon, which it saw its birth and then accompanied, ULS promotes, in its
mission of training, research and community involvement, the Christian and universal values of
freedom, justice, social responsibility and human dignity.

ULS Vision

ULS intends to become a center for fundamental and applied research responding to the
changing needs of the market. As an environment conducive to pluralism and cultural diversity,
ULS aims to be a privileged space for dialogue. It will train the entrepreneurial spirit of young
people, thus facilitating their professional integration. Rooted in the City, ULS works to promote
the culture of life and the family. Aware of the role of the University in building public space,
ULS will promote a culture of institutionalization, transparency and the fight against corruption.

II- How is management coping with the stress of economic

conditions and COVID19?

COVID-19 is, to be sure, an epidemiological and medical phenomena – but it is also

much more. It is also, amongst other things, a tremendously terrifying and perhaps horrific
emotional occurrence, a highly destructive economic event, and a difficult logistical event. The
lack of incorporation of the knowledge of COVID-19 as a medical phenomena with its additional
consequences for the complete array of other elements of the circumstance is a notable
shortcoming of the interaction with this occurrence to date. The COVID-19 issue encompasses
all of these elements at the same time, and successful crisis response and management
necessitates tackling the complete picture. The difficulty for leaders is to work in a way that
incorporates all of the factors.
How can leaders and their advisers make successful judgments regarding truly life-and-
death matters in the midst of a fast unfolding coronavirus catastrophe that needs numerous urgent
decisions but gives few clear-cut indicators and necessitates compromises among many very
essential values? This policy brief contrasts the current "crisis" situation with the ULS
management's more familiar domain of "regular emergencies." It contends that in times of crisis,
leaders must embrace a more agile, highly flexible, yet thoughtful decision-making technique
that allows them to move quickly to action while maintaining the ability to iteratively re-examine
strategies in light of decision implications, as ULS management did. This strategy assisted the
team in taking into consideration the numerous facets of the COVID-19 situation and dealing
with rapidly changing conditions.

Key Elements of ULS’s Effective Crisis Management Process

I. Organized the reaction through a critical incident management team process: The teams
and structures that supervise an organization's or collection of organizations' response to a crisis
for large scale, complex occurrences are known by many various names. The ULS
administration dubbed its crisis response squad the "event management team."

II. Gathered the relevant persons in the critical incident supervision process to seek
knowledge and debate on next steps, these people are:

(1) People who understand the organization's core priorities, equities, values, and goals: It
was critical to include people who represented the organization's diverse priorities in the debates
so that these tradeoffs could be successfully identified, articulated, and addressed.

(2) People with knowledge of the event and, to the greatest extent possible, informed,
forward-looking perspectives on how it is likely to evolve

(3) People who have intimate knowledge about the organization, its situation in its
markets and/or political environment, and its internal systems and operations – and who are thus
in the best position to make informed assessments.

III. Participated in iterative, rapid, and creative issue resolution with continual update

IV. Assembled a diverse problem-solving group to increase the likelihood of discovering

a better solution.
Because the solution was unidentified, a diverse group (people from different
backgrounds, generations, genders, or with different perspectives, skills, expertise, experiences,
and knowledge) had a better chance of finding a more creative and better approach because it
will have access to a broader set of perspectives and possibilities, and may be more creative in
developing a broader range of options.

V. Arranged for a facilitated discussion and decision process to determine what actions
flow from the agile problem-solving process In operating the creative, iterative problem solving
process, it was helpful to have a facilitator help to operate the process.

VI. Worked hard on ensuring the “psychological safety” of people in the group so that all
participants can contribute effectively. Made sure the group focused on and maintained a spirit
of joint inquiry rather than engaging in an internal battle of advocacy: Diverse groups have
greater potential to generate creative solutions, but they frequently fall short of that potential,
especially in stressful situations. “Psychological safety” is a felt sense in the group that
contributions – even dissenting views – are welcome from everyone. A particular challenge in
stressful circumstances is that people sometimes begin to act as advocates for their point of view
(or suggestion) rather than to act as if they were part of a joint inquiry seeking the best overall

