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Because I find this topic very practical and relevant in today's life, we can explore it

in many different aspects and analyze it. But we still have to make sure the time is

1 Describe your neighborhood.
I was born and raised in Da Lat city. It is about 200 km from Ho Chi Minh City. The
city is not crowded and has little traffic, so it is very peaceful, not as noisy as Ho Chi
Minh City. I get to know a lot of neighbors here and I often see them going out for a
walk to exercise. My neighbors are very friendly and kind, they respect others, I
mean they are very quiet, they do not sing or make noise to disturb others. There are
many restaurants and cafes on this street. Sometimes people bring food and water
to my house to play and talk. I feel very lucky to have so many good people around
But now next to my house is rebuilding a house for business, so it is very noisy
because of machine noise and dust pollution. so I can only advise them to ensure
hygiene and not work too late because I don't like hearing the sound of ting ting ting
ting, dong dong dong, yeah it affects my sleep. I also hope they finish soon, so that
life can return to normal.
But anyway I love them very much because I feel comfortable and cozy when I live

1 Is it important to establish and maintain a good relationship with your neighbors?

Give reasons and examples to support your point of view.
P: hello, I have never met you. You just moved here?
D: That's right. I just moved here about 2 weeks ago because my parents moved
here for work. How about you? How long have you here?
P: I have lived here for more than 5 years. And you are new, do you want to get to
know the neighbors around here?
D: I don't know. I think everyone has their own life and I respect their privacy, I'm
afraid they don't like to be disturbed.
P: You should not say that. The people around here are very friendly and kind.
Getting to know your neighbors brings many benefits. they can take care of your
house when you are on vacation, they will help you when you are in trouble.
Besides, there are some friends here that might suit you well, so in the afternoon you
can hang out with them, exercise and have a lot of fun…
D: Well… actually I used to live in a big city where people were busy with many
things, so most of them didn't care about other people's lives. There are also a lot of
bad guys, thieves and criminals so many of them don't like getting to know another
person because they are afraid of getting in trouble and being cheated.
P: ah I see, I think it depends on where we live but I think you've come here so you
should try it, it's not as bad as you think. If you want to have a meaningful moment,
you should hang out more, just say hello to the neighbors, this will build good
relationships between people, instead of staying at home all day.
D: I think you're right. Creating and maintaining good relationships with neighbors
can be very helpful. and you know what? you are the first person living here that i
talk to
P: Really?
D: yeah, because I'm shy and not very good at meeting new people.
P: don't worry, I can help and guide you around this path.
D: wow, that's great, maybe I should give it a try.
P: Actually I used to be like you, moved here from another place and had a lot of
difficulties at first, but after living a long time I have a lot of experience. You shouldn't
worry about this. It's very safe and peaceful here, the people are very nice. so only
this time, trust me hahaa.
D: Auke. so do you have time tomorrow? I want to invite you to my house, we will
have a small party, there will be pizza, steak and many other delicious food.
P: That sounds good. Thanks, I'll come, but I have to go home now, my mother is
waiting. Nice to meet you, goodbye
D: Bye bye, see you soon. thanks for your advice.

2 Describe your dream house.

I was born and raised in Da Lat city, it's about 200 km away from Ho Chi Minh city.
My house is near the city center so it is very noisy, due to many people living and a
lot of traffic noise. So I've always dreamed of a house near the suburbs, where it's
very peaceful and I can relax my soul.
First I want my house to be on a high place where I can see the view and nature. the
house must be big and have about 4 or 5 floors to be seen from a distance.
On the outside, the house is painted white, because it looks very luxurious like the
president's white house and has a garage in the front yard.
Inside, there will be an elevator, bedroom, kitchen, living room. But most importantly,
I want the house to be large enough to move around. Of course, there will be full
facilities and technology equipment. I also want to have a large terrace to sometimes
invite friends to chill and cook. yeah, that's all, but it's also my dream
i think i'll make a lot of money to make my dream come true

