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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)

Department of Computing

ESE: Spring 2020

EE353: Computer Networks (3+1)

BESE-9 (B)
20-08-2020 (0800-1030 hrs)
Name: Ahsan Ali Registration #: 266996

Signature: ___________________________ Class / Section: BESE-9B

1. Understanding the questions is part of exam.
2. Choose the most suitable choice in Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
3. Anyone found cheating, using unfair means or helping other(s) in cheating will get his/her
paper cancelled.
4. If you feel, some information is missing; write the assumption and proceed. No disturbance
to invigilator.
5. Exam will be active at the MS Teams Link.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

1. Understand the fundamental Building blocks of Computer Networks i.e., Layered approach and
protocols that make networking possible
2. Apply the knowledge of Computer networking to understand contemporary networking issues
3. Investigate and analyze the behavior of network traffic
4. Design and implement solutions to overcome network unreliability (through hands on

Graded Items / CLOs Mapping

Total Marks Q # 1 (MCQ) Q#2 Q#3
80 Marks 25 Marks 15 Marks 40 Marks
Duration in 30 30 90

Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Dr. Arsalan Ahmad_____ ________________

Instructor: Peer Reviewed By (KGH) Invigilator
ESE - EE353
Computer Networks (3+1)
Instructor : Dr. Muhammad Zeshan

Question 2 [15 Marks]: Answer following short questions.

1. Part 1

a) Ack number = packet data starting point = previous packet data ending point + amount of data
in packet
Ack Number = 1399+1400+1=2800

b) As in TCP in case of packet loss previous ack is sent that is why ack number 1400 will be sent.

2) Part 2
Maximum number of nodes that can be allocated will be 2 8-2 because first is used for subnet
identification and last is used for broadcasting.

b) As we know 25=32 that will give us 30 available nodes that is why we will make subnet mask of

3) Part 3 : I choosed size of one fragment = 1300

Length ID Frag. Flag Offset

1300 X 1 0

1300 X 1 1280/8=160

940 X 0 2560/8=320

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Question 3 [40 Marks]: Answer following long questions.
1. Part 1 [10 marks]

a) Intervals of slow start in this one are

1 to 6 and 23 to 26

b) Congestion avoidace is operating when there is packet loss so interval for congestion avoidace is
6 to 16 and 18 TO 22

c) Because after packet loss the congestion window size is cut to half that is why the packet loss was due
to triple duplicate ACKs.

d) Ssthreshold at start is 32 because slow start went upto 32.

e) As congestion window size before packet loss was 42 we cut it half and get new value of 21
Ssthreshold = 21

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2. Part 2 [10 marks].

a) It will be
8 Mbps

b) It will be
C to A = 3Mbps
B to A = 7Mbps

c) In this case Alpha will be equal to 0.5 MBPS bcz fair share b/w two routers
Drop rate from B to A is equal 3/8
Drop rate from C to A is equal to 0

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3. Part 3 [10 Marks].

N' D(A), D(B), D(C), D(D), D(E), D(F), D(G),

P(A) P(B) P(C) P(D) P(E) P(F) P(G)
O 2,O 5,O 4,O ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
OA 2,O 4,A 4,O 9,A ∞ 14,A ∞
OAB 4,A 4,O 8,B 8,C 14,A ∞
OABC 4,O 8,B 7,B 14,A ∞
OABCE 8,B 7,B 14,A 14,E

OABCED 8,B 14,A 13,D


The shortest path is OABDG with cost of 13

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4. Part 4 [10 Marks]

a) There are six different Sub networks in this system

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b) Answer [7 Marks]

Subnet ID Broadcast address Comments 0000001000010000.0000000000100000. Because there are only
0000000000100000.0000000000000111 three required hosts in 1st
subnet that’s why I assigned
29 bits to subnet mask 0000001000010000.0000000000100000. Because there are only
0000000000100001.0000000000011111 three required hosts in 2nd
subnet that’s why I assigned
29 bits to subnet mask 0000001000010000.0000000000100000. Because there are only
0000000000100010.0000000000101111 three required hosts in 6th
subnet that’s why I assigned
29 bits to subnet mask 0000001000010000.0000000000100000. Because there is only need
0000000000100100.0000000001100001 to identify network in
subnet 3 that’s why I used
only one bit in this subnet 0000001000010000.0000000000100000. Because there is only need
0000000000100100.0000000001000001 to identify network in
subnet 4 that’s why I used
only one bit in this subnet 0000001000010000.0000000000100000. Because there is only need
0000000000100110.0000000001010001 to identify network in
subnet 5 that’s why I used
only one bit in this subnet

Total addresses we had = 28-2 =254

Addresses used = 38

Addessees left 254-38 = 216

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