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1 3 Light pert! Reflection of Light « Conselietion Questions > 1. Which of the following statements is correct? A. Light rays will not be reflected by a rough surface, B, When an object is placed in front of a plane mirror, the object distance is always equal to the image distance, C. The speed of light changes when undergoing reflection, D. A white light beam will be separated into different colours after reflected by a plane mirror. ita 2. Which of the following descriptions matches) the corresponding object? ject Description @ Sun) Luminous object (2) Moon —_—_Non-luminous object @) Abroken lamp — Non-luminous object A (only B. (1) and (2) only C. @)and (3) only D. @), 2) and @) Oo 3. Which of the following descriptions about the moon are correct? (Q) Itis opaque. (2) It becomes visible to observers when light from the Sun falls on it. @) It becomes visible to observers when it reflects light into their eyes. A. )and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), 2)and (3) 0 Which of the following diagrams correctly match the kind of light rays coming from the corresponding objects to our eyes? Object Light ra @ sa =3——>——— a + 2 Abook enter eae | @)A glowing lamp ——__, SS a al ‘A. (land Q) only B. (1) and (3) only C. Q)and @) only D. ), @)and (3) 1 Consider the diagram below. Which of the following statements is correct? A. PNis the normal to the mirror at N. B. The angle of incidence of the light ray striking the mirror at Nis 40°, C. The angle of reflection of the light ray reflected at N is 50°. D. The angle of reflection of the light ray reflected at Nis 8. FI Scanned with CamScanner GRRE TES Orson rr aon 3 6 Aray of light strikes a plane mirror at X at an A & angle of 30° with the mirror surface as shown 5 i below. . wk ‘What will be the angle of reflection? A. 30° B. 40° . 50° D wr (J A light ray hits mirror M, at an angle of incidence of 65°. The light ray reflected from M, hits mirror M,, and then exits the mirrors as shown below. What are the values of a and 6? a @ A 25 55° B. 35° 65° cB 6s D 35° 55° Two plane mirrors P and Q makes an angle of 70° with each other as shown in the figure below. Ifa light ray hits mirror P at an angle of incidence of 40°, what is the angle of reflection at mirror Q? 9. Which of the following are the "uy regular reflection? (Q) The glare coming from wet due to headlights of oncominitty experienced by drivers during) Cy driving. igh, (2) The glare coming from ™MAQazings glossy paper. (3) Large and unframed mirrors y, interior decoration to create an jy,°i# of space. io, (1) and (2) only (1) and (3) only (2) and (3) only (, @) and @) ry SOe> Questions 10 - 11 ‘An object is placed in front of a plane mi student is looking at its image formed beh ind plane mirror as shown below. te oe minor 10. The student draws a ray diagram to show how he sees the image as shown below. object inoge ee. Which of the following are the mistales made by the student? (1) Light rays do not pass through the mitt (2) Light ray is not reflected from the image (3) No light rays from the object can! Perpendicularly to the mirror. Scanned with CamScanner 1 2 A. (and (2) only B. (2) and (3) only C. @and @) only D. (2) and (3) oO More students join in to look at the image behind the mirror. The diagram below shows some of the lights emanated from the object. fallen on the mirror, and reflected along the line of sight of the students. Which of the following descriptions about the image position are correct? image 2 Hida som Ney bit eameng Sam (1) Its the location where the lines of sight of every observer would intersect. (2) Itis the point in space where it seems to every observer that the light is coming from. 3) Itis the point of intersection where all the reflected lights appear to diverge from. A. (1)and (2) only 8. (1) and (3) only C. @)and (3) only D. (0), 2) and (3) In an experiment to study the image formed by a plane mirror, three incident rays and their reflected rays are recorded as shown below. Locate the object (source of light) and the image. Per Obiect Image A front of behind the mirror the mirror B. 8 cmin front of 8 cm behind the mirror the mirror C. 8cmin front of behind the mirror the mirror D. 16 cmin front of 16 cm behind the mirror the mirror Questions 13-14 The diagram below shows the positions of six students in front of a plane mirror, and also the Positions of their corresponding images. mn en 13. Which students can student B see in the mirror? A. FandE 8. EandD © Dandc D. Cand A 14. Which students can see student B in the mirror? A. FandE B. EandD C. Dandc D. Canda 15. The steps to draw the image of the arrow by tracing two light rays from each extreme of the arrow until they reach the observer's eye described below are in wrong sequence. PLLLLLLELLELE ia a Scanned with CamScanner ERS SENSIS rm 16. 