2 Many people living in rural areas would like to migrate to cities while those living in
urban centers wish they could move to the countryside. Which is better: city life or
country life? Give reasons and examples to support your point of view.
D: Hi Phat! Long time no see you
P: Hello Duong, long time no see. How are you? You look pretty exhausted.
D: No, I'm fine, but today I have to prepare for a little competition in class. My team
will face competitors and we will describe the topic in our own words.
P: wow, So what is the topic?? What makes you so confused?
D: the question is: Life in the countryside or the city? Where is better? So can you
help me?

P: I think simply, from my point of view, living in the countryside brings a lot of
benefits, because I was born there so I know for sure.
D: I don't think so, I think people like living in a big city because they give you many
opportunities to learn and develop yourself. Children living in big cities get better
education, so they can improve their English as well as their social skills.
P: But in a big city, there is so much pollution, the smoke from cars and factories can
affect the health of children, so that causes a lot of diseases. And the traffic is always
crowded, especially during rush hours. and in contrast to the countryside, you can
see fresh air, clean water and many peaceful hills, forests and vast grasslands.
D: It sounds interesting but in big cities, they have infrastructure like roads,
skyscrapers, big companies, educational centers, medical centers, etc.
P: But if you live in the city you will have to pay for a lot of expensive things. Not only
that, there are many bad guys, thieves and criminals, so it is sometimes dangerous
to live alone.
D:yeah, I think living in big city or rural area depends on people's mindset and their
work. If they want a good job with a high salary, living in the city is the best option.
But if you want a more peaceful life you should live in the countryside.
P: You are right, I mean that wherever you live, there are advantages and
disadvantages. You should know to avoid unfavorable things in your life. And I
believe you have the information to answer your test.
D: Yes. Thanks for this discussion, it was very helpful for me.
P: You are welcome. Hope you get a good score.

3 Describe a memorable trip you have had

I want to talk about a memorable trip about 1 year ago. That was the time when I just
passed the national exam before going to university. That summer, my parents took
me to Phu Quoc, where there are beautiful beaches, tropical forests with cool air. It's
like heaven, I mean you can relax and enjoy the moments there.
i remember staying in a 5 star hotel , yeah , it was great , i swam a lot in the sea ,
because i rarely go to the beach , about once a year so this is a great opportunity to
swimming and in 2 days we took advantage of playing a lot and sleeping little. I also
enjoy a lot of seafood and strange drinks, but I drink coconut water a lot, because I
really like it.
Besides, I also went to the amusement park and took a lot of pictures with my family.
Those are precious memories. But when I get older, I also study and work a lot, so I
rarely see and go out with my family. So I will study hard to earn money and take
them to travel in the future.
I also hope that the covid pandemic will pass quickly, so that I can come to Phu
Quoc again.
3 Some people prefer to go on guided tours when they travel while others prefer to
travel individually. Which do you think is better? Give reasons and examples to
support your point of view.
D: Hi Phat, I heard you just went on a trip to Singapore, right?
P: That's right. We were there for 3 days 2 nights. At first, I wanted to travel alone but
then I changed my mind.
D: So you go on a guided tour?
P: Haha that's right... actually, I think a guided tour has more benefits than going it
alone, especially when you go to unknown places.
D: Amazing, I thought with your personality you would choose to travel individually.
So how was your trip? Tell me more
P: Ok. When traveling in groups, I met strange people. I was nervous at first because
I don't know anyone and everyone has their own preferences
D: I think that's one of the benefits of traveling in groups. You meet new people, have
something in common with them, then they can also help and support you. But
everything went very well, didn't it?
P: yes, everything is great. We had a good relationship and shared the money in
everything fairly. And one more thing, we were guided by a tour guide, he told
everyone about the places we were going to. He pointed out the famous, worth
visiting and best place to play and take pictures.
D: Of course, that's their job. They have been trained in many skills, knowledge,
languages, cultures and so on. You won't have to deal with confusing traffic or taxi
drivers, the guide will do it for you.
P: Yes and it was the right decision. If I travel alone, I have to spend time looking for
the right place to visit and many other problems. Taking a guided tour is the best way
to get around in a short time.
D: Exactly. Many places in the world are too dangerous to visit. If you go into the
forest, there may be many dangerous animals attacking, or the places are not
allowed to enter, you can be fined and pay a lot of money.
P: yeah, actually on the tour we didn't have the freedom to go to many places and
we had to wake up on time. Of course, everything has advantages and
disadvantages. But anyway, this trip has given me a lot of experience, maybe next
time I will go to singapore alone.
D: WOW, hearing you say that, I really want to have a trip.
P: yeah. I am waiting for the covid pandemic to pass quickly to travel again. Next
time you can come with me.
D: That sounds great, thanks, hahaa

