Scrum Master Portfolio: by Olufunmilola Ajekigbe

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Professional Background
I am a dedicated and seasoned HR/Administrative practitioner with over 21 years of
progressive experience. A self-directed individual who promotes effective services
through effective HR practice in accordance with global HR procedures. I am a good team
player with interpersonal (sensitive to the needs, feelings and capabilities of others),
motivational and communication skills. I am always motivated to achieve success in
whatever environment I find myself, which I leverage on in my current position as a Team
Lead in Learning Innovation of the Learning & Development Department of the Federal
Inland Revenue Service of Nigeria, a Tax Collection & Administration Agency. I currently
supervise a team of fifteen (15) Teammates on the E-Learning projects and analyze data
to identify opportunities for improvement.
On my current job and in my capacity as a team lead, I perform the following functions:

 Lead projects and analyze data to identify opportunities for improvement.

 Work within applicable standards, policies and regulatory guidelines to promote safe
working environment.
 Participate in team-building activities to enhance working relationships.
 Conduct research, gathered information from multiple sources and presented
 Identify potential problems to be resolved via projects, developed project briefs, and
risk/benefit analysis.
 Create plans and communicated deadlines to complete projects on time.
 Ensures all projects follow project management principles and they are executed on
time within scope and budget.
 Identify key resources internally and externally from where knowledge is to be
obtained and shared to all staff of the organization.
 Ensures appropriate documentation for all knowledge management matters and
upload on the C&SDD portal for the entire staff of the organization.
 Plans and organizes monthly departmental technical session for 75 members of staff
of Career & Skills Development Department.
In January 2015, I assumed duty as a Manager Training with the sole responsibility of
leading a five-man team and we were confronted with the challenge of sensitizing and
monitoring the mid and junior level of staff on compliance with the usage of SAP-HR
Training & Event Module. My Team worked with the SAP Project Team of the
organization; members of staff were trained on the usage and hands-on within the period
of 4 weeks. There was continuous monitoring conducted by the departmental Project
Team led by me and by end of 2nd quarter of 2015. In 2018 January, I was promoted as
Senior Manager of Learning Innovation Division to lead two (2) teams of Projects &
Knowledge Management and Partnership & Collaboration Units of the Learning &
Development Department of my organization. My major role was to ensure the project
team developed and deploy E-Learning platforms within the organization to at least 500
members of staff annually out of the total of 6,700 staff as at that period. The only
available platform in the organization was the SAP-HR Training & Event Module, which
was strictly used to keep records and data of training conducted by the department. This
project kicked off in the 4th quarter of 2018. The SAP-HR could not deliver on what we
want and the team sought the approval of Board of Directors by 3rd quarter of 2019, for
the adoption of another E-Learning platform, which will even allow more staff enjoy E-
Learning from anywhere they are.

By the end of 2019, there was a change in the leadership and management board of the
organization. At the start of year 2020, the Covid-19 Pandemic distraught lots of activities
and the request for adoption of another E-Learning resource was put on hold as a result
of the global lockdown. Post Covid-19 lockdown and by year 2021, activities resumed
but were minimal as few members of staff could work onsite, while the rest worked from
home. This automatically made our team functional and more staff were deployed to work
with the team. On assumption of duty by this staff, they knew less or nothing about use
of online platforms to train staff. The responsibility now fell on me as the Coach to train
the teams to ensure adoption and adaptation of E-Learning platforms. We started with
platforms such zoom, google classroom, google teams, hangouts, Microsoft teams to get
some of the work done. However, team members need to upscale and deliver on targets;
we had to adopt the agile transformation of Scrum approach.

Table of Contents
Cover page 1
Professional Background 2
Abstract 3
Table of Contents 4
Reflection on Competencies 6
Picking an agile framework for each team 9
Choosing Tooling Options 12
Visual Management Boards: 12
Marketing 12
Web Development 12
Knowledge Management: 13
Marketing 13
Web Development 14
Other Agile Tool(s): 15
Facilitation Style 15
Ceremony Facilitation 16
Coaching Strategies 18
Mentoring Strategies 20
Overall Strategy: 22
Team Maturity Framework 23
Communication and Education Strategy 24
Transformation Roadmap 25
Presentation 25
Scale Agile 26
Understand Current Level 27
Identify Agile Experts 27
Train Leaders on Scaled Agile 28
Find VSM & PI Team 28
Train Team 29
Start Program Increment 29
Coach Team 30
More Programs (ART) 30
DeVops & ENGG. Practices 31
Continuous Improvement 31
Conclusion & Reflection 32
Reflection on Competencies

