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court for that purpose, and may be revoked or altered at any

organs. Some are perforating algae and burrow into the

had by the beginning of the 11th century become hereditary.

have descended in direct line from Ali by his wife Fatima, the

being circuital like the flow of an incompressible fluid,

to commemorate the defeat by the Turks of the emperor Charles

institution being part of the public school system maintained

British empire as the ``Transvaal Colony.'' In January 1903

most, has been locally illustrated by a few eminent names.

large). It is more frequent in the female sex, between the

a proper name which was afterwards modified into ``Adam''

surface. It is not rock, but soft chalk, so that they

of the Mejana, whom the imperial government had loaded with

greater strength, in the woman towards a fitter form for

salts with acids; now, however, it is usual to restrict

become no longer dependent on the government for a home.

at his post, and did good service to many of the sufferers

Gulfs of Venice and Trieste from the Strait of Quarnero,

were attached to the bons hommes, whose asceticism imposed

nascent hydrogen to the secondary alcohol C6H5.CH.OH.CH3

supposed. Next in date amongst Semitic records of the

to have about 6000 houses, is enclosed by a wall. It is an

for his surname the name of his see; thus the prelates of

France, vol. i. p. 191; G, Monod, Etudes critiques sur les

mortality was so great that its adverse effects upon the ovine

habit of going directly from the schools to the university.

hospital were sent as a matter of course into the medical

and such guidance as Jewish thinkers required was mainly given

advantage, and the poore man can have no help nor relefe in

title of Ephemerides. In 1687 the emperor Leopold took the

Posters and placards in railway stations and upon public

Ferdinand of Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 2, 1848

Italian governments, on the 5th of May 1894, fixed the boundary

with Jean Moreas in Le the chez Miranda (1886), and with

IV. RHODOPHYCEAE, or FLORIDEAE.--The members of this

extant. The most important of these are a work On Fate, in

Reference should be made to the reports of these committees

by copyhold tenants on the death of the lord of the manor.

used on miniature rifle ranges. All the above cartridges are

Lyons. His small treatise, Considerations sur la theorie

that had one been used, weighing as much as the men, the

consist for the most part of pectose. While starch occurs

title was by him given, at his birth, to Charles, his second

Cloveshoe. These lay abbacies were not merely a question of

names and those of clans related to Moses is very noteworthy,

of direct transmission from animal to man has yet been noted.

agreed upon by two-thirds of the Republican members, and

luxuriant. They bear the character of being treacherous and

S. of Akaba, near which is the site, not identified, of the

Philip Kemble, with whom, in 1792, he fought a bloodless duel.

The claim of the Peninsula powers to divide the American

on the manufacture of sodium and potassium compounds and on

much they lost by not having the support of these great

living organisms arise only from pre-existing living organisms.

Africa does not show excessive variations of temperature.

ADDAMS, JANE (1860- ), American sociologist, was born at

storeys. The three lowest had arcades whose piers were

far west as the Mediterranean Sea, the equation has found

origin, and which in some cases belong to the common stock


Metternich's personality, the immemorial spirit of his people

seems to suggest that the chain grew outwards in successive

uncommon -- black woodpecker (Picus martius), ring-ousel

contains the actual remains of a description by Alcidamas.

jelly (used in cookery). Gelatin occurs also in the cornea

changed to that of the Smithfield Club in 1802. The original

been literary and artistic, took on a more political tone;

North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,

exposed to damp, to sea-water or to corrosive influences of

and in the Koh Daman of Dabul, which the natives regard

tradition at this time, particularly as Luke was not prominent

with the height of the instrument above the mean sea-level.

Christianity by a large section of the population after the

harbours, both artificial--the old or northern harbour and

the Bernoullian numbers up to the 62nd, he worked out to an

being authorized to veto motions, the strategus (general) had

notices of turnips being eaten by sheep:----``Some in Essex have

converse action takes place at the hinder end; (3) or again, the

were bought outright by Germany for four millions of marks

treason, and all offences below the degree of felony, as

will never betray the church of Christ. I will not call

Ceylon, whence it has sometimes been called Ceylon-ruby. When

to Uganda, where, with the assistance of the French Roman

fixed which the state was to collect for the benefit of his

appendix protrudes, and usually is directed upward and to the

corresponding to an alloy, we erect an ordinate at right

reputation necessarily rests, his temperament is more subtly

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