VII. Execute the decided-upon actions, but treat decisions and associated actions as
tentative and experimental.

VIII. Established and upholded realistic expectations:

The management kept reminding people in the problem-solving group, in the

organizations involved, and among outside constituencies that the current situation is
unprecedented, and profoundly different from routine emergencies confronted in the past. It is
not a reasonable expectation that the group would have quickly known the best answers about
how to deal with the extraordinary collection of issues, the competing priorities the
circumstances have created, and the myriad new threats and challenges we suddenly face. In
fact, it is highly likely that because of this, participants in the decision-making process and those
responsible for executing actions that flow from it will make mistakes; perfection, especially in
the earliest stages, is highly unlikely.
COVID-19 has posed grand challenges for managers and, but it has also opened the door
to opportunities worth knowing and understanding, that can help organizations to direct their
future actions. Indeed, a crisis might create unexpected opportunities for organizations. In this
section, we will discuss these opportunities while linking them to the potential future directions
in HRM.

COVID-19 has challenged organizations' creativity and innovation and has urged
discussions about the future of work. It has accelerated the disruption and the implementation of
scenarios expected for the future. Moreover, it has pushed organizations to rethink their
strategies and to go beyond the traditional models of managing human resources, by positioning
new information technology as an essential partner to survive and ensure the sustainability of
their business.
III- What did the management of ULS do to help their
employees during the Covid-19 pandemic?

● Provided comfort and addressed employees’ basic needs

● The management was aware that some employees have families and loved ones who are
requiring additional attention so they constantly were asking about how employees are
managing their work and family/non-work
● The management was aware that some employees may be socially isolated outside of
work, so they provided connections to critical resources: They recognized signs of
struggle such as distress, social withdrawal, poor performance, all things that deviate
from an employee’s baseline.
● The management listened and stayed connected to the staff and validated their feelings:
They set the tone that it is OK to seek psychological help when in need an know about
the available mental health resources
● The management continued to take care of their employees’ own social, physical, and
psychological needs; this also helped with role modeling and created a positive
atmosphere in the university: The management believed that stress and burnout during a
crisis can lead to mental health problems that if recognized, can be alleviated through
support and professional help.
● The management decreased additional non-essential demands on the employees to free
them up to do the critical work
● The management reduced uncertainty as much as possible, as uncertainty causes
immense stress and fear, by always reassuring the employees that everything will be
alright and that this is a passing phase.

●  Mental health was the management’s top concern and therefore they opened a center for
their employees where they take care of their mental and physical health.
● The management knew how difficult times were so they adopted a cyclical system where
each employee would go 3 days a week to the university.
● They also know how tough times are currently in Lebanon (economically) so they started
paying their employees a small amount in foreign currency (USD).


I- Overview

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental organization that operates in risk
areas internationally. It is an independent humanitarian organization that works on helping
people who were/are forced to flee. Today, according to NRC, 82.4 million people were forced
to flee their countries due to factors that include war and persecution.

The NGO works on protecting evacuated people and help them build a new future through six
areas: education, legal assistance, shelter, camp management, food security, and water,
sanitation, and hygiene. In addition to that, they stand up for people who were forced to take the
decision to flee their native countries (as an advocate for them). NRC is also known to respond
quickly to emergencies where they help improve international and national ability to avoid,
prepare for, react to, and recover from crises.

Internally, around 16,000 humanitarians work with the Norwegian Refugee Council with many
of these humanitarians being those who were obliged to flee their countries themselves.

NRC works on protecting the rights of displaced and vulnerable people in times of crisis. The
way the NGO can work on this is through activities in the field and through speaking up for
rights. The activities in the field are the six areas that the council works on (stated above)
through five main themes that include strengthening protection, supporting youth, preserving the
environment, cash-based interventions, and addressing gender issues. When it comes to speaking
up for rights, the Norwegian Refugee Council manages to do so by tackling issues that include
disaster and climate change, internal displacement, humanitarian access and principles, urban
displacement, housing, land, and property rights.

The Council works in Africa (17 countries), America (8 countries), Asia (3 countries), Europe (1
country), and the Middle East (7 countries). The NGO also has 6 representation offices.

The Norwegian Refugee Council currently focuses on Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan,
and Iraq with four main issues in focus (climate change and displacement, housing, land, and
property rights, urban displacement, cash and vouchers).

II- How is Management Coping with the Stress of

Economic Conditions and Covid?