4 Describe a memorable event in your life

I would like to tell you about a memorable event in my life. That was when I was in
high school and my school held a camping trip on March 26, because March 26 is
the day the Communist Party of Vietnam was founded. yeah, the camp is held right
at the school and has a lot of activities. In the morning we participate in many games
like tug of war, racing, pouring water into bottles and so on. In the afternoon, classes
organized stalls selling food and drinks. and I remember my class sold milo ice
cream with different toppings.
And in the evening, after eating, many classes performed dancing and singing on the
stage. After that, we made a campfire together and ran around the bonfire.
In the end, we don't shower and sleep in class until tomorrow. the next morning, we
woke up and heard the announcement from the principal, then we went home.
It may have been exhausting but I had a lot of fun. Those are precious memories
with my friends and teachers.
Because when I grow up, I will have time to go to school and work so experiences
like that are wonderful and memorable.

4 Things were different in the past and they have changed a lot in the last few
decades. Are the changes positive or negative? Give examples to clarify your
4. Things were different in the past and they have changed a lot in the last few decades.
Are the changes positive or negative? Give examples to clarify your viewpoint.

D: Hi Phat! Long time no see you

P: Hello Duong, long time no see. How are you? You look pretty exhausted.
D: No, I'm fine, but today I have to prepare for a little competition in class today. My team
will face competitors and we will describe the topic in our own words.
P: So What's the topic?? What makes you so confused?
D: The question is: Things were different in the past and they have changed a lot in the
last few decades. Are the changes positive or negative? So can you help me? What is your

P: In my opinion, now is the 4.0 era, technology is much more modern. Machines are
gradually replacing humans in many industries and fields. If workers are well-reformed and
take up high-tech jobs, the world will develop with the help of machine technology.
D: Oh, but I think that's not good and worse, because the unemployment rate will go up
dramatically. Many people lose their jobs and lead to chaos in society, the rich and poor
hierarchy, economic influence will bring the world into crisis.
P: yeah, But… machines will replace humans working in toxic and dangerous environments,
it ensures human health. Besides, the machine system will help increase productivity and
efficiency in work.
D: yeah, maybe many factories and enterprises also have to invest a large amount of capital
to buy equipment.
P: I think businesses need such investment to get bigger profits, it can help businesses expand
the market and reach far.
D: Hmm... Although this revolution has negative effects, it also has more positive effects.
P: That's right. I think we should study and practice many skills. then we use machines and
equipment in a reasonable way to bring the best benefits.
D: Yes. This is a tough question, right? but that's okay, I think I got my answer.
P: I hope I can help you a bit in your answer. If it's two different sides, don't worry, you now
have another side to prepare and answer to your competitors, don't you?
D: Yessss, Thank you very much.
P: You are welcome. Hope you get a good score.