18. (2) Draw the incident rays for light travelling from the corresponding extreme on the object to the mirror. (2) Draw the image of the object ) Repeat the above steps for all other extremities on the object. (4 Pick one extreme on the image of the object and draw a reflected ray which will travel to the eye as it sights at this point. Which of the following is the correct sequence? e A. (2), (2), 3), 4) B. 2),(4), (0, @) C. 3), (0), 2), (4) D. (4), (2), (0,8) Oo Which of the following descriptions about virtual images formed in plane mirrors are correct? (1) They are formed in locations where light does not actually reach. (2) They are formed behind the mirror. (3) They cannot be projected on a screen. A. (1)and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. @2)and (3) only D. (1), @)and (3) oO 7. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of image of a real object formed in plane mirrors? A. Erect B. Laterally inverted C. The same distance from the mirror as the object distance D. Diminished fd lock on wal C 0 Derek rior 19. 20. a1. Derek looks at the image of 2 clock in plane mirror infront of him and thinks thay, Be oclock, But it is found to be impossity. What is the correct time? A. 12:00 B. 12:45 C. 3:00 D. 3:45 q Jack is looking at John’s image in a plang mirror, He finds that John raises his lef, hand and the word on his T-shirt looks like '212VH4", Which of the following is correct? John’shend Word on his T-shirt A. Lefthand raised 2012YH9 B. Lefthand raised PHYSICS C. Right hand raised PHYSICS D. Right hand raised ary =] Ifa child crawls towards a plane mirror ad rate of 0.2 ms”, at what speed will the child and his image approach each other? A 02ms* B. 03ms™ c. 04ms* D. 05ms* G Ceara Parallel incident rays undergo diffuse reflection as shown below. light rays Why do light rays scatter in many differen directions from the rough surface? A. Diffuse reflection does not follow the laws of reflection. B. The rough surface can be considered t? be made up of a large number of smal planar reflecting surfaces positioned slightly different angles. C. The incident light ray, the normal and tht reflected light ray do not fall on the sam plane. D. Part of the light hitting on the surface being absorbed. Scanned with CamScanner ages of beautiful sceneries can be seen smooth water surface nearby, but not on on si wwavy water surface as shown below. Which of the following are correct? () Breeze blowing over water makes the water surface irregular. Q) Images are formed whenever light is reflected from the water surface. @) Diffuse reflection of light produces less eye strain than regular reflection. A. (1)and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2)and (3) only D. (2), Q)and (3) O ‘An observer O facing the wall PQ inside a room wishes to see object X behind him by hanging a small mirror on the wall. Where should he place the mirror? AU BR cs tt DT —— Questions 24 - 25 Four ping-pong balls, P, QR and S are placed in front of a mirror as shown below, rT 24, Which ball’s image can Kevin see in the mirror? AP Q R s O B. c. . 25, The light ray coming from the ball in question 23 hits the mirror and is then reflected to Kevin's eye. At which point would the light ray hit the mirror? AV gne w x y 26. The diagram below shows a man standing in front of a plane mirror so that he can see his full image from the top of his head to his feet. image plane minor According to the above diagram, which of the following are correct? (2) In order to view the image of his feet, the man must look as low as point ¥. (2) In order to view the image of his head, the man must look as high as point X. (3) The portions of mirror outside the length between points X and Y are useless for the man to see his full image. Scanned with CamScanner A. (1) and (2) only 8. )and @) only C. @)and @) only D. (1), (2) and (3) O Questions 27 - 28 Peter would like to fix one or two plane mirrors on the wall so that he can see his whole body in it But he also wants the mirror(s) to be as short as possible. He is 20 units tall and his eyes are 18 units above the ground. 27. 28. 2 8 10 Which of the following arrangements of the mirror(s) best suits Peter's requirement? A i B 20 0 ee 15 pane minor 10 0 5 5 ° ° D. plans miror . 