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Group 1

Vice and Drug Education and Control

 Depressants
- Refer to drugs that lower neurotransmission levels which depress or reduce
arousal or stimulation, in various areas of the brain.
 Stimulants
- Refer to class of drugs that speed up messages travelling between the brain and
body. They can make a person feel more awake, alert, confident or energetic.
 Hallucinogen
- Refers to drug that alter perception, thoughts, and feelings or simply to cause

Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB)

Chemical Name: Gamma-hydroxybutyrate

Brand Name: Xyrem
Street Names: Liquid X, Liquid E, Easy Lay, Georgia Home Boy, Salty Water, and
Date Rape

- It is a drug sedative that can treat narcolepsy and is one of several agents reported
as being used as “date rape.”

(Additional Information) Narcolepsy – is a chronic sleep disorder characterized

by overwhelming daytime drowsiness and sudden attacks of sleep.

Year Case/Content
1874 - The first case of GHB synthesis dates back was reported by
Alexander Zaytseff.
Early 1960s - Pioneering research on the effects of GHB in humans was led by
Dr. Henri Laborit.
1964 - GHB was used as an anesthetic, but has not taken root because of
the considerable number of adverse effects
1970s to 1980s - Many cases of GHB abuse were reported among body builders.

1990 - It was banned by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because it

was sold in health food stores as a performance-enhancing additive
in bodybuilding formulas.
1990s - GHB has gained more attention because of numerous cases of
acute poisoning.
2000 - The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) included GHB in
Schedule I of drugs due to its potential for abuse and for physical
and psychological dependence.

 Depressant that acts on Central
Nervous System
 Odorless
 Colorless
 Nearly Tasteless
 Can be liquid, pill, or powder
 Can be felt within the first 10-20
Medical Use o
 Anesthetic f
 Hypnotic c
 Clinical Depression o
 Alcoholism o
 Narcolepsy/ r
P a
h t
y i
i  Nausea/vomiting
o  Seizures
l  Amnesia
o  Irregular/shallow
g breathing
c Psychological Effects
l  Feelings of
E  Confusion
f  Hallucinations
f  Lowered
e Inhibitions
 Increased sex drive
 Dizziness
 Slow heart rate
 Muscle tremors
 Sweating
 Blackouts/memory
 Respiratory arrest
 L
What is Caffeine?
GHB Common Effects
• In the context of chemistry, caffeine is
a bitter, white crystalline purine, a
1 gram Relaxation similar to
or less methyl xanthine alkaloid, and thus
alcohol intoxication
closely related chemically to the
adenine and guanine contained in
1 to 2 Euphoria, reduced
grams inhibitions, enhanced deoxyribonucleic acid.
sensuality and sexuality, • In the context of health, caffeine is
increased sensory defined as a drug because it stimulates
stimulation the central nervous system, causing
2 to 4 Speech and motor skill • Caffeine is defined as the most
grams interference psychoactive drug in the world.

4 or Agitation, combativeness,
more confusion, loss of
coordination, seizure-like
posturing of the limbs,
respiratory depression,
urinary and fecal
incontinence, vomiting, History
wavering states of Year Case/Content
consciousness, and 16th - The use of coffee was
overdose century recorded by a European
resident in Egypt, and
about this time it came
Case into general use in the
On April 2015 six people, four of them Near East.
foreigner, were arrested in a series of - When coffee arrived in
operations of an illegal drug GHB Europe, clergymen
allegedly used in “date rape” cases. pressed for it to be
Three of the foreigners were American banned and labeled
and the two of their group were Filipino Satanic. But Pope
women. According to their Clement VIII took a taste,
investigation, the drug came from declared delicious, and
Poland and was mixed with alcohol and even quipped that is
other drinks in their operations. should be baptized. On
the strength of this Papal
Stimulant blessing, coffeehouses
Caffeine rapidly sprang up
throughout Europe.
Chemical Name: 1,3,7- 1652 - In Britain, the first
Trimethylpurine-2,6-dione coffee houses were
French term: Café opened in London at St
Michael’s Alley,
Cornhill. sects also pass around a bowl of coffee
17th - The appreciation of at funerals to stay awake during
century coffee as a beverage in prayers.
Europe, where it was first Sources of Caffeine
known as “Arabian
wine.” • Caffeine is naturally found in certain
- During this time “coffee leaves, beans, and fruits of over 60
houses” were established, plants worldwide. Its bitterness acts as a
the first being opened in deterrent to pests.
Constantinople and • The most common sources in our diet
Venice. are coffee, tea leaves, cocoa beans,
18th - They soon became cola, chocolate, and energy drinks.
century popular throughout Caffeine can also be produced
Western Europe and synthetically and added to food,
played a significant role beverages, supplements, and
in social relations. medications.
1819 - Friedlieb Ferdinand
Runge invented caffeine
when he isolated and
purified the white
crystalline substance Effects of Caffeine
1820 - Caffeine was first
extracted from cocoa A. Some of the short-term effects are:
beans into its purest form,  Low doses (130 mg-300 mg)
a white powder by • Increased alertness
German Scientist named • Temporary energy boost
Friedlieb Ferdinand • Elevated mood
Runge  High doses (above 400 mg)
Between - Caffeine was a banned • Anxiety
1984 to substance in sports and • Dizziness
2004 its use was prohibited in • Headaches
competition. • Jitters
2004 - The World Anti-Doping • Increased urination (because
Agency (WADA) caffeine is a mild diuretic)
removed caffeine from • Tolerance
the list of banned
substances. B. Some long term effects are:
• Interference with normal sleep
(Additional Information: WADA is a • Loss of calcium which may
coordinating agency of sports result in osteoporosis
organizations such as Olympics.) • Aggravation of certain heart
Was Caffeine ever Legal? problems

In Mecca, coffee was banned in 1511, Health Benefits of Caffeine

as it was believed to stimulate radical
thinking and hanging out. Some Sufi
• Caffeine has few proven health 40 min period. This particular case
benefits. seemed to garner attention because
• Limited evidence suggests caffeine the amount of caffeine was not
may also reduce the risk of the
considered lethal and the teenager was
• Parkinson's disease apparently otherwise healthy and had
• Liver disease no reported medical conditions or
• Colorectal cancer allergies. The coroner also indicated
• Type 2 Diabetes that the young male was otherwise
• Dementia healthy and had no signs of any cardiac
abnormalities at autopsy.
BUT REMEMBER! Too much caffeine
Consecutively, the coroner’s cause of
intake causes harmful effects in your
body. death was determined as, “due to a
caffeine-induced cardiac event causing
Caffeine Moderation a probable arrhythmia.”
• Experts consider 200-300 mg of
caffeine a day to be a moderate amount Mescaline
for adults. But consuming as little as
100 mg of caffeine a day can lead a Chemical Name: 3,4,5-
person to become "dependent" on trimethoxyphenethylamine
caffeine. This means that someone may Brand Name: Peyote, TMPEA
develop withdrawal symptoms (like Street Names: “Buttons,” “Mesc,”
tiredness, irritability, and headaches) if and “Peyote”
he or she quits caffeine suddenly.
• Teens should try to limit caffeine Mescaline – is a hallucinogen obtained
consumption to no more than 100 mg of from the small, spineless Peyote, San
caffeine daily, and kids should get even Pedro and Peruvian Torch cactus.
less. Mescaline is also found in certain
members of the Fabaceae (bean
What is Caffeine Sensitivity? family)
• Caffeine sensitivity is the amount of
caffeine needed that will produce an Year Case/Content
effect in someone. 1887 - The first time a
• It varies from person to person. In psychedelic compound was
general, the smaller the person, the less described in a scientific
caffeine needed to produce side effects. journal was when Dr. John
Raleigh Briggs wrote about
Case his experience after eating
peyote, a short, stout cactus
In May of 2017, reports of a 16 year old
native to the deserts of
male in South Carolina, who had southern Texas and
apparently died after ingesting northern Mexico.
caffeine-containing beverages within a 1893 - The company Parke-
Davis offered a mescaline- Aldrich limited only for
containing tincture sold as forensic analysis and
a ‘cardiac tonic,’ though it criminal toxicology.
didn’t take off among
consumers. Psychological Effects
1897 - Scientists and literary - Enjoyable
figures such as Silas Weir - Euphoric
Mitchell, William James, - Dreamlike
and Havelock Ellis Side Effects
described its hallucinatory - Anxiety
effects in glowing detail.
- Rapid Heartbeat
1919 It was produced as a pure
- Tremors
and drug from European
- Psychosis
1920 pharmacy suppliers such as
Merck and it became Case
famous for its effects of
- On July 2022 in Turkey, an 18-year-old
dazzling visions, bizarre
sensations and cosmic male was subjected to probation
revelations. service due to use of cannabis for three
1950s - The drug would continue months by the court decision, and
and to be tested on humans and being treated in our forensic outpatient
1960s Aldous Huxley wrote his clinic. He was admitted to the
experience in his book The emergency service with symptoms
Doors of Perception.
such as intense anxiety, panic attacks
1962 - Most researchers had and visual hallucinations. Patient told
abandoned their work with that he consumed peyote cactus
mescaline for LSD-25 instead using cannabis not to get
which was cheaper and caught in urine analyze.
more popular.
1967 - The US Drug I. History (Heroin)
Enforcement Agency
(DEA) declared it has no  Although heroin itself
medical use and a high risk wasn’t invented until
of physical and/or 1874, the history of its
psychological abuse. The predecessors — opium
only case it was exempted and morphine — go
was mescaline use as a back about 5,400 years.
religious sacrament of
Native American religious  Starting around 3400
group. B.C., opium poppies
At - Pure mescaline is a rare were grown by the
Present substance. But it is still Mesopotamians and
produced by Sumerians in what is
pharmaceutical companies now the Middle East.
such as Merck and Sigma- From there, it spread
too many other
 Around 1805, the
cultures, including
French pharmacist
Egypt, Greece, and
Friedrich Sertürner
India. Western
discovered how to
civilizations, including
isolate one of opium’s
the British Empire,
active ingredients. In
obtained much of their
1874, the English
opium from India.
chemist Charles
 The Bayer Company Romney Alder Wright
started the production performed experiments
of heroin in 1898 on a that involved mixing
commercial scale. The morphine with different
first clinical results were acids. He invented a
so promising that heroin new chemical called
was considered a diacetylmorphine, also
wonder drug. Indeed, known as diamorphine
heroin was more or heroin. This drug was
effective than codeine similar in structure to
in respiratory diseases. morphine but was two
It has turned out, to three times stronger.
however, that repeated
administration of heroin
results in the IV. Founder of the drug
development of
 Heroin was first made
tolerance and the
by Charles Romney
patients become
Alder Wright in 1874
heroin-addicts soon.