5 Describe an item of technology you have that is very important

i would like to tell you about my cell phone which is the most important item.
The mobile phone was a gift from my parents after I passed the national exam
before entering university 1 year ago. They kept their promise to buy me an iphone
that I've always dreamed of.
This is iphone X and looks very classy in black. The phone has a simple design and
is not too big. Because in Vietnam, the trend to use is iphone and I am one of them.
Since having a phone, it also helps and supports me with many things such as taking
notes, finding information, listening to music, playing games, ...
But more importantly, I can call and text my friends via social media. I spend about 8
hours a day using my phone, because outside is the covid pandemic. so I just stay at
home and use it to relieve my sadness, but maybe I will reduce the time using it to
protect my eyes. Besides, I will spend more time doing sports and reading books.
But anyway, this is a very meaningful item for me. I will keep and use it effectively

5 With the rapid advancement of communication technology, e.g. smart phones,

tablets and other mobile devices, some people believe that the disadvantages
outweigh the advantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples to
clarify your viewpoint.
P: hey duong, you know what? I am chatting with my old friend. I know her through social
media. You know, during this Covid pandemic, we have to stay at home, but thanks to
modern technology like smartphones, we can still keep in touch with our friends.
P: You are right. Besides, we can also make new friends, I also just met a friend through
social networks. she and I have a lot in common, I feel very happy.
D: haha yeah, that's great, I think that's one of the biggest advantages of technological
devices. We can meet new people, chat with them, and maybe we become best friends.
P: Yes and smartphones can also provide us with different types of entertainment, we can
play video games, watch movies, use social networks and so on…
D: Moreover, we can also study, update information, news. How convenient that is.
P: But I think there are some disadvantages, smartphones also bring bad things, especially for
children and students. For example, if students spend too much time on their phones and it
affects their studies a lot.
D: Not only that, using smartphones too much will affect the eyes, reduce memory, more
seriously, affect the brain. Children will lack many social skills, communication skills and the
number of friends in real life will decrease.
P: yeah, you get what I mean. I see a lot of smartphone users are also addicted, this situation
is very dangerous.
D: Because smartphones provide us with various websites and information, sometimes it can
be harmful to children, they don't know which is good or bad. This can lead to some bad
P: yeah, that's why parents should take care of their children carefully. It seems that
nowadays many people are more dependent on smartphones. Because technology helps us to
do many things more convenient and faster.
D: I think the bad side is more than the good side. So do you have any suggestions for
solutions when people use smartphones too much?
P: In my opinion, people should reduce the time using smartphones. Besides you should do
housework, read a book or exercise... I think so
D: yeah maybe we should go out more, we can participate in many outdoor activities like
walking, playing sports, this helps to improve our health and is also an opportunity to make
new friends.
P: yeah, I also hope the covid pandemic will pass quickly so we can go out on the street and
meet again.
D: yeah, i miss you too

6. Describe a website you often use

My life revolves around my laptop and I surf a lot of websites throughout the day. I often
visit youtube and it's also my favorite website. As you know youtube is free and popular
website. and I am a music addict! Not really. But I access youtube many times to listen to my
favorite music. Besides, I can also watch my favorite programs, such as running man, rap
viet, squid game, one piece ... maybe you've heard of these programs. because it is very
attractive to a lot of young people in Vietnam including me. Perhaps in the world, many
people still use websites like facebook, instagram, twitter,... but i think youtube is still the
most useful website, because it has almost everything like entertainment, sports, cooking. it
also has clips of many things you want to learn. If you use it properly, it will bring a lot of
benefits to you, you don't need to spend a lot of money and time to learn outside. I used it
every day to develop myself even more. I feel quite lucky because I live in the modern
technology age. By the way, I really recommend this website to many people

6. Which is better: shopping online or purchasing in stores?

D: Hi Phat! Long time no see you
P: Hello Duong, long time no see. How are you? You look pretty exhausted.
D: No, I'm fine, but today I have to prepare for a little competition in class today. My team
will face competitors and we will describe the topic in our own words.
P: So What's the topic? What makes you so confused?
D: The question is Which is better: shopping online or purchasing in stores? So can you
help me? What is your opinion?

