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Zim votes
Zec guns for for Russia

ZIMBABWE on Monday voted

against a United Nations Gener-
al Assembly (Unga) resolution for
Russia to pay compensation for
the damage caused by its invasion
of Ukraine.
Ninety-four countries voted in
favour of the resolution while 14
were against and 73 abstained.
The UN General Assembly
adopted a resolution that calls for
Russia to pay war reparations to
Ukraine — loss or injury, arising

from the invasion.
The 14 States that voted against
were Zimbabwe, Bahamas, Bela-
rus, Central African Republic, Chi-
na, Cuba, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran,
Mali, Nicaragua, North Korea, Rus-
sia and Syria.
Zimbabwe has been abstaining
from voting in most UN General
Assembly resolutions on Russia.
BY MIRIAM MANGWAYA The southern African nation was
one of the 35 countries that ab-
HE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) wants data analysts

stained from the Unga vote last
Team Pachedu arrested after they uncovered several irregular- month which called on countries
ities in the voters roll and poked holes into the electoral body’s not to recognise the four Ukraine
information and technology (IT) systems. regions annexed by Russia.
Zec yesterday said it would report the data analysts to the In March, the country also ab-
police for violating data protection laws and hacking into its website. stained from voting against Rus-
The accusation comes after Team Pachedu said there were several sia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“security loopholes” on Zec’s website such as unsecure administra- In April, Zimbabwe opposed an-
tion login details, among others. other Unga resolution to suspend
“If someone has the capacity to access information that does not Russia from the Human Rights
appear on the homepage of the website, what is it?” Zec spokesper- Council.
son Jasper Mangwana told NewsDay yesterday. Foreign Affairs ministry spokes-
“Is it not hacking? We are not very sure of why they had to dig into Zec spokesperson Jasper Mangwana person Livit Mugejo was not
2 NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022

Local News

Rights Bill to be aligned to Constitution

BY PROBLEM MASAU Speaking during a post-Cabinet as provided for by the Paris Principles the commissions. The Bill places an ob- tares, which are expected to yield a to-
briefing yesterday, Industry and Com- Governing National Human Rights In- ligation on the commission for refus- tal of 4 928 260 tonnes,” Nzenza said.

OVERNMENT says the merce minister Sekai Nzenza — repre- stitutions.” al to investigate frivolous complaints “A total of 4 610 636 plots have been
Zimbabwe Human Rights senting Information minister Monica The Zimbabwe Human Rights Com- brought to its attention,” Nzenza add- prepared under the Pfumvudza/Intwa-
Commission Amendment Mutsvangwa said: “The Zimbabwe Hu- mission (ZHRC) Act is not aligned to ed. sa Programme. This is a significant in-
Bill will be aligned to the man Rights Commission Amendment the Paris Principles on National Hu- The ZHRC is mandated to promote crease from last season’s 2 304 417
Constitution to ensure Bill will be amended for alignment with man Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and the the protection, development and at- plots. 2 207 064 farmers have been
compliance with international best the 2013 Constitution, and for compli- Constitution. tainment of human rights and free- trained, compared to 2 071 637 during
practices. ance with international best practice The Paris Principles set out the mini- doms at all levels of society. the previous season.”
mum standards that NHRIs must meet Cabinet also noted the onset of an Nzenza also revealed that the reno-
in order to be considered credible and early rainy season, and revealed that vation of the Binga Training Centre in

Zacc investigators threatened, assaulted to operate effectively.

The key pillars of the Paris Principles
are pluralism, independence and effec-
over four million plots have been pre-
pared under the Pfumvudza/Intwasa
programme to boost crop production
Matabeleland North had been com-
“The renovation of the Binga Train-
BY DESMOND CHINGARANDE It is alleged that Irvine used abusive tiveness. and food security ing Centre in Matabeleland North prov-
or insulting language against Pedzai, “The Bill will also provide for the “The objective of the 2022/23 sum- ince was completed and 60 students
A DIRECTOR at Lanwood Private Limit- instructing her to stop visiting his sup- framework for co-operation with oth- mer production season is to achieve have been recruited. The development
ed, trading as Megasave, yesterday ap- pliers seeking information on the case. er constitutional commissions, and for food, stockfeed and oilseed self-suffi- of the new Binga Industrial Training
peared at the Harare Magistrates Court He accused the Zacc investigators of gender equality in the chairpersons of ciency from a total of 3 950 283 hec- College has commenced,” she said.
facing charges of defeating the course extortion.
of justice and assaulting Zimbabwe An- It is alleged that on the same day, Ir-
ti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) inves-
Stuart Alexander Irvine appeared be-
vine sent Pedzai insulting messages
via WhatsApp, while also invoking the
name of the President’s Office to intimi-
Nyatsime 14 freed on $50k bail each
fore magistrate Dennis Mangosi who date her to drop the investigations. BY DESMOND CHINGARANDE and to reside at their given addresses.
granted him $200 000 bail. It is the State’s case that Irvine act- Last week, Citizens Coalition for Change
Allegations are that on October 11 ed unlawfully by threatening the Zacc FOURTEEN Nyatsime residents (CCC) legislator Godfrey Sithole was granted
this year, Zacc received a report of tax investigators and obstructing the charged with inciting vio- bail on Friday last week on the same charge
evasion involving Lanwood Trading course of justice. lence were yesterday freed of inciting violence. CCC legislator Job Sikha-
Limited. Zacc officers Milka Pedzai and Irvine is also accused of assaulting on $50 000 bail each by the la is the only one still behind bars over the
Simbai Dangaiso were tasked to inves- Zacc investigating officer, Eric High Court after spending same alleged offence. Sikhala faces another
tigate the issue. Chacha, who was investi- five months in remand pris- separate charge of obstructing the course of
Pedzai and Dangaiso then prepared gating a case of obstruc- on. justice.
a warrant of search and seizure for vari- tion of justice against the They were being rep- Meanwhile, Sikhala and Sithole's trial
ous companies which include Nyanga- accused. resented by which was expected to start yesterday was
ni Industries Private Limited, Moshu- It is further alleged that Advocate postponed to November 24, following a
lu Grain Private Limited, among others. on October 19, Chacha went Thabani plea by their defence lawyers. The State did
Dangaiso and Pedzai went to South- to Irvine's place of work and Mpofu who not oppose the application for postpone-
erton, Harare and served the warrants the accused refused to was being ment. Sithole's lawyer Oliver Marwa asked
at Nyangani Industries Private Limit- come out of his office. instructed the court to give him time to study the video
ed, and Brainscope Investments Private Chacha then entered by Noble evidence that he had been given and also to
Limited. the office and Irvine in- Chinhanu receive further instructions.
Upon serving the warrants, the two sulted him. He alleged- of the Zimba- Sikhala filed a written application for bail
officers left their contact details. ly hit him with a laptop bwe Human on changed circumstances. The defence led
It is alleged that on October 19, and other objects. Rights NGO Fo- by Jeremiah Bhamu and Douglas Coltart will
Pedzai received a call on her mobile He also alleged- rum. submit the bail application orally tomorrow.
phone and the caller introduced him- ly pushed Chacha to the High Court judge Justice Munamato The case relates to the violent skirmishes
self as Stuart Irvine, one of the directors wall and punched him sever- Mutevedzi ordered the 14 Nyatsime resi- which occurred at the funeral wake of mur-
of Linwood. al times with fists. dents to report twice at their nearest police dered CCC activist Moreblessing Ali in June
station, not to interfere with State witnesses this year.

Biti protests over Press commentaries

Prosecutor Michael Reza, however,
Man in court for mocking ED
FORMER Finance minister Tendai Biti defended the complainant saying the BY EMMA NHANCUMBA Robert Zakeyo (43) appeared be- Zakeyo was arrested in May 2020.
yesterday protested against alleged Press statement that Biti submitted in fore Bindura magistrate Shingirayi Mu- He was accused of posting a video
moves by a Harare land developer to court had nothing to do with the pro- A RUSHINGA man has been remand- toro who postponed his trial because clip on a Rushinga Residents What-
run commentaries in the Press on an ceedings in court. ed out of custody to November 28 on he was overwhelmed with other cases. sApp group mocking Mnangagwa over
ongoing court case in violation of the Reza said the current matter was a a charge of mocking President Emm- The trial of Zakeyo, who was being his assertions that the Zimbabwe dol-
law. verbal assault case. erson Mnangagwa over the Zanu PF represented by Gift Mtisi of Zimba- lar was the strongest currency in Sadc.
Biti made the complaint in a case He said the statement that Biti re- leader’s claims that the country has bwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), According to the State, this incensed
where he is being accused of verbal- ferred to related to other matters pend- the strongest currency in the South- came after Acting Prosecutor-Gener- Zanu PF activist Author Chinyoka
ly assaulting Russian investor Tatiana ing at the High Court. ern African Development Community al, Nelson Mutsonziwa, issued a certifi- who filed a police report, leading to
Aleshina two years ago. "These issues on the statement are (Sadc). cate to prosecute. Zakeyo’s arrest.
Biti wants the Harare Magistrates being done in other court cases. There
Court to refer his case to the Constitu- is no name of Tatiana Aleshina. The

Zim votes for Russia

tional Court (ConCourt) where he be- statement is written by Michael Van
lieves he will get a fair trial. Blerk and not the complainant," Reza
Aleshina is Ken Sharpe’s business said.
partner in Augur Investments that was Magistrate Vongai Muchuchuti-Gu-
awarded the Harare Airport Road con- wuriro, however, asked Biti how he
struction contract. wanted the case to proceed.  FROM PAGE 1 “Seventy-seven years ago, the Soviet claims to be the successor of the 20th
In his submissions in court, Biti ar- Biti said he wanted the complain- reachable for comment yesterday. Union demanded and received repara- century’s tyranny, is doing everything
gued that the company was allegedly ant to be stopped from running the In presenting the resolution, Ukrain- tions, calling it a moral right of a coun- it can to avoid paying the price for its
irregularly given large swathes of land commentary on his court submissions ian ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya insist- try that has suffered war and occupa- own war and occupation, trying to es-
in Harare over the airport project. through Press releases. ed that Russia should be held accounta- tion,” he said. cape accountability for the crimes it is
Augur Investments’ former general The matter, however, proceeded ble for its violation of international law. “Today (Monday), Russia, which committing.”
manager Michael Van Blerk responded with Biti submitting letters which he
to Biti’s allegations through a Press re- claimed Aleshina wrote to the Finance