The Norwegian Refugee Council has a duty to protect staff members from both physical and
psychological harm through reasonable decisions since the security, safety and health of the staff
members is an absolute priority. This includes respecting legal obligations (also known as “duty
of care”), to identify foreseeable risks and mitigate them as much as possible, prepare the
employee for assignment through thorough supervision, having systems in place for handling
possible emergencies and follow-up, and support any employee if any critical incidents happen.
All of this includes medical care, insurance packages, access to psychological support, leave
days, sick leaves, and more.

On the psychological level, NRC provides psychological support for its staff through
professional providers. As daily challenges are always on the rise, staff members might be
dealing with overwhelming issues which contributed to the rise of “Psychological Support
Service” to help employees understand the feelings, pressures, causes, and ways to manage what
they are going through. One of the Norwegian Refugee Council’s existing policies includes
having counselling services for employees upon need and request through ongoing agreements
with PSS providers.

On the other hand, NRC ensures providing a safe and open space for employees where there are
different channels for them to report their concerns. They include comment boxes, conflict
resolution meetings, awareness sessions on self-care and reduction of work-related stress, team
building activities, and more.

Each year, a staff satisfaction survey is sent to all employees to ensure their satisfaction level to
take the needed actions.

Moreover, in the stress management awareness sessions, there is a focus on building resilience
and growing in meaningful ways in response to life challenges, and it includes the following

1- Identifying the sources of stress (causes, feelings associated with it, actions…etc.).
2- Focusing on what is within our control.
3- Moving and performing a physical activity.
4- Connecting with others.
5- Making time for fun and relaxation.
6- Managing time (taking breaks, healthy boundaries, prioritization, delegation,
7- Maintaining balance with a healthy lifestyle
8- Breathing
9- Asking for help
10- Developing a self-care plan

The NGO also offers a lot of online trainings provided by an online platform “KAYA” which all
NRC employees have access to for free and they can get limitless number of trainings on
whatever topic they are interested in.
III- How are Employees Coping and Reacting to these

Lebanon has been going through multiple crises all at once that are not only limited to the health
crisis, but also the economic and the political one.

Due to the actions take by the Norwegian Refugee Council, the employees are now able to work
on multiple aspects that include:

1. Increasing Self-Awareness
The NGO provides a safe space for employees to share their concerns where they try
to help them understand their feelings and face every unfortunate event. This has led to
an increase in their self-awareness where the employees are not able to recognize what
troubles them, limit negative connotation and consequences, and when to speak up if
there is something bothering them.

2. Developing Rational Perception

The same practices that help employees increase self-awareness are the ones that also
help them develop a rational and cognitive perception. Employees now recognize that
there are multiple things they can work on/think of that can diminish their stress and
help them cope and adapt with the situation. Working with such an NGO can be very
stressful, and employees are now learning how to positively frame situations that are
out of one’s control by themselves to reduce stress.
3. Getting Support
It is very clear that the employees are seeking for support. Staff members in NRC deal
with very sensitive topics that are stressful by themselves and that is excluding the
Lebanese tense environment that increases stress on multiple levels. Most of the
employees in the Norwegian Refugee Council seek help from the provided
psychological support sessions given by the NGO and they take use of it. Other
employees already have the support of their own psychologists outside the workplace.
Support can also include the ones that staff members choose to take from families,
friends, and even colleagues.

4. Switching Off
After multiple cases of employee burn-out, it is seen that some employees now choose
to switch off from work, having their own time to recharge and come back with a clear
mind to work on their responsibilities and duties at work. Employees at NRC
understand that they can not work with maximum efficiency and capacity if they are
not at a good state of mind themselves which is why they refer to switching off

5. Mindful Techniques
Mindful techniques such as mindful breaths and meditation are also some of the things
that employees are referring to and talking about. These techniques help employees
ground themselves and release some stress before continuing their work.
6. Physical Exercise
It is seen that employees refer to sports and physical exercise as an outside interest to
release stress. This includes practicing a physical hobby (such as basketball, football,
tennis, jogging, etc.…) and even going to the gym.


I- Overview

Infomed International for events, is a Medical event coordination and organization company.
Where they deliver events that are innovative, interesting and memorable and they enable every
client to consistently achieve and surpass their event goals.

All medical congress are in collaboration with a well-known pharmaceutical companies and
medical industries.

As a leading medical events management company, Infomed is also proud to be accredited by

the International Association of Professional Congress Organizers (IAPCO).