P: If I were you, I would choose to shop online because it is very convenient. Most people
don't like to spend long hours shopping and wasting energy. This is one of the main reasons
why online shopping is so popular.
you can switch stores with just one click. At each store you can see all the information and
prices from different products on the screen. we can shop around for the best price without
leaving home.
D: I agree with the convenience of buying online. But sorry I had the opposite thought. I like
to buy at the store.
P: oh yeah, it really comes down to personal preference
D: I want to see what I actually buy before I spend any money. For example, clothes. I want
to try on the clothes, wear them, see how they fit me and how I look in those clothes before
paying. I don't want to buy something and have to wait for it to be delivered. Sometimes
when I receive the goods and only find out that there are errors, it is very frustrating for me.
P: I understand that, But today we are living in a time of covid pandemic, and we should stay
at home to protect ourselves and others. So I think online shopping is good for us.
D: hmm, it makes sense to think about it. I'll reconsider, thanks for your opinion anyway
P: yeah and I know some online stores that have quality clothes. So don't worry, I'll buy you
something. HEHE
D: thanks hahaa, i hope you can buy me something
P: yes, but anyway, I hope I can help you a bit in your answer. (If it's two different sides,
don't worry, you now have another side to prepare and answer your competitors, don't you?)
D: Yessss, Thank you very much.
P: You are welcome. Hope you get a good score.

7 describe your best friend during your school day

I want to talk about a close friend. His name is Lan, he's not too tall but he's also quite
handsome. We have been playing together for 8 years. At first, I met him in middle school
and he was my classmate. He is very hardworking, smart, confident and funny so many
people love him. I feel that he is someone who can inspire me a lot.

we have a lot in common and I see him almost every day and do a lot of things together. we
hang out, go to school, eat, and grow up together. Sometimes we also get mad at each other,
but it doesn't last long and then we make up with each other like eating ice cream or talking. I
think anyone who has close friends will have moments like that.

Besides, whenever I was in trouble, he was the one to come by my side and help me. One
memory I remember the most is when I got a bad grade in school, he comforted me and
taught me until the national exam came. Finally, we had the opportunity to study at our
favorite university. Currently, we don't see each other much due to the covid pandemic, but I
believe we are best friends and maintain this relationship.

7. Which is more important: highschool friends or college friends?

D: Hi Phat! Long time no see you
P: Hello Duong, long time no see. How are you? You look pretty exhausted.
D: No, I'm fine, but today I have to prepare for a little competition in class. My team will face
competitors and we will describe the topic in our own words.
P: So What's the topic? What makes you so confused?
D: The question is Which is more important: highschool friends or college friends? So can
you help me? What is your opinion?

P: It's a difficult question, isn't it? But I think high school friends are more important. Most
people are attached to their school friends rather than college friends.
D: yeah, keep going
P: Well, the reason is simple. They have a lot in common with you. They'll still talk to you
about your high school teacher, know your favorite places to eat at your restaurant, and will
chat with you about the people from high school you see on social media. They have many
things for us to trust and do everything together, go to school, go out or even travel.
D: But college friends also have all the things you talked about. Maybe they are your
roommates or classmates, they will stick with you during 4 years of college. They work on
projects with you, eat together, or go to work with you. They have the same adult career, they
know what you want, what it takes to be successful.
P: yeah, i know what you're talking about. But I see in high school, people will come together
and support each other more, like competitions and learning. in college, sometimes we have
to compete between groups to get points and fight for ourselves, that makes people separate
and lose happiness. There are even people we don't know well, maybe they will cheat and do
bad things to us.
D: Oh, I get it. I agree with you on this opinion. Anyway, I really appreciate you contributing
your comments to my contest.
P: I hope I can help you a bit in your answer. (If it's two different sides, don't worry, you now
have another side to prepare and answer your competitors, don't you?)
D: Yessss, Thank you very much.
P: You are welcome. Hope you get a good score.