Zec guns for Team Pachedu

lease accusing the CCC legislator of dis- ministry and other documents which
torting facts. he said supported his case.
Biti said Aleshina should not have re- The matter was postponed to No-
sponded to his submissions through a vember 18 for continuation of the ap-
Press release, but through proper court plication for referral to the ConCourt.  FROM PAGE 1 cessible to anyone browsing on the in- table debate and to tour Zimbabwe
information on our website. It is not ternet. For instance, the critical folders showing Zec, along with journalists,
about being exposed. We are worried that run the website ./wp-includes and the evidence of illegal double voters
Daily COVID-19 update: November 13 about the means they use to obtain
the information.
./wp-content were left unsecured. We
found five people managing the inse-
that we found during our five-month
fieldwork audit. Zec refused to meet us
Tests done Confirmed Recovered Active Deceased “We do not know how they intend cure Zec website,” said Team Pachedu. face-to-face.”
Province PCR New Total New Total to use that information. We do not The data analysts told NewsDay that Team Pachedu has been exposing
Byo 39 3 22 411 21 423 83 0 905 know the profile of Team Pachedu, Zec was mistaking its exposure as a serious anomalies on the voters roll.
Harare 0 0 48 574 46 720 33 0 1 821 who they are, whether they are regis- hack. The irregularities include the al-
Manic 66 5 30 212 29 621 25 0 566 tered or not for us to engage them. We “The fact that they call it hacking ex- leged movement of 170 000 voters
Mash C 0 0 14 449 14 118 4 0 327 will not agree to meet a faceless group. poses their weaknesses in IT expertise. from their constituencies and wards
Mash E 0 3 33 835 33 386 30 0 419 To achieve what?” There was no hack!” Team Pachedu ar- and creation of additional polling sta-
Mash W 0 0 31 502 30 860 58 0 584 Team Pachedu said the IT loopholes gued. tions under unclear circumstances.
Midl 24 0 18 205 17 759 14 0 432 were so gross that they could be iden- The data analysts also insisted Zec has been accused of purport-
Masv 0 2 22 308 22 064 33 0 211 tified by “anyone” browsing on the in- that they were a legitimate group, al- edly tampering with the voters roll to
Mat N 0 5 19 008 18 735 140 0 133 ternet. though Zec refused to meet them. “rig” the 2023 elections in favour of the
Mat S 0 0 18 139 17 881 6 0 213 “There are serious security loop- “We don't operate in the shadows. ruling Zanu PF party, but Zec has de-
Total 129 16 258 643 252 567 465 0 5 611 holes in Zec IT systems, which are ac- Recently, we invited Zec to a round- nied the allegations.
NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 3
Local News
Join development
processes, UN urges media Teachers fume over fees payment delays
BY LORRAINE MUROMO posts. Initially, they claimed they would have been diverted to a very small use-
pay directly to the schools and teach- less amount.”

BY TAPFUMANEI MUCHABAIWA EACHERS’ representatives ers rushed and got invoices from the However, Zimbabwe Teachers Asso-
have expressed displeasure respective schools where their chil- ciation of Zimbabwe secretary-gener-
THE United Nations yesterday implored the media to par- over the delay by government dren are learning. They posted them al Goodwill Taderera said the payment
ticipate in Zimbabwe’s development processes by pub- to pay school fees for their to their respective provinces. They an- of school fees for teachers directly into
lishing stories that encourage people to partake in the children. nounced changes in the procedure more their accounts through SSB was what
development discourse. In April this year, government an- than four times, and now government is the National Joint Negotiating Council
In a meeting on Tuesday with the Zimbabwe National nounced that it would pay school fees for claiming that it has no capacity to pay agreed on.
Editors Forum, UN resident and humanitarian co-ordina- teachers’ children to cushion them from the fees through schools. They are say- “This was a proposal by the workers
tor Edward Kallon said: “I call upon you the media frater- the high cost of living, a proposal which ing they will pay through the Salary Ser- where we said rather than putting mon-
nity, particularly as editors, to enhance your participation caused serious divisions among educa- vice Bureau (SSB).” ey into the school account, why not put
and engagement in Zimbabwe's development processes tors. Zhou said teachers had been ordered money into the teacher’s account. In our
and mobilise the people to participate in development Despite several pleas and attempts to redo the paperwork, which reveals view it is the best way to go as it is fees
discourse. to reach out to government by teacher that government is playing delaying payment and has nothing to do with the
“I urge you to ensure coverage on the outstanding unions, the pledge has not yet been ful- tactics or trying to manage the crisis employer.”
work of communities and women and their challenges filled. through promises. Public Service Commission secretary
in Matabeleland North, the family farmers in Manicaland Teachers’ unions told NewsDay yester- “Government is now saying that mon- Simon Masanga said: “We had a meet-
province, the resilience programmes in Chiredzi and the day that they were surprised by the new ey will come next year,” he said. ing with unions a week ago and it was
potential start-ups that our young students are experi- terms and conditions introduced by gov- Educators Union of Zimbabwe secre- agreed that the money will be paid in De-
menting with in the tech labs.” ernment with regards to the payment of tary-general Tapedza Zhou said: “Teach- cember. We signed an agreement, and so
The UN commemorated its 77th anniversary this week fees. ers have always wanted US$540 through there is no issue at all. When we agreed
under the theme: A watershed moment: Transformative so- Progressive Teachers Union of Zim- various ways and diversions. That fee on the issue of bonuses, we also agreed
lutions to interlocking challenges. babwe president Takavafira Zhou said: has been mentioned since January, and on fees as well.”
Kallon said the media was critical in sending positive “The government is now changing goal- we are now in December and teachers Follow Lorraine on Twitter@RMuromo
messages about Zimbabwe as a good investment desti-
“On the social and environmental issues, the threats
of climate change have emerged, and we see dry weath-
er and drought spells more frequently, and at times even
flash floods and cyclones. Environmental damage is be-
coming a serious concern in Zimbabwe. The media has a
great role to play in the search for solutions by facilitating
public discourse on these bread and butter issues instead
of getting entangled in covering endless political specu-
lation and pursuing political personalities.”
Kallon pointed out that government cannot lead the
implementation and achievement of sustainable Devel-
opment Goals (SDGs) alone, hence the need for media in-
“The media has a critical role in advancing all the SDGs
in general, especially SDG 16 on peace, justice and ac-
countable institutions.”
Zimbabwe Editors Forum co-ordinator Njabulo Ncube
described the UN-Media engagement event as fruitful.
 Follow us on Twitter

Informal sector women

lobby for economic justice

THE Economic Justice for Women Project (EJWP) has

launched a socio-economic rights campaign to push for
economic justice for young women in informal work.
Zimbabwe is now highly informalised at 90% and
women are the majority in the informal sector.
Women are finding it difficult to assess financial bene-
fits or services to support their informal businesses.
The campaign calls for respect of socio-econom-
ic rights, social service delivery, infrastructure develop-
ment, access to affordable basic health, access to potable
water and access to quality waste management, among
EJWP director Margaret Mutsamvi told NewsDay that
the physical and online campaign will be spearheaded
by young women in the informal sector who will train
other women on socio-economic rights, fiscal literacy
and transformative feminist leadership through the sup-
port of the Netherlands embassy.
“We hope that we achieve increased capacity in inter-
preting and understanding socio-economic rights as pro-
vided by the Zimbabwean Constitution, creation of safe
spaces for young women to actively lead and demand
their socio-economic rights. In the long term we are hop-
ing to create a gender responsive public service delivery
system in peri-urban areas and increase active participa-
tion of young women in leadership and democratic com-
munity development processes,” Mutsamvi said.
She said the young women would soon submit a pe-
tition to Parliament and local authorities asking legisla-
tors and councillors to move motions pushing for legal
reforms to ensure that the informal economy is safe for
women and responds to their needs.
The petition will also push for gender responsive so-
cial service delivery and measures to ensure the financial
liberty of women.
Mutsamvi said their trainings have been effective as
communities are now able to demand accountability
from their councillors.
“The campaign is running under the Hashtag #ATime-
ToAct. It’s a challenge to the rights holders, meaning that
no one is coming to act on our behalf. It’s our task to act.
The young women have also taken it upon themselves
to educate others on socio-economic rights and leader-
ship,” she added.
 Follow us on Twitter
4 NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022

Local News

NewsDay journo narrates battle with diabetes

BY VANESSA GONYE Also, given the bad state of the many may be living with- access some medicines, which at are suffering from it and little
national economy, it is difficult out knowing they times may not be available. is being done to ameliorate the

Y journey with to stick to a specific diet, some- have it, while This is not good given condition.
diabetes started times you have to do with what some know that medication has to Also there is no funding to ca-
on July 20, 2007 is there. but they be continuously taken ter for diabetics, like it is with
when I was diag- This makes monitoring my lack suf- for life, hence skip- HIV/Aids, whereby an Aids levy
nosed with type 1 condition somehow difficult. ficient ping may have seri- was put in place to help those
diabetes. I have been in and out of hos- knowl- ous consequences. living with the condition.
I had suffered from a horrible pital four or five times a year on edge re- Diabetes is not According to the South Afri-
wound on my left breast for over average since I was diagnosed garding being taken se- can Journal of Clinical Nutri-
a year. with this condition. how riously, but it is tion, the prevalence of diabetes
It had been a stressful journey It has never been an easy jour- they one of the ma- in Zimbabwe is currently esti-
from the time the wound began ney as I have had to put up with should jor killers. Its ef- mated at 8,5% and has more than
until diagnosis because many so much, ranging from regular manage fects can be more doubled in the past 30 years.
people who saw my wound sus- change of insulin, expensive the con- deadly than HIV/ Zimbabwe has the third high-
pected it was cancerous. medicines, sometimes going for dition. Aids since it caus- est estimated per person cost
The situation was beginning months without accessing drugs Being a es many infections of diabetes care in sub-Saharan
to affect me in many ways, es- and challenges in having a prop- diabetic in ranging from ordinary Africa. These costs are related
pecially at school because I was er diabetic diet. the develop- fungal infections to to the management of diabetes
always stressed and in pain un- At one point I had to go for ing world comes threatening illnesses like complications, including hospi-
til one doctor, upon taking note over six months without taking with many chal- tuberculosis and even cancer. talisation.
of my family history (my mom insulin because the type I was lenges, especially on the eco- Diabetes should be given se- Follow us on Twitter
had just passed on from a diabe- using was very expensive; it was nomic front as there is a need to rious attention given that many @NewsDayZimbabwe
tes-related illness), decided to do way beyond my reach.
tests for diabetes. I was using NovoRapid and
The result was just as I had Lantus pen sets as well as some
anticipated: I was a type 1 diabe- tables all in all for a month’s Pic: Hilary Maradzika
tes and there began my journey supply at a total cost of US$350.
with the condition. I had no option, but to quit tak-
I was told to monitor it by tak- ing my medicines, the effect was
ing care of my diet and it was very serious, devastating, in
stable for four years until 2011 fact.
when I started having problems I almost lost it. It is also pain-
with just about any aspect of ful to get a normal education (at
health: Chest pains, headaches, least in my case); I was in and
fainting… the list is endless. out of hospital each and eve-
I went to see the doctor and ry semester until I finished my
there began my alternate stay in fourth year at university. I al-
hospital and at home. most failed to do so during the
The end result was a stress- final semester when I spent two
ful two-week stay at the hospital months in hospital.
on a sliding scale with little im- I have been a victim of mis-
provement. guided conceptions about the
That is when I was put on in- disease because most people are
sulin. largely ignorant of the chronic
I had problems at first; I would ailment.
wake up shivering extremely in As the country joined the rest
the middle of the night and I of the world in commemorating
desperately sought ways to solve World Diabetes Day on Monday,
the problem. it is my wish to see the govern-
The other problem was my ment taking control of diabetes
diet — up to now I find it diffi- and its effects just like it does
cult to watch my diet. with HIV/Aids or cancer.
I crave for sugary stuff and This year’s commemorations
end up consuming them, which were held under the theme: Ac-
I know is bad for my health. As cess to diabetes education.
a result, I fail to maintain disci- There is need for awareness
pline with my diet. drives for the disease; because