20: a oe 7 : : — [J Which of the following would make Peter still can see his whole body image in the mirror? (1) He walks towards the mirror. (2) He walks away from the mirror. (3) He stands on a chair in front of the mirror. A. @)only B. (3) only C. (a) and (2) only D. (1)and (3) only Q 29, A.2-m tall man with his eyes 1.94 m ab the floor stands in front of a plane miro, What is the minimum length of the mirror s, that he can see his whole image? A 2m 8, 194m cim a D. 097m 30. optician est card ris 4m Inan eye examination, John sits in a4 m long room facing a mirror. The optician test cari is fixed on the wall behind him. If the image of the card is 7 m away from him, what isthe distance between John and the mirror? A 1m B. 2m Cc 3m D4m C 31. An observer O wishes to view the image o an object XY in a mirror HK as shown in te following diagram. 4 Scanned with CamScanner What is the smallest part of the mirror that enables him to see the entire image of XY? A. PQ BPR c QR Dd. Os [a The top-view of a room is as shown below. A 10m 14m 18m 28m O 35, In which of the following arrangements of mirrors, light is returned in opposite direction poe> mirrors (M, and M,) as shown in the diagram below. She is located at a distance 0.4 m from M, and a distance 1.0 m from M,. 4m 10m .o s What is the distance between mirror M; and the second image formed behind M2? 32. from which it came? mirror as tall as the room is fixed at one end of the room. ToL i a" ei Peer @ @ @ A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2)and (3) only ; Where should an observer stand so that he D. (1), @)and @) ea can see the whole drawing hanging at the other end of the room behind him in the mirror? Questions 36-37 i 5 ‘A light shield with one slit is placed in front of a cle ray box. When the ray box is switched on, a ray ; of light hits on a plane mirror normally. With the os oO ray box kept in the same position, the mirror is rotated anti-clockwise through 15* from PQ to 33, Imagine a plane mirror is approaching you XY as shown below. at a speed of 2 ms"! and you can see your ttre eeced om xY_et gh ay image in it. At what speed will your image move towards you? Alms ¥ B. 2ms* Pp ad C3mst 8 D4ms* 0) x 36. Which of the following has / have rotated 34. Joyce stands between a set of parallel plane anti-clockwise through 15° also? (1) The incident ray (2) The normal (3) The reflected ray (1) only (2) only (1) and @) only 1. (2) and (3) only oO poner Scanned with CamScanner (Ze aoe rer cone 37. When the mirror is at position XY, what is Speed the angle between the incident ray and the A 20ms" reflected ray? 8. 20ms* A 15° Cc 40ms" B. 1s° D. 40ms* © 225° D. 30° O 40. On a drama stage, a light beam is pointey on a movable mirror on the ceiling ang 38. An incident ray RQ strikes a mirror at an projected on the floor as shown, angle of incidence of 30° as shown below. PQis the normal of the mirror. plane ior \ If the movable mirror is moving at 0.2 m s! away the light source, find the speed of the light spot on the floor. If the mirror is rotated anti-clockwise as A. 0.233ms* indicated in the diagram above through an B. 0489ms* angle of 20°, what angle will the reflected ray C. 0.665 ms make with the normal of the mirror at Q? D. 0.867 ms* QO A. 30° B. 50° Cc 70° D. 90° is 39. A plane mirror is mounted across the corner of a 90° bend. If car C is driving towards the bend at a speed of 20 m s*, what is the speed and direction that C appears to a man standing at X and looking at the mirror? Scanned with CamScanner part ll Refraction of Light « Consolidation Questions > 1. Which of the following statements is / are A. (1) only correc B. (1) and (2) only (2) The refractive indexes of a glass prism for C. (2) and (3) only different colours of light are different. D. (1), (2) and (3) (2) The wavelength changes when the light is undergoing refraction, @) Total internal reflection only occurs when Questions 3-5 light rays strike the boundary from an optical denser medium toward an optical less dense medium, The following diagram illustrates the experiment to study refraction of light. A ray of light is directed towards the centre of a semi-circular lass block. Both angle of incidence 6, and angle A. (onh i B a and (2) only of refraction 6, are measured. The experiment is C. @)and (3) only repeated for different angles of incidence. D. (1), @)and 3) oO 2, Amarching band is making a turn from P to Tas shown in the diagram below. 