II. Jargon Names

 Smack, H, Tar, Chiba or
Chiva, Junk, Hell dust,
Skag, Mud, Dragon

V. Who are the

III. When did it start? manufacturers of the
 Heroin was first made drug?
by Charles Romney
Alder Wright in 1874  Afghanistan provides 85%
of the estimated global
from morphine, a
heroin and morphine
natural product of the
opium poppy.
VIII. Cases of crime
involving the drug
 On December 23, 2014
a Lawrence,
Massachusetts drug task
force was conducting
surveillance on the
south side of the city for
the purpose of curbing
VI. Effects to the body street crime activity,
particularly prostitution
and drug distribution.
During the course of the
operation officers
observed a vehicle with
New Hampshire plates
containing four
occupants. Two of the
occupants made contact
with a known drug
dealer. Officers
observed an exchange
they believed to be a
drug transaction. The
license plates of the
New Hampshire were
run and it was
VII. Time when it was discovered that the car
abused was registered to an
address nearly an hour
and an half away from
Lawrence. Officers
confronted the
occupants of the car,
one of them being the
defendant. The because it stimulates the adrenal
defendant admitted to glands. This stimulation releases
swallowing a quantity of adrenaline, which causes a release
heroin to avoid being of glucose. The increase of glucose
translates to increased blood
arrested by the police.
sugar levels This gives you instant
He was arrested and
energy, just like when we eat
charged with possession processed foods like white bread.
of heroin and In addition, nicotine is a plant
conspiracy to violate the alkaloid, which means that it's a
Massachusetts drug naturally occurring chemical that
laws. contains nitrogen. It's also a highly
addictive stimulant.
 Nicotine is most popularly known
for its use in cigarettes and
tobacco products, but it has some
other uses. Nicotine is an addictive
IX. History (Nicotine) organic compound found in
tobacco plants. It’s the chemical
 The Nicotine name comes from
that makes smoking cigarettes,
the scientific name Nicotiana chewing tobacco, and vaping so
tabacum, a tobacco plant, and the hard to quit.
scientific name of the tobacco is
named after a French-born Jean  Nicotine originally stems from the
Nicot de Villemain in Portugal. In tobacco plant, which is found in
1560, the seeds of tobacco were the nightshade family of plants,
sent back to Paris from Brazil and which includes tomatoes and
promoted for medical purposes. In eggplants. Interestingly, what we
1828, German chemists Posselt often refer to as the tobacco plant
and Reimann separated nicotine is, in fact, the Nicotiana tabacum
from tobacco for the first time. In species of plants. The Nicotiana
1843, Melsens proposed the plants are indigenous to Australia,
chemical formula of nicotine. In south west Africa, the Americas
1893, Adolf Pinner discovered the and the South Pacific.
structure of nicotine. In 1904, A.
Pictet and Crepieux successfully
used synthetic methods to obtain
X. Jargon Names
nicotine.  Chew, Butts, Smokes, Cigs, Snuff,
 Further, nicotine is a stimulant Dip, Split Tabacco
drug that speeds up the messages XI. When did it start?
travelling between the brain and
body.1 It is the main psychoactive
 Over the years, more and more
scientists begin to understand the
ingredient in tobacco products
chemicals in tobacco, as well as
and it has some effects when
the dangerous health effects
consumed by using tobacco.
smoking produces. In 1826, the
Nicotine works as a stimulant in
pure form of nicotine is finally
the body almost immediately
discovered. Soon after, scientists
conclude that nicotine is a waste recycling of bio-
dangerous poison. engineering company.
XII. Founder of the drug  And 98 more companies in the
 In 1843, Melsens proposed the US and other more.
chemical formula of nicotine. In
1893, Adolf Pinner discovered the
structure of nicotine. In 1904, A.
XIV. Effects to the body
Pictet and Crepieux successfully
used synthetic methods to obtain  Vasoconstriction
XIII. Who are the
In the cardiovascular system, nicotine acts as a
manufacturers of the
stimulant. Nicotine causes vasoconstriction,
 Alchem International Pvt. Ltd. is
a leading global manufacturer
which is narrowing of blood vessels.
of Natural Nicotine and
Nicotine complexes for use in  Increased Cardiac Output
Tobacco substitutes including
E-cigarettes, Nicotine patches,
Nicotine gums and Nicotine
Nicotine acts as a chronotropic agent. This
lozenges. Our Nicotine is highly
pure, stable and naturally
derived. means it increases the heart rate. An

 Hubei Heno Biological

Engineering Co., Ltd. was increased heart rate increases cardiac output
established in October 2010, is
a collection of nicotine and its which is the amount of blood pumped to the
derivatives product
development, production and
sales of high-tech enterprises. body every minute. A higher cardiac output
The company focused on the
research and development of means a greater workload is placed on the
nicotine, especially high purity
nicotine products to Enshi
Academy, Hubei Institute for
Nationalities, Hubei Aerospace  Arrhythmias
Institute of Chemical
Technology, Enshi vocational
college for technical support,
Nicotine has a stimulant effect on the heart.
based on local advantages of
resources to be transformed,
committed plant extracts, Because of this, people who consume nicotine
 Enhanced Memory

are at risk for palpitations, a rapid heart rate,

Nicotine has been found to improve

and arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are irregular

recognition memory. However, the

heart rhythms. Some arrhythmias can be

improvement is modest at best and the risks


 Respiratory Stimulation of nicotine use do not outweigh this benefit.

 In the natural environment, nicotine

protects tobacco plants from
Nicotine causes an increased respiratory rate herbivores. Nicotine has been used as
an insecticide for centuries, although
its use this way has seriously
as well as an increase in production of

respiratory secretions. Although respiratory  Continuous use of nicotine leads to

long-term changes in the brain. The
repeated dopamine release from
stimulation occurs at low dosing, overdose can nicotine consumption teaches the
brain to keep using nicotine, and this
leads to addiction.
cause paralysis of the respiratory system,

resulting in respiratory failure and death  Stomach pain

 Diarrhea
 Increased Metabolic Rate  Nausea
 Vomiting
 Headaches
 Back pain
The National Institute on Drug abuse reports
 Dizziness
 Increased heart rate
that nicotine causes an increased metabolism.  Nervousness

Smokers typically weigh 6 to 9 pounds less

XV. Time when it was
than nonsmokers. This effect has been abused

correlated with the finding that smokers who

quit smoking tend to gain 6 to 9 pounds.

suspicious. The dead man's face
was bruised and appeared to
XVI. Cases of crime
have been burned by a caustic
involving the drug substance. They contacted
 During a recent murder authorities. With the large
investigation in Korea, police stash of tobacco leaves,
discovered that their suspect investigators suspected that
had attempted to poison an ex- the couple had poisoned the
girlfriend two years earlier with young man with nicotine, but
a nicotine-infused drink. The there was no test to prove it.
woman told police that the That's when Jean Servais Stas,
drink had “tasted weird” and the country's foremost chemist,
that she “did not finish the
decided to create one, known
drink” that her former
as the Stas-Otto method. The
boyfriend had given her.
Comte and his wife were
Fortunately for her, the
poisoning attempt did not charged with murder. Fougnies'
succeed. Unfortunately, having sister, who claimed her
learnt from the failed attempt, husband forced her to kill her
the man succeeded in killing his brother, was acquitted, but
new wife two years later with Comte de Bocarme' was
an injection of liquid nicotine executed on July 19, 1851.
 Comte de Bocarme', an
amateur chemist who created
perfumes, began amassing a
large amount of tobacco leaves
in the summer of 1850, storing
them in a barn. On Nov. 20 of
that year, 32-year-old Fougnies
was invited by his sister to
dinner. He should have been
aware that something was not
quite right. His sister, who
usually relied on servants to
make and serve meals, XVII.History (PCP or
prepared this dinner herself.
When Fougnies dropped dead
after the meal, his sister and  The abbreviation “PCP''
brother-in-law announced that originates from the
he had suddenly died of a formal name of the
stroke, but the servants were drug, phencyclidine or
phenylcyclohexyl and capsules, or smoke
piperidine. The history the drug by applying it
of PCP (angel dust) (in powder form) to a
began in the 1950s leafy substance such as
when it was first marijuana, mint,
synthesized by Michigan parsley, or oregano. In
chemist Victor Maddox, addition, users
after which it was increasingly are dipping
marketed as an marijuana or tobacco
anesthetic cigarettes in liquid PCP
pharmaceutical drug in and smoking them.
the 1950s by Parke,
Davis, and Company
(now a subsidiary of XVIII. Jargon Names
Pfizer). Known as Sernyl
at the time, it was
 Angel Dust, Hog,
eventually Rocket Fuel,
recommended for and Peace Pill,
later used in clinical Supergrass,
trials on people in 1957. Ozone, Wack,
Afterward, PCP was Cliffhanger,
used as a surgical Happy Sticks
anesthetic and
eventually an animal
tranquilizer in XIX. When did it start?
veterinary practice. Founder of the
 PCP is a white drug? Who are the
crystalline powder that
is easily soluble in water
manufacturers of
or alcohol. As a result, it the drug?
can appear in a liquid
form. Since PCP can  PCP was originally
easily be mixed with marketed as an
dyes, it can also appear anesthetic
in a variety of colors in pharmaceutical in the
powder, tablet, and 1950s by Parke, Davis
capsule form. It is and Company.
sometimes sold as a
powder wrapped in
 Los Angeles gang
members have been
metallic foil.
identified as the main
 Users snort PCP distributors of PCP,
powder, swallow tablets according to Drug
Administration (DEA) A low dose of PCP between 1 and 5 mg
officials. Using
bathrooms, garages,
apartments, mobile will lead to symptoms including:
homes and even boats
-Numbness and relaxation.
as makeshift
laboratories, they mix -A sense of well-being and euphoria.
the ingredients by the
gallon. -Problems concentrating. Slurred speech.