Scrap metal dealers offload scrap metal for resale from a truck along Ndlela Way in Graniteside, Harare, yesterday

ChiTown discounts Man “sells” dagga to detectives

penalty fees, rent bills BY NQOBIZWE THEBE

A HARARE man was recently

Allegations are that on Novem-
ber 11, 2022, detectives from CID
sachets of dagga, leading to his
nabbed after attempting to sell drugs and narcotics received in- Edwards’ house was searched
dagga to police detectives. formation to the effect that Ed- and more drugs were uncov-
BY TAFADZWA KACHIKO present for ratepayers who The accused, Conna Victor Ed- wards was selling dagga. The ered. Police also found a Brown-
have been struggling to settle wards (22) of Button Complex, detectives then posed as poten- ing 12 Gauge shotgun with 13 live
CHITUNGWIZA Municipality their bills. Avondale, was yesterday ar- tial buyers and made an order rounds in his wardrobe. He failed
is offering 50% and 30% dis- “We hope the council will raigned before magistrate Dennis through the phone. to produce a valid firearm certif-
counts on illegal stands' pen- plug the cash leakages and im- Mangosi and charged with unlaw- In the evening, the detectives icate.
alty fees and outstanding rent- prove its revenue base.” fully dealing in dangerous drugs went to Edwards’ house to collect He will be sentenced today.
al bills, the council has indi- As at August 31, the council and unlawful possession of a fire- the order. Edwards opened the Follow us on Twitter
cated. was being owed $2,8 billion by arm. gate and gave the detectives four @NewsDayZimbabwe
“Anyone who pays after will ratepayers who include com-
be required to pay the full mercial organisations and
amount,” council spokesper-
son Lovemore Meya said.
“These promotions are
government departments.
Acting finance director Rob-
ert Nyikadzino recently said
Zanu PF Murewa DCC chair on tenterhooks
meant to encourage ratepay- commerce and industry owed BY JAIROS SAUNYAMA where DCC chairperson Alfred semble meetings and facilitat-
ers to pay their dues. They owe the municipality $1,1 billion Pedzisa was suspended over an ed distant structures in Murewa
too much money to the council and ordinary residents $1,7 THE fate of suspended Zanu undisclosed matter. south. You abused the vehicle
and they have not been paying billion. PF Murewa district co-ordinat- According to a letter dated Oc- for your own personal business.
for long.” “We encourage our valued ing committee (DCC) chairper- tober 5, addressed to Maliki and You verbally victimised, threat-
Chitungwiza Progressive stakeholders to pay their bills son Israel Maliki hangs in the signed by provincial vice-chair- ened and chased away village
Residents Association secre- on time in order for the coun- balance as he awaits the party’s person Kudzai Majuru seen by heads in ward 18 and you barred
tary-general Gift Kurupati cil to provide improved ser- verdict expected by end of this NewsDay, the Zanu PF official or prevented people from at-
welcomed the promotion. vice delivery to the communi- month. is being accused of insubordi- tending commemorations at Wa-
“We are happy that this will ty,” Nyikadzino said. Maliki was suspended a few nation. terloo which resulted in a poor
give poor residents a reprieve. Acting mayor Kiven Mutim- months ago after being accused “You shun attending party turnout,” the letter read.
However, a discount of this banyoka said: “Not every il- of sabotaging the provincial programmes where the provin- Majuru yesterday confirmed
manner is a piece-meal ap- legal structure will be regu- leadership and abusing the par- cial chairperson (Daniel Garwe) the suspension, but refused to
proach that only addresses the larised. It’s subject to inspec- ty vehicle, among other allega- would be present; you did not reveal more details.
symptoms of a serious prob- tion because some people have tions. mobilise party members to at- “I confirm that Maliki was
lem,” he said. built above sewage pipes, road He is currently undergoing a tend the Presidential rally that suspended and is undergoing a
Chitungwiza and Manyame servitudes and below electrici- disciplinary hearing process to took place at Murewa Centre,” disciplinary hearing process,
Rural Residents Association ty powerlines.” decide his fate. the letter read. that is all I can say,” he said.
secretary Brighton Mazhindu Follow us on Twitter His suspension followed an- “You imposed a district execu- Follow us on Twitter
said: “It’s an early Christmas @NewsDayZimbabwe other in Chikomba district tive in ward 4, you failed to as- @NewsDayZimbabwe
NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 5
Local News
Ukraine war worsens
Zim food insecurity: UN Housing backlog shoots to 2m
BY LORRAINE MUROMO BY PRIVELEDGE GUMBODETE ing both domestic and foreign investors to par-
ticipate in housing delivery.

UNITED Nations humanitarian organisations say IMBABWE’S housing backlog in ur- “A number of private partnerships and joint
the Russia-Ukraine conflict have sparked price in- ban areas has shot up to two million ventures have been initiated with the private
creases, food insecurity, supply chain disruptions from around 1,5 million reported in sector,” he indicated.
and general deterioration of the macro-economic February, NewsDay has learnt. Apart from the huge housing backlog, Garwe
environment and living conditions in Zimbabwe. Revealing the figure on Monday said the construction sector faced numerous
In a consolidated report titled Impact of the in Harare, National Housing and Social Amen- challenges such as obsolete and inadequate
Ukraine Crisis in Zimbabwe released last month, ities minister Daniel Garwe also said the ma- offsite and onsite infrastructure, mushroom-
the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), In- jority of the country’s rural population was us- ing informal settlements, threats posed by land
ternational Organisation for Migration (IOM) and ing pit latrines, while others are still practising barons, widening disparities between rural and
the World Food Programme (WFP) said the cri- open defecation. urban areas and the high cost of building mate-
sis was threatening development gains and hin- Speaking at the commissioning ceremony of rials and housing finance.
dering progress towards achievement of sustain- 600 housing units constructed by the Nation- “As a developing nation, we are seized with
able development goals. The conflict is happening al Building Society, a subsidiary of the National rapid urbanisation which brings on numerous Daniel Garwe
at a time when Zimbabwe is struggling to recover Social Security Authority (Nssa) in Harare’s Dzi- challenges such as increased demand for hous-
from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic against varasekwa Extension suburb, Garwe said: “The ing, water and sanitation. This has given rise to come economy.
the backdrop of a reduced maize harvest from the country is facing a daunting backlog in housing ballooning informal settlements, thus creating “The existence of land barons in our commu-
2021/22 summer cropping season. and social infrastructure delivery. Statistics at gaps between formal and informal settlements, nities is a reality that is causing pain and suffer-
“The faraway war has had direct effects on in- hand reveal that the housing backlog current- with visible inequalities and service delivery ing to you citizens. It is our clarion call that de-
creasing food, fuel and fertiliser prices and dis- ly stands at two million in urban areas with the and low quality of life.” cisive action be taken against land barons of all
rupting supply chains and trade, leading to fiscal rural population still being exposed to Blair toi- Garwe said land barons were threatening the forms, shapes and sizes.”
tightening and a widening of inequalities and gov- lets, pit latrines and open defecation.” success of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Follow Priveledge on Twitter
ernance issues,” the report read. He said the ministry was vigorously mobilis- Vision 2030 to turn Zimbabwe into a middle-in- @PTGumboz
“The cost of living, which has been steadily in-
creasing since August 2021, showed initial signs
of deceleration in October 2022. However, the sit-
uation is still precarious because inflation still re-
mains very high, the lean season has begun ear-
lier than typically, high costs for agricultural in-
puts particularly fertiliser are being observed, and
there is a possibility of a delayed start to the rainy
season in the primary crop-producing northern re-
gions of the country.
“Headline inflation remained high in September
at 280%, five (percentage) points below the previ-
ous month. The inflation in the country remains
one of the highest globally and the only country
in southern Africa with headline inflation above
The humanitarian groups said the cost of liv-
ing per person per month, as measured by the total
consumption poverty datum line, rose astronomi-
“The cost of living per person per month rose by
2,5% to $27 297,53 per person in September from $26
622,83 in August 2022, while the food poverty line
rose by 1,7% from $20 461,07 in August to $20 818,19
per person in September.
“Zimbabwe imports most of its fuel from Mo-
zambique, South Africa and Singapore. The price
of fuel, which was already on an upward trend pri-
or to the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, ex-
perienced a sharp increase immediately after the
start of the Ukraine crisis, rising by 17% for pet-
rol from US$1,51/litre (l) in March to US$1,77/l in
June, while diesel rose by 25% from US$1,51/l in
March to US$1,88/l in June. The rising cost of fuel
contributed to the increase in the prices of basic
food and non-food commodities,” the report said.

MSD forecasts low

rainfall, heat this week

THE Meteorological Services Department (MSD)

has projected relatively low rainfall activity and
some heat this week and advised farmers to work
closely with their local Agritex officers before they
start planting.
MSD’s head of forecasting James Ngoma said:
“We have had significant falls across much of the
country with areas around Murambinda receiving
102mm, Nyanga (78mm), Bikita (50mm), Buhera
(42mm), Marondera (37mm), Lupane (33mm) and
Nembudziya (30mm).
"The moisture that is present in the atmosphere
is not able to be sustained during this week where
we expect less precipitation across the country,
with mostly sunny conditions prevailing in most
areas. We still advise those taking on farming ac-
tivities during this period to keep hydrated be-
cause the sun will be hot towards the end of this
He urged farmers to consult Agritex offic-
ers before planting so that they can get advice on
the right crops to plant. Matabeleland North pro-
vincial agronomist Zenzele Ndlovu said farmers
should stagger their crops starting with tradition-
al grains that are drought tolerant.
“Those who have received effective rains can
start planting; those doing the Pfumvudza/In-
twasa programme should ensure mulching. They
should stagger their crops, and those that have re-
ceived less rainfall should start with tradition-
al grains since their areas are in the dry region,’’
Ndlovu said.
 Follow us on Twitter @NewsDayZimbabwe

Wednesday November 16 2022 RELEVANT, CREDIBLE NEWS

MRP seeks to meet Commonwealth team

BY SILAS NKALA monwealth, MRP president there is a possibility of the ment is accused of crafting vima.
Mqondisi Moyo appealed to Commonwealth team meeting draconian laws such as the The Commonwealth team is