1ee8 @ | 3. Which of the following graphs best 1900 6 Olo represents the relationship between @, and E88 Fe - or 889 SP 0° A 8. 100000509? 00 a, snd, Bgobo Soopoce pa ‘0006060 tOO00000 If each line of the marching band moves Ee PErEEECEEEEEEEeEr without getting out of step, which of the 7 o. following is / are true? tn, 08 8, (1) Along the straight road from P to Qall | members of the same line move with the | same speed. | (2) When the band is turning the corner from Qtto S, members at position 4 in each line of the band move the fastest. ne ee (3) When the band is turning the corner from ial Qto S, members at position 1 in each line of the band move the slowest. Scanned with CamScanner Co TERREEIRIOREREES Gtesrere tor eos q 4. Which of the following is NOT correct about the physical significance of the slope of the graph in question 37 ‘A. A measure for how much the speed of light is reduced inside the semi-circular glass block B. A measure of the bending of light ray when passing from air into the semi- circular glass block. A measure of the change in frequency inside the semi-circular glass block. im liquid 4 c Al D. A measure of the refractive index of the B 2 material of the semi-circular block. C3 iia D4 Q 5. If the slope of the graph in question 3 is 15 and the angle @, is 40°, what is the value of 8 A ray of light passes through an air-glass a? boundary as shown below. | A. 25.4° B. 267° cmr D. 593° 6. A ray of light passes from air to a liquid The angle of incidence and the angle of refraction are 45° and 30° respectively. What | is the refractive index of the liquid? | A2 | Bz If the refractive index of the glass is 1.5, what 1 is the value of r? oy ia 1 B. 28° me c. 33° D. 54 Oo 7. The angles of incidence and refraction when light passes from air into each liquid 1, 2, 3 a and 4 are shown below. J iui 1 The diagram above shows a light ray, Xf Passing from glass into a triangular wedge of air and then back into glass. Whitt direction, 1, 2, 3 or 4, correctly indicates th subsequent path of the light ray XY? Scanned with CamScanner 1 2 3 4 A 8 ¢ D O questions 10-11 light 7 XY travelling in air strikes the centre of icular glass slab Y. It then bends along direction YZ inside the glass slab as shown the pelo y fy 10. Along which direction will the light ray YZ emerge from the glass slab into air? Al 3.2 C3 D4 Oo 11, Which of the following statements correctly expiain(s) the answer of question 10? (2) The normal at Zis the line joining ¥ to Z. (2) The angle of refraction of the emergent light ray of YZ is 0°. {@) The refractive index for light to travel from glass into air is different from that to travel from air into glass. () only {@) and (2) only . (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) neP o_o ° Questions 12 - 14 f a rectangular ‘A light ray PQ strikes the face WZ of block WXYZ from ai. The light ray bends along the block and emerges the direction QR inside nt the block in the direction RS as shown in the diagram below. : w P z Y 12. Whatis the refractive index ofthe material of the rectangular block WXYZ? A 054 B, 093 c. 133 oO D. 231 13, What is the angle of incidence of the light ray at Ron the surface XY of the rectangular block? A 22 B, 30° C6 D. 68° 14. Ifa light ray instead of hitting Q from ait, it hits the block at R from air and refracts into the rectangular block along the direction RQ, what is the angle of incidence at R? A 22 B. 30° C. 60 D. 68 15. A light ray enters a glass block from water as shown, Scanned with CamScanner (7 RERREEIHereronee 2 feo) Which of the following is equal to the ratio 7 lass water sin 6, :sin 8,? Blass water ar A Pt ys Cc glass air, water B. Mia: ager 1 ir glass Corer? 1 D. water Q D. Myon: 1. 19. 16. 1 x Y 2 3 ‘ oa Bock A light ray, XY, strikes a rectangular glag A light ray enters a circular glass slab at ¥. block. Which light ray, 1, 2,3 or 4, correc The angle of incidence at ¥ is 60°. What is represents its emergent ray? the angle of refraction at Z when the light Al $ ray leaves the slab? B 2 A. Greater than 60° ae B. Equal to 60° D4 C. Less than 60° D. Cannot be determined as the refractive 7 index of the glass is not given. 