Infofly is Infomed’s sister company, Infofly is a renowned travel agency specialized in the
tourism and travel industry. Infofly offers the most extensive range of travel opportunities for all
kinds of tourism holidays (family vacations, honeymoons, adventures, religious, cultural,
business, incentives, team building and others).


Not only involved at the execution stage, Infomed will also join in the development process of
the congress – including collaborative thinking, brainstorming and exploration of innovative
event ideas. All with the single goal of an event that succeeds.

Naturally, Infomed offer the full range of event management services.

Transparency is the core element of the work throughout the entire budget preparation process.
Infomed manage the congress budget by drafting an initial estimate and following up on all
accounting related matters including invoicing and payments and cash flow management. The
purpose is to maximize profitability, staying within budget without sacrificing service or quality.

Infomed never underestimate the role that refreshments play in the success of an event. From
coffee breaks and informal lunches, to evening meals and gala dinners, they have the recipe for
success. The costumer can count on the team at Infomed to provide the right menu for the event.
Having the right people in the right place is paramount at any event. Infomed will provide all the
personnel needed to ensure smooth guest relations and coordination. They can provide hosts and
hostesses, simultaneous interpretation, technical support teams, professional photographers and
any other services that client may require.

Infomed team handles online and on-site registration professionally, attentively and efficiently.
Attendees benefit from pre-congress and on-site assistance for registration as well as for any
other questions or assistance that they may require.

At Infomed our main objective is to build awareness of your event and create a buzz that
continues right up until the event itself. We do so through a wide variety of channels including
(but not limited to) a focused congress website, mobile applications, online advertising
campaigns, brochure printing and distribution and, of course, world-class social media

Today’s events demand today’s technology. Infomed deliver not only technology solutions that
have an impact on audience but also, and most importantly, technology solutions that work. The
dedicated, on-site technical team will ensure the smooth running of all your event technology.

II- Changes occurred after COVID-19 pandamic and the

economic crisis
COVID-19 is both a global health crisis and an international economic threat. The worldwide
lockdown of businesses and industries that were implemented and mandated to curb the spread
of the virus generated a wide array of unique and fundamental challenges for both employees
and employers across the globe. At the individual level, populations of shutdown affected
employees were turned overnight into “work from home” employees, “essential” or “life-
sustaining” workers (e.g., emergency room medical personnel and supermarket staff), or laid-off
employees seeking the nation-specific equivalent of unemployment benefits. Organizationally,
the economic shutdowns and related governmental activities appear likely to change some
industries fundamentally, accelerate trends that were already underway in others, and open
opportunities for novel industries to emerge, as typically happens in times of wars and natural

During times of business disruption, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, demand for your
products and services may vary from the norm. Relationships with customers and channel
partners need special attention.

Infomed started by a new method of conferencing, the Webinars, the online events.

Where all staff are able to prepare for it from home and without any contact, and the execution of
the event itself was via online software by the help of professional technicians.

The marketing with physical distancing measures in place, customers are spending more hours
online daily than they would under normal conditions. Therefore, Infomed switched her
strategies from in-person meeting to Online meetings, from distributing banners and flyers to
send emails and animated video to entertained.

Their website became more active and more friendly for all clients and companies.

Workplace and staff management:

All staff suffered during these hard times, Infomed tried its best to help them survive.

During this period, all staff were working safe from home with a new online platform where they
are connected to each other and to all data.

Below the steps and the modifications did by the higher administration :

1- Be aware and friendly

Managers at Infomed sat down for many trainings on how to recognize the stress signs,
stressors and how to follow up with employees suffering more than the others and at the
same time provide them with additional support.
2- Adjust sick leave policy for the pandemic
Infomed implemented an inclusive sick leave policy for COVID, and communicate it
clearly with all the employees and it grant for them that their job will be safe if they got
sick or infected.
In other words, corona virus sick leave (quarantine) became a payed sick leave.
3- Come up with virtual social activities to help people cope with the stress caused by the
This helped employee to stay connected with each other.
This means that not only the work place became virtual also the social activities.
Virtual coffee breaks and fun hours helped us reduce anxiety and we felt more
comfortable, while discussing professional and unprofessional data.
4- Sharing data became more and more inclusive.
Infomed made sure that all type of data and information are communicated and shared
properly to each and every employee.
Important changes were documented and distributed virtually to all employee, by doing
that Infomed made sure that all employee can access these important documents in order
to interact and respond.
5- Change minimization
When possible, keep modification to a minimum …
That was a golden rule for the company. Major changes can be stressful for employees so
when changes are inevitable, Infomed tried its best to communicate clearly changes and
always ask their employees for their preferences and suggestions.
6- Professional assistance when needed
Our company worked on several levels to ensure the wellbeing of its employees.
 Financial level
Direct adjustment in terms of money reimbursement and health care facilities were
 Medical level
- Physical level
The WHO regulations regarding COVID were respected and followed
- Mental level
A professional assistance was ensured to assist all employees when needed
specially when COVID affected their loved ones.
III- Employees reaction:

 Take time to recharge. To avoid the negative effects of chronic stress and burnout, staff need
time to replenish and return to their pre-stress level of functioning. This recovery process
requires “switching off” from work by having periods of time when they are neither engaging in
work-related activities, nor thinking about work. That’s why it’s critical that you disconnect from
time to time, in a way that fits your needs and preferences. When possible, they took time off to
relax and unwind, so they come back to work feeling reinvigorated and ready to perform at their
best. When they are not able to take time off, they get a quick boost by turning off their
smartphone and focusing on nonwork activities for a while.
 Learn how to relax. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness
(a state in which you actively observe present experiences and thoughts without judging them)
can help melt away stress. Start by taking a few minutes each day to focus on a simple activity
like breathing, walking, or enjoying a meal. The skill of being able to focus purposefully on a
single activity without distraction will get stronger with practice and you’ll find that you can
apply it to many different aspects of your life.
 Get some support. Accepting help from trusted friends and family members can improve their
ability to manage stress. The employees may also have stress management resources available,
including online information, available counseling, and referral to mental health professionals, if
needed. If they continue to feel overwhelmed by work stress, they may need to talk to a
psychologist, who can help them better manage stress and change unhealthy behavior.

I- Overview

Name The Maronite Court

Arabic name ‫المحكمة المارونية‬

Country Lebanon

City Zouk Mosbeh

Phone +9619220751

Address Zouk Mosbeh-Maronite Patriachale Court, 1st & 2nd floor

Type Patriarchal Chambers

a) Powers of the Maronite Unified Court:

The Maronite Church in Lebanon has a Unified Maronite Court of First and Second Instance that
was established by the Patriarchal Synod on the 2nd of August,1956 for all eparchies. Located in
Lebanon, in accordance with Law 38 of the Apostolic Decree issued on the 6th of January, 1950,
and approved by the Council of Eastern Churches by Decree № 9/ 57.
On the 21st of January 1957, justice was distributed according to the ecclesiastical and civil laws
in force, according to the Lebanese law issued on the 2 nd of April in 1951 that defined the power
of confessional references for Christian denominations, and for the Personal Status Law for
Catholic denominations issued in 1952.

In addition, it also established the set of laws for the Eastern Churches that was issued on the 18 th
of October in 1990, and for the specific law of the Maronite Church issued in June 1995, and for
the Apostolic Constitution “The Good Shepherd” issued on 28 June1988.

This court has its own system, approved by Laws 1070 and 1335 – Article 101 of the law of the
Maronite Church and was headed by the patriarch, whom had the right to amend and interpret
the court system whenever it was necessary. The legal center of this court is in Zouk Mosbeh,

The powers of the unified court include all cases reserved by ecclesiastical laws and those
referred to it by archdiocese metropolitans, should they not want to separate them in their
eparchies, as required by (C. 1084, № 1 and 2).

The Unified Court shall not accept any lawsuit unless it was referred to it in writing by the
Archdiocese Metropolitan, his deputy general or the authorized delegate.

b) Duties of judges and judicial officials:

The judicial members are:

Nine or more judges, one of whom is the judicial vicar, and five additional deputy judicial
officers, each of whom presides over a council court, in accordance with Law 1091, and other
judges provided that they fulfill the qualities required by Law 1086 № 4.

One attorney for justice and at least three attorneys for the bonds who are also assigned, when
needed, to attorneys for justice, but not in the same case. As for the Registrar head, it
encompasses six registrars.
The chain of judicial positions in the court begins with the position of registrar, which can be
entrusted even to someone who holds a doctorate or a degree in legal rights. A registrar shall be
appointed by preference from among the most experienced and qualified registrars, who have
exercised the function of a registrar for at least two years in a court, if he holds a license in legal
rights, unless the competent authority decides otherwise.