-Loss of motor coordination.

-Misperceptions of abilities including

strength, speed, and invulnerability.

-Odd, erratic, or unexpected behaviors.

-Someone witnessing the effects of PCP

use may observe the person staring blankly
or showing rapid eye movements.
XX. Effects to the body
-In some cases, the person using PCP will
be perfectly still for long periods without
responding to stimulation.

A higher dose of PCP can lead to other

effects including:

-Seeing things that are not present.

-Hearing things that are not there.

-Delusions of grandeur with inflated sense

of importance.

-Higher blood pressure and heart rate.

Breathing problems.

-Raised body temperature.

-Anxiety, panic, and feeling extreme


 Long-Term Effects With excessive use

of PCP over an extended period of
time, the negative effects of PCP
become more troublesome, and may movement and decade
persist for periods even when the drug are both recognized as
isn’t actively being taken.
peak points in the
history of PCP drug use.
 They can begin negatively impacting
the mental and physical health of the However, the sale of
PCP user. PCP became illegal in
the United States during
the year 1970.

These effects include: Impaired memory.

-Thinking problems and impaired decision-

making abilities.
XXII. Cases of crime
-Speech problems. Severe depression with
suicidal thoughts.
involving the drug
 Osvaldo Rivera, 31, told
-Higher anxiety, paranoia, and isolation.
police that he smoked
-Extreme weight loss. “Flashback” “wet,” a combination of
phenomena. PCP and pot before he
allegedly slit the throats
-Continuous hallucinations and delusional
of a 6-year-old boy and
thinking even when not using the substance.
his 12-year-old sister in
-These long-term effects can be quite the middle of the night
dangerous; case studies indicate that some of in their Camden, N.J.,
these reported symptoms may persist for as home on Sept. 2. Police
long as a year following last use of PCP.
believe the attack
started as a sexual
assault on the 12-year-
old girl and turned into
a murder when the girl’s
6-year-old brother tried
to intervene. Rivera
XXI. Time when it was allegedly killed the
abused young boy and his sister
 The first reports of PCP was able to escape and
abuse in the United get help with her own
States started in the throat slashed. After
1960s in Haight fighting for her life, she
Ashbury, San Francisco, is now in stable and was
a district known for able to recover.
being a hub of the
hippie movement. This
 The same drugs are
often blamed for
horrific crimes. PCP has Lactam, Marlon Jr., G.
a particularly bad rap,
and it’s unsurprising;
some of the most STIMULANTS
horrific crimes were • A type of drugs that speed up
committed under the messages travelling between the
influence of this drug. brain and body. They can make a
Big Lurch was a rapper person feel more awake, alert,
confident or energetic.
in the Bay Area who had
seen some success in • Large doses can cause over-
the rap scene, having stimulation, resulting in anxiety,
worked with a number panic, seizures, headaches, stomach
cramps, aggression, and paranoia.
of high-profile rappers.
All this would change
one night when he
stabbed his drug
partner’s girlfriend • A powerful and a highly addictive
stimulant that has an effect on the
through the shoulder
central nervous system. It is
and ripped open her
odorless, white, and bitter-tasting
chest with his teeth. He powder that dissolves in water.
was seen drenched in
blood and walking like a
zombie, and a medical - It originated way back in 1887,
report showed that he created by Romanian chemist Lazar
had flesh in his stomach Edelanue who first synthesize
—human flesh. He is AMPHETAMINE. It was the time
meth was originally invented.
currently serving a life
- In the late 1920’s, Los Angeles
chemist Gordon Allen began testing
to find an alternative to ephedrine
and after testing, Allen developed
Benzedrine, which is the brand-
name of amphetamine.
- Amphetamine (Benzedrine) is used
to cure narcolepsy, mild depression,
GROUP 2 and other health problems.

Estimada, Jammu Kashmir CREATOR

Foronda, Isagani Jr., R. - In 1919, AKIRA OGATA

Guyud, Emmanuel Philip, G.
Guyud, Emmanuel Steven, G. was used during World War II by
troops for them to stay awake. High
Ibarra, Jericho
doses are received by Japanese - The use of methamphetamine can
Kamikaze pilots before their create a condition called a “meth
suicide missions. mouth”, wherein it causes tooth
decay and gum diseases.
- Other symptoms for “meth mouth”
1. Brain are clenched jaw, has trouble
- Since Methamphetamine is a eating, experiencing headaches, and
stimulant, it boosts the production jaw pain.
of dopamine. The rapid increase of
dopamine can lead to temporary 6. SKIN
feeling of euphoria and can lead to - The constant usage of
repetitive drug-seeking behavior. methamphetamine can cause the
- The crash that follows meth will skin to extreme itching that can
leave a feeling of irritation and lead to sores.
- Methamphetamine may cause
PERMANENT DAMAGE to the - The production of
brain cells that produces dopamine methamphetamine causes an
and serotonin. environmental issue wherein the
ingredients of the mentioned drug
2. HEART are toxic and hazardous, and has a
- Methamphetamine use can cause chain effect where it starts from
high blood pressure, constrict blood damaging the environment and
vessels, faster heart rate, and can ends up affecting any living
cause the heart to collapse and can creatures.
lead to cardiac arrest or other heart
3. KIDNEY - Using of methamphetamine can
- The use of methamphetamine can cause a different behavioral pattern
cause damage to the kidneys to the user, which makes their peers
because the body of the user will see them differently and may even
face some difficulties in breaking affect their relationship and will try
down the toxins from meth. to avoid the methamphetamine user