8. Describe a school/university you have studied in

I want to talk about my high school. I live in Dalat city. The school that I study is
about 2km away from my house and it only takes me about 10 minutes to go to
school. The school is named Bui Thi Xuan, This is my favorite school, because the
school area is the largest in Lam Dong province and is very beautiful. All the walls
are painted in pink, so this really makes it stand out.
On the outside, the School is very large that it's easy to see from afar. we can see a
very big white gate. Near this gate there are many snack bars for breakfast.
inside the school, There is a library, computer room, a canteen, not only that, it also
has a football field, basketball court, volleyball court and so on.
I have been with this school for 3 years before I went to university. I have made
many good friends and have many quality teachers, I miss them very much.
For me, high school is the place where there are beautiful memories of my youth.
Because of the covid pandemic, I can't go out, but I will visit the school when I have
a chance.
8. Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom?
D: Hi Phat! Long time no see you
P: Hello Duong, long time no see. How are you? You look pretty exhausted.
D: No, I'm fine, but today I have to prepare for a little competition in class. My team will face
competitors and we will describe the topic in our own words.
P: What topic? What makes you so confused?
D: The question is: Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the
classroom? So can you help me? What is your opinion?

P: I really don't want the computer to replace the teacher in the classroom because
there are so many reasons.
Firstly, there are many students who are not good at perceiving and working hard, so
it makes it difficult for them to study. There are even Students who can't concentrate
on studying and can't understand the lesson.
D: Yeah, keep going
Second, Computers certainly won't be able to teach as much behavior, emotion and
moral discipline in real life to students as a human teacher. Computers can teach
students how to be “smart” in the classroom, but it will likely have flaws in the
teaching that computers cannot fix.
D: I agree with you. Of course that Technology won't improve our education system if
we get rid of teachers.
P: Not only that, a lot of teachers will lose their jobs and they won't know how to
make money. I think computers and technology will have some advantages in
supporting teachers' teaching.
D: yeah, I understand what you're saying. Educational innovation may lead us to
classroom settings and teacher roles that look very different from the old days, but
the human element will always be an essential part of education. I think we should
be supportive in finding ways for technology to do its best to assist teachers in what
they do best in teaching.
P: Yeah. It's great that you understand me.
D: Of course, thanks for helping me with that question.
P: I hope I can help you a little bit in your answer. (BUT If it has two different sides,
don’t worry, now you have another aspect to prepare and reply to your competitor,
D: Yessss, Thank you very much.
P: You are welcome. Hope you get a good score.

9 Describe a job which you think is perfect for you.

I think economics and finance are often close and very real issues in today's life. I love
money So I always wanted to be a famous trader. Sometimes being rich is also something to
ensure happiness in the family.
Actually, I think I'm quite lucky because my family has a restaurant in Da Lat city and Dalat
is a city that has a lot of tourists in recent years. But not too many customers come to my
restaurant, so I will try to study a lot and create my big brand to attract customers. Because
my parents are getting old, in the future I will inherit the restaurant and develop it.
In economics and finance, communication is one of the most important factors for success.
And now, I study marketing so that I can better understand psychology, economics, English,
and advertising to find more customers. Not only that, I can learn a lot from the experience of
quality teachers at UEF.
But if you want to become an entrepreneur, you have to work harder. Every day I still try
hard to learn different skills, so that I can improve my level better. Now that is also my goal
and dream.

9. Should students work a part time job while they are studying?
D: Hi Phat! Long time no see you
P: Hello Duong, long time no see. How are you? You look pretty exhausted.
D: No, I'm fine, but today I have to prepare for a little competition in class. My team will face
competitors and we will describe the topic in our own words.
P: So What's the topic? What makes you so confused?
D: The question is: Should students work a part time job while they are studying?
So can you help me? What is your opinion?