HE Mthwakazi Re- the club to seriously consid- stakeholders other than gov- Private Voluntary Organisa- expected to assess the coun-
public Party (MRP) er the state of people in Mata- ernment. tions Amendment Bill, perpe- try’s preparedness to rejoin
has begged to meet beleland. “My request to you is that trating human rights abuses, the group of former British
the Commonwealth Moyo pleaded that his par- MRP be one of the stakehold- failing to implement electoral colonies after Harare pulled
team currently in ty be part of the stakeholders ers the team will meet. We reforms and not acting on po- out in 2003 at the height
the country to assess Zimba- who will meet the Common- have a story to tell. We have litical violence and incarcera- of a controversial land re-
bwe’s eligibility to rejoin the wealth team. a message that needs a voice. tion of opposition activists. form programme, which re-
grouping. “MRP is a political par- Our story is unique. Lack of On Monday, the group met sulted in white former com-
MRP claims that the Zanu ty fighting for the emancipa- attention has crippled the lives Foreign Affairs and Interna- mercial farmers being
PF-led government has been tion of Matabeleland. I wrote of the people of Matabeleland. tional Trade minister Freder- violently removed from their
marginalising Matabele- to the Commonwealth last Our situation cannot be gener- ick Shava, Finance and Eco- farms to pave way for black
land provinces and meeting year. In the email, I presented alised based on conditions pre- nomic Development minis- ownership.
the team would help it air its a detailed account of the Mth- vailing in Zimbabwe.” ter Mthuli Ncube, Justice, Le- Franceschi said the group
grievances. wakazi issue: How the nation The Commonwealth is yet to gal and Parliamentary Affairs would make a report after
The Commonwealth delega- was joined with Mashonaland respond to his letter. minister Ziyambi Ziyambi and meeting several stakeholders.
tion, led by the club’s assistant in 1923 by the colonial pow- The team assesses the coun- Public Service, Labour and So-  Follow us on Twitter
secretary-general Luis Franc- ers,” Moyo’s letter to Kolongo try as Mnangagwa’s govern- cial Welfare minister Paul Ma- @NewsDayZimbabwe
eschi is on a week-long fact- and Scotland KC read.
finding mission and will meet “The result was Southern
President Emmerson Mnan- Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Life
gagwa, diplomats posted to is hell for the people of Mata-
the country, political parties, beleland in Zimbabwe, hence
media and members of civic our call for self-determina-
society. tion. I am informed that the
In letters dated November Secretariat of the Common-
12 addressed to Angela Kolon- wealth is visiting Zimbabwe to
go, spokesperson of the Com- assess the country’s suitabili-
monwealth secretariat and ty for readmission to the Com-
Patricia Scotland KC, sec- monwealth.” A makeshift bridge
retary-general of the Com- Moyo demanded to know if being constructed
by Cowdray Park
residents and
Councillors defend Ingwebu in labour dispute their councillor
Kidwell Mujuru in
BY NIZBERT MOYO bwe. At one time, Ingwebu em-
ployees were being paid part of
BULAWAYO councillors their salaries in forex and I am
have come out in defence of sure it is still the case now.”
the beleaguered Ingwebu Workers had raised com-
Breweries after workers ac- plaints over poor working con-
cused the local authority-run ditions, unfair dismissals and
company of unfair labour low salaries.
practices. They claimed that most of
Council’s business commit- the workers committee mem-
tee chairperson Silas Chigora bers had been dismissed for
told Southern Eye that some of picketing over poor working
the allegations made by work-
ers were unjustified.
“Like any other company
“There were ten members of
the workers’ committee, eight
Residents team up to build bridge
where a misconduct is sus- of them have been fired except BY EMMANUEL MPOFU for more than three years with residents of the Hlalani
pected, due disciplinary pro- two who were retained after now and drive everyday to Kuhle area and led the initi-
cesses follow as per code of they engaged a political party HLALANI Kuhle residents work, during the rainy sea- ative to build a bridge which
conduct leading to different to rescue them,” said one work- in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo, son, sometimes I am forced to will service Cowdray Park
types of warnings includ- er. have joined forces with their leave my vehicle at home, it is residents.
ing dismissal depending on “Some of them were fired councillor Kidwell Mujuru to very challenging,” said July “The makeshift bridge will
the severity of the case,’’ Chig- in June following allegations construct a makeshift bridge Makurumidze, a resident. be a link between the Athens
ora said. that they influenced workers to help them access other ar- Another resident, shopping centre and 7A and
“If there is any complaint on to sign a petition complaining eas during the rainy season. Sithandekile Moyo said: “The 7B areas of Cowdray Park.
disciplinary cases at Ingwebu, about the mismanagement of The area is impassable bridge is an excellent initi- I managed to get pipes from
those disgruntled employees the company which led to poor whenever it rains and usu- ative. We are going to bene- the Bulawayo City Council,
must approach their workers working conditions and sala- ally presents a challenge for fit greatly from it, especial- which we used to construct
committee, Nec national coun- ries.” schoolchildren who have to ly during this rainy season. the bridge. I bought 10 bags of
cil/union for their cases to be The workers said company’s walk on waterlogged ground The situation has been dire as cement from my own pocket
reviewed.” failure to resolve issues forced as they go to school. schoolchildren find it hard to and donated rubble that was
Chigora added: “On salaries, them to picket. “The rainy season comes cross over to other areas be- used in the construction of
COVID-19 pandemic affected “This led to a witch hunt with a lot of challenges. Some cause water accumulates in a the bridge,” he said.
sales and profitability of sev- leading to the dismissal of areas become so swampy that specific area making it diffi- Mujuru said what was left
eral companies including In- some of the workers before we are unable to move to oth- cult and mostly dangerous for was gravel that would be de-
gwebu. It is trying to catch up even attempting to engage the er places in the suburb. We our children to cross.” livered by council trucks.
with its salary arrears just like workers over the issues,’’ a end up using longer routes. Councillor Kidwell Muju-  Follow us on Twitter
any other company in Zimba- worker said. I have been a resident here ru (Zanu PF) said he sat down @NewsDayZimbabwe
NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 7

Vic Falls Stock Exchange Zimbabwe Stock Exchange African Markets Currencies
VFEX ALL SHARE 14466.17 -0.46 JSE ASI 72982.80 +3.21 EUR-USD 1.0347
Turnover: 0 MEDIUM CAP 33528.58 -0.37 NGX ASI 43968.75 +0.06 USD-JPY 138.8100
Volume: 0 TOP 10 8324.46 -0.51 NSE ASI 128.09 -0.50 GBP-USD 1.1830
MINING 25478.67 -0.00 EGX 30 11756.56 -0.21 USD-ZAR 17.2397
Number of Trade: 0
Market Cap: US$271 979 542.23 USD-ZWL 636.7837

EcoCash swings back Insurers push

for tax reviews

into profitability
ZIMBABWE’S insurance industry
says government should review lev-
ies and taxes on insurance products
to make them affordable.
The issue of high taxes came un-
der the spotlight during the insur-
ance sector’s conference in Victo-
BY SHAME MAKOSHORI ria Falls on Monday, after a Finance
ministry official said the high cost

echNology out- of insurance products was affecting
fit ecocash hold- the growth of the industry.
ings chairperson Matthew Sangu, the deputy di-
Sherree Shereni rector for financial sector policy in
(pictured), has the ministry, blamed low uptake of
projected that the Zimbabwe insurance to high cost of insurance
Stock exchange-listed firm policies.
is in for exciting times, after Sangu, who was delivering key-
financial statements for the note remarks at the Insurance In-
half-year to August 31, 2022 stitute of Zimbabwe annual confer-
showed it had bounced back ence, said consumers were finding
into profitability, defying “en- insurance too expensive.
vironmental headwinds.” “Formal insurance remained low.
ecocash lifted inflation-ad- This is attributed to high cost of in-
justed pre-tax profit to $911,1 surance and lack of knowledge,”
million in the six months, ris- Sangu said.
ing from a $106,2 million loss But delegates argued that the
during the comparable peri- cost of bringing an insurance prod-
od. uct to the end user were high be-
operations were boosted by cause of high taxes, levies and oth-
an aggressive digital transfor- er regulatory obligations. Insurance
mation strategy, which was Council of Zimbabwe chairperson
also acknowledged by key of the public relations committee,
unit Steward Bank last week. David Nyabadza was among the
Revenue swung up $45,4 bil- speakers at the conference.
lion, a 6,8% rise from $42,5 bil- He said: “Costs in terms delivering
lion in 2021, as it tracked in- the insurance product itself are very
roads from Steward Bank, high.”
which consolidated its forex “On a typical policy we have to
earning capacity after approv- collect levies to fund the regulator,
ing United States dollar loans. we have to collect stamp duty, we
ecocash, which superin- er experience solution to im- cited about the new and trans- push. have to collect for some of the oth-
tends over leading tech-based prove efficiencies in query formational innovations in The bank posted $1,4 billion er regulatory entities like the Traffic
brands, see fresh opportuni- resolution. our pipeline. profit after tax in the compa- Safety Council and we also have to
ties on the Zimbabwean mar- “This positive development “We have accelerated our rable period in 2021. pay intermediary tax on it,” he said.
ket where it would be deploy- reflects the benefits of our on- digital transformation, dis- It also announced a 223% “I totally agree that there has
ing “transformational innova- going digital transformation rupting ourselves to positive- increase in net operating in- been of lack of education about
tions in the pipeline” to build journey, which has seen an ly impact the lives of people. come from $8 billion to $25,8 our products and services. We have
the business. improvement in operational Despite the challenging oper- billion in inflation-adjust- a lot of publicity and outreach and
Several such innovations efficiencies,” Shereni said, as ating environment during the ed terms on the back of im- we are working on this with the reg-
came onto the market during she shared ecocash’s results period under review, we have proved non-interest income ulators. When you look at funeral
the review period, including with investors. continued to identify and pur- which largely consisted of (policy), the uptake of the product
ecocash Bill Manager, which “We will continue to build sue new opportunities, for- digital banking revenue and is higher than all the other classes.
signed up over 200 000 custom- on this business strategy to mulating winning strate- exchange gains. “That is because funeral is very rel-
ers. ensure we deliver value for gies to drive business perfor- Pre-tax profits were also in evant to people, maybe we should
The platform aggregates our shareholders. ecocash mance and positive socio-eco- the positive, rising 385% to look at other products to see if they
service providers, allowing holdings continues to see ex- nomic impact.” $6,3 billion, from $1,3 billion are relevant to people. I know that
customers to “conveniently citing opportunities in the last week, Steward Bank during the comparable period our rates are low but I think it also
pay their bills.” market for social and finan- said adjusted post-tax prof- in 2021, according to chairper- has to do with insurance products
ecocash also rolled out eco- cial inclusion through tech- it surged 314% to $5,7 bil- son Bernard chidzero. themselves.”
cash chatbot, an artificial nology. We see opportunities lion during the same period,  Follow us on Twitter  Follow us on Twitter
intelligence-driven custom- in the market, and we are ex- driven by the digital banking @NewsDayZimbabwe @NewsDayZimbabwe
8 NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022


Africa’s debt conundrum

BY NEIL FORD Nevertheless, it provided US$6 billion
debt relief in 2020 and another US$7 bil-
It has a big advantage in that it includes
China among its members. Zambia was
ments holding outstanding eurobonds, with a to-
tal face value of US$140 billion at the end of 2021.

