AcadEng Grade 12 Notes

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English for Academic and

Professional Purposes
2nd Quarter

Week 11
Tips for writing a good position paper

-use simple language

-give each seperate idea ots own paragraph
-make sure each paragraph starts with a topic sentence
-constantly proofread for mistakes
-cite your sources

Parts of a position paper

-Introduction (1 paragraph)
-Body (3 paragraphs)
-Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs
How to select a topic

-Conduct prelimenary research

-Challenge your own topic
-Continue to collect supporting evidence
-create an outline

Position paper

-essay that represents an opinion and make a

claim about an issue.
-A stand supported by arguments and evidences.
-the purpose of a position paper is to generate
a support on an issue.
-it is based on facts that provides a solid
foundation for your arguments.
Reading and Writing an
Informal position paper

What is an informal position paper?

Informal writing is used to get the readers full interest

in the entire essay. Formal writing is used to make a
position or a point in academic manner.

Writing an informal position paper

-Select the topic

-Write sn informal outline for essay
-write the main body of your essay using
cliches, collaquialisms, and even jargon, as
the format of this paper allows you to write
in this way.
-Write a conclusion.
-Remember relative brevity of writing.
-Proofread and edit your paper.

8 types of plagiarism

Complete plagiarism
Source based plagiarism (data fabrication and data
Direct Plagiarism
Self or Auto Plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiatism
Inaccurate Authorship/ Misleading Attribution
Mosaic Plagiarism/Patchwork Plagiarism
Accidental Plagiarism

Copyright infringement - more on the legal side. Much wider


Plagiarism - ethical side. More on research.

The Report
Report writing is a formal style of writing elaboratley on a
topic. The tone of a report is always formal. The important
section to focus on is the target audience.

Kind of Report


*Informal reports are usually short messages with free

dlowing, casual use of language.
*We generally describe the internal report/memorandum as
an ifnormal report.
*They are the shortest as well as simplest of all kinds of
*Usually in the form of a person tonperson communication.
Does not follow the rules
*Memos, emails and papers are all examples of informal
reports. an informational report such as a summary report
or investigative report shares information about a topic.

Parts of Informal Report

-Discussion Sections
Formal Report

*Are meticulously structured. They focus on objectivity

and organization, contain deeper detail and the writer
must write them in a style that eliminates factors like
personal pronouns.
*Is an official report that contains detailed
information, research, and date necessary to make
business decisions.

Other Kinds Of Reports

Long report and short reports - a two page report or

sometimes reffered to as memorandum is short and a
thrity page report is absolutely long.

Internal and external reports - an internsl report stays

within a certain organization or group of people. An
extersnl is for distribution outside the organization.

Vertical and Lateral Reports - this is about the hierchy of

the reports ultimate target. Lateral reports assist in
coordination in the organization.

Periodic Reports - are sent out on regularly pre

scheduled dates. In most cases, their direction is upward
and serves as management control.

Proposal reports - a proposal is a document one prepares

to describe how one organization can provide a solution
to a problem they are facing.

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