P: I think students should get a part-time job while they are studying. There are many
advantages to having a part-time job.
Firstly, students can work to support their families, earn pocket money or even pay their own
Secondly, students will have a lot of life experiences, making us happier and more active, and
also have the opportunity to contract with many people. It is these things that will help us to
overcome many different situations in life more easily.
D: Besides the advantages, working part-time also has many disadvantages. I think it can
affect the learning process. Because they spend half their time working. Besides, if students
work too hard, it will affect their health.
P: Yeah, i see, because anything has two sides, keep going,
D: And perhaps they will have more worries, lose the precious joys of being a student. And
they also feel more tired and depressed.
P: In summary, there are many advantages and disadvantages of working part-time as a
student. Having a part-time job is good, as it offers various benefits.
D: But students should have a reasonable plan to balance work and study.
P: Yeah, I hope I can help you a bit in your answer. (If it's two different sides, don't worry,
you now have another side to prepare and answer your competitors, don't you?)
D: Yessss, Thank you very much.
P: You are welcome. Hope you get a good score.

10. Describe a group project or an individual project you worked on.

I would like to talk about a group project that I worked on together 1 year ago and that was
also around the time I entered UEF. I studied Project Design and it was also the first time
that I knew the feeling of teamwork. This subject has a lot of deadlines and especially has to
work in groups.
But there was one day that I remember the most, when there was no covid pandemic, and
we had our last project design presentation in the afternoon. so we made an appointment in
the morning at school to work together.
Actually we can do it online, but because this test is very important, it makes us not
understand each other and takes a lot of time, so we met outside.
During the working process, we divided people into different jobs such as searching for
images, finding information, making power points, doing exercises and I was the presenter at
that time.
In the end, the presentation went very smoothly and scored very well. I am very happy and
miss the memories with those friends, because it will be more fun than what we do online.
I enjoyed the experience of teamwork because I found that I was more successful and able
to socialize and make new friends. Besides, it is also an experience that makes it easier for
me to work for a company in the future.

10. What are some advantages and disadvantages of working as a freelancer?

D: Hi Phat! Long time no see you
P: Hello Duong, long time no see. How are you? You look pretty exhausted.
D: No, I'm fine, but today I have to prepare for a little competition in class. My team will face
competitors and we will describe the topic in our own words.
P: So What's the topic? What makes you so confused?
D: The question is: What are some advantages and disadvantages of working as a
freelancer? So can you help me? What is your opinion?

P: There are many advantages of being a freelancer. One of the biggest advantages of
freelance work is that you can work from home. You don't need work clothes, you can save
you time, moving costs, and don't even have to share an office with others.
B: But when you work from home, it's very easy to be alone for hours and even days.
Contacting other people is usually just through phone call, facebook, messenger or email,...
it's very boring and unhealthy, so a freelancer should get out of the house and see other
P: So what do you think of this? You Can Control Work and Clients - When you work for
someone else, you don't have a choice about who you work with. You may get stuck with
unprofessional or rude customers.
But when you're a freelancer, you get to choose who you work with. However, if you don't
match the personality of certain clients or business people well, you could lose the
D: Ah I see, but freelancers are responsible for all their clients and projects, right?
P: yeah, that's right, keep going
D: When you do a traditional job, your projects may already be assigned to you. But now,
you are the only one responsible. So you have to put in a lot of effort. And that means a lot of
work, including marketing, advertising, and sales.
P: yes, actually any job will be difficult, but if you work hard and don't hesitate, you will
achieve great results.
D: wow, that's great, but I find it quite difficult and risky. I think if it were me, I would
choose a safer and more secure job.
P: Of course there are two sides to any problem, but the important thing is that everyone has
their own preferences, so we just do what we feel is best.
D: good idea, thank you very much. I think I have gained more experience
P: You are welcome. Hope you get a good score.

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