My existing competencies and skills have had great impact and effect on my performance
as a team lead and budding Scrum Master. During this course, I have acquired essential
skills in Collaboration Practices and Key Processes to meet Sprint Goals. Scrum Master
role has taught me how to deal with people and how they communicate and work together,
and about process and process frameworks. Undergoing this training, I know the core
competencies I need to be a successful Scrum Master, which are; facilitating,
mentoring, teaching and coaching. I learnt that as a Scrum Master, I am not only
addressing the aspects of Agile development, but also facilitate collaboration to eliminate
individual weaknesses with team strengths.
Competency Table
Behavioural Contextual Technical
Have: Leadership Have/transferable: Leading Have/transferable: Reporting
Why: I have this competence as Change Why: In my 21 years post-
a result of my current role on my Why: With the outbreak of Covid- graduation work experience,
job. I am a Team Lead to 15 19 and its effect, training and reporting is a skill that I have
members of staff (out of 75) in development in my organization developed, trained in and
my Department (Learning & transformed from physical to constantly used in my
Development) online/virtual. Since my deliverables on the job. I was
department is in charge of collating and preparing reports
training the entire staff of the (Weekly for MIS; Monthly; Half
organization (11,200+), I initiated Yearly and Annually) in the
and led team from department in various functions I have found
driving this change in the myself. I am currently grooming
organization. I can boldly say it the staff under my supervision in
today, that our members of staff my team on report writing.
are embracing the E-learning
system and virtual platforms of
Have & transferrable: Have: Mentoring Gain: Customer Centricity
Facilitation Why: five new members of staff How: I know coming to Entry
Why: This is my sixth year were added to my team in April Level platform is an avenue for
working as a trainer/facilitator 2022, I have been mentoring me to learn how to be customer
on my current job. I am also a them on presentation, centric as a Scrum Master.
certified/trained training facilitation, coordination of Attending this course will help me
consultant and currently training skills, and I could see realize the need to put my
organize a weekly online session great improvement in their customer (internal and external at
on various topics for 75 members performance. I have also in the the center of everything I do.
of staff of my department. last two years mentored 8 other
Another experience I have is that staff in same skills
I organize a quarterly E-Learning
session for the whole of 11,200+
members of staff of my
organization (Tax Authority of
Gain: Creativity Gain: Servant Leadership Gain: Tooling
How: I intend to take advantage How: Through the Entry level How: I do not have any
of my training on Entry level as platform. I also intend leveraging experience in Scrum Master or
well as personal development on my current role as a leader and any of its tools. I have a conviction
personal development. that at the end of the course, I
would have gained working
competence through tasks and
team members.
Gain/Improve: Empathy Gain: Impediments removal Gain: Business Domain
Emotional Intelligence How: I do not know how to get Knowledge
How: I have attended 3 this competence. I hope to gather How: I am certain that at the end
Emotional Intelligence trainings experience, skills and knowledge of the four weeks of this course, I
in both the United Kingdom and in this through working closely would have gained knowledge on
Nigeria. However, I will like to with my team members here on how different business sectors'
improve on this as I learnt from Entry Level. processes and workings are. I do
this module the need to interface not have a previous skill or
with stakeholders and in so competence in this area and
doing; I need to be highly willing to learn.
emotionally intelligent. I have
been undergoing series of
personality tests online and how
to balance this with my daily
Gain/Improve: Trust Building Gain/Improve: Active Listening Gain: SDLC (Software
How: I intend to build How: My 84-year-old mother, Development Lifecycle
relationships with stakeholders who is also and still a teacher, How: I do not even know what it