An attorney for justice or a trustee who has exercised the function of the registrar for at least two
years is appointed, subject to the requirements of Law 1099, № 2.

He shall appoint a judge who has exercised the function of attorney of justice or bond for a
period of at least one year, subject to the requirements of Law 1087, section 3. An additional
judicial representative is appointed who has exercised the office of judge for a period of at least
two years, subject to the requirements of Law 1086, № 4.

c) Duties of the Registrar, Registrars and Non-Judicial Staff:

The Registry is composed of the Registrar, the Registrars, the Archivist, the Secretary, the
Treasurer or Trustee, the Accountant and the Prosecutor. In addition to a guard, an information
officer, maintenance, and cleaning workers.

1. Registrar Office:

The Registry organizes the following records:

a. Record the basis for filing the lawsuits and the summary of judgments.
b. Authorization Register.
c. Register the instruments, documents and trusts.
d. Register fees and salaries.
e. Record of correspondence and judicial representations.
f. Notice log.
g. Record the expertise.
2. Registrars:

The registrar performs his service under the supervision of the judge, who arranges the files in
his hands, moves them between the investigation room and the registrar office, transfers them to
whoever is required by order of the judge and keeps them in the locked investigation room safe.
It is also prohibited for the registrar to deliver without an order from the judge, a copy of the
judicial acts and documents that came into the possession of the case (C. 1133, № 2).

The registrar participates in all sessions and works stipulated by law, as well as records in the file
what the judge dictates to him accurately, honestly, and clearly, avoiding error, and corrects
when it is necessary to put the word “correct” after the mistake, adds the correction without
cross-out by order of the judge and then signed by both. The registrar also signs with the judge
everything they write. He must respect the confidentiality of the files and information he records
or that he receives, in addition to the privacy of the litigants, and not appear as knowledgeable
and capable of influencing the course of the case, and mostly, not address his observations to
judges, lawyers, parties and witnesses who handle the file, at the risk of inflicting appropriate
penalties, including deprivation of employment. (C. 1115).

3. The General Economic:

The duties of the judges of the court are the following:

They are concerned with the material, financial, and functional affairs of the Unified Court of
First Instance in Lebanon and of the Appeals Court, about official transactions, maintenance,
equipment of all kinds; the library, printing books, publications, cafeteria, hospitality, and other
things that the two mentioned courts require.
They supervise the activities of each of the two financial courts in terms of organization,
treasurer, and accounting, in coordination with the court accountant and the patriarchal
accounting expert.

They follow up the financial affairs related to fees, expenses, legal aid, salaries, end-of-service
compensation, hospital, and medical contributions that are organized and paid, according to
schedules submitted for this purpose. These procedures will be in coordination with the registrar
of the court, its accountant, and the patriarchal accounting expert, under the directives of the
supervising bishop and coordination with the judicial representative.

They oversee controlling the court’s account and its fund, in cooperation with the court’s
accountant and the patriarchal accounting expert.

The trustee shall present to the latter, at the end of each month, an accounting statement on the
inside and outside, cooperate with them to draw up a complete annual report, a detailed total with
the budget of the previous year and the budget of the upcoming year. At the end, the supervising
bishop will review this report.

They’re also in charge of supervising the work of the administrative staff in the court and their
adherence to its system, the hours clocked in, and periodically inform the supervising bishop of
the court on the status.

The curator of the court is appointed by preference, according to the system of occupants of the
Patriarchal Synod, as curator of all departments of this Synod.

4. Notifications office:

The court administrator is entrusted with conducting notifications and organizing litigant
interviews in accordance with the directions of the judicial representative.
The notification is made by the court directly or by registered mail or express. If necessary, the
episcopal department, the parish priest, the gendarmerie station, the public prosecutor in
Lebanon, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may seek assistance. In all these cases, the
notification is made by means of a notification document with a notice of arrival signed by virtue
of a judicial decision and returned to the court. Whoever is of unknown residence is notified by
publication in two local newspapers or on the door of the court by a decision of the judge (C.
1192 and Article 102 of the Special Sharia). Also, whoever needs the court to initiate the
notification procedure, must pay through the court Registry the cost of the notification according
to the schedule approved by the court № 2.

II- How is management coping with the stress of economic

conditions an covid?