17, Light emerges from glass to air with an angle of incidence of 19.5°.If the refractive index of glass is 1.5, what is the angle of refraction? A. 12.9° B. 145° C. 264° D. 30° 18. A ray of light passes through three media as shown below. Given that p > s. Which of the following is a * possible combination of the three media? A light ray, XY, passes through a spherical a bubble in water. Which direction, 1, 2,3 or! correctly indicates the subsequent path of emerging from the bubble? Al B.2 Gs D4 Scanned with CamScanner 21, Abubble in a tank of water is viewed through an opening Z as shown, In which direction can the observer see the bubble? ob g J p9e> 1420 22. A light ray passes symmetrically through a triangular prism. What is the refractive index of the prism? B > Bee 99 23. ox The diagram above shows an observer viewing a small object, O, through a triangular glass prism. Which is the most probable position of the image of the object 0, as seen by the observer? 24, 2. pne> une 2 c The direction of the light ray PQ left the prism will be affected by (2) the refractive index of the prism. @Q) the angle of the prism 2 BAC. @) the angle of incidence of the light ray PQ. A. (I) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only . (2)and 3) only D. (2), (2) and (3) The following diagram shows how an observer sees the image of a fish inside a water tank Light ray coming from the fish in water are refracted into air and reach the eye of the observer. Which of the following descriptions of the image seen by the observer is correct? A. Itis a real image. B. Itis below the actual position of the fish. C. Itis at the position where the refracted light rays are extended backwards to intersect each other D. It cannot be photographed. Scanned with CamScanner fend HIRE IMGIBIM ER GIEe GUestions ror Hose 26. John is attempting to catch a fish with a SPear that he ‘sees’ in water as shown in the following diagram. Along which of the following directions should he point his spear in order to catch the fish? Al B.2 a3 D4 27. When Hilda looks at a pencil which is partly under water, it appears to her that the pencil is broken. Which of the following about the image of the pencil seen by Hilda is / are correct? (Q) The part of pencil under water is the image of the pencil (2 The actual position of the pencil is at a greater depth than the appeared position. (3) Light rays come from the lower part of the image and emerge into air. They finally reach Hilda's eyes. (1) only (and (2) only (2) and (3) only (2), 2) and (3) io gne> 28. Which of the following is / are phenomenon 7phenomena due to refraction of light? @) Swimming pools look shallower than they really are. 2 Shimmering air above campfire. @) Fishes appear to be shorter than they actually are when observed in front of big water tanks. 29. (a) only (1) and (2) only (1) and (3) only (1), (2) and (3) q goep 9 The above diagram shows a small coin ¢ at the centre of the bottom of a tin can which cannot be seen by Joe with his eye at position O. The coin just becomes visible after the can is fully filled with a liquid. What is the refractive index of this liquid? A 12 B14 Cc 16 D 18 Q 30. When white light passes through a prism it will be dispersed into different colours as shown below. vite ight purple Which of the following can be deduced fron| the above diagram? (1) White light is a mixture of many colours. (2) Red light is slowed down least among al the colours. (3) The frequency of purple light is decreased] ‘most inside the prism. ( only (1) and (2) only (2) and (3) only (1), @) and (3) poe> r| 4 Scanned with CamScanner \ 31. The following table shows the refractive indices of blue light and red light in crown glass. Light Blue (486.1 nm) | Red (656.3 nm) 1524 1515 Refractive index When a narrow beam of white light hits a crown glass prism at an angle of incidence of 30° from air, what is difference between the angles of refraction for the red light and blue light in the glass? A, 0.0019" B, 0.09" c. 012" D. 0.26° fa Questions 32-34 The following water tank is used to study what happens to light upon passing through 2 medium of higher refractive index into a medium of lower refractive index, for example from water into air. A light ray is directed to hit the centre of the semi-circular tank, The refractive index of water is, 133. light ray ~ | 32. What is the angle of incidence so that the refracted light ray leaves the water along the straight edge of the water tank? A. 0° B. 38° c. 418* D. 488° J 33. If the angle of incidence is increased gradually and becomes larger than the value stated in question 32, it is found that no light is refracted into air. A phenomenon of total internal reflection occurs. 