BorisTodorovPianoPerformance Grade 4

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Mark form

Boris Todorov
Piano, Performance Grade 4

Overall result: Merit

Beethoven: Bagatelle in C, WoO 54 26/30

Phrases were shaded and well-directed and the tempo was effective. There was just one
rhythmic delay in the first section and there was scope for a lighter LH in the middle part.
This was otherwise an assured and musically stylish and communicative performance.

W. Carroll: The Reef (No. 5 from In Southern Seas) 24/30

‘Massive’ was captured in the resonant opening tones. A misplaced chord briefly interrupted
flow and the overall account needed a more consistent pulse to fully convey the musical
story. Nonetheless, the rest of the playing was accurate in pitch and a wide range of dynamic
contrasts was deployed.

Claude Debussy: The Little Black Boy 25/30

An arresting and lively opening was apt. The contrasting moods of the music were vividly
captured in the tonal colours and changing tempi. There were some lapses in the control of
accuracy that briefly affected momentum but characteristic articulation and rhythmic
communication were convincing and stylish.

Gillock: Holiday in Paris 25/30

After a false start this was idiomatically shaped and there was a real sense of the musical
story throughout the performance where there were two brief lapses in accuracy when errors
were corrected. Commitment and involvement were always evident.

Performance as a whole 25/30

Engagement with the performance situation and awareness of the listener was always
evident in the pacing and sequencing of this programme. Stylistic differentiation was well-
conveyed and control of textures, balance and blending was often demonstrated. A wide
range of dynamic contrasts enhanced musical interpretation. The delivery was impacted
somewhat by brief lapses in control in some of the pieces but the overall technical
challenges of the pieces and management of the instrument were effective and well met.

Pass 100 | Merit 120 | Distinction 130 Total mark: 125/150

Presented By: Dorotea Dimitrova Contact ID: 008TD656

Date of exam: 08 June 2021

Examiner: N286

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