In 2020, Lebanon endured multiple crises, including a massive explosion in Beirut’s port, an
economic collapse, rising political instability, and the Covid-19 global pandemic, all of which
endangered residents’ basic rights. The Lebanese political class failed to adequately address any
of these crises, some of which were of their own making.

The Lebanese Pound has lost 80 percent of its value since October 2019, eroding people’s ability
to access basic goods, including food, shelter, and healthcare. The Covid-19 pandemic
compounded poverty and economic hardship.

The economic crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic severely affected the Juridical sector, and
electricity blackouts became widespread.

All sectors were affected, including the Lebanese judiciary, whether at the Civil or Ecclesiastical
level. Just as the Maronite Court is affiliated with the Maronite Patriarchate, they had to find
quick solutions to maintain its work at the required level and to preserve its employees, who are
now working with very low salaries as a result of the rise of the US dollar, and the consequences
of the high price of gasoline and its interruption, diesel fuel, electrical outages, and the high cost
of all work necessities.

Therefore, conversations began about how to handle the situation, at least for this time, with the
least possible damage.

During the quarantine period of Covid 19, the Maronite Court, with its two branches "the First
Instance and the appeal", was forced to close its doors. However, after a short period they started
to work, but with a small number of employees and judges, so that we began to rotate shifts
despite the difficult conditions that Lebanon suffers and suffers from, as an effort to not postpone
too much decision-making on the problems of the litigants, especially matters related to
Children's alimony, guardianship, compensation, and striving to resolve all urgent matters.

After that, the fuel crisis began, which made matters more difficult and complicated, so we began
to think of solutions that would enable us to continue our work with the least possible damage.
After carefully thoughts, we came to a mid-solution, which is to attend only three days a week
(Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) and to increase the daily working hours for an additional
hour in the shift. Everyone must attend, while we also managed to conduct some sessions via
Zoom and make Online appointments.

Around that time, there was also talk about reconsidering the issue of salaries, as the amount had
become very low because of the high cost of living and rise of gasoline prices. They came to a
solution, which is to give half of the salary at the Bank rate that is 8,000 Lebanese pounds, to
minimize the anger and demotivation that hit employees, and from time to time – small raises are

As a result of the difficult economic conditions on all Lebanese citizens, and in order not to
increase fees, the administration decided to charge its fees in dollars only for the clients who live
and work outside Lebanon, for the court to continue its work and absorb the costs required like
maintenance and diesel.
III- How are employees coping and reacting to these

With all the changes that have been in Lebanon effecting the economic crisis and its currency,
the Lebanese pound, and the increase of cases for annulment of marriage in the court, the salaries
are still insufficient given the current circumstances. The court is trying to find solutions related
to its employees, but it is still not enough. There were lots of decisions taken, but sadly it was for
the benefit of the court and not the employees.

One of these decisions was to deduct the working days to three instead of five and by doing so,
no sufficient salary raise shall take place for the employees even though they must do the same
amount of workload and even harder, only within three days.

Unfortunately, the bigger damage is falling on the employees every day, whether it was by the
unfair decisions made by the court or by the banking system.

I- Overview

MEGA TOOLS provides design solutions for automotive workshops facilities in Lebanon,
supply of maintenance and repair equipment for the workshops, after-sales services for these
equipment, training for technical staff and workshop software.

The company has become a trusted partner of its clients like RYMCO (Nissan, Infiniti), NATCO

MEA Airlines, MEDCO, SODICAR (Castrol oil), Lebanese Army.

With more than 14 distributorships, MEGA TOOLS is designing and equipping complete
workshops mainly in Lebanon and in countries like Abidjan, Djibouti, Congo, Iraq.

II- How is the management coping with the stress of economic

conditions and Covid-19?

A shock like the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis in Lebanon can produce lasting
changes in customer behavior. To survive and thrive in this crisis, the management began by
examining how people spend their time and money. They worked on challenging traditional
ideas and using data to actively seek out new solutions.
Next, the management worked on adjusting its business model to reflect behavioral changes,
considering what the new trends might mean for how we create and deliver value, whom we
need to partner with, and who our customers should be.

The crisis produced not just temporary changes (short-term shifts in demand) but also some
lasting ones. The Covid-19 outbreak is often credited with accelerating a structural shift to e-
commerce, paving the way for establishing an online shopping platform.

In the following pages, we'll discuss how MEGA TOOLS are reassessing their growth
opportunities in the new normal, reconfiguring their business models to better adapt to changes,
and continue trading throughout the outbreak.