34, reed inray incident lghtray Which of the following is / are true for total internal reflection? @) Light must travel from a medium of higher refractive index towards another medium of lower refractive index (@) The angle of incidence must exceed the critical angle of the medium. {@) No multiple images are formed. A. (only B (1) and (2) only C. and 3) only D. @),(2)and @) | The water in the tank is replaced by liquid X. The intensity of the incident light reflected by the surface of liquid X internally is measured for a range of values of the angle of incidence. The results of the experiment are plotted as shown in the following graph. 4 Reflectance (%) ° 0 i Angle of incidence (degre) What are the critical angle and the refractive index of liquid X? Critical angle Refractive index A 30° 2 - i B 30 3 c 60° D. 60" Scanned with CamScanner 42 tet | to | \SEREESIIEE HSER ciestors ror sncone py Ce= Proctces > 37, When angle i = 30° and angle r = 48%, yh is the refractive index of the glass? 35. A light ray XY travels from medium P to A, 063 medium Q crossing the boundary at ¥ as 8. 067 shown below. C149 D. 160 Q 38. When angle r = 90°, what is the corresponding angle i? A al B, 42° c. 43° D. ane Q 39. When angle i gradually increases from) Which direction, YH, YI, ¥J or YK, could NOT 0°, which of the following statements arg Possibly be the direction of the light ray XY pais going into medium Q? (1) The brightness of the refracted ray| A. YH decreases BY (2) The brightness of the reflected ray cw increases, D. Yk gO 3) The angle { specified in question 38 is the critical angle of the glass. 36. A beam of light strikes a glass slab at an A. (1) and (2) only angle of 56°. A reflected ray and a refracted B. (1) and (3) only ray can be observed. It is found that the © (2)and (3) only angle between these two light rays is 90° D. (2), (2) and @) Q What is the refractive index of the glass? A. 148 B 156 Questions 40 - 41 Cc. 164 i oe A glass prism is submerged by water as shown. Questions 37 - 39 ‘An experiment is done to find the refractive index of a glass. A light ray AO from a ray box enters the semi-circular glass block normally and hits the mid-point O of its straight edge. 40. The refractive index for light passing from water into glass is 1.125. What is the critic angle for light going from glass to water? in Scanned with CamScanner : 41. 42. 43. A L125° B, 27.3° Cale 0. 627° Along which direction does the light ray leave the prism? Al B 2 c3 D4 w mm wedi z edu? ¥ medium 3 A ray of light, WX, travels from medium 1 to medium 3. Which of the following statements is correct? A. Medium 3 has the highest refractive index. B. XY will be able to pass into medium 3 if WX makes a smaller angle of incidence at x. . XY will be able to pass through medium 3 if WX makes a larger angle of incidence atx. D. A light ray travels in the direction of ZY will be able to pass into medium 3. A light ray strikes a 45° right-angled triangular prism in four different ways as shown below. Which of the following diagrams is WRONG? A >) oN : 44, A ray of light passes from air into a glass block. Which of the following ray diagrams is / are correct? (Critical angle of glass is 45°) @ : ars : A @) @) A. (2) only B. (3) only C. (2) and (2) only D. (1)and (3) only O Scanned with CamScanner “a ttt ttt tite ‘Questions for HKOSE 45. Light travels faster in medium I than in ‘medium Il. The critical angle between the two media is 50°. Which light ray in the following diagrams will undergo total internal reflection? A 46. 4 A light ray PQ passes into a glass prism with a refractive index of 1.5. Along which direction will it emerge from the prism? Al B 2 a3 D4 Questions 47-48 A B. Choose the best set-up from above for each gy the following named instruments. 47. Aperiscope Q 48. A bicycle reflector Q 49, What is the minimum value of the refractive index of the material of the prisms used in questions 47 ~ 48? A. 127 B 141 c. 146 D. 150 QO 50. What is / are the advantage(s) of using right-angled prisms over plane mirrors in periscopes? (1) The image formed is erect. (2) The image has the same size as the object. @) No multiple images will be formed. A. Gonly 8. (1) and 2) only € and @) only D. (0), 2)and @) oO 51. Which of the following applications make Use of total internal reflection of light? (1) Endoscopes used by doctors. (2) Prismatic periscopes used in submarines. (3) Binoculars used by people to see distant objects, A. (1) and 2) only 8. (1) and @) only C. @and @) only D. (0), @)and (3) o Scanned with CamScanner There is a source of light installed at the bottom of a lake that is 3 m deep. What is the diameter of the circular light patch on the water surface? (Refractive index of water = 133) A 34m B, 51m c. 68m D. 85m 53. A small fish is 22 cm below