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Name : Valen

NIM : 2501969510

Group : BAS06-5

How to Overcome Depression

Depression is a common and serious medical illness that can affect how you feel, the way you think, and
how you act. Depression will caused you stress, sad, lost interest in many things, loss appetite, or even
loss interest in your own life. But, there are a lot of things that we can do to overcome the depression.
First, we can do the exercise. Exercise has long-term benefits for people with depression because from
Exercising, we can feel more fresh and relaxed. Second, get enough sleep. Depression can make
someone hard to close their eyes even a little because they are worrying about too many things. But, we
have to keep getting enough sleep because less sleep will caused your depression more severe. Third,
you can consult to the psychologist if you think you can’t handle it yourself anymore. Usually the
psychologist will give you an advice to solve your life problem and also a medication if you need. There
are actually many more things that you can do to overcome your depression. But the main thing that is
important to do for the depression people is think positively.

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