ome observers believe that Af- lion in 2021 for the 48 countries that signed the first African State to default during Thirdly, longer issues are now possible, even of up
rican governments are falling up to it, mostly in Africa. The Interntion- the pandemic when it failed to make a to 30 years.
into the same debt patterns that al monetary Fund (ImF) provided another US$42,5 million eurobond repayment in Finally, the fact that more African governments
spiralled out of control in the US$851 million in debt service relief to 29 November 2020. take out eurobonds — and on a more regular ba-
1990s and into the new millenni- of the world’s poorest countries. There have been big changes in the sis — may be an indication that the debt position
um, resulting in a fairly robust debt can- Total African external public debt balance of government credit in recent of many of them is not particularly dangerous. It
cellation programme. reached US$726 billion in 2021, up US$27 years. Firstly, while multilateral and bi- demonstrates that the markets are still prepared to
This campaign culminated in the 2005 billion on the previous year, a fairly mod- lateral lenders previously dominated, pri- lend, while their reliance on the markets probably
G7 Finance ministers’ agreement that est 3% increase. vate credit is growing rapidly. influences their economic policies and encourag-
triggered US$130 billion in debt being can- However, it is clear that the situation In eastern and southern Africa, for in- es mainstream plans. In short, they have become
celled for 36 countries. varies a great deal from country to coun- stance, the proportion of sovereign debt more reliable borrowers.
The CoVID-19 crisis and associated eco- try. In December 2012, the ImF said that held in multilateral loans has fallen to Despite rising debt levels, there appears to be
nomic downturn obviously had a huge im- 60% of low income countries were then at 47% of the total, with bilateral loans continued strong appetite for the sovereign debt
pact on the finances of most governments high risk of debt distress, double the level steady at 35% and private finance now ac- of many African countries, as South Africa’s US$3
around the world. at the end of 2015. counting for 19%. billion, Angola’s US$1,75 billion and Nigeria’s
The lowest income countries were able evidence of the ability of African Chinese institutions have become far US$1,25 billion eurobonds earlier this year attest.
to halt debt repayments during the pan- States to cope with current debt levels bigger lenders to African governments However, it appears that many private lenders now
demic as a result of the introduction of includes the fact that only three govern- since the 2005 agreement, although the seek assurances that their loans will not be rolled
the G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initia- ments — Chad, ethiopia and Zambia — amount of money on offer appears to have into future debt restructuring programmes.
tive (DSSI) in may 2020, but this expired have sought debt restructuring under the sharply receded more recently. even if growing African debt is a problem, it
in December 2021 and never secured the G20’s new common framework, which Secondly, African debt is increasingly could be argued that it is of no greater concern
hoped-for support of private creditors. was introduced to replace the DSSI. issued in euros, with 20 African govern- than that of many industrialised countries. When
looking at debt levels across the world, the position
of African governments is fairly standard.
In terms of the most recent available debt-to-
gross domestic product (GDP) ratios, Venezuela
performs worst at 350%, which is clearly unsus-
tainable, but Japan, surprisingly, comes next with
266%. Sudan is the highest-ranked African State in
third, with 259%.
A total of 24 countries have debt-to-GDP ratios in
excess of 100% but only six of these are in Africa,
with eritrea, Cabo Verde, Libya, mozambique and
Zambia joining Sudan. The US also features in that
group at 124% and France with 113%.
This is not to argue that sound fiscal manage-
ment is unimportant, or that it is advisable to keep
increasing borrowing at every stage of an econom-
ic cycle. Far from it, as higher debt means higher
repayments, which reduce the amount of money
available for more productive uses in the future.
Yet it does mean that the position of every coun-
try should be taken on its merits without automati-
cally seeing a combination of the words “debt” and
“Africa” as a bad thing.
Some debts do take a long time to pay off. It is
fairly well known that the UK made its final pay-
ment on the loans taken out from the US to finance
its efforts in the Second World War in 2006. How-
ever, it is less recognised that it was not until 2015
that the United Kindom finally paid off the debt
that it incurred in compensating slave owners for
the abolition of slavery in 1835.
The first debt can be worn with pride; the second
only with shame.
Analysis of the African countries with the low-
est debt-to-GDP ratios is interesting as it throws up
excellent cases of sound economic management
— for example, Botswana, with 24,2%. Gaborone
has a long track record of steady growth, based
on sound management of its diamond revenues.
However, it also includes Swaziland and Burundi,
which perhaps find it more difficult to secure ac-
cess to debt markets than most other countries.
If we accept that taking on debt is sometimes ad-
visable and sometimes not, there are two main cri-
teria to help decide which is which. Firstly, what is
the purpose of the finance? Is it to cushion the im-
pact of a short-term crisis or to help promote long-
term growth? or is it to cover recurrent spending
over an extended period?
There is a big difference between seeking fi-
nance to increase the salaries of middle-class civ-
il servants or investing in specific infrastructural
projects that can lift long-term growth prospects —
or providing social support to ensure that the poor-
est in society can survive crises, such as the recent
Secondly, how transparent are the terms of that
lending? most loans granted to African govern-
ments by Chinese lenders have been described as
being made on concessionary terms but detailed
terms are rarely published, which makes it diffi-
cult to assess their attractiveness.
It also makes it challenging for other potential
lenders to consider the wisdom of offering further
finance. For instance, Chinese creditors were be-
lieved to hold about 35-40% of Zambia’s estimated
US$17,3 billion debt at the start of this year, but the
exact figures are unknown.
Completely hidden debt is even more dangerous.
mozambique’s external debt ballooned from 37,5%
of GDP in 2011 to 110,5% by 2018 on the back of
secret loans to finance the purchase of tuna fish-
ing boats, a radar surveillance network and patrol
boats at inflated prices. Apart from the bad deals
and big loans, the fact that the government opted to
hide the financing resulted in the country’s finan-
cial reputation crumbling.
— African Business
NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 9

Zim fights climate change

with new seed varieties
…as 24 drought-tolerant varieties come into market
BY MIRIAM MANGWAYA ing on four food crops -- maize, soya- “Between 2016 and 2021 the same period, the country lost a sig- The report added that Zimba-
bean, sorghum and sugar bean. number of breeders in the public nificant breeding research capacity bwe had in the past three years lost

VER half of the new “In addition to higher yields, new vari- sector reduced by two,” the seed and experience once a multination- its seed breeding research capac-
seed varieties released eties often carry desirable traits such as breeders’ report read. al entity stopped its breeding activ- ity due to lack of adequate invest-
recently are drought climate stress resilience, disease/ pest re- “The private sector gained three ities in Zimbabwe, However, some ment which has resulted in the pri-
and heat tolerant, a sistance, and nutrition-enhancements,” breeders, one breeder for bean, smaller companies are starting to vate players dominating the seed
new study showed last the report said. soyabean and sorghum seed. The invest in breeding research, as a re- breeding sector, research by seed
week, confirming Zimbabwe’s deter- “In addition, given the growing em- breeders who left the public sector sult of which the overall change in production experts show.
mination to tackle climate change-in- phasis on nutrition and climate change joined the private sector or inter- the number of active breeders re-  Follow Miriam on Twitter @
duced threats to food security. adaptation, the recent increase in varie- national organisations. During the mains small.” FloMangwaya
In a comprehensive report that anal- ties released for the other crops is com-
yses the state of affairs in Zimbabwe’s mendable. Climate-smart attributes
seed breeding sector, the African Seed that have been a major focus for breed-
Access Index (TASAI), which worked in ers include very early to early maturity,
partnership with the Zimbabwe Seed drought tolerance, and heat stress toler- N K OF Z
Association (ZSA), said the country re- ance. At least 50% of the maize and sor-


leased 46 new varieties between 2019 ghum varieties released in these years

and 2021. had one or more climate-smart features.”


This figure was a slight increase from At the recent COP27 conference in
the 41 varieties released between 2014 Egypt, the world discussed how to nav-
and 2016. It noted that 30 of the new va- igate the scourge of drought and other
rieties were maize seeds. climate change-induced negative fac-
The report revealed that of the 46 new tors like desertification. Foreign Exchange Auction Results 15 November 2022
varieties, 24 had special features such as A major focus of the conference re-
drought and heat tolerance, early matu- volved around how economies can im- SMEFX114/2022 MAIN FX120/2022
rity and nutrition-enhanced. prove global food security under the Number of Bids Received : 135 85
TASAI and ZSA tracked breeders work- current climatic shifts. Number of Bids Disqualified : 7 2
Total Number of Bids Accepted : 128 83
Total Number of Bids Allotted : 127 81
Total Value of Bids Accepted : USD1,352,749.71 USD11,879,207.67
Namibia to develop new conservation Amount Allotted
Highest Rate Received :
: USD1,333,267.85
675 .0000

agriculture framework Lowest Bid Rate Allotted

Weighted Average Rate
620 .0000

NAMIBIA is set to develop a new con- by poor farming methods, high levels of PURPOSE AMOUNT AMOUNT
servation agriculture strategic frame- soil degradation and desertification re- ALLOTTED ALLOTTED
work to inspire local farmers to adopt sulting in low agricultural productivity. AUCTION
sustainable agriculture practices that Droughts and prolonged dry spells Raw Materials 437,588.85 5,066,990.64
ensure resilience, food security and nu- also worsen the situation as they re-
Machinery and Equipment 483,860.83 1,789,981.02
trition as well as environmental protec- sult in severe crop damage or complete
Consumables (Incl. Spares, Tyres, Electricals, etc) 120,689.33 1,125,086.66
tion, an official said Monday. crop failures placing many people at risk
Services (Loans, Education, Dividends, 89,119.13 1,606,893.13
Speaking at a workshop to develop of hunger, he noted.
Disinvestments, etc)
the comprehensive conservation ag- Conservation agriculture principles, Retail and Distribution (Incl. Food, Beverages, etc) 146,359.53 609,479.94
riculture programme, United Nations which include minimal soil disturbance, Electricity 0.00
Food and Agriculture Organisation as- permanent soil cover, and crop rotation, Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals 28,249.37 811,466.31
sistant representative Ferdinard Mwap- are universally applicable in all agricul- Paper and Packaging 27,400.81 710,141.97
opi said the framework is to help farm- tural landscapes and cropping systems, TOTAL 1,333,267.85 11,720,039.67
ers increase production and productiv- Mwapopi said.
ity, thus reducing risks and building re- He said that this intervention is espe- GRAND TOTAL AWARDED 13,053,307.52
silience to climate change. cially important for smallholder farm-
“Despite agricultural productivity in- ers who despite managing over 80% of Notes
creasing in some countries in the Sadc the world's estimated 500 million small 1. Bids with overdue CD1s, outstanding Bills of Entry (BOEs), insufficient ZWL and
(Southern African Development Com- farms and providing over 80 percent of those with sufficient FCA balances were also disqualified.
munity) region, others like Namibia re- the food consumed in a large part of the 2. Some Bids were allotted on a pro-rata basis.
main net importers of food items and developing world, are still largely over- 3. Willing buyer Willing seller Bid Rate as at 11 November 2022 was ZW$609.6679
are thus highly exposed to environmen- looked and left to face challenges such
tal and economic factors prevailing in as access to production inputs associat- RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE
food exporting countries, making them ed with high prices and lack of access to 15 NOVEMBER 2022
vulnerable to shocks,” he said, adding credits.
that the situation is further exacerbated — Xinhua
10 NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 Editorial & Opinion