and I will leverage on the skills I always admonish us growing up to is. I am open to learning all new
gain from this program. I will also "Be a good listener". She is of the things that has to do with Scrum
admit when I do not know some opinion that when you listen well, Master.
things. Be open to constructive you will learn a lot. I intend to pay
criticisms. detailed attention to listening and
watching the videos in all the
modules during this course, which
I believe will help improve on my
listening competence.
Gain/Improve: Motivation Gain: Conflict Resolution Gain: All the 17 competencies
How: I am aware motivation How: Working with different except Reporting which I will like
helps in team building and stakeholders, product owners and to improve on
provides room for effective customers will require resolving How: I do not have any prior
feedback. I intend to develop and conflicts at one point or the other. knowledge or experience in
improve on this competence Learning on Entry Level platform I Scrum Master or the tools used. I
through personal learning and know will open my eyes and will take advantage of all I learn
leveraging on what I learn here. widen my scope on conflict here and from my team members.
resolution. I am happy starting my
journey here as a Scrum Master.
Picking an agile framework for each team
Team: Marketing Team Team: Web Team
Team Size: 10 Team Size: 8
Skillsets: Marketing Strategy, Product Skillsets: Web Engineering, Quality Assurance,
Ownership, Campaign Management, Email Build Designer, Product Management, Business Analysis
& Quality Assurance, Business Analysis
Purpose: To gather requests from all other teams Purpose: Ideate, develop and ship features to a web
in order to market to customers about the product app for the betterment of its users/customer
and its features.
Recommended Framework: KANBAN Recommended Framework: SCRUM
Explanation/Reasons for recommending the Explanation/Reasons for recommending the
framework framework
 The basic structure of Kanban board are:  The nature of the work of the web team is to
to-do, in-progress and done. Each develop software/app, which aligns with scrum
represents the stage of work done from framework due to its features.
the beginning, to progress made and  The scrum framework will suit this team project
finally, completion of work. better because it delivers business value in the
 No sprints needed for this task by the shortest period.
team. The Kanban board was used to  Due to expertise and the skillsets engaged to
address scrum's benefits here. carry out this project, there will be intense
 In view of the task given to the team, human collaboration and rapid feedback as
Kanban is a good tool to use as it helps to well as continuous devotion to the project.
monitor workflow; visualize how the work  Scrum framework has the developing of
is done, progress limits are set by the team software features and this will help the team
for every sprint and no other new work, the actualize their goal.
team is able to make rules/policies and  Also note that since the team members have
stick to them, which encourages/increases predefined roles and short/structured work to
team focus, reduce waste, there is deliver, scrum is recommended because it
flexibility and improved collaboration. agrees with these features. Team members
 The task already provided a visual are able to identify pitfalls and proffer
overview of work through metrics. solutions.
 Workflow will run smoothly at optimal
speed and this will help team members to
see work in progress
Recommended Modification: None for now Recommended Modification: In any project involving
use of scrum framework, other important skillsets
needed apart from the team is that of a Scrum Master
and Product Owner, which are not indicated here. I will
like to modify the skillset to include a Scrum Master and
Product Owner also adopt the 3 - 5 - 3 structure
Projected Success of the Kanban Framework Projected Success of Scrum Framework for the
for the Marketing Team Web Team
Progress of work is tracked Software or app will be delivered within a short time.
Waste reduction and improve production Teamwork will help in timely delivery of project
Team members ability to focus Complexity in the project is addressed as information
is transparent and the framework will help the team to
inspect and adapt.
Increased efficiency
Flexibility and freedom to add value by team
Choosing Tooling Options
Visual Management Board