E-commerce and Social Media Platforms

Being online is essential during this time. With very limited (if any) possibility for people to
even walk past our store, having an online presence is really the only way we can promote our
products and services in order to stay in touch with our customers.

As well as keeping up-to-date social media profiles and frequently posting ads about our
products and services, the management worked on making our company's website easier to use
and more attractive and added an online store page which gave us the opportunity to sell our
products and ship them to our customers anywhere in the world.

And, while getting our business online was a necessity during this crisis, it can also be seen as a
real opportunity. We looked into ways to adapt what we offer into internet friendly services by
offering tutorials and webinars to house-bound clients for many of our garage equipment that
need account registrations, training and software updates.
Reallocating The Company's Capital and Reducing Costs

It may be psychologically hard to do during a crisis when cash flows are stressed, but now is
precisely the time to take a few well-considered risks. The management team recognized that a
crisis offers an opportunity to carve out a new competitive position.

The company launched a restructuring program to streamline the organization by reducing cash
drain and modifying payments terms to cash on delivery. In addition to that, we decreased the
company's spendings to the lowest in order to conserve our cash flow.

Those moves generated cash that MEGA TOOLS directed toward investments by increasing the
stock and inventory of our products in order to maintain a sustainable supply of our equipment
and avoid any shortage of any equipment.

Motivating Our Workforce

The Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis in Lebanon has added stress, led to a drop in
morale, and fragmented team cohesion ,all of which can result in dampened work performance.
That’s why actively fostering a sense of inclusion at work is critical.

The following techniques were deeply relevant to help employees adapt to the ongoing, and
changing state of crisis.

● Showing Appreciation

The most frequently cited behaviors were recognizing, praising, and otherwise showing
appreciation for a employee’s work, dedication, effort, and contributions.This type of affirmative
behavior made employees feel proud and validated during a time when contact with coworkers
was limited and fears and uncertainty about job security and the future ran high.
● Providing Individualized Support
Managers showed an understanding of employees’ needs, preferences, and circumstances when
it came to work arrangements, employees felt it provided the individualized support they needed
to help them accomplish work goals.

These behaviors reportedly helped people feel less stressed, experience more positive feelings
toward their leader and their team, and created an atmosphere of trust and understanding that
motivated them to apply themselves more fully to work.

● Involving Employees in Decision Making

In a time of great uncertainty and stress, several employees noted that they appreciated our
managers who sought out, and acted upon, their input. Managers asked employees to create an
assessment process to help make decisions, which signaled to them that they were considered
capable, trustworthy, and an integral part of the team.

● Entrusting Employees with New Responsibilities

These new responsibilities gave employees confidence and the opportunity to get to know other
colleagues better, making them feel important to the group’s success.

● Designating Time and Space for Team Bonding

Managers worked on creating specific opportunities for them to connect and bond with their
coworkers, like coffee breaks, happy hours, lunches, time for story sharing. These practices are
helping employees to get to know each other in an informal setting, helping in relieving stress,
and motivating them to perform well in their jobs.
III- How are employees coping and reacting to these conditions?
There are many things employees are doing to eliminate the level of experienced stress or, at the
very least, to help cope with continuing high stress.

Developing Self-Awareness

Employees increased awareness of how they behave on the job. They are learning to know their
own limits and recognize signs of potential trouble. Employees should know when to withdraw
from a situation (known to some as a “mental health day” instead of absenteeism) and when to
seek help from others on the job in an attempt to relieve the situation.

Developing Outside Interests

Individuals are developing outside interests to take their minds off work. Employees can ensure
that they get regular physical exercise to relieve pent-up stress. Many companies sponsor athletic
activities, and some have built athletic facilities on company premises to encourage employee

Physical Exercise

Because part of the cause of the fatigue resulting from stress is the body’s physical reaction,
exercise can be an effective means of enabling the body to more effectively deal with the
physical components of stress. Regular exercise can be an important and effective individual

Cognitive Perspective

Finally, because stress is in part a function of how events are perceived and interpreted,
controlling one’s cognitive perspective of events can also be an effective strategy. Although one
would not want to go so far as framing a truck speeding toward you as an opportunity rather than
a threat, positively framing situations as well as distinguishing factors that are within as well as
outside your control and influence can be effective means of reducing stress.

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