- Methamphetamine can weaken the 1939-1945
immune system, making it weak in
defending against germs, and can - It was used by soldiers as a
lead up to the increase of infection stimulant to stay awake during the
from pathogens. World War II.
- It can also cause any present health 1950’S
conditions to worsen like HIV,
Hepatitis B or C, etc. - Methamphetamine was being
prescribed as a diet aid and to fight
5. TEETH depression.
• Meth
- The availability of injectable
methamphetamine was increased, • Crystal Meth
causing the abuse to worsen.
• Crank
• Shabu
- The US government made it illegal
• Ice
to use, and American motorcycle
gangs controls production and • Pookie
distribution of methamphetamine.
• Cookies
• Speed
- Mexican drug trafficking set up
• Trash
labs at California and it spreads
around USA and Europe. Up to this • Bato
day, the drug is available across
• The word “hallucinate” comes from
- The most known manufacturer of
Latin words meaning “to wander in
methamphetamine is from the
United States of America that are
being managed by Mexican • A diverse group of drugs that alter
criminal groups, Mexico is another perception, thoughts, and feelings.
manufacturer and to the lesser They cause hallucinations, or
extent, there are manufacturers sensations and images that seem
from Southeast Asia. real, but are not.
INCIDENT INVOLVING • Psychedelic drugs/Hallucinogens
METHAMPHETAMINE induce a reality-altering experience
consisting of hallucinations,
- Last September 9, 2022, alias
sensory distortions, or delusions.
“Eminem” confessed to the killing
of Juliet Hesim, a woman that • Hallucinogens are illegal drugs that
Reneval Ponce called for a massage alter a person’s perception of
and instructed to go to an reality.
apartment, where she will be last
• People may use hallucinogens to
seen alive. Ponce argues about
deal with stress or to try to achieve
renegotiation of the payment, and it
an enlightened state of mind. Some
is where “Eminem” starts hurting
may take hallucinogenic drugs
the victim. Alias “Eminem”
simply to escape life's troubles or to
proceeds to strangle the victim with
relieve boredom.
a belt, which causes the death of
Hesim, while under the influence of
• An illegal recreational drug derived
- April 19, 1943, Hofmann
from a parasitic fungus that grows
performed a self-experiment to
on rye, known as ergot.
determine the true effects of LSD,
• The most well-known ingesting 0.25 milligrams of the
hallucinogenic drug, and due to the substance.
extended effects of the drug, the - Less than an hour later, Hofmann
experience of taking or "dropping" experienced sudden and intense
acid is known as a "trip" or "acid changes in perception, so he asked
trip.” his assistant to escort him home.
They rode bicycles.
• According to the FBI – LSD is
- Hofmann’s condition rapidly
considered a “club drug” as it is
deteriorated and he became
commonly distributed at raves, all-
paranoid and delusional so a doctor
night dance parties, and on the club
was summoned.
- After some time, his terror began to
give way to a sense of good fortune
and enjoyment.
• LSD is usually sold in tablets or
capsules, but sometimes in liquid
form. The liquid is sometimes
applied to absorbent paper, called - LSD works by influencing the
"window pane" or "blotter" acid, receptors involved in the regulation
which is cut up into individual of SEROTONIN, a
doses. neurotransmitter in the brain.
CREATOR - It can cause profound distortions in
the person's perception of reality,
- The psychoactive properties of acid see images, hear sounds, and feel
were discovered almost by accident sensations that seem real even
by Dr. Albert Hofmann, a though they are not.
research chemist working for the - People often feel a sense of
Sandoz Company, in 1943. specialness or creativity, as if they
- LSD was first synthesized by are achieving an understanding that
Albert Hoffmann on November 16, they could not normally reach
1938. without the drug.
- It was set aside for five years, until
April 16, 1943. While re-
synthesizing LSD, Hofmann - Overall Hallucinogenic Experience
accidentally absorbed a small - If a person has a “GOOD TRIP,”
amount of the drug through his they may experience feelings of
fingertips and discovered its well-being, a perception of being
powerful effects. outside one’s body, an enhanced
insight toward creativity, and - Withdrawal from LSD is not
mystical experiences.\ usually accompanied by a host of
- A “BAD TRIP,” however, can be negative physical symptoms.
terrifying. It is similar to psychosis, People are often able to stop using
and the person cannot escape from LSD on their own without
it. There may be extreme fear, experiencing unpleasant symptoms
paranoia, and separation from self. of physical withdrawal.
- Dizziness; 1943
- Sleeplessness;
- Albert Hoffman discovered LSD.
- Reduced appetite;
- Dry mouth; 1950-1960
- Sweating;
- Psychological weapon in the Cold
- Numbness; War (Project MK-Ultra).
- Weakness; and
- Tremors. CIA Project MK-Ultra,
- The CIA experimented with
LSD and other substances on
TOLERANCE both volunteers and unwitting
- LSD is not considered a physically subjects. Hypnosis, shock
addictive drug, but continued use therapy, interrogation, and
will lead to tolerance. other dubious mind-control
- LSD tolerance fades quickly, techniques were also part of
usually within 72 hours. This can MK-Ultra.
result in people inadvertently using 1960
a potentially dangerous or deadly
amount of the substance. - Both Psychology Professors at
- When people become tolerant of a Harvard University, Timothy Leary
drug, they need to take more to and Richard Alpert make the
achieve the same effects. experiment.


- LSD is not addictive and most - When Project MK-Ultra became

people eventually get tired of it and public knowledge in the 1970s, the
simply quit voluntarily, or decrease scandal resulted in numerous
their use over time. lawsuits and a congressional
- While people do not become investigation headed by Senator
physically dependent or addicted to Frank Church.
LSD, it is possible to develop a MANUFACTURER
psychological dependence on the
drug. William Leonard Pickard, a.k.a
“The Acid King”
WITHDRAWAL EFFECTS - One of the busiest manufacturers of
LSD in the world, a chemist with
the means to cook up acid by the • Zen
• Back Breaker
- He has been convicted three times
of making psychedelic drugs, • Battery Acid
including LSD.
• Doses
- Allegedly he is responsible for 90
percent of the world’s supply of the • Dots
substance – has in fact been all
• Elvis
about healing. He was brutally
punished not for harming people, • Loony Toons
but for dedicating his life to helping
them understand their own • Pane
consciousness. • Superman
- Casey Henderson, a 21-year-old DEPPRESANTS
man accused of assaulting a • This are substances that reduce
University of Washington student arousal and stimulation. They affect
he was dating has been charged the central nervous system, slowing
with murder. down the messages between the
- According to the police report, brain and body.
Henderson chokes Straalsund
through a window, where she was • It affects concentration and
still making noise and moaning, coordination and slow a person’s
almost like she was defenseless. ability to respond to unexpected
- When the police burst through the situations.
door, Straalsund had no pulse. CANNABIS
Henderson confessed to his actions
and admitted that he and Straalsund • A product of the cannabis sativa
are dating and both took LSD plant that is used for its
together the night before. psychoactive and therapeutic
- He said he attacked her because he effects.
became paranoid and thought she • It contains psychoactive compound
was plotting against him. called tetrahydrocannabinols (THC)
SLANG NAMES OF LSD that creates a psychogenic effect.

• Acid • It can be consumed through the

respiratory tract and digestive tract
• California Sunshine through smoking and oral ingesting.
• Hippie HISTORY
• Lucy in the sky with diamonds • The use of cannabis originated in
• Yellow Sunshine central Asia or western China.
Cannabis has been used for its
alleged healing properties for GLAUCOMA RELIEF
- Cannabis can lower pressure within
• The Cannabis plant has been the eyes and relieve symptoms of
cultivated throughout the world glaucoma for a short time.
since ancient civilizations and used
for thousands of years for both
medicinal and recreational - THC may suppress your immune
applications. system, making you potentially
more vulnerable to infection.
However, this may also be
EFFECTS OF CANNABIS TO THE beneficial if you are living with
BODY autoimmune condition.
• When you inhale cannabis smoke RESPIRATORY EFFECTS
into your lungs, the compounds
immediately enter your - Cannabis smoke contains a mixture
bloodstream and quickly make their of chemicals that can irritate your
way to your brain and other organs. lungs and bronchial passages, like
The effects may onset within tobacco smoke. You may
seconds to minutes. experience a burning mouth or
throat, a phlegmy cough, or an
MEMORY PROBLEMS increased risk of bronchitis.
- THC changes the way a part of EFFECTS OF DIGESTION
your brain called the hippocampus
processes information, so it can - Cannabis stimulates the appetite
affect your ability to form new and may reduce nausea and
memories. vomiting, which can be helpful for
people being treated for cancer or
- Cannabis triggers the release of EFFECTS ON CIRCULATION
dopamine in the brain, triggering
feelings of euphoria and potentially - Smoking cannabis causes an almost
heightening your sensory immediate jump in your heart rate
perception. and expansion of your blood
vessels that may result in a redness
- Cannabis may alter your balance, PAIN RELIEF
coordination, and reflex response.
This could affect things such as - Cannabis may temporarily help
your ability to drive. relieve pain and inflammation in
the body.
- THC alters the way you process
information, so your judgment may 1. Altered senses
be impaired. 2. Altered sense of time
3. Mood changes • The largest medical cannabis
company in Florida, controlling
4. Impaired movements
approximately 51% of the state’s
5. Difficulty thinking market.

TIMELINE AS ABUSIVE • They also possess medical

marijuana licenses in California,
1841 Massachusetts, and Connecticut
- William Brooke O’Shaughnessy and operates 71 retail locations
introduced cannabis to Western across the United States.\
medicine after living in India. He
wrote of many therapeutic uses of

- At this time, a film called “Reefer THE MURDER OF KRISTINE

Madness” was released, KIRK
demonizing cannabis as a highly - In April 14, 2014, Richard Kirk
addictive drug that caused mental fatally shot his wife Kristine in the
disorder and violence. head at their University Park home.
He pleaded not guilty by reason of
1937 intoxication, both voluntary and
- The uses of cannabis for medicinal involuntary.
and recreational purposes were - Kristine Kirk called 911 and said
effectively taxed out of existence in that her husband was paranoid and
the USA by the Marijuana Tax Act. hallucinating after eating the
cannabis candy. While on the call,
1970 the dispatcher heard Kristine
- US introduced the Controlled begging not to retrieve the gun, and
Substance Act that lists cannabis as then the dispatcher heard a shot
having ‘no accepted medical use next.
and a high potential for abuse. - The Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
levels found in Richard Kirk’s
MANUFACTURERS blood were very low. Richard Kirk
Scotts Miracle-Gro could remember the combination
for the gun safe and held the gun to
• One of the largest and oldest lawn her head.
and garden supplies companies in - Richard Kirk was found guilty and
the world. was sentenced to 30 years
• They have been expanding into the imprisonment.
cannabis industry since 2018 to
take advantage of its rapidly- SLANG NAMES OF CANNABIS
growing popularity.
• Marijuana
• Dope
• Pot (GROUP 3)
• Grass
• Weed Depressant Drugs

