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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the characters of the story;
b. summary the story; and
c. show love for peace as lesson learned.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Battle of al Fujjar (Sacrilegious War)
b. References: Islamic Values III Quarter 4, Module 4, Week 4
c. Materials: Pictures, scotch tape,
d. Values Integration: courage, love for peace, respect
e. Subject Integration: ESP (manners and right conduct)
Arabic Language (Words)
English (translation of Arabic words)
Mother Tongue (Maranao)
III. Learning Procedure
1. Prayer
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
‫الر ِحي‬
َّ ‫بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه الرَّمْح َ ِن‬
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful,

‫ص ِّل َعلى حُمَ َّم ٍد َّو ِآل حُمَ َّم ٍد‬ َ ‫اللَّ ُه َّم‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family

ً‫صاحِل ا‬ ِ ِ ُ‫اللَّه َّم ِإيِّن َأسأل‬ O Allah I ask You for beneficial knowledge and
َ ً‫ َو َع َمال‬  َ‫ع ْلماً نَافعا‬ ‫ك‬ َ ْ ُ good deeds and a strong memory and a perfect
ً‫ َو َف ْهماً َك ِامال‬   ً‫َو ِح ْفظاً قَ ِويّا‬
and a sound intellect by Your mercy, O the most
‫ني‬ ِ‫ك يا اَرحم َّ مِح‬ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫ٱلرا‬ َ َ ْ َ َ ‫بَرمْح َت‬  ً‫َو َع ْقالً َسالما‬
Merciful of the merciful ones

‫ص ِّل َعلى حُمَ َّم ٍد َّو ِآل حُمَ َّم ٍد‬ َ ‫اللَّ ُه َّم‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family

2. Greetings
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
ِ ِٰ
ُ‫لسالَ ُم َعلَْي ُك ْم َو َرمْح َةُ اهلل َو َبَر َكا تُه‬
َّ َ‫ا‬ ُ‫ٱلساَل ُم َو َرمْح َةُ ٱللَّه َو َبَر َكاتُه‬
َّ ‫َو َعلَْي ُك ُم‬
Peace be upon you and so may the mercy of Allah And Peace be upon you and so may the mercy of
and His blessings Allah and His blessings

‫اح اخْلَرْي‬
َ َ‫صب‬ -
َ ‫اح الن ُّْور‬
ُ َ‫صب‬
‫ف َحالُك‬ َ ‫ َكْي‬- ‫خِب َرْي اَحْلَ ْم ُدهلل حنَ ُن‬
‫اَحْلَ ْم ُدهلل‬-

3. Checking of Attendance
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
-Who’s absent today? La, ustadza
4. Drill
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
- sing a song
-sit down

5. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Class for today’s session we will have
Islamic Values Education III, Quarter 4
Module 4 Week 4.
-Today, you will be able to learn
a. the characters of the story;
b. to summary the story; and
c. to show love for peace.

-Now, let us do an activity.

-I’ll group you into 3 groups.
-Your group here will be the group 1.
-This will be the group 2 and here will
be the group 3.
-I have cut pictures here, I’ll give each
of the group.
-what you need to do is to solve the Na’am ustadz
puzzle to make an image out of it and
describe. Am I clear?
- (distribute the materials)
Pupils raise their hands
-base on the activity you have done,
what do you think will be our topic for Ustadz I think it is about war.
-Shahi, it is about war.
(give reward)

6. Unlocking of Difficult Words

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Sacrilegious - having or showing a
lack of proper respect for a sacred
person, place, or object

Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of Topic
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
-Atfal, have you heard the story of Laysa, ustadza
Harbul Fujjar? or
The Battle of al Fujjar
(Sacrilegious War)
-If you have not heard of it, you will
know about it in this lesson. I want you
to listen attentively because I’ll ask
some questions.

2. Discussion Proper
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Battle of al Fujjār
(Sacrilegious War)

When Prophet Muhammad reached the

age of twenty, he participated in the
battle of al Fujjār. It was a fight that
happened between the Kinānaĥ tribe
with the Quraysh against the tribe of

The cause of the fight was Nu’mān bin

al Mundir, Arab King in al Hīraĥ. He had
goods to sell in the Ukāz market in
Makkaĥ. He wanted a man who had
strong power in his tribe to protect it.

One day, he sat down with a man

named al Burādh bin Qays al Kinānī
and Ûrwaĥ bin Ûtbaĥ, the traveler.
Nu‘mān asked them, “Who can protect
these goods of mine to reach the Ukāz
market in Makkaĥ?” al Burādh said, “I
will protect them from the tribe of
Kinānaĥ.” Nu’mān said,” I want a man
who can protect my goods from all
tribes and clans.” Ûrwaĥ said, “I can
protect them from all tribes and clans in
Najd and Tihāmaĥ.” al Burādh replied,
“Can you protect it from the Kinānaĥ
tribe?” He replied, “I can protect them
from any tribe.” al Burādh was thinking
of killing Ûrwaĥ and taking away the
goods from him.

When Ûrwaĥ brought forth the goods, al

Burādh secretly killed him on his way to
Makkaĥ and informed his tribe Kinānaĥ
of the incident. When Qays Tribe
learned about the incident they sought
to take revenge against the tribe of al
Burādh. When they met the Quraysh
tribe together with the Kinānaĥ tribe in
Nakhlaĥ (place between Makkaĥ and
Tāif), the fighting took place. At the
peak of the battle, the Quraysh took
shelter in al Harām. Muhammad was
with them in that fight.

The Qays told the Quraysh that they

could never forgive the killing of Ûrwaĥ.
And they promised to take revenge in
Ûkāz market. They returned to their
places gathering their tribe to attack the
Quraysh the following year. The
Quraysh also gathered their tribe and
their alliances to fight the Qays. The
head of Hashim clan was az Zubayr bin
Âbdul Muṫṫalib, supported by his
brothers Abū Ṫālib, Hamzaĥ, al Abbās,
and the son of their brother, Muhammad

The leader of the Umayyaĥ clan was

Harb bin Umayyaĥ. The battle took
place. It was the fiercest battle known to
the Arabs. They did what was prohibited Na’am Ustadza
in the sacred month (shaĥr al Harām) Laysa. Ustadza
and because of that, the fighting was
named, the battle of al Fujjār.

In the end, they resorted to

reconciliation, and the fighting ended in

-Do you understand the story?

-Do have any question?
-Then I’ll ask a questions.

3. Application
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

4. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Lesson learned:

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