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CHEMISTRY YEAR 09 Class activity sheet-10 (Group II elements)

Lesson objectives:
By the end of this lesson, about 70% of the learners should be able to:

 Name at least 3 groups II and VII elements on the Periodic Table

 State the variation of physical properties and some chemical properties of groups II and VII elements
Recap of previous lesson:
What can you recall about the last lesson?

Prompt for prior knowledge:

What do you known about group II or VII elements?

The Group II elements (alkali earth metals)

- Group II elements are also called alkali earth metals because they are very abundant on earth and
form oxides and hydroxides that are alkalis. Thus they are called alkali earth metals for this reason.
- Their oxides and hydroxides are only slightly soluble in water. For this reason they are
weaker alkalis compare to group I elements.
- The table below shows the properties of some group II elements.

Element Symbol Atomic Electronic Density Melting Boiling

number configuration in g/cm3 point in °C point in °C
Beryllium Be 4 2:2 1.85 1289 2476
Magnesium Mg 12 2:8:2 649 1097
Calcium Ca 20 2:8:8:2 1.53 840 1497

Activity 01: From the table above,

(a) What is common about the electronic configuration of group II elements?
(b) Suggest a reason why Be, Mg and Ca are called group II elements.
(c) (i) From the table above, how does density vary down the group?
(ii) Even though the density of magnesium (Mg) is 1.74g/cm3, predict the density of
magnesium using the table and assuming that you don’t know the density.

Chemical properties of group II elements

(A) Reaction with water

- Group II elements are less reactive with water compared to group I elements.
- Beryllium does not react with water at all. This is due to the presence of the impermeable BeO
layer on its surface.
- Magnesium reacts with steam to produce hydrogen gas and magnesium oxide.
2Mg(s) + 2H2O(g) → 2MgO(s) + H2(g).
- Calcium, strontium and barium all react with cold water with increasing vigour as sizes of atoms
increase, to form the alkaline solution and hydrogen.
- The release of hydrogen gas is noticed by fizzing (production of bubbles) .
- The general equation for the reaction of a group II element with water is:
M(s) + 2H2O(l) → M(OH)2(aq) + H2(g). M = Calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr) or barium (Ba)
Activity 02: The table below gives a summary of observations made when a group II
element react with water. Complete the table by writing a balanced equation for the reaction
of calcium (Ca) on the table with water.

Element Observation when it reacts with water Equation for the reaction
- No observable change Be(s) + 2H2O(l) → No rxn.
Magnesium - Negligible change with water but white
2Mg(s) + 2H2O(g) → 2MgO(s) + H2(g).
(Mg) ash formed with steam
- Sinks in cold water and fizzes as it reacts
- Cloudy solution since Ca(OH)2 is only
Calcium (Ca)
sparingly soluble in water
- Heat release
Activity 03: What observation(s) is/are made when:
(a) Beryllium (Be) is added to water? Explain. ……………………………………………………...
(b) Magnesium (Mg) is added to water? Explain. …………………………………………………..
(c) Magnesium (Mg) is added to steam? Explain. ………………………………………………….
(d) Calcium (Ca) is added to water? Explain. ………………………………………………………
(e) Use the terms more reactive or less reactive to compare the reactivity of group II elements.
(i) Beryllium (Be) is ………………………………………….. than magnesium (Mg).
(ii) Calcium (Ca) is ………………………………………….. than magnesium (Mg).

(B) Reaction with oxygen

- Beryllium does not react with oxygen because it has an impermeable BeO on its surface.
- The rest of the group II elements react when heated in oxygen to form oxides. The vigour of the
reaction increases down the group.
- Barium is stored under oil because it is so reactive with oxygen and water.
- The general equation for the reaction of a group II element with oxygen or air is :
2M(s) + O2(g) → 2MO(s). M = group II element (alkali earth metal) except beryllium (Be)

Activity 04: The table below gives a summary of observations made when a group II
element react with oxygen. Complete the table below by writing a balanced equation for the
reaction of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) on the table with oxygen.
Element Observation when it reacts with oxygen Equation for the reaction
- No observable change Be(s) + O2(g) → No rxn
- White solid formed
- Bright white flame if burnt
- Heat is released
- White solid formed
Calcium (Ca) - Brick red flame if burnt
- Heat is released

Uses of group II elements

- Beryllium is a component of the mineral beryl used as gemstone in jewelleries. Beryllium is used to
make strong alloys which are light. It is used to control the speed of neutron in nuclear reactor.
- Magnesium is used in fire works to make brilliant white light. It is used to make strong alloys which
are light e.g. bicycle frames. It is a component of chlorophyll. It is needed in the body for healthy
bones and teeth.
- Calcium is used in making of baking powder, bleaching powder, medicines and plastic. It is needed
in the body for healthy bones and teeth and for the contraction of muscles.

The Group VII elements (Halogens)

- Group 7 elements are a group of non-metals called halogens. Halogen is a Greek word meaning
salt former. This is because halogens react with metals to form salt e.g. common salt; sodium
chloride (NaCl) used in the kitchen.
- Fluorine gas, chlorine gas and bromine vapour are poisonous.
- The trend in the variation of the physical properties of group VII elements is shown on the
table below.
Element Atomic Colour Electronic Density Melting Boiling
(symbol) number configuration in g/cm 3
point in °C point in °C
Fluorine (F) 9 Pale yellow 2:7 1.11 -219.7 -188.2
Chlorine (Cl) 17 Yellow/green 2 : 8 : 7 1.56 -100.9 -34.0
Bromine (Br) 35 Red/brown 2 : 8 : 18 : 7 3.12 -7.3 59.1

Activity 05: From the table above,

(a) What is common about the electronic configuration of group VII elements?
(b) Suggest a reason why F, Cl and Br are called group VII elements.
(c) What is the likely physical state of fluorine at room temperature (25°C)? Explain.
(d) What is the likely physical state of chlorine at a temperature of 90°C? Explain.
(e) What is the likely physical state of bromine at room temperature (25°C)? Explain.
(f) What is the likely physical state of bromine at a temperature of 90°C? Explain.
Assignment 01: Given the table of boiling points below for groups I and II elements
Density in Melting Element Density in Melting
g/cm3 point in °C g/cm3 point in °C
Lithium (Li) 0.53 180.6 Beryllium (Be) 1.85 1289
Sodium (Na) 0.97 97.9 Magnesium (Mg) 1.74 649
Potassium (K) 63.5 Calcium (Ca) 1.53 840

(a) Assume that you don’t know the density of potassium and suggest its value omitted.
(b) Compare the hardness of:
(i) Sodium and magnesium. Explain any difference or similarity in the hardness.
(ii) Calcium and magnesium. Explain any difference or similarity in the hardness.
Assignment 02: Explain the following.
(a) Magnesium is used for making fires e.g. shooting stars for Christmas displace.
(b) Magnesium is usually added to mineral water e.g. Supermont, Tangui etc.
(c) Calcium is usually added to mineral water e.g. Supermont, Tangui etc.
(d) Magnesium ions should be in the soil water so that plants can absorb through their roots.
Assignment 03:
(a) What general name is given to group VII elements? ……………………………………(1mk)
(b) Why are the group VII elements given the name you have suggested in (a)?
(c) Why should chlorine gas not be realised in the mist of people? ………………………(1mk)
…………………………………………………………................................[Grand total = 12mks]

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