I used the miro board for the two teams to show the workflow. This tool encourages team
to take advantage of a full set of collaboration capabilities and makes cross-functional
teamwork effortless. With miro, there is permission to share and scale easily.
Knowledge Management
Notion is a great tool for creating a personal knowledge base. Adopting this tool
provides means for creating a system for the team to manage their knowledge,
experience, and whatever is important. Instead of written notes, bookmarks, files, and
folders, I have taken the advantage of adopting this tool. Every step of the workflow are
documented with ease and can always be assessed by every Team member. With
a knowledge management system, new teammates can access everything
from benefits to their team's tools with a single click.
Experience Overall


/Skills Style

Past Experience: Mentor



Behavioural Skill: Courage

Behavioural Skill: Leadership


Barrack Obama Visionary

IIfueko Omoigui Okaru (My

former Executive Chair at work)

Past Experience:
Departmental Policy Documents
Review Projects (I was the


Project Team Lead

Observation: Team members

N.B. The example shown was a guide to me. My submission is based on personal experience and conditions.

Facilitation Style
Facilitation skills are the abilities you use to provide opportunities and resources to a
group of people that enable them to make progress and succeed. Facilitation in this
context help your team to be more comfortable, efficient, and concise so that the business
gets done. In Scrum team, the Scrum Master as a facilitator plans, guides and manages
the team’s event(s) to meet the goals. To facilitate effectively, you must be objective and
focus on the team’s process, i.e. the ways the teams work together to perform tasks,
make decisions and solve problems.

Ceremony Facilitation

As a visionary facilitator, I encouraged the team to be focused, bold and determined to

achieve result. Hence, my choosing Barack Obama as a visionary leader who has the
above qualities inclusive of being an imaginative, collaborative and innovative leader. In
my capacity as a team lead, I have led teams in developing policy documents on
numbering and review, such as Human Resource Policy, Departmental Charter,
Corporate Strategy documents, etc. This particular facilitation style above was for the
team to develop a Training Policy and we were given a period of 3 weeks to deliver the
document, signed and adopted in the whole organization. I used the indirect mode of
facilitation by ensuring all team members contributed to the document and task were
shared to teammates. The Team of staff from the Learning Innovation function worked on
this document. A total number of 5 staff worked with me on this project. Team members
were mentored one-on-one on writing and developing the document and ensure it meets
operating standard and best practices standard. In view of this, by the end of the 3rd week,
our document was ready; approved, signed and deployed. Team members were happy
they could achieve the deadline given as they affirmed the facilitation style helped make
their work easy and deliverable.
Coaching Strategies
Scenario Action(s) Why?
Line Managers of your 1. Adopt a non directive Help facilitate their
team members are coming approach, by facilitating learning, boost their morale
in to help and taking meetings and one-on-one and ensure their safety
accountability for solving sessions with team
problems the team members and also to
encounters. The morale, confirm if they are
autonomy and comfortable working with
empowerment of the team the Line Managers.
are waning. 2. There is need for the
Line Managers to step up
their game and be in
You have a distributed 1. Foster a culture of Communication skills is
team in 2 different time continuous feedback and very key in any agile
zones who are not improve on their environment.
collaborating well. The communication skills.
quality of work is dropping 2. Need for daily standups
and there is a lot of is crucial at this point.
miscommunication due to
email and individual chats.
Your team are not finishing Apply inter-communication This will encourage team
all the work they commit to skills within the team so members to accomplish
every sprint. They are that everyone knows everything on the to-do list
'carrying over' around 40 - exactly what their duties during sprint. Teammates
50% to the next sprint. In are. Follow the Scrum and are able to bring up any
the sprint review, the team Agile principles with challenge(s) they ran into
are required to show how dashboards that show team that hindered their
much work they have done task assignments and progress. The questions of:
and thus be 'exposed' to progression. Teach Self- "What went well?". "What
negative feedback from Management Principles. could have been
stakeholders. Run and spend more time improved?" and "Actions to
on retrospectives and take?" will be taken care
future event that applies off. To ensure product
same ideas & techniques backlog is in good shape
as retrospective to transit and meet sprint deadlines.
the agile.
There is a highly 1. Apply the direct 1. It will help the individual
opinionated individual in approach and help him or solve his or her problems.
the team that does not like her understand the 2. The Line Manager will
agile methodologies. They boundaries. Help the advise the individual on the
are out-spoken, negative individual to rethink his or importance of the team
and disruptive within the her assumptions and finishing the project.
team. mental models.
2. Involvement of the Line
Manager is the next step
Your team as a whole is Work on internal It is an essential building
very passive. They don't communication skills. block for team trust and
speak much during most During the daily scrum collaboration. Help team
ceremonies (except daily meetings, team members members communicate
scrum and mostly prefer must openly share and talk their ideas and concerns in
communicating online about wins, losses and any a proper manner.
rather than face-to-face. Its internal issues.
worst in retrospectives
where speaking up is
important in order to
continuously improve.
Your team(s) have come to 1. I will apply a non This is to help the team get
overly rely on you to directive approach, more insight into their
facilitate their ceremonies declining to provide direct performance themselves.
or other sessions. You want advice and Collaborative decision
to ensure they can self- recommendations. making is beneficial for
organize and self-manage 2. Push for Team decisions Scrum teams and the
when you're not available. since scrum framework has organization as a whole.
a self-managing structure.

Reflection on the type of coach I am.