the centre O of a thin wooden disc floating on the water surface. The radius of the disc is r What is the minimum value of r so that the fish cannot be seen anywhere above the water surface? (Refractive index of water = | 133) | A. 20cm B. 25cm. C 30cm D. 35cm 54. A long thin metal chain of length { is hung from the centre of a thin wooden circular disc floating on the water surface as shown below. (Refractive index of water = 1.33) ‘scm 56. of { so that the What is the maximum value oe metal chain cannot be seen anywh the water surface? A. 22cm B. 33cm Cc. 44cm oO D. 55cm ‘According to the sketch above, which of the following descriptions is/are correct? (2) Ifthe fish looks up at an angle of 50° with the vertical, it can see the man on the bank. (2) If the fish looks up at an angle of 50° with the vertical, it can see the starfish below it in water. (3) The fish-eye view of the world from horizon to horizon is compressed within an angle of 97.5 A. (only B. (1) and (2) only C. @)and (3) only D. (@),2)and @) When light passes from air into a rectangular glass block and back into air, the emerging ray is parallel to the incident ray, but is laterally displaced, Y| Scanned with CamScanner ee | eR EASE Corer fer racose If the light ray strikes the glass block at an angle of incidence of 30°, and the glass block is 4 cm wide, what is the lateral displacement? (Refractive index of glass = A. 0.75 em 8. 0.78cm C., D. Insufficient information 57. Mary is persuaded by a man on the street to buy a rather impressive ‘genuine diamond’, Being skeptical, Mary decides to verify the composition of the stone with a laser pointer. She rotates the stone until total internal reflection is just reached for the light exiting the stone. Which of the following experimental results of the critical angle found would indicate the ‘genuine diamond’ very good quality diamond? (Refractive Ine Of diamond is 2.42 and that of glass is A. 25° B. 30° C 35° D. 40° Questions 58-59 In the following diagram, a beam of light travels from water into a piece of diamond in triangular shape at X. 58, Find 8. A 154° B. 185° cae D. 249° .e following about the par, 59, Which of after hitting Z on the Alamong the ight ay afer rect? eS e ol oe A 3 ‘occur B25" —_—_ does not occur 64a occur D e4g" —doesnotoccur hite light enters a g, 60. A narrow bear of wt n la prism from air at an angle of incidence Which of the following diagrams correc shows its path through the prism? ty A B. = D. 61. The following diagram shows a mirage appearing as an upside-down virtual image directly beneath a tree. Which of the following is / are true for the man to observe the mirage in desert? (2) Cooler air overlies warmer air. (2) The refractive index of air decreases as it travels downwards to the warm air near the ground, @) Because of total internal reflection, the light going to the observer appears to come from the virtual image below the object. A. (only B. (1) and (2) only C (2) and (3) only D. (2), 2) and (3) oO Scanned with CamScanner 62. During sunset, is below the h of light as it p shown below. We can see the Sun even it ‘orizon because of refraction enetrates the atmosphere as Which of the following is / are t above phenomenon? iu forthe (Q) The density of airis hi closer to the ground, (2) The lower part of the Sun is raised than the top of the Sun, msemore @) The temperature of ground is lower than that in the upper atmosphere during sunset. igher as it is moving (Q) only (2) and (2) only (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) Ne@> 63. The figure shows a glass block. The curved edge of the block is a circular arc with radius 20 cm. The refractive index of glass is 1.5. A light ray which is parallel to the axis of symmetry of the block is directed onto the block, and the distance between the light ray ‘and the axis of symmetry is 10 cm. Find the angle of deflection of the light ray when it escapes from the block. AQ B72 © 104 D. 159° a 64. Pulse A and 8, with wavelengths of 400 nm and 700 nm respectively, are sent into a long glass cylinder at the same time. A detector is placed at the other end of the glass cylinder. ca ass cyinder "detector In order to distinguish the two pulses, the minimum time interval between the detection of them is 10° s. What is the minimum length of the glass cylinder required? Refractive indices of red light and violet light are 1.645 and 1.67 respectively. A. 24% 10m B. 3.2*10'm 12x 10'm D. 13x10'm El pulses Scanned with CamScanner

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