Let’s not take
PEAKING at the National Sports Stadium to mark Zimbabwe’s
24th independence anniversary on April 18, 2004 and four
months after the southern African nation withdrew from
the Commonwealth of Nations after it had been suspended
over human rights issues, the late former President Robert
Mugabe emphatically declared: “We shall never go back to this evil or-
ganisation (Commonwealth).”
Mugabe told the world that the country had left the Commonwealth Good day Mr President, death knell for citizenry
because its former colonial master, Britain, was attempting to “enslave to enjoy civility was sounded
us, to make us puppets… When we left we did not say we shall return,
the door through which we left is now locked”.
Mr President a cult. At most, they flocked in Zanu PF cadres were confined to
How things have changed with the passage of time and almost to satisfy the quorum; at worst, toe a straight and narrow code of
20 years since Zimbabwe exited the Commonwealth, the country is they exposed the culture of conduct. None deliberated with
now somewhat eager to be readmitted following concerted efforts by subservience. their conscience and conviction.
Mugabe’s predecessor President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Your Excellency, consequently, Given that your party is the
It is interesting how history keeps repeating itself. the participants were not governing party, ordinarily, my
When Zimbabwe was still Rhodesia and led then by Ian Smith as deliberative. They were without expectations for the congress to
prime minister, the country left the Commonwealth in 1965 when zeal to be heard or to advocate for be a robust exchange of ideas
Smith made the infamous Unilateral Declaration of Independence the election of the young blood was markedly unmet. Instead,
from Britain. into the high echelons of the party. deliberations were preoccupied
The country was in the wilderness for 15 years and only returned to They were intentionally geared to with ululations and bursts of
the Commonwealth family at independence in 1980.
Now a team from the Commonwealth is in the country, albeit for
Cyprian M Ndawana be content with maintaining the
status quo.
approvals, true to that of a
carefully patterned choreography.
the third time, to assess the possibility of Zimbabwe rejoining the With your uncontested Your Excellency, with the party

EAR President
54-member organisation and unlike its return in 1980, this time around Emmerson retention as the party first presidium remaining as it was,
Zimbabwe has to prove that it is committed to upholding certain Mnangagwa, Your secretary, it was by head instinct granted, it was a death knell for
principles which it breached leading to its suspension in the first place. Excellency, as I see that the precedence for the other the citizenry to enjoy civility.
Incidentally, the country was suspended in late 2003 for breaching a it, the absence of a three who sit with you at the Whatever fleeting hopes there
declaration it signed in its capital Harare in 1991. The Harare Declaration strategic succession plan on the party totem post was set. It was might have been for a turnaround
stated, among other central issues, that Zimbabwe — together with agenda of the just-ended Zanu no wonder that they too, similarly of socio-economic fortunes were
other Commonwealth members — promote: Democracy; democratic PF congress was ominous. It was received renewals of their rendered a deadly blow.
processes and institutions; the rule of law and the independence of inauspicious for the ruling party appointments without further An eerie and portentous
the Judiciary; just and honest governance; and fundamental human to be dead silent on leadership ado. stillness enveloped me as the
rights, including equal rights and opportunities for all citizens renewal. Your Excellency, essentially, congress ended. I resigned to the
regardless of race, colour, creed or political affiliation. Yet, dire consequences are their reappointments were fateful eventuality that indeed, the
And based on this very declaration the Commonwealth team known to afflict organisations that granted, as if by inherent right of party had unanimously endorsed
will assess the country’s current position before making its forgo planned and systematic entitlement. Furthermore, many a would be 81-year-old cadre as
recommendations. injection of fresh mindsets at other old guards who had long its 2023 presidential candidate. It
While we sincerely hope for a positive outcome for the country the helm. It is well-documented been gathering dust and rust had forsaken succession as it did
because it has been really cold outside the Commonwealth and the in human development studies were retrieved from the political with Mugabe.
experience has not been pleasant, we implore our government to be that loyalty to a leadership that dustbin. They are back in the inner With all due respect, my
sincere in its decision to rejoin the organisation. has gone full circle has grave circle of power. expectations were that you
As it is, to be honest, the way government has been behaving leaves ramifications. It was a forgone conclusion would be among the pioneering
a lot to be desired and there has been very little evidence that the A case in point is the ordeal your that influential politburo and council of elders members. Given
country is serious about readmission. party went through following central committee posts were to the all encompassing challenges
The Commonwealth team has come at a very opportune time as we decades of venerating the be largely awarded to the political bedevilling Zimbabwe, truly, it is
prepare for the 2023 elections. Disregarding whatever has happened deposed late former President geriatrics. Lamentably, like the weird for Zanu PF to settle for an
in the past, it is critical that our government judiciously navigates the Robert Mugabe. He was hallowed scriptural Lazarus, the youth and aging candidate as its best foot
period up to the elections and what happens soon after the elections as the centre of power, even as the middle-aged had to content forward.
because this will, whether some of us like it or not, determine the effects of advanced ageing were with the paltry leftover fringe Meanwhile, with the
country’s chances of returning to the Commonwealth. A free and fair roundly impairing his faculties. positions. Commonwealth assessment
election, devoid of intimidation and many other electoral malpractices, It was incongruous for a leader As I see it, the first congress mission currently in the country,
will definitely enhance Zimbabwe’s readmission chances. who has roads in all towns and without the domineering Mugabe it was a fateful coincidence
Zimbabwe has been out in the cold for a long time and it should not cities, as well as the country’s was a classic much-ado-about that former Nigerian President
mess up this chance, otherwise it risks being condemned back into the prime international airport nothing gathering. It employed Olusegun Obasanjo recently
wilderness of pariah States. named after him, to ultimately Mugabe’s modus operandi of spoke critically of Zimbabwe. He
The release of some political prisoners who were being denied bail encounter a military-led deposal. patronage appointments. He blamed the country for setting a
for the past four months is a good start and we honestly hope that It was apparent that his resistance handed down to you the practice wrong precedent of coups on the
this is not being done just to please the visiting Commonwealth team of succession were bound to cost of dictatorship than debate in its continent.
because there are so many other misdemeanours that are sticking out him dignity. And it did. entirety. Your Excellency, he was referring
like sore thumbs which can easily jeopardise Zimbabwe’s chances of Your Excellency, methinks Everything about it was without to the millitary-orchestrated
returning to the Commonwealth. participants to the recent Zanu the essence which characterises removal from office of Mugabe
PF congress were primarily elective congresses. It turned in 2017. He berated that the
complacent. They were as out that the deliberations were deposal was a coup which was
biddable as they were docile. routinely tamed and cautious. sanitised and packaged as a bona
As I see it, they basically did not There was no scope whatsoever fide means of replacing a rogue
evidence the enthusiasm that is for creativity or spontaneity, administration outside the ballot.
typical of elective congresses. neither was there room for critical
 Read full article on www.newsday.
Despite coming from even thinking.
the furthermost provinces from It was apparent that cadres were
Harare, methinks the supposed restricted to a strict script. Contrary Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana is a
elective congress participants to the expectations of open public-speaking coach, motivational
democratic vibrant organisations, speaker, speechwriter and newspaper
deliberated as if the party was columnist.
Daily View NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 11

Long-term planning can Zim should partner China

on ambitious innovations
get rid of land barons
guest opinion
HE rise of land barons er. Building houses on land meant
has become an enduring for agriculture does not contribute
trend and topic in many to growth of domestic product. As
agriculture-driven African financial institutions such as banks