• Head • Depressants will induce sleep,

relieve anxiety and muscle spasms,
• Mary Jane and prevent seizures
• Doobie • Depressant substances reduce
arousal and stimulation
• Bud
• Ganja
• Opioids are a class of drugs that
• Hashish work in the brain to produce a
• Hash variety of effects, including the
relief of pain with many of these
• Bhang drugs.
• Opioids can be prescription
medications often referred to as
painkillers, or they can be so-called
street drugs, such as heroin.
• Opioids are sometimes referred to
as narcotics and although they do
relieve pain, they do not fall into
the same category as over-the-
counter painkillers such as aspirin
and Tylenol. 
The most commonly used opioids are:
• prescription opioids, such as
OxyContin and Vicodin
• fentanyl, a synthetic opioid
50–100 times more potent
than morphine
• heroin, an illegal drug
• Opioids are a class of drugs
naturally found in the opium poppy
plant. Some prescription opioids are
made from the plant directly, and
Vice and Drug others are made by scientists in labs
using the same chemical structure.
Education and Jargon Names
Control Generic Brand Street
Name Name Name
Hydromorph Dilaudid®, D, • In 1803 morphine, an opioid
one Exalgo® Dillies, analgesic, was extracted from
Football opium by Friedrich Serturner of
s, Juice, Germany;
• Dr. Charles Wood, a Scottish
Meperidine Demerol® Demmie physician, invented the
s, Pain hyperdermic needle and used it to
inject morphine to relieve pain from
Methadone Dolophine Amidon neuralgia;
®, e,
Methadose Dollies, • Dr. Eduard Livenstein, a German
® Dolls, physician, produced the first
Fizzies, accurate and comprehensive
Mud, description of addiction to
Red morphine, including the withdrawal
Rock, syndrome and relapse, and argued
Tootsie that craving for morphine was a
Roll physiological response.
Morphine Duramorph God's Manufacturer of the Drug
®, MS Drug,
Contin® M, Miss • According to the pharmaceutical
Emma, investigation of AG Healey
Monkey, manufacturers
Morpho, • Purdue Pharma, Endo, Janssen,
Teva, and Allergan; and the
Distributor or wholesalers:
• AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal
Health, and McKesson.
History of Opioids
Effects to the brain
• The use of opioids to treat pain first
• Opioids bind to and activate opioid
became prevalent in the United
receptors on cells located in many
States in the early 1860s as a way
areas of the brain, spinal cord, and
to treat wounded soldiers. These
other organs in the body, especially
soldiers were treated with
those involved in feelings of pain
morphine, and many developed
and pleasure. 
dependencies and addictions to the
drug in the years following the war. • When opioids attach to these
receptors, they block pain signals
• It started in the mid-1990s when the
sent from the brain to the body and
powerful agent OxyContin,
release large amounts of dopamine
promoted by Purdue Pharma and
throughout the body.
approved by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), triggered Note: This release can strongly reinforce
the first wave of deaths linked to the act of taking the drug, making the user
use of legal prescription opioids. want to repeat the experience.
Effects to the body • 116 people died from opioid-related
overdoses each day.
• In the short term, opioids can
relieve pain and make people feel • Over 42,000 people died from
relaxed and happy. However, opioid overdoses over the course of
opioids can also have harmful the year.
effects, including:
• 1 million people had an opioid
• drowsiness disorder.
• confusion • 17,087 deaths were caused by
overdoses on commonly prescribed
• nausea
• constipation
• 19,413 deaths resulted from use of
• euphoria other synthetic opioids other than
• slowed breathing methadone.

• Opioid misuse can cause slowed • 15,469 deaths were attributed to

breathing, which can cause heroin overdose
hypoxia, a condition that results
when too little oxygen reaches the
Hallucinogen Drugs
• Hallucinogens are a diverse group
• Hypoxia can have short- and long-
of drugs that alter a person’s
term psychological and
awareness of their surroundings as
neurological effects, including
well as their own thoughts and
coma, permanent brain damage, or
• They are commonly split into two
Opioid Epidemic
categories: classic
• The opioid epidemic is a plague of hallucinogens (such as LSD)
opioid addiction and overdose that and dissociative drugs (such as
has swept the United States over PCP).
the past 20 years.
• Both types of hallucinogens can
• The opioid epidemic has resulted cause hallucinations, or sensations
from myriad causes and will not be and images that seem real though
solved by any simple solution. they are not. Additionally,
Consequent to a staggering increase dissociative drugs can cause users
in opioid-related deaths in the USA, to feel out of control or
various governmental inputs and disconnected from their body and
stakeholder strategies have been environment.
proposed and implemented with
varying success.
The below opioid epidemic statistics
are taken from studies done by the Ketamine
U.S. Department of Health and • Ketamine is a medication that
Human Services for the year 2016. doctors use as an anesthetic to
induce loss of consciousness.
Effects include sedation and market. Capsules, powders, tablets,
reduced sensation of pain. solutions, and injectable forms of
ketamine became popular.
• Ketamine (Ketalar) is a dissociative
anesthetic • In the mid-80s subcultures began to
adopt it more frequently, such as
• Ketamine for depression has
rave culture. Ketamine was
become a popular alternative
commonly sold as “ecstasy” at this
treatment and other mental
disorders in recent years. While it’s
a popular option for treating mental The 1990s
health issues today, that wasn’t • By this time ketamine’s illicit use
always the case. began to dominate the conversation
History of ketamine around it. It was still used
medically as an anesthetic, but it
The 1960s
was now widely abused on the
• Ketamine was first synthesized streets. Ketamine, or “Special K”
in 1962 by a professor of on the streets, is popular in the city
Chemistry, Calvin L. Stevens. It of Hong Kong. And, this city still
was first tested on animals, which struggles with illicit ketamine abuse
provided promising results. It was today.
also used for testing on human
NOTE: In 1999 the United States made
prisoners in 1964. In humans,
ketamine a federally controlled substance
ketamine proved to act faster and
in an attempt to stop its illicit use.
reduce toxic behavior, which made
it the preferable anesthetic choice
over PCP.
The 1970s The 2000s
• After promising trials, the FDA • Ketamine stopped being widely
approved ketamine for medical use used both medically and illicitly
in 1970. It was first on American after it became a controlled
soldiers during the Vietnam War substance. Morphine became a
for battlefield surgery. It was a more popular choice as an
highly effective anesthetic, but it anesthetic and other illicit drug
soon began to be illicitly abused, such as cocaine and heroin took off
beginning in the West Coast in on the streets.
the early 1970s. Throughout the
70s psychiatric and academic • Studies were done between 2000-
research on the effects of ketamine 2006, which ultimately showed
began. ketamine was a viable alternative
treatment for depression.
The 1980s
• Ketamine use as a party drug began
to increase in the 1980s, spreading • Today mental health professionals
across the US. Around this time, are using ketamine to treat
new forms of the drug were treatment-resistant depression and
popping up into the street drug other mental conditions such as
PTSD. The FDA has also fast- o
tracked two drugs based on k
ketamine to treat depression. e
 P
Jargon Names u
Bran Street r
d Name p
Name l
Ketamine systemic Ketal  S  J
ar p e
e t
c  V
class(es): general
i it
a a
l m
ketamine/ LidoP K i
ketoprofen/ rofen  K n
lidocaine  K K
Drug a
class(es): topical t Ketamine and the Brain
anesthetics  C • Ketamine targets glutamate, the
a brain’s most common excitatory
ketamine/ MKO chemical messenger. Regulating the
midazolam/ Melt brain’s ability to process cognitive
ondansetron Dose thoughts, emotions, and
systemic Pack, neuroplasticity, glutamate promotes
MKO and strengthens synaptic
Drug m
class(es): miscellan Troch  S connections. It also plays a key role
eous central e u in how an individual learns,
nervous system p remembers, and responds to
agents e experiences.
A Ketamine Rebalances Glutamate &
c GABA Levels
i • Another role glutamate plays in the
d brain is producing and balancing
 S Gamma Aminobutyric Acid
(GABA), a calming
neurotransmitter. Overactive
i glutamate receptor genes can cause
a an imbalance with GABA resulting
l in changes in mental health. High
L levels of glutamate and low GABA
a can lead to anxiety, for example,
while depleted glutamate and Cessation of Dizziness
GABA can result in depression. breathing

