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When it comes to courting a woman, Filipino is one of the best I know.

Filipino men are very serious and

aggressive when courting women. They really work hard on it just to be sure the one they love will love them
back. Before Filipino are very courageous and very romantic to their dear ones. The courtship before and now
have a lot of differences. In the Philippines, there are proper ways and rules, and standards on how to court a
woman in a traditional way. A Filipino man suitor expresses his interest to a woman in a proper manner and
respectful way. The Filipino man is a gentleman when they are courting a girl.

(Introduction: After the 1st paragraph)

Nonetheless, let me introduce myself first I am Mary Mae and I am your speaker for today.


“There is too little courtship in the world,” Vernon Lee quoted. Well, I beg to disagree but I think that courtship
still exists, it’s just too different now than it used to be before. Courtship in this era never disappeared, or may I
say, it was redefined as our lifestyle changed so much. However, the issue here is a lot of people think that
modern courtship is not as effective as the traditional one. So, my objective for today’s speech is to talk about
modern courtship and how it truly works.

As our society grows and progresses rapidly in terms of technology, our way of establishing bonds with people
also transitions rapidly. Modern courtship, basically, is the kind of courtship which is very relaxed and has
few rules. It involves no pressure but it also keeps the integrity of matured relationship. You may seem to
have associated modern courtship with “fast” and “fake” but it’s actually better than what you expected it
to be. Modern courtship may involve technology but it also involves sincerity and love. If someone who
wants to court you, has pure intentions, and is serious in pursuing you, then a successful relationship
would prevail.

However, we misconceived modern courtship too much that we lose faith in it, we don’t even know that it
has principles to follow through as we are blinded by the concept of intimacy. In modern courtship, you
are not allowed to court another person. Your faithfulness must be mustered up the moment you decided
to court someone. Family and the community are central, it means that asking the parents first before
proceeding to court someone seems the appropriate job to do. Group activities are encouraged as
befriending each other before becoming romantic is a must-do protocol. Lastly, although, sexual intimacy
has been a trend, we are still obliged to respect each other’s beliefs and decisions as we empower people
and not deprive them into doing acts that go against their will. With these simple commandments, the
integrity of courtship still remained.

Usually, we are too stressed when dealing with love, that’s why advise everyone to take it easy and
slowly. It’s okay if you can’t give him/her chocolates or designer brands, it’s okay if you can’t take him/her
to a fancy restaurant. We can always improvise to impress, the only thing that we need is patience and
love. Courting is not lame, it’s actually precious.

Besides, we are too young to experience intimacy, instead let’s just pursue our dreams first and wait until
we meet our significant one.
But, actually, the effectiveness of modern courtship relies on how authentic and serious the person’s feelings
are, like the traditional way. It doesn’t mean modern courtship, it’s already ineffective. on how the courtship
was performed or how much was spent just to pursue you.
With our communication being one tap away, real essence of deep and sincere relationship is slowly fading as
everything’s now relatively easy, flirting became a trend and authenticity now associates with lame, bonding
only happens virtually and without meeting in person, people even ‘fall in love' with just the appearance and not

Before diving into the topic, let us first have a background check on what courting is. Courting, or courtship, is a
relationship between a man and a woman in its early development stage wherein they get to know each other
and create a close relationship so that they can intentionally explore the idea of marriage.

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