economies over the past and pension funds evolve into an-
few years. In fact, this trend has other brand of land barons, ur-
grown to the extent that in Zimba-
bwe there are more than five types
ban and peri-urban land that was
meant for food production is be-
Percy Makarichi
of land barons. Increase in land ing converted into residential are-
barons can largely be attributed to as. Converting such areas as Nyabi- Over the years, China has There are also hundreds other in-
lack of long-term planning around ra near Harare, with high potential made strides in research and novators in the country and these
the use of natural resources such as for food production into brick and innovation, making technologi- can use their expertise to develop
land. In most African countries, na- wall investments has several conse- cal breakthroughs in key fields the country. With the support from
tional budgets focus on service pro- quences. and making inroads into stra- China and the right attitude, Zim-
vision, infrastructure and salaries What is the cost benefit analysis tegic industries. According to babwe could be a great country
for civil servants. of converting an unexpandable re- President Xi Jinping, who is and be able to stem the brain drain,
No attention is given to invest- source like land into residential ac- also the general secretary of the which has contributed to the coun-
ment planning anchored on the commodation at the expense of Chinese Communist Party, the try’s slow development.
four key factors of production: food production? Some countries country has scored major suc- China has always indicated its
Capital (finance) — which is em-
phasised by policymakers through
Charles Dhewa have long-term plans which see
them demolishing existing struc-
cesses, including manned space-
flight, lunar and Martian explo-
willingness to support Zimbabwe
through its independent develop-
budgets. tures and building flats. In countries ration, deep sea and deep earth ment path and achieve its vision of
Land — in its physical form and ers. All this is due to high demand like Zimbabwe, land for agriculture probes, super computers, satel- becoming an upper middle income
natural resources — what long- for land to establish enterprises not is being taken up by real estate yet lite navigation, quantum infor- economy by 2030.
term plans do we have for land only due to passion by individuals the human population is naturally mation, nuclear power technol- The country is exploring oppor-
which is an unadjustable resource? to start an enterprise, but as a last increasing. Eventually there will be ogy, airliner manufacturing, and tunities in the information technol-
Human resources — people with resort for many people to earn a liv- more people with houses, but no biomedicine. ogy sector, which is set to transform
their skills, knowledge, passion and ing. food. The development pathway for Joining world’s innovators the country. The country will bene-
aspirations. Infiltration by politics houses is being pushed by the de- Zimbabwe, which enjoys good fit a lot from China in terms of assis-
Entrepreneurship — this is very Political infiltration has wors- mand for accommodation, not de- relations with China, could take a tance to sharpen its technological
important as it relates to the es- ened within constrained ecosys- mand for houses. That is why prop- leaf from the Asian giant to fulfill skills and build information technol-
tablishment of enterprises on land. tems where demand for land and erty owners are turning their hous- its ambitions of becoming one of ogy hubs. Already, a number of Zim-
What long-term plans are there on space is rising. With local authori- es into businesses through rentals. the world’s innovators. babwe’s entry points are using facial
entrepreneurship development? ties losing their policies and pow- By taking advantage of the de- The country has already made recognition technology developed
When colonialists came to Africa, er, political power has taken over mand for accommodation and its intentions known by launch- by a Chinese company.
they set up long-term plans spe- the governance and management business space, property own- ing its first space satellite, Zim- Under its national development
cifically around entrepreneurship of local authorities to the extent ers have also become land bar- Sat-1 as part of its new technolo- strategy 1 (NDS 1), Zimbabwe hopes
and industrial development. Eve- that politicians are now the gover- ons. Shopping malls that are mush- gy-driven trajectory that is set to to upgrade its infrastructure and
ry town was carefully planned with nors and owners of urban land and rooming in big cities like Harare are help develop the country. adopt clean and environmentally
areas designed for residential hous- markets. Traders are obliged to fol- for consumables and have nothing ZimSat-1 was made by Zimba- friendly technologies and industri-
ing, areas for heavy industries, areas low what political leaders are say- to do with industrial development bwean scientists, with assistance al processes and enhance scientific
for light industries and so on. Long- ing, but these local political lead- which is more important for socio- from Japanese experts under the research.
term plans also existed for every ers have become land barons who economic development. The origi- Joint Global Multi-Nation Birds The country also seeks to upgrade
open space. charge an extra fee on traders who nal central business district is now Satellite (BIRDS) Project. the technological capabilities of in-
The rise of MSMEs, implica- are already paying rentals to local being turned into a cash cow by The permanent secretary in dustrial sectors and encourage in-
tions authorities. property owners who are demol- the Higher and Tertiary Educa- novation while increasing the num-
In countries like Zimbabwe, the Another related issue on the de- ishing original buildings into malls tion, Science and Technology De- ber of research and development
collapse of large-scale industries mand side is infrastructure de- in response to demand for trading velopment ministry Fanuel Tag- workers per one million people and
and emergence of micro, small and velopment for the fast-growing space. It implies rentals-driven land wira described the launch as a also increase public and private
medium enterprises (MSMEs) has young generation. The issue is now barons are becoming another form major milestone for Zimbabwe’s sector research and development
created huge demand for land to stretching from production zones of land baronship as demand for space technology development. spending.
establish enterprises. During the or rural areas to towns due to lack of residential and trading pushes up “We are getting into that phase Key driver
time, most people were employed a clear national plan and guidance prices. This is an undefined form of of development as a country Innovation and the adaptation
in big formal industries, there was on land use. With increasing urban- corruption because rules that used where we can gather information of modern technology should be
no serious demand for land to be isation, some previously rural busi- to gazette rental charges that can we can use in agriculture, health the key driver of economic transfor-
used as trading space. But follow- ness centers like Domboshava near be charged in a certain area are ig- and other areas. We will have re- mation for Zimbabwe and institu-
ing retrenchments and economic Harare are rapidly urbanising, but nored. Property owners are doing al-time data instead of waiting tions of higher learning should aid
down-turns, most people moved the original plans for Domboshava what they want with their proper- for data coming from other peo- new innovations and adoption of
into the MSMEs sector, triggering before it became a residential area ties, which is why you can even see ple. Zimbabwe is going to be in modern technologies for econom-
high demand for trading space or have remained unknown. a surgery in an area where it would a very good position to collect ic gains.
workspace. Meanwhile, owners of Traditional leaders becoming not be set up if rules and by-laws its own information, which it can In order to promote innovation,
large-scale industries that have col- land barons were really followed. use for decision-making.” the country needs to consider fi-
lapsed continue to hold onto land Traditional leaders have be- Land barons by leasing Support nancing science innovation projects
on which their factories sat. Those come another version of land bar- Leasing of agricultural land has China has already assisted Zim- by young Zimbabweans. China has
retrenched have gone to work in ons. Abusing their roles as custo- become another serious version babwe in the field of science de- invested in science, technology and
spaces originally designed for other dians of traditional land, they are of land baronship. If all land be- velopment. These interventions innovation development and its
uses like recreational purposes. now loosening traditional laws and longs to the State as is the case in include the High Performance sound policies have seen the coun-
Policymakers are yet to see that values which previously stipulated Zimbabwe, what is the purpose of Computing Centre; Anti-Narcot- try succeeding.
high demand for land and trading that they should not sell commu- giving an individual 5 000 hectares ics Laboratory, 5G expansion, Zimbabwe launched its second
space is giving birth to land bar- nal land. They are now facilitating when that individual can only use new radar at the Robert Gabri- science, technology and innovation
ons. As long as demand outweighs and authorising sale of land that less than 100 hectares? In rural Af- el Mugabe International Airport policy in 2012 with the aim of mak-
availability and policymakers are was not designed for residential rica, a household with six members and agriculture demonstration ing technology an integral part of
not generating solutions, the prob- purposes. Traditionally, these lead- can survive on less than 20 hec- villages, among others. the country’s development.
lem of land barons will not end. ers would only allow people to rent tares and is able to send children The Asian giant has also prom- The policy seeks to strengthen ca-
In agricultural markets like Mbare land in communal areas, but not to school as well as meet other ised more assistance to Zimba- pacity development in STI; and en-
in Harare where 153 market stalls sell. Now the village heads are will- needs. Why should individuals ben- bwe in agriculture, energy, health courage the learning and utilisation
were set up and registered with ingly partitioning land and giving efit from leasing land that belongs and science and technology sec- of emerging technologies to accel-
the municipality when the market it to new people from anywhere. to the State? It is wrong for a few tors. erate development.
was established more than 50 years Some of the land being partitioned people to benefit by earning a liv- Zimbabwe is blessed with
ago, increase in demand for trading was traditionally set aside for live- ing from national assets, while the abundant human resources and Read full article on www.newsday.
space has seen each market stall ac- stock pastures and rituals like rain- rest wallow in poverty. boasts of innovators who are
commodating 5-10 traders renting making ceremonies. dotted across the globe and do-
space from one individual whose While urbanisation is now starting ing great things in the countries
name is registered by the munici- from rural areas, developing resi- Charles Dhewa is a proactive they are domiciled. Percy Makarichi is a researcher
pality. This means 153 registered dential areas is taken as a nation- knowledge broker and manage- Some of these top talents in- with a local think tank and research
market stall owners have become al issue, yet residential develop- ment specialist. He writes here in his clude robotics, petroleum, engi- centre based in Harare.
space barons for at least 1 500 trad- ment is not really an economic driv- personal capacity. neering as well as hard science.

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12 NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 Letters & SMS
The Editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues.
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Forty words maximum

Cancellation of voters’ concert cause for concern

THE cornerstone of any de-
IN response to Marange dia-
monds leakage exposed, TON-
mocracy is measured by the agine if a mere security guard is
ability of citizens’ legiti- found in possession of 91 piec-
mate freedom to participate es of diamond, how many would
in processes without fear those in higher offices managed
to steal? The country never real-
and to organise for legiti- ised any meaningful proceeds
mate causes. from the sale of diamonds. In
The recent cancellation of situations like these, we end
the students voter registra- up blaming sanctions, yet we
tion activation in Bulawayo know where the problem is. Di-
amonds were supposed to ben-
by authorities is an affront efit the whole country and bring
to ideals of a free society. about the much-needed devel-
The Election Resource opment. Unfortunately, the elite
Centre (ERC) had organised who have the proximity to the
a students activation concert echelons of power have been
which was set to take place
at Hartsfield Tshisanyama IN response to Zim C’wealth re-
in Bulawayo on November admission uncertain, CHIHERA
12. The main objective of the RUDO says: “So, Blair keep your
event was to encourage stu- England and let me keep my
Zimbabwe.” Why is President
dents to register to vote. Emmerson Mnangagwa making

ED is not As Zimbabwe gears up and

prepares for the harmonised
elections to be held around
July or August 2023, the re-
thorities must promote an
open and tolerant environ-
ment and the time is now.
The freeness of the election
ERC will continue to en-
gage with the Zimbabwe Re-
public Police and relevant
stakeholders to ensure that
a U-turn from what the late for-
mer President Robert Mugabe
believed in? Is Mnangagwa try-
ing to make a false impres-
sion to be seen as if he is doing

sincere cent eleventh hour cancella-

tion of the performance does
not point to an improved
electoral environment. Au-
is measured by the ability of
citizens to openly and free-
ly enjoy their constitutional
future activations are not ar-
bitrarily cancelled.
Election Resource

LIBERTY KATIYO says: As long

as the government continues
to jail political activists, Presi-
IT is now very clear that dent Emmerson Mnangagwa
those who forced the late should forget about rejoining
former President Robert the Commonwealth. This is what
Mugabe to resign under we mean when we say shooting
yourself on the foot.
the guise of arresting
criminals surrounding HAMMONDS TATENDA MOT-
him had no other inten- SII says: Commonwealth — a
tion than to usurp power group of former British colo-
and consolidate it. nies which are managed by the
British Royal family. These coun-
It is now five years af- tries claim to have gained inde-
ter Mugabe left State pendence, but they are still col-
House, but we have only onised. When Zimbabwe opt-
noticed that the so-called ed out, they claimed that sover-
G40s are the only people eignty was under siege and now
it is seeking to rejoin the same
who have been dragged club. Is this not confusion on
to the courts week-in top of foolishness? Why can’t we
week-out. manage our own country?
Are the former minis-
ters the only ones who JAMES MUPFUMWA says: Lay
out the rules and regulations of
caused all the suffering rejoining the Commonwealth so
on the nation, as the new that citizens are taught about it.
dispensation team would Then we need a referendum not
want us to believe? all food is good food.
As far as the ordinary
MUPFUMWA says: The Com-
people see things as they monwealth must readmit our
unfold, the military in-
tervention was just a Nothing to celebrate on International Street Vendors Day country so that next year they
will oversee the elections and
also they can deploy their ob-
ploy to grab power from