Ketamine works to treat this imbalance Double vision Hallucinations

in three different phases: Involuntary eye Difficulty thinking
• Phase 1: Rapid Effects
Seizures Out of body
During this phase, ketamine experiences
activates the brain’s opiate
Impaired motor Alterations in
receptors which can affect function discernment
symptoms of depression. Patients
Elevated blood Amnesia
generally feel relaxed, free from
pain and in a sedated like-feeling
during this stage. Decreased heart rate Confusion
Tachycardia Reduced awareness
• Phase 2: Sustained Effects
of environment
In phase two, glutamate receptors Irregular heartbeat Disorientation
are increased, which helps restore
Motionlessness Drowsiness
normal levels of glutamate and
GABA. At this point, patients Excessive salvia Dissociation
generally feel relaxed after production
treatment. Patients can experience Garbled speech Decreased ability to
feelings of invulnerability during feel pain
this time. Elevated blood Forgetfulness
• Phase 3: Return to Baseline
After the levels are stabilized, the coordination
brain’s reaction to ketamine causes
new neural receptors to grow which
may “reset” the depressed brain. Cases involving ketamine
Ketamine may be particularly
The Elijah McClain Case
useful for patients whose
depression involves suicidal • The 23-year-old Black man died
thoughts. after paramedics administered the
powerful anesthetic during a
Effects of Ketamine
confrontation with police.
Physical Effects Mental Effects
• On August 24, 2019, McClain was
Double vision Sedation stopped by three White officers
Involuntary eye A dream-like state from the Denver suburb of Aurora
movements as he walked home from a
Seizures Colorful dreams convenience store. A 911 caller had
reported a “suspicious person,”
Impaired motor Feelings of intense
function strength and power according to a police overview of
the incident.
Nausea Decreased focus
• McClain resisted officer contact,
Vomiting Agitation
the report said, and there was a
Slowed breathing Anxiety struggle. On an officer’s body
camera, McClain was heard saying, • Amphetamine was first synthesized
“I’m an introvert, please respect the in 1887 in Germany by Romanian
boundaries that I am speaking.” chemist, Lazăr Edeleanu, who
named the drug
• One officer placed McClain in a
phenylisopropylamine. This in
carotid hold, or chokehold, and he
concoction was one of a series of
briefly lost consciousness,
compounds related to the plant
according to the report. When they
derivative ephedrine, which had
released the hold, McClain began
been isolated from the Chinese
struggling again.
ephedra plant that same year by
• Paramedics arrived at the scene and Nagai Nagayoshi.
administered ketamine to sedate
History of Amphetamine
McClain, the report said. McClain
suffered a heart attack while in an • German Pharmacologist L.
ambulance, and he was declared Edeleano (1887)
brain dead three days later, • In 1927, Gordon Alley:
according to a letter from the
district attorney.  Reduced fatigue 
 Increased alertness
 Caused a sense of confident
Stimulant Drugs
• Benzedrine inhalers (nasal
• Stimulants are a class of drugs that
speed up messages travelling
between the brain and body. They
can make a person feel more Sources
awake, alert, confident or
energetic. 1 • Ephedra is the primary component
of amphetamine
• Stimulants include caffeine,
nicotine, amphetamines and • Ephedra is a low evergreen shrub
cocaine. Large doses can cause with small scaly leaves. It has a
over-stimulation, resulting in long history of medicinal use in
anxiety, panic, seizures, headaches, China and India to treat colds,
stomach cramps, aggression and fever, headaches, coughing,
paranoia. Long-term use of strong wheezing, and other conditions.
stimulants can have adverse effects. • The U.S. Food and Drug
Amphetamine Administration (FDA) banned the
sale of dietary supplements
 A distinct class of drugs that containing ephedrine alkaloids
stimulate the central nervous (stimulant compounds found
system producing an increase in in Ephedra sinica and some other
alertness, wakefulness and plants) in the United States in 2004.
awareness. Prior to the ban, ephedra was an
History of Amphetamine ingredient in some dietary
supplements promoted for weight
loss, increased energy, and
enhanced athletic performance. Deceptive Terms
Substance use – amphetamines - Some terms
• Amphetamines are drugs. They can for amphetamines may be based on
be legal or illegal. They are legal prescription medications (such as dexies
when they are prescribed by a and diet pills). Or the origins may be
doctor and used to treat health unclear, but the intent is usually to conceal
problems such the behavior of using the drug.
as obesity, narcolepsy, or attention • Benz
deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD). Using • Splash
amphetamines can lead to • Fives
Manufacturers of the Drug
• Amphetamines are illegal when
they are used without a prescription Amphetamine is prepared by
to get high or improve treating phenylacetone with formic
performance. In this case, they are acid and ammonia under the Leuckart-
known as street, or recreational Wallach conditions.
drugs, and using them can lead to Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB)
addiction. This article describes this
-  is a toxicology database that
aspect of amphetamines.
focuses on the toxicology of potentially
Amphetamines hazardous chemicals. It provides
-have a long list of slang names information on human exposure, industrial
based on appearance, the effect the drug hygiene, emergency handling procedures,
has, and of course, names for deceptive environmental fate, regulatory
purposes only. requirements, nanomaterials, and related
Appearance-Based Terms areas. The information in HSDB has been
assessed by a Scientific Review Panel.
-Amphetamines are sold in pill
form and may come in several different Types of Illegal Amphetamines
colors, with corresponding slang names. Illegal amphetamines come in different
• Brownies forms:

• Blue boys • Pills and capsules

• Black Birds • Powder and paste

Effects-Based Terms • Crystal

- Amphetamines are stimulants, so • Liquid

many slang terms for these drugs refer to They can be used in different ways:
that simulating effect.
• Swallowed
• Head Drugs
• Dabbed onto the gums
• Amps
• Inhaled through the nose (snorted)
• Brain Ticklers
• Injected into a vein (shooting up)
• Smoked • Tooth decay (meth mouth)
• Death
Amphetamines Effects on Your Brain Amphetamines can be Addictive
How fast you feel the effects of Addiction can lead to tolerance. Tolerance
amphetamines depends on how they are means you need more and more of the drug
used: to get the same high feeling. And if you try
to stop using, your mind and body may
• Smoking or Injecting
have reactions. These are called
• Snorting withdrawal symptoms, and may include:
• Taken by mouth • Strong craving for the drug
• Joy (euphoria, or "flash" or "rush") • Having mood swings that range
and less inhibition, similar to being from
drunk feeling depressed to agitated to
• Feeling as if your thinking is anxious
extremely clear • Feeling tired all day
• Feeling more in control, self- • Not able to concentrate
• Seeing or hearing things that are
• Wanting to be with and talk to not there (hallucinations)
people (more sociable)
• Physical reactions may include
• Increased energy headaches, aches and pains,
Amphetamines can harm the body in increased appetite, not sleeping
many ways, and lead to: well

• Appetite decrease and weight loss Cases of crime involving drug

• Heart problems such as fast heart ASSAULT AND HOMICIDE

rate, irregular heartbeat, increased ASSOCIATED WITH
blood pressure, and heart attack AMPHETAMINE ABUSE

• High body temperature and skin Annotation

• Memory loss problems thinking THIRTEEN PERSONS WHO
clearly, and stroke COMMITTED HOMICIDE WHILE
• Mood and emotional problems such AMPHETAMINES.
as aggressive or violent behavior,
depression, and suicide Abstract

• Ongoing hallucinations and - IN MOST OF THESE CASES,

inability to tell what is real THE EVENTS LEADING TO THE
• Restlessness and tremors RELATED TO AMPHETAMINE-
• Sleep problems
MOST IMPORTANT VARIABLES consumes more than the body can handle,
ASSOCIATED WITH THESE CASES they then experience alcohol’s depressant
INCLUDED PREDISPOSING effect. They start to feel “stupid” or lose
PERSONALITIES, ENVIRONMENTAL coordination and control.
CIRCUMSTANCES, AND THE USE OF Manufacturers of Alcohol
• Anheusr-Busch InBev NV

Establisment: 2008
Headquarters: Leuven, Belgium

It is a beverage company that produces,

distributes, and sells alcoholic beverages, such
as beer, malt beverages, and soft drinks
worldwide. It owns a product portfolio of over
400 beer brands, including: Corona, Cass,
Jupiler, Sibirskaya Korona, Victoria, Quilmes,
Depressants Antartica, Brahma and many more.
• Ginebra San Miguel, Inc.
“The king of all drugs”
Depressants – are psychoactive drugs that Establishment: 1834
slow down the activity of the central nervous Headquarters: Mandaluyong City, Metro
system (the brain and spinal cord), which Manila
reduces a person's alertness, and also slows
Ginebra San Miguel Inc., the hard liquor arm
down functions such as breathing and heart
of San Miguel Corporation, is the world’s
rate. These can take the form of
largest gin producer by volume as well as the
pharmaceutical drugs as well as illicit
market leader in the domestic hard liquor
market, with Ginebra San Miguel Gin, GSM
Chemical Name: Ethanol Blue Gin, Primera Light Brandy, and Vino
Street Names: Booze, Brewski, Bubbly, Cold Kulafu, as core products.
one, Draft, Firewater, Hard Stuff, Jungle Juice,
Sauce, Shooter, Hooch What is an Alcohol? • San Miguel Brewery, Inc.
Alcohol is any fermented liquor, such as wine, Establishment: 1890 Headquarters:
beer, or distilled spirits, that contains ethyl
alcohol, or ethanol (CH3CH2OH), as an Founded in 1890, San Miguel Brewery, Inc. is
intoxicating agent. the largest beer producer in the Philippines,
which controls more than 90% of the
Alcohol is classed as a depressant, meaning Philippine beer market. It is the 16th largest
that it slows down vital functions—resulting in brewer in the world and among the top 10
slurred speech, unsteady movement, biggest beer producers in the AsiaPacific. It
disturbed perceptions, and an inability to react owns some of the most recognized products
quickly. Although classified as a depressant, are: San Miguel Pale Pilsen (pale, golden lager)
the amount of alcohol consumed determines and Red Horse (extra-strong lager) are
the type of effect. Most people drink for the currently available at BC Liquor stores across
stimulant effect, such as a beer or glass of the province
wine taken to “loosen up.” But if a person
How alcohol is made? 2000 B.C. – Ancient Greece was one of the
earliest known centers of wine production.
Alcoholic beverages are fermented from the
Winemakers established vineyards as early as
sugars in fruits, berries, grains, and such other
2000 B.C. Alcohol played a pivotal role in early
ingredients as plant saps, tubers, honey, and
Greek religious culture and was often used as
milk and may be distilled to reduce the original
an offering to the gods. It was also used as
watery liquid to a liquid of much greater
currency throughout the Mediterranean
alcoholic strength. Alcohol fermenting is a
region. Like the Egyptians, the Greeks also
biological process by which sugar is converted
used alcohol as a medicine. Greek texts
into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeasts are
frequently reference wine consumption for
responsible for this process, and oxygen is not
medical ailments, such as lethargy, diarrhoea,
necessary. History of Alcohol
childbirth pains, and keeping wounds clean
7000 B.C. – China was the first country to and sterile.
distill spirits with yeast-fermented bases.
Similar to other cultures, alcohol was also
1525-1550 – In England, the first excessive
considered sacred in China. People frequently
use of distilled spirits. Around the same time,
drank during important rituals and
playwright Thomas Nash discussed the
celebrations, such as family meals, weddings,
pervasiveness of drunkenness in England. For
and holidays like the New Year. Many Chinese
the first time, the English mentioned
sources cite the consumption of “natural
drunkenness as a crime.
alcohol” in ancient times. This natural alcohol
refers to the natural fermentation of fruits and
flowers. 16th Century – alcohol (called “spirits”) was
used largely for medicinal purposes. European
colonization during the 15th and 16th centuries
3150 B.C. – In ancient Egypt, bread and beer
gave the apothecaries an abundance of exotic
were staples in the daily diet. At the time, beer
herbs, spices, barks, peels, and berries to add
was considered the drink of the gods. Egyptian
to their medicine cabinets and from this point
beer typically consisted of barley, wheat, and
until relatively recently, a large percentage of
yeasty dough. Most Egyptians drank beer for
medicines were made with an alcoholic base.
its virtues and supposed nutritional benefits.

The 19th Century – brought a change in

Between 3,000 to 2,000 B.C. – Sumerians attitudes and the temperance movement
in Mesopotamia made beer. Researchers have began promoting the moderate use of alcohol
found over 20 different beer recipes recorded —which ultimately became a push for total
on clay tablets. However, Sumerians also used prohibition.
alcohol in sacrificial and religious settings as an
offering to the gods. In the epic 1920 – The Prohibition Era of alcohol began in
1920 when the 18th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution passed a law which banned the
2700 B.C. – The Babylonians worshiped a manufacture, transportation and sale of
wine goddess. In Greece, one of the first intoxicating liquors, went into effect with the
alcoholic beverages to gain popularity was passage of the Volstead Act. Despite the new
mead, a fermented drink made from honey legislation, Prohibition was difficult to enforce.
and water. Greek literature is full of warnings The increase of the illegal production and sale
against excessive drinking. of liquor (known as “bootlegging”), the
proliferation of speakeasies (illegal drinking
spots) and the accompanying rise in gang
violence and organized crime led to waning allowed to have any additional
support for Prohibition by the end of the drugs in it besides alcohol. The
1920s. ABV is typically around 50-51
1933 - The illegal alcohol trade boomed and • Liqueurs: These beverages are
the prohibition of alcohol was canceled. distilled spirits combined with
fruit, cream, sugar, or herbs to
Types of Alcohol create a potent but flavorful
beverage. Liqueurs include triple
1. Liquor or Spirits sec, amaretto, schnapps, and
Sambuca. They may not have
• Vodka: Made from the same more than 15 percent ABV, on
fermentation process as beer or average.
wine, with the added step of
distilling to increase the strength 2. Wine
of the drink, vodka is typically
made from grains like wheat,
• Fortified wine: This is a type of
sorghum, and corn, although
fruit and/or honey alcohol that,
Russian vodka is allegedly made
either due to the addition of
from potatoes. Vodka has an ABV
brandy or because it has been
starting around 40 percent, but it
fermented long enough, has an
can range as high as 95 percent.
ABV of 16-24 percent.
• Gin: This type of liquor starts
• Unfortified wine: This is a
with a neutral distilled spirit, to
standard fruit or honey alcohol,
which juniper berries and other
such as mead or ice wine, with 16
aromatic botanicals are added. It
percent or less ABV. The average
is clear and has an ABV of 36-50
ABV for wine is around 14
percent, although some, such as
• Rum: Rum is fermented port, may be a little stronger.
sugarcane, molasses, beet sugar, States may have individual
or other type of non-fruit sugar. It mandates on how much sugar
is then distilled to remove any wine may contain as well.
sediment. It legally has 36-50
percent ABV.
3. Beer
• Whiskey: Subdivided into
scotch, bourbon, and Irish and
• Beer: This is an alcoholic beverage
Canadian whiskeys, these types of
produced by extracting raw materials
whiskey are aged in oak barrels
with water, boiling (usually with hops),
that give them a unique caramel
and fermenting. This includes lagers,
color. ABV can range from 36
pilsners, flavored beers, and ale. The
percent to 50 percent ABV,
ABV on beers ranges greatly,
depending on how long it has
depending on the brewing process.
Generally, the ABV is between 4
• Tequila: Tequila is a Central and
percent and 8 percent, with 5-6
South American beverage made
percent being the standard for most
from fermented agave, which
beers in the United States. Some craft
originally had some
beers nowadays are as high as 12
hallucinogenic properties in
addition to being alcoholic.
Tequila sold in the US is not
• Malt beverage: While this category • BAC of 0.08 to
can include some types of beer, the 0.15: o slurred
ABV can range up to 15 percent, so it speech
includes beers with additional alcohol o impaired balance, coordination,
added. vision and

o unstable emotions o nausea and

What are the signs and symptoms?
• Strong and persistent desire to drink • BAC of 0.15 to 0.30: o
alcohol despite harmful unable to walk without help
consequences. o sleepy
• Inability to control drinking. o difficulty breathing
• Higher priority given to alcohol than o memory loss o loss of bladder
other obligations. control
• Tolerance to alcohol and physical o possible loss of
withdrawal reaction when alcohol is consciousness
abruptly discontinued.
• BAC of over 0.30: o coma
Blood Alcohol Levels o death.

The level of alcohol in your blood is called In the short term, drinking too much alcohol
blood alcohol concentration (BAC). A BAC of can also lead to:
0.01 means there is 0.01g of alcohol in 100ml
of your blood. • accidental injury (to yourself or
In an average, healthy person, one standard • being in a road accident
drink: • deliberately harming yourself or
• increases BAC by about 0.02 • risky sexual behaviour
• takes about one hour to break down. • family, domestic and sexual
But remember, this can be different for violence • alcohol poisoning
everyone. • hangovers.

Short-term effects
How alcohol can affect your body:
Drinking alcohol can affect your body straight
away. A healthy person is likely to experience • Brain:
the following:
Alcohol interferes with the brain’s
• BAC of up to 0.05: o feeling of communication pathways, and can affect the
wellbeing o talkative, relaxed and way the brain looks and works. These
more confident disruptions can change mood and behavior,
and make it harder to think clearly and move
• BAC of 0.05 to 0.08:
with coordination.
o impaired judgement and
o reduced inhibitions • Heart:
Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on have been found to have
a single occasion can damage the heart, substantially increased risks of
causing problems including: esophageal squamous cell
carcinoma if they consume
• Cardiomyopathy – Stretching and alcohol.
drooping of heart muscle • Liver cancer.
• Arrhythmias – Irregular heart • Breast cancer: Studies have
beat consistently found an increased
• Stroke risk of breast cancer in women
• High blood pressure with increasing alcohol intake.
Women who consume about 1
• Liver: drink per day have a 5 to 9
percent higher chance of
Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver, and developing breast cancer than
can lead to a variety of problems and liver women who do not drink at all.
inflammations including: • Colorectal cancer.

• Steatosis, or fatty liver • Immune System:

• Alcoholic hepatitis
• Fibrosis Drinking too much can weaken your immune
• Cirrhosis system, making your body a much easier
target for disease. Chronic drinkers are more
• Pancreas: liable to contract diseases like pneumonia and
tuberculosis than people who do not drink too
Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic much. Drinking a lot on a single occasion
substances that can eventually lead to slows your body’s ability to ward off infections
pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and – even up to 24 hours after getting drunk.
swelling of the blood vessels in the pancreas
that prevents proper digestion. How long alcohol stays in your blood

Drinking more than one standard drink per

• Cancer:
hour will increase your BAC. The faster you
According to the National Cancer Institute: drink, the higher your BAC. When you stop
"There is a strong scientific consensus that drinking, your BAC will keep rising as the
alcohol drinking can cause several types of alcohol in your stomach goes into your blood.
The only way to lower your BAC is time. The
Clear patterns have emerged between alcohol more drinks you have, the more time you
consumption and increased risks of certain need. You cannot remove alcohol from your
types of cancer: blood by vomiting, having a cold shower or
drinking coffee. Case involving alcohol
• Head and neck cancer, including At least 7 people, including 3 children, were
oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx killed after a drunk driver plowed into them on
Sunday night, April 9, 2017. The driver,
• Esophageal cancer, particularly
identified as Freddie Talisayan, was on board a
esophageal squamous cell
chicken-carrier truck. He first hit the
carcinoma. In addition, people
motorcycle driven by Ronnie Abrio along
who inherit a deficiency in an
enzyme that metabolizes alcohol
Cugman Bridge, just a few meters away from a Stimulants
police station.
Abrio and his 3 children – Kenneth, Sophia,
and Stephanie – died on the spot.
chemical reaction used to
Talisayan then tried to escape, but his truck manufacture blood clotting
collided with a motorela or tricycle with 4 agents.
passengers, driven by Kent Felicilda. One of 1970’s MDMA’s psychological
the passengers, May Buñor, was thrown out of effects in humans were not
the motorela and instantly killed. scientifically investigated
until the late 1970s. This was
After slamming into the motorela, Talisayan only done after its apparent
continued to drive despite being pursued by use as a street drug, as
police. He then hit another motorcycle driven indicated by police seizures
by Kurt Angel Buhawi. Buhawi’s passenger of the substance in the early
Vivienne Nacaya died on the spot.Talisayan’s 1970s.
truck then rammed a jeepney and a stockpile Mid Shulgin introduced MDMA to
1970’s psychotherapists around the
of a road widening project.
mid-1970s, and who
subsequently used it as an
Cugman Police Station Chief Inspector Evan
adjunct to psychotherapy
Vinas said Talisayan was visibly drunk as he
without formal FDA approval.
was arrested. When sought for comment,
Talisayan only said that he could not 1978 In 1978, Alexander Shulgin
remember what happened. Talisayan’s and David Nichols published
a book chapter entitled
brother Felix, who was with him at the time,
“Characterization of Three
said the truck had been assigned to him but
New Psychotomimetic”,
his brother insisted on driving. Felix also describing the psychological
admitted that Freddie had been drinking since effects of substances
Sunday morning. chemically related to known
psychoactive substances.
“I told him that he hit the motorcycle. He just
1984 In response to Texas senator
would not listen. I tried to stop him, but he
Lloyd Bentsen’s observation
just continued to drive,” Felix said. of its widespread use in
Texas nightclubs, the Drug
Police have already filed charges of reckless Enforcement Agency (DEA)
imprudence resulting to multiple homicide, declared their plan to
serious physical injuries, and damage to regulate MDMA as a
property. Schedule 1 substance in

1912 Chemists at Merck

Pharmaceuticals first
produced and patented it as
an intermediate in a
chemical reaction used to
manufacture blood clotting
1970’s MDMA’s psychological
effects in humans were not
YEAR CASE/CONTENT scientifically investigated
1912 Chemists at Merck until the late 1970s. This was
Pharmaceuticals first only done after its apparent
produced and patented it as use as a street drug, as
an intermediate in a indicated by police seizures
Chemical Name:

Brand Name: Molly

Street Name: Adam, Beans, Clarity, E,

Essence, Happy Pill, Hug Drug, Scooby Snacks,
Lover’s Speed, X, XTC

Meth- (Methamphetamine, also known as

meth, crystal meth, crystal, tina, or crank), is a
stimulant that affects the central nervous
system, producing feelings of euphoria and
increased energy. Types of Ecstasy

Tablets: Ecstasy typically comes in a tablet

form that's often imprinted with graphic
designs or commercial logos.

Powder: Ecstasy known by the popular

nickname Molly (which is slang for
"molecular") is often used for the supposedly
"pure" crystalline powder form of MDMA.

Largest Manufacturer of Ecstasy

Netherlands- one of the world's largest
producers of ecstasy and amphetamines
despite of the campaigns against illegal drugs.

Largest Consumer of Ecstasy

Australians- are the world’s biggest individual

consumers of ecstasy. Despite a government
crackdown, a recent wastewater analysis
shows party-goers’ appetites for MDMA are
only increasing.

of the substance in the early
Mid Shulgin introduced MDMA to
1970’s psychotherapists around the
mid-1970s, and who
subsequently used it as an
adjunct to psychotherapy
without formal FDA approval.
1978 In 1978, Alexander Shulgin
and David Nichols published
a book chapter entitled
“Characterization of Three
New Psychotomimetic”,
describing the psychological
effects of substances
chemically related to known
psychoactive substances.
1984 In response to Texas senator
Lloyd Bentsen’s observation
of its widespread use in
Texas nightclubs, the Drug
Enforcement Agency (DEA)
declared their plan to
regulate MDMA as a
Schedule 1 substance in


Ecstasy is often abused for its reputation of being able to:

✓ Improve mood to a state of euphoria.

✓ Strengthen feelings of connectedness.
✓ Increase pleasure from physical touch.
✓ Heighten sexuality and sexual arousal.
✓ Increase alertness.
✓ Enhance energy.
✓ Make the user lose track of time.

The unwanted signs of ecstasy include:

✓ Higher heart rate.

✓ Increase blood pressure.
✓ Muscle tension.
✓ Tightness in mouth and jaw.
✓ Feeling faint.
✓ Hot or cold flashes.
✓ Organ complications due to increased body temperature.

Risk of negative effects increases because:

✓ People using ecstasy commonly take multiple doses in one session.

✓ With uncontrolled drug manufacturing, it is impossible to tell how much of the drug one is
✓ Frequently, there are other drugs mixed into the tablets.
✓ Ecstasy can stimulate physical activity, which can lead to dehydration.


This depletion triggers:

✓ depression
✓ Insomnia
✓ Poor memory
✓ worry

Physical (Health) Effects

✓ High blood pressure ✓ Increased heartbeat

✓ Convulsion
✓ Blurred vision
✓ Heart attack

Psychological Effects

✓ Anxiety
✓ Depression
✓ Hallucinations
✓ Paranoia
✓ Psychosis

Behavioral Effects

✓ Irrational
✓ Talking Too Fast
✓ Difficult in Concentrating

Psychosocial Effects

✓ Disagreements
✓ Strained Relationship
✓ Legal Problems

How Long Does Ecstasy Stay in Your System?

Ecstasy can be detected in the system for up to 90 days. MDMA detection time will depend on the type
of test taken. A person’s unique physical attributes and frequency of drug use can also affect how long it
is detectable.

Urine: detectable for up to four days

Blood: detectable for about two days

Saliva: detectable for up to two days

Hair: detectable for up to 90 days How Long Do the Effects Last?

The immediate effects of MDMA, can be felt within 20 minutes to 1 hour of drug administration. The
effect can last for up to six hours.

When taken regularly and in higher doses, it can cause long-term effects, which can last for long periods
even after the user has stopped taking the drug.


Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Inpatient treatment is typically the most desirable option for those with severe addictions and/or
accompanying mental health issues.

Outpatient treatment will incorporate many features of inpatient treatment but will allow the patient
to live at home while working through recovery.


Thousands gathered at the Mall of Asia (MOA) concert grounds on May 21 for what was to be the last
music festival to be hosted by a toothpaste companyturned-party organizer, the Closeup Forever
Summer open-air concert.

The difference is that this time around, at the end of the party, 5 concert-goers were declared dead.

Authorities are investigating what caused the deaths of Bianca Fontejon, 18; Ariel Leal, 22; Lance Garcia,
36; Ken Migawa, 18; and Eric Anthony Miller, 33.
Social media was abuzz with reports that concert-goers allegedly took the illegal designer drug called
"green amore," a mixture of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or ecstasy, methamphetamine
hydrochloride or shabu, and cialis, a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Hallucinogen AYAHUASCA

What is Ayahuasca?

Also called as caapi, or yagé, is a hallucinogenic drink made from the stem, leaves, vines and bark of the
tropical liana Banisteriopsis caapi and other botanical ingredients. It is first formulated by indigenous
South Americans of the Amazon.

Origin of Ayahuasca

The name “ayahuasca” originates from the Quechua language, where aya means soul or ancestors, and
wasca (huasca) means vine or rope. Most people translate this as

“vine of the soul.” The English botanist Richard Spruce first encountered ayahuasca in 1851.

How do they make Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is made by soaking or boiling the stems and leaves of B. caapi, is a source of harmine, an
alkaloid that inhibits the breakdown in the digestive system of

DMT (dimethyltryptamine), the psychoactive substance that the other plant supplies.

Who prepares the Ayahuasca?

Batches of the potion are typically prepared by a shaman (who is a type of healer) and ingested by
devotees in groups.

Health Benefits of Ayahuasca

• Brain - The main psychoactive ingredients in ayahuasca may protect and restore parts of the
brain. Research indicates that ingesting DMT can lead to a higher production of anti-stress and
antioxidant proteins.
• Mindfulness - According to some studies, ayahuasca may increase a person’s ability to be in a
mindful state.
• Mood and Emotions - Ayahuasca may improve the regulation of mood and emotions, and it
could also reduce stress and depression. A 2018 study indicates that the involved people who
took part in ayahuasca ceremonies found that ratings of depression and stress significantly

Effects of Ayahuasca

• Feelings of Euphoria
• Hallucinations
• Fear
• Paranoia
• Diarrhea

Effects to the Environment

Man in the forest cutting down trees to retrieve the vine growing on it. They warn everyone that they
may be drinking ayahuasca with “good intentions,” but if its source is unknown, that’s harmful to the

Timeline of Ayahuasca

1879-1912 – Ayahuasca Use Spread as the Rubber Boom Decimated Natives

1930 – the church later known as Santo Daime is Founded by Mestre Irineu.

1957 – The Discovery of the Ayahuasca Chemical Structure in Medicine.

1996 – Psychology Study Suggests Longterm Benefits of Ayahuasca.

1999 – UMIYAC, Columbian Union of Yage Healers Founded

2003 - Pioneering Study Examines Ayahuasca Effects on the Body and Mind

2005 - Ayahuasca Made Illegal in France After a French Court Rules in Favor of Santo Daime Church

2020 - Ayahuasca Drinking Continues to

Expand Around the World

Crimes committed under the Influence of Ayahuasca

A Canadian man whom authorities say killed his British friend in self-defense after the two drank a
hallucinogenic brew at a spiritual retreat in the Amazon has been released. Joshua Stevens, 29, was
freed because all evidence showed he stabbed his friend Unais Gomes, 26, in self-defense after Gomes
tried to attack him with a knife, said Normando Marques, a police chief in the Amazonian city of Iquitos.

Stevens and Gomes were taking part in a ceremony that used ayahuasca - a hallucinogenic brew - at the
alternative health center Phoenix Ayahuasca near Iquitos. There, Gomes took a knife from the kitchen
and tried to attack Stevens, witnesses told police.
In November 2017, a young man arriving at the Tampa International Airport from Bogota, Colombia
was questioned by a security officer about the content of four shampoo bottles neatly packaged in his
bag. “Shampoo,” he said. That was the beginning of a nightmare for Gustavo Vargas, a 22-year-old
Colombian American, who was bringing four ayahuasca bottles in anticipation of his shaman friends’
visit, scheduled for

January 2018.
Those ceremonies never occurred, as bottles were confiscated and Vargas was charged with
importation of DMT, a chemical ingredient in ayahuasca prohibited under the
Substances Act of 1970.








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