Is there a pattern? Yes. Engaging and participatory
What kind of coach would you describe
yourself as? Direct and non-directive coach
Are you too prescriptive? or overly soft? In between
More engagement with team members.
What can you do to balance your
Help the team forecast and estimate
Mentoring Strategies
Scenario Observation Action(s) as a Mentor Why?
Daily Scrum Takes Longer than 15 Organize and adopt a The meeting is to
minutes. quick daily ≤10 minutes address the following:
meeting/stand-up held at "What they did
the beginning of each yesterday?"; "What they
day. will do today?" and "Any
obstacles they face?".
Taken this into
consideration, there is no
need for longer meetings
and it helps keep each
member accountable.
Sprint Stories/Tasks are taken I will adopt a direct This is to score/prioritize
Planning into the sprint backlog approach which requires backlog items; determine
without sufficient detail the Agile team to hold a which items the next
not less than 1 hour sprint will include;
Sprint Planning Meeting delegate by sharing tasks
before the next sprint among team and set
which will involve all goals/address obstacles
team members. Need to for next sprint and to
re-estimate the backlog avoid everyone ending up
items. running in different
Sprint Retro Actions are spoken Direct the team to plan The reflection will
about but not actually another future sprint. empower the team to
actioned during future This requires proper stay efficient, motivated
sprints. planning, check-ins, and and mindful of their
reflection by the team; progress. Taking the
review the sprint actions helps the
challenge(s) subsequent sprints more
encountered, effective.
accomplishments, and
lessons learnt.
Sprint Work achieved is A sprint review is A continually iterative,
Review presented but welcome and provided evolving process is the
stakeholders give the team had a essence of Scrum. To
opinionated feedback productive conversation come up with a Product
without much reasoning. with stakeholders. The Backlog that defines the
feedback would be probable product backlog
looked into and help the items for the next sprint.
team collaborate on
what to do next. Product
backlog may be adjusted
to meet new
Refinement The team wants the user Direct for a sprint This is to allow the team
stories to contain a lot of
refinement meeting to be understand and break
information to an almost held. An update of down the large epics into
prescriptive degree. backlogs in an organized smaller sprints.
pattern will be done
during this meeting.
User stories will be
discussed, check for
further decomposition is
required, until they find a
good collection of the
user stories in the
product backlog to be
included in the sprint
General A team member asks Have a one-on-one This is to re-emphasize
Scenario why we are doing agile interaction with the team the scrum values; which
(scrum or Kanban) in the member and re- are: Commitment,
first place? "There are emphasize on the need Courage, Focus.
so many meetings in my for agile (scrum or Openness and Respect.
day already with a lot of Kanban) as a flexible
overhead required to tool which helps the
create and track work on team to plan short
a VMB. Can we just get sprints; have the
on with our work without capability of adapting to
doing it in the 'agile' changes and delivering
way?" those changes within a
few iterations. I will let
him know that one of the
benefit of agile is that
the team is able to
create or modify backlog
items to align with the
needed product
changes. Also of
importance is for team
members to develop a
positive agile mindset
which are characterized
by: Positive attitude,
thirst for knowledge,
goal of team success,
pragmatism and
willingness to fail.
General Retrospectives are Have a one-on-one Retrospective is an
Scenario considered too conversation/meeting essential part of the
'expensive' by a senior with the senior Scrum Framework for
manager. They ask you management team developing, delivering
to allow the team to skip explaining to them on and managing complex
in and focus on doing the need to invest in projects.
work instead. retrospectives and not
see it as a waste, rather
an investment as its
benefits is to get
feedback on work
progress (compare
projected vs. actual
results), discuss
setbacks and wins, set
goals to improve future
sprints and discuss what
worked and what didn't
work and make relevant

Overall Strategy: Constant follow-up with team members (adopting meetings mostly)
to achieve the project goals. Regular Agile session to increase the team members
knowledge and experience.
Team Maturity Framework

Looking up to team leader

Feeling anxious; Getting Team members are for direction as they
acquainted; Learning roles confused on what to cannot self manage; Work Understanding Team
& responsibilities; is transparent and there is
do and no practices goals.
Learning Agile frameworks shared understanding of
at all

Team work more

Agreement on Team
Feeling competitive effectively; There is Agile Principles
Rules; Build Agile
and tense; Conflict respect for each applied
leadership culture
other's opinion