ONDAY was Inter- for the majority of money ernment issued social secu- servers into violence-prone ru-
Mugabe. Even former national Street Ven- supply in the economy. rity safety nets, despite the ral constituencies where oppo-
Higher and Tertiary Ed- dors Day and we at Over the past month, trad- immense role they play in sition party activists are beaten,
ucation minister Jona- the Vendors Initiative for So- ers operating at Mupedzan- the economy, with at most tortured and murdered in cold
than Moyo stated in his cial and Economic Transfor- hamo in Mbare have had times government seek- blood. It will also be an oppor-
Blue Ocean presentation tunity for them to see how elec-
mation (Viset) joined infor- their marketplaces shut- ing to tax the sector as was tions are rigged.
in July 2018. mal traders across the world down and are struggling to seen in the previous budget
If President Emmer- in celebrating this impor- eke out a living. Those in by Finance minister Mthu-
son Mnangagwa is an tant day. Glen View have had their
Voluntary Media
li Ncube when he initiated
honest person, as he This year’s commemora- trading places destroyed by the presumptive tax for the Council
would want us to be- tion came against a back- fire more than three times in sector.
lieve, he must ensure drop of daily harassment a year, highlighting the need
of Zimbabwe
Multinational corpora-
that all rogue elements that traders face from law for the provision of decent tions are, however, grant- NewsDay newspaper subscribes to
in his administration enforcement agencies, in vi- working spaces. ed tax breaks and holidays a Code of Conduct that promotes
are brought to book and olation of constitutional pro- Informal sector workers among other incentives, all truthful, accurate, fair and balanced
shown the door to Chi- news reporting. If we do not meet
visions that guarantee the continue to be left out of gov- in the name of being “Zim- these standards, register your com-
kurubi Maximum Secu- right to work. babe is open for business”. plaints with the Voluntary Media
rity Prison. Viset believes that the laws It is our firm belief that Council of Zimbabwe at No 34, Co-
So, Mr President, what governing the informal sec- there can be no middle in- lenbrander Rd, Milton Park Harare.
is your next step after tor are not fit for purpose WRITE TO US AT come economy by 2030 for Telephone us at 04-778096 or
noticing that things are
not working?
and are in need of urgent re- the nation without ensuring 24 Hr Complaints line: 0772 125 659
view in order to give recogni- that the growth of the sector Email: or
Should the masses go tion to a sector that now ac- Cnr Strand/Bessemer Roads, Graniteside, Harare
is put at the front and centre Whatsapp: 0772
back to the streets to lib- PO Box BE 1165, Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe
counts for over 83% of em- of the nation’s economic pol- 125 658
erate themselves again? ployment, over 60% of gross Bulawayo office icies. Twitter: @vmcz
Zvaipa Zvonzii Website:
domestic product as well as Amtec Building, Corner Robert Mugabe and 12th Avenue Viset Facebook page: vmcz Zimbabwe
Postal Adress: P.O. Box AC558, Ascot, Bulawayo
NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 13
Zimbabwe exports ‘mental health benches’ to Fifa World Cup
ZIMBABWEAN psychiatry profes-
sor, Dixon Chibanda, has come up
with a novel way of providing des-
perately needed mental health thera-
py for his poorer compatriots: a park
bench where people sit and receive free therapy
with lay health workers, called mbuya (grand-
His therapy model is now being exported to the
football World Cup in Qatar, where 32 benches —
each representing a team competing in the Fifa
tournament — will be set up to cast the spotlight
on global mental health.
Chibanda’s friendship bench has proved popu-
lar and offered much-needed, accessible therapy.
Decades of deepening poverty have taken a men-
tal toll on many Zimbabweans, imposing a bur-
den on underfunded and understaffed psychiat-
ric health services.
The friendship bench has helped bridge a short-
age of professional healthcare workers in Zimba-
bwe — which has only 14 psychiatrists, 150 clini-
cal psychologists and fewer than 500 psychiatric
nurses serving a population of 16 million people.
“We need these alternative innovations to nar-
row the gap and my idea is to use grandmothers
to provide therapy,” said Chibanda, adding that
the benches were spaces “to share stories and
through storytelling we can all be healed”.
World Cup/ WHO praise
The World Cup project is in partnership with
the World Health Organisation (WHO), whose
chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has praised
the initiative as “a simple yet powerful vehicle
for promoting mental health”.
It is “a reminder of how a simple act of sitting
down to talk can make a huge difference to men-
tal health”, he said.
Other countries to have adopted the friend-
ship bench model include Jordan, Kenya, Mala-
wi, Zanzibar and the United States, where 60 000
people in the Bronx and Harlem areas have ac-
cessed the therapy.
In Zimbabwe, about 70% of the population live
below the poverty threshold.
Chibanda’s idea of friendship benches germi-
nated after a patient he was treating at a govern-
ment hospital took her life.
“She didn’t have $15 bus fare to come to the hos-
pital to receive treatment for the depression,” he
“That was the initial trigger that instantly
made me realise that there was a need to take
mental health from the hospitals into the com-
‘A masterstroke’
Shery Ziwakayi has offered therapy from a gar-
den bench in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, for the
past six years, seeing an average of three clients
a day.
“Through talking to us many have recovered
and are leading normal lives again,” said Ziwa-
kayi, who received training in basic counselling
skills, mental health literacy and problem solv-
ing therapy.
The grandmothers are given a stipend for their
services, and the operation is financed by Chiba-
nda’s NGO, the Friendship Bench.
Her patients come from all walks of life —
young, old, suffering from stress or dealing with
drug addiction. Some are unemployed or in fi-
nancial trouble, others are gender-based violence
On a white sheet clipped to a blue handheld
board, she asks clients if they are frightened by
trivial things, feel run down, or have felt like tak-
ing their lives, among a host of other questions.
Choice Jiya, 43, said she owes her life to the ser-
vice offered on the benches, having considered
suicide when her husband lost his job shortly af-
ter she gave birth to their twins in 2005.
She now operates a small business making per-
fumes and soap.
From just 14 grandmothers in Mbare — Hara-
re’s oldest and poorest township — at the start
in 2006, there are now nearly 1 000 benches and
more than 1 500 grandmothers in different local-
They have assisted 160 000 people in the past
two years alone.
The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has
seen a spike in mental health problems and WHO
estimates that more than 300 million people
around the world suffer from depression.
Its most recent report “paints a very bleak pic-
ture”, showing six out of 10 countries with the
highest suicide rates in the world are in Africa,
said Chibanda.
For Harare’s Health Services director, Prosper
Chonzi, the benches are a “masterstroke”.
“Demand for mental health services is high
due to the economic situation. This is one of the
best interventions. It has made a huge difference
in terms of averting suicides,” he said.

NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 14

Nasibo to grace Tanzanian music festival

ROM a backing vocalist to a
band leader and now tour-
ing Africa, this is the fairy-
tale journey of Afro fusion
artiste and mbira exponent
Nancy Nasibo (pictured) who has
worked hard to be the musician she
is today.
Her resilience in the competitive
showbiz industry will next year take
her to the prestigious Sauti za Busara
2023 Music Festival stage in Zanzi-
bar, Tanzania, scheduled for Febru-
ary 10 to 12.
Sauti za Busara (which means
Sounds of Wisdom) is an annual
pan-African music festival that cele-
brates cultural pluralism organised
by Busara Promotions, a non-gov-
ernmental organisation registered
in Zanzibar.
Nasibo told NewsDay Life & Style
that she was happy to have been se-
lected to be part of the stellar line-
up of performers at the 20th edition
of Africa's premier festival.
“I believe it was a combination of
God’s grace, hard work and patience
that has enabled me to get tours
outside Zimbabwe. I am grateful
and honoured to be part of the Sauti
Za Busara Festival,” she said.
“I have been trying my best to
push myself and this is where God
When food festival celebrates heritage, promotes tourism
has placed me, though I am still
looking for funding for air tickets to BY VANCELL CHADA a classy touch, and the tantalising one had the option of several types got people asking for the recipe,
go with my band to the festival. This aroma would entice one to try the of juices and teas such as the mako- pearl millet with steam-dried mush-
is a very good opportunity that can FOOD and music have always been traditional delicacies that were on ni tea, the popular zumbani tea, bao- room in peanut butter soup was also
elevate me and the band to great- considered a perfect combination offer. bab coffee and rossella drink. of interest for many.
er heights, while we represent our that virtually dominates our lives Chefs worked hard on the menus For lunch, someone who would Also, amaranth seeds milled into
country in Tanzania.” and has the magnetic power to that pleased the palates of many a not want to go for the usual white cereal or flour, made a very good
Nasibo is proving to be an artiste bring communities together. guest. maize sadza or white rice, there was meal which goes well with ama-
of the moment as she continues to Worldwide food festivals are be- The day be- something of different colour and ranth leaves mixed with pumpkin
land gigs around the world. In the coming an important part of peo- gan with a tradi- flavour. leaves and cassava seeds alongside
last two years, she has performed at ple’s lives bringing unique and mem- tional breakfast Tra- boneless delicacies such as mopane
several events in countries such as orable food and drink experiences. that brought a dition- worms.
Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Bel- The recently held Good Food Fes- unique tradition- ally fin- I also imagined eating mopane
gium. tival was a remarkable success as al sense of deep ger worm sausage or burger, but had to
Recently she also had the oppor- a mixture of musical sounds ech- African roots millet leave this for another day.
tunity to perform alongside multi- oed throughout the Harare Botani- and innovation. meals This year’s Good Food Festival
talented Senegalese singer, song- cal Gardens, setting a good tone and The main dish have showed that traditional food has the
writer and actor, Youssou Nd’our on mood for the day. in the morn- some potential to improve social sustaina-
the same set at the 6th Summit of The venue proved to be an ideal ing was warm, grits and bility to the marginalised communi-
European Union and Africa Union location due to its serenity and rich yummy mo- sand, ties, judging by the overwhelming
held in Brussels. diverse indigenous and exotic flora. pane worms but on numbers of different people who
She is also set to tour Kenya in De- The festival attracted stakehold- and millet in- this day visited the stands and showed their
cember. The Afro singer, however, ers such as smallholder farmers, stant por- all tra- appreciation of traditional delica-
admits her growth as an artiste has farm equipment suppliers, food pro- ridge, devel- dition- cies.
not been a stroll in the park. cessors and manufacturers, govern- oped by the al meals Thumbs up to the festival organ-
“It has never been an easy road ment and non-governmental or- Food and Nu- were grit isers for bringing rural producers to
for me to grow from being a back- ganisations that promote traditional trition Coun- and sand- the limelight and appreciating their
ing vocalist to a band leader and to a farming methods. cil, a govern- free such tireless efforts and contribution to
lead singer, more over leading male As a celebration of its 10th anni- ment depart- that even the traditional foods value chain.
counterparts. I try to push harder versary this year, the festival offered ment in col- children Farmers were no doubt motivated
every single day,” she recalls. more than just food, it proved its sig- laboration enjoyed it to do more this coming season.
As a word of advice, Nasibo urged nificant role in preserving local her- with three to the very With the challenges posed glob-
her fellow female artistes not to re- itage. local and two last crumb. ally by climate change, small grains
lax, but to work hard and also look It was also a platform to build foreign universities. For sure, and traditional crops might enhance
for opportunities because it is hard smart partnerships and drive inno- The porridge, a mixture of mo- the chefs did what they know best, food and nutrition security, if pro-
for them to make it in the arts indus- vations in the traditional food value pane worms and small grains very the meals were prepared in a simple duction is increased.
try compared to their male counter- chain. rich in protein and micronutrients, way, but with much attention and No doubt, the festival has a lot to
parts. The platform focused on under- was enticing. appeal to the eyes and taste buds. offer in the future and some of us
“To fellow female artistes I say take utilised indigenous foods name- There were also sugar-free instant The list of foods on display was cannot wait for the 11th edition to
your time to learn who you are, and ly rapoko, millets, marula, bambara cereals in three varieties: Baobab endless; each stand one visited there come next year.
make sure you place yourself where nuts, baobab, cassava, tamarind, flavour, whole grain sorghum and was something unique. At the festival, guests were enter-
you want to be. Opportunities will mopani worms, honey and mush- whole grain millet. The level of innovation ranging tained by songbirds Selmor Mtuku-
come to those who look for them, so rooms, among others. There were also finger millet cook- from traditional cosmetics, stock- dzi, Tammy Moyo and Tariro neGi-
there is need to work hard,” she said. The people who attended the fes- ies and queen cakes. Along with this feeds, snacks, beverages and tradi- tare.
Although she is yet to release an tival were just amazing too. we had tamarind juice, baobab juice, tional bakeries and confectioneries
album, Nasibo has promised her de- Open air chefs prepared typical fresh sugar cane with ginger juice. was amazing. Follow us on Twitter
but early next year. Zimbabwean traditional dishes with To round off the breakfast dish, Finger millet with honey pancake @NewsDayZimbabwe
NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 15

Life & Style

Fans praise slain rapper

Takeoff at Atlanta memorial
ANS celebrated the mu-
sical legacy of slain rap-
per Takeoff on Friday at
a memorial service in At-
lanta, near where the ar-
tiste grew up, that drew Justin Bie-