Extended Proposal

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A Proposal to conduct a Seminar/Information Drive regarding “Drug Prevention” in 14

selected Barangays of Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya.

By: Emmanuel Steven G. Guyud

1.1 Purpose
We, the officers of the Criminal Justice Student’s Organization would like to
conduct an information drive in the 14 selected barangays of Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya
regarding “Drug Prevention” and would like to execute our organization’s action plan for
the academic year: 2021-2022.
1.2 Background
The CJSO officers would like to prevent children from using illicit drugs by
raising their awareness of the negative social and health consequences of drug use, as
well as designing and implementing community-based treatments and activities to
prevent illicit drug use. We all know that drug use and distribution have become more
common among other people, particularly among the youth, and they should be educated
about the consequences of their actions and why we should not use drugs. It can also
affect young people’s general health, physical growth, and emotional and social
development; this important information can help the youth from using illicit drugs.
1.3 Scope
The Seminar/Information Drive participants will be the youth ages 15-25 and as
of the locale of the program, 14 selected barangays of Bayombong are the Bonfal East,
Bonfal Proper, Bonfal West, Casat, La Torre North, Magapuy, Magsaysay, Masoc, Don
Mariano Marcos, District IV (Poblacion), Don Mariano Perez, La Torre South, Salvacion,
and Santa Rosa.

2.1 Approach

The proposed Seminar/Information Drive will be conducted in 14 selected

barangays of Bayombong are the Bonfal East, Bonfal Proper, Bonfal West, Casat, La
Torre North, Magapuy, Magsaysay, Masoc, Don Mariano Marcos, District IV
(Poblacion), Don Mariano Perez, La Torre South, Salvacion, and Santa Rosa. The
objectives of the Drug Prevention Action Plan are to prevent children from using illicit
drugs by raising their awareness of the negative social and health consequences of drug
use, as well as designing and implementing community-based treatments and activities to
prevent illicit drug use. This proposed seminar will be assisted by different resource
speakers who are experts in this field and can explain and provide information that the
participants can understand. This preventive work is carried out in social and health
services, educational establishments, and recreational activities.
2.2 Result
The Seminar/Information Drive will provide useful information that every
participant can understand and comprehend the prevention of illegal substances. The
proposed seminar will also fulfill the Organization’s Action Plan for the academic year
2.3 Statement of Work
To achieve the gold of this Information drive, the Criminal Justice Student’s
Organization will accomplish the following task;
1. Write a Proposal Letter to the DEAN of STEH for the approval of the
Seminar/Information Drive. (2 hours)
2. Conduct a meeting with other fellow officers and start planning and assigning officers
to their designated tasks. (3 hours)
3. Research and gather some information regarding the population of participants and
resource speaker/s. (3 hours)
4. Prepare all the materials and equipment that are needed throughout the program. (12
5. Discussion of the Seminar (3 hours).

3.1 Personnel
As the Head of the CJSO, I will be in charge of the program and will lead the
other 15 fellow officers in the preparation and successful seminar. The composition of the
team is all the students of the Department of Criminal Justice. I am the Director General
of the CJSO and have a solid background in leading this organization. I am a consistent
honor student from elementary to college (present). The composition of our team also has
a proven track record of outstanding students. Additionally, we have access to various
university professors and Attorneys who can provide us with any guidance that may be
required and needed in conducting this Seminar/Information Drive.
3.2 Facilities and Equipment
The Department’s organization will provide us with equipment and materials such
as a podium, projector, microphones and speakers, laptop, chairs, and tables throughout
the program. The food and water, flyers, and tokens will be budgeted through our
Department’s fund and will ask for some assistance from the DEAN of the STEH.

4.1 Fiscal
As provided in 2.3 (statement of work), 23 hours of our work will be required to
complete this proposed seminar. Additionally, 20 liters of gasoline will be needed to
travel to 14 selected barangays of Bayombong. Moreover, as provided in 3.2 (Facilities
and equipment) the cost of the materials, equipment, and food and water will also be
budgeted through our Department’s fund, and other assistance coming from another

Project Cost Data

Travel – (Gasoline) 20 Liters = 1,600 (Diesel)
Flyers- (Bond Papers) = 500
Food and Water = 15,000
Token and Financial Support (Guest speaker) = 1,000
4.2 Time
We, the CJSO officers will accomplish all the task during the first two weeks of
June and will provide all the materials and equipment that is needed in the program.
 Gather some information and look for a resource speaker.
 Report: In the SPAG, at 7:00 am on June 27, 2022.
 Flyers, food, and water will be disseminated before and during the seminar.

5.1 Summary
The Criminal Justice Student’s Organization proposed a seminar regarding “Drug
Prevention” among the youth of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. This is the Organization
Action Plan for this academic year: 2021-2022, the CJSO aims to raise awareness among
youth and educate adolescents about illicit drug use to prevent illegal drug use while
highlighting the dangers of problematic substance use. One of the goals of CJSO is to
discourage drug use and encourage occasional users to stop. We will be able to complete
one of the organization's action plans for the year if the seminar or information drive is
approved and implemented.
5.2 Contact
For more information, please email me at itsteb27@gmail.com or phone 0961-002-2640.
5.3 Sources Used
Criminal Justice Student’s Organization Action Plan 2021-2022

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