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PHY/CHEM MYP 4 – 1st Term project

Criterion B

CRITERION B: Inquiring and Designing

Group Project

CLASS: 3th ESO  A /  B /  C /  D /  E

You have to be able to design a scientific investigation from a problem or issue.

For this reason, you will have to identify both independent and controlled variables appropriate for your investigation.
Then, you will be asked to design a logical, complete and safe method, correctly sequenced.
Background: During electrolysis, ionic substances are decomposed into simpler substances when an electric current is
passed through them. Electrolysis is used to extract and purify metals.
In this experiment, you will measure the conductivity of several different compounds and solutions in order to predict
the bond type (ionic or covalent) in the substances tested. To understand conductivity, we must first define electrical
current. An electrical current is produced by the motion of positive or negative particles. An electric current is
measured in terms of the total number of positive or negative charges passing a given point per second. In a solid, such
as a wire, only the negative charges (free electrons) are able to move. Conductivity is a property that describes the
ability of a substance to transmit an electrical current.
Experimentation has shown that pure water is a very poor conductor of electricity. The poor conductivity of water can
be attributed to its molecular bonding. When solid sodium chloride, an ionic solid, is added to the water, a conducting
solution is formed. The salt water solution is a good conductor because the NaCl forms Na+ and Cl-- ions in solution.
These ions migrate toward oppositely charged electrodes. The moving ions complete the electric circuit. You can
predict bond type in some solids by dissolving some of the solid in water and measuring the conductivity of the resulting
Use the research topic to develop your own research question to investigate. Some information related to the topic has
been provided for you, however use available resources to gather as much information as you can about the topic in
order to help you a hypothesis.

Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing

Does the conductivity of the ions formed depend on their position on the periodic table?
(An investigation into how the ”independent variable” affects the “dependent variable”)
Include some scientific background information. This should be about a paragraph.


Hypothesis: what do you think will happen? This should be in an “if…then” statement to include
specifically how the ”independent variable” affects the “dependent variable”

Why? give a scientific explanation for your hypothesis

Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing

Control of variables:

Independent Variable

Measuring instruments

Range of values of IV?
How will you measure the IV:

Will you make multiple trials? How many?

Dependent Variable:

Measuring instruments
and units:

How will you measure the DV:

Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing

Controlled variable Effect on results Method and instruments for control

Ex, Set the ramp height to 50cm
Ex, Ramp height Ex, A steeper ramp would cause a….
using a ruler


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