Trusting and helping each Empower technical skills; Relative targets and
other; Making decisions More attention given to Less visible Scrum
regular measures
and solving problems Agile & Scrum elements Master and more
quickly/effectively; and framework; Engage powerful Team;
(including non-
Working independently; the stakeholders financial)

A systems thinking
Individual feedback given; Mastery Level; Team learn
from their own practice (No approach to the project
Team fully adapted to
fear); Constant attendance of is embraced; Work, Going Public, expand
Agile methodology; More
Sprints Events/Ceremonies; systems, value streams to other areas
relaxed and highly Conflict and risks managed
professional Team. are visualised and

Team Maturity in agile is the assessment and way of evaluating how a team is improving their ability to be agile over time. It is a measure of
qualitative progress, team maturity can help set out internal strategic goals for organizations. This allows team and leadership to be aligned
on the smaller day-to-day changes happening in the workplace to bring about smoother and more effective systems.
10 Strategies for New Agile

Identify Scrum Master/Product

Scrum Master with a good
understanding of Scrum Framework

Agile way of working; servant leadership

qualities with team coaching skills.

Clear understanding of what the team

should build Development Team
& Skillsets
Commitment to own the product &
product vision Skillsets needed to develop the
Problem solving, testing skills, etc
Focus on continuous learning, team
work, continuous improvement and
team collaboration
Identify Stakeholders &
Commitment & interest to work on
SMEs the product & related domain
SMEs at design phase to guide
Clearly defined process,
expectations & collaboration
Agile Training
Agile Stakeholder - Business
Analyst Training with internal & External

Focus on the Agile way of work

Scrum Master Certification

Invest in training & development

Team Vision
Organize workshop/session with
team on communication, team Create a Team
work & ownership
Product quality, productivity, Working agreement, defined
customer satisfaction & roles & expected behaviors
Help Agile Team focus on Things team should avoid
common goal & align on same
vision Focus on future Sprints
Good, collaborated & self-
organized team Sprint feedback

Product Backlog
Product Owner to come up with Boundary for Team
initial Product Backlog
Defined boundaries to assess
To be considered in new team
work statues
Kickstart work with Developing Definition of "Done", "Ready" &
team testing criteria
Enable Product Owner come up Boundaries will reduce deviation
with Product Backlog in daily activities

Daily Sprints important to Team

System & Tools

Critical needs for Team Project Kickstart
Tools for requirement, design, test, Positive energy & motivation to
deployment, etc - e.g. Jira, etc new team

Train on tools usage during

onboarding Refresher training; Team building

Provide necessary tools with Plan 1st Sprints & Agile Events
As a Scrum Master, I am required to scale agile to the rest of the organisation, particularly to get the
buy-in of the Leadership and also do same with other teams in an organisation. Having a framework
to scale teams can quickly adapt to requirements changes without negatively impacting release
dates. Agile helps reduce debt, improve customer satisfaction and deliver a higher quality product.


Scrum Scaled

Agile 10 Strategies of
Scrum to Scaled
Mission 6.2:

Steps to help improve the maturity of the Scaled

Agile Program execution in an organisation


Agile Coach, Expert - A person to lead
Why do we need Scale Agile
the transformation
What problem do we want to Team and External person
Leaders, Team & Stakeholders
Is there any improvement?
Coaching and teaching skills
Have a clearer understanding of
this strategy Goals, tracking



Program Increment Team -delivery team for
Train Lean-Agile Change Agents about:
a single program
Process & Responsibilities Find multiple teams to be part of the
single program
Involvement which is key for success
Scrum team will work together to deliver
Awareness of Scaled Agile the program increment
Find Time
ART - Agile release train
Understand challenges Pilot program
Support team


Plan & Execution of PI
Dev Product Owner & Scrum Master
Coach the Team - to help delivery
Training to team team & stakeholders in the process

Team Coordination- Agile coach will

Event metrics, process
coordinate multiple scrum teams to deliver
program as part of the scaled agile delivery
Training - foundation of any project
sync up events



Learn from pilot program
Improve Agile maturity
Start multiple programs
Learn from Retro meetings
Focus on Portfolio level outcome - identify
& onboard the resources needed to
Dev. Team to focus on best practices
support the portfolio level scaled agile
transformation in the organization
Document learning from PI
Stabilize programs

Add resources


Focus on Agile maturity in all Teams in the
Help Team on quick delivery

Productivity Teams to focus on Product Backlogs,

process, teams' delivery areas
Final step to follow in Scaled Agile
Integrate, test, deploy
Team can do Retrospective &
Inspection - process challenges &
Less efforts
Identify improvement actions
Conclusion and Reflection
'Knowledge is power', this indicates that knowledge is more powerful than
physical strength and no great work can be done without knowledge.
Knowledge in one’s career is important, but so are people skills. My quest for
more knowledge and inability to get my team members deliver
projects/programs timely under my supervision gave me the push to enrol for a
Scrum Master course. Attending the Scrum Master course on the Entry Level
platform as a leader who serves and entire team has given me a thorough
understanding of Scrum elements such as the diverse parts and tools of Scrum
Framework, including Sprint planning, backlog management, burndown chart
creation and other important Agile tools. I have an in-depth knowledge on how
to collaborate with the team and be a top-notch communicator between team
members and relevant stakeholders.

The Scrum Master experience at Entry Level has kept me informed on the
concepts and principles of successful project outcomes, which leads to
improved ROI for customers. This foster frequent feedback from stakeholders,
valuable insights and comments that help to remain aligned. Another
significant benefit of this program is that I have learnt about concepts,
resources, and networking opportunities prevalent in the industry, which
motivates me to remain updated about current trends, technologies and

Throughout this course, I learnt to explore Agile methodologies and benefits of

building incrementally; Managing tasks and events within a Sprint, Agile
artifacts, the definition of Done for a Sprint, Scrum reporting, managing risks,
scaling Scrum, continuous integration; Exploring User Stories and how they are
prioritized in Agile; and how as a Scrum Master I can remove impediments,
help my team become self-organizing, empowered to create, innovate and
make decisions for themselves as one team. Now I have become master of the
daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review and Retrospectives of my team.

Meeting Facilitation: Daily

BEHAVIOURAL Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint
CONTEXTUAL review and
Conflict Resolution: Can have conversation by focusing on the Scrum
values of openness, respect and honesty.

Communication: I value the need to motivate team to move at the

speed of Agile, communication holds the team together.

Forcasting: Ability to forcast the number of deliverables possible in an

iteration, based on reliable information and evidence.

Agile Estimation & Planning: Knowledgeable in creating practical,

useful and reliable plans for development projects.

Coaching & Teaching Agile Practices: Able to work with individual

and/or a team, to clarify personal goals and actions to achieve them.

Shielding the Team: Shielding the Team from outside distractions and

Enforcing Rules: I can enforce rules and correct use of the Scrum
Removing Impediment: Able to identify, track and avoid waste

Servant Leader: I am a "Servant First" and focus on the needs of others,

particularly the Team Members before considering my own.


My job revolves around communication and resolving issues that come up in the working
process. In this regard, my communication skills will help to have a strong set of personal
traits and values, which helps me, become the beacon of reason in any team I find myself.
As a trusty leader who looks out for the team’s best interest, I can be trusted and relied
on. These skills have been strengthen by attending this course. The competencies gained
and improved in behavioural competence are; Trust Building, Openness, Creativity
and Empathy Emotional Intelligence.


A Scrum Master is only as good as their team is. I have gained knowledge on the
importance of establishing good relationships within the team, encourage open
communication and facilitate their work. This course has exposed me to who a servant
leader is. The skills which I gained and improved on are; Servant Leadership, Coaching
& Mentoring, Conflict Resolution, Impediments Removal, and Facilitation.

In this regard, without a background in software development, competencies that have to
do directly with practicing Agile and those related to software development were gained
during the course. I am therefore proficient with the following: Agile Value and
Principles, Scrum accountabilities, Scrum ceremonies, Scrums artifacts, Kanban
framework, Scaling Agile in a team/organization, Estimation, Stakeholder relation,
Reporting for keeping track of work done, Tooling to support the Agile way of
working & use of the right Agile tool, Customer centricity on all levels in an
organization and Design Thinking which when used with Scrum show great potential.


I have been improving on my skills and competences by constantly studying and

researching different materials on Agile methodologies and have the intention of taking
and passing the Scrum Master certification. The world is changing. Industries and markets
are changing, and so are companies and people. The role of a Scrum Master perfectly
encompasses what it means to be the driving lever in this change and facilitate and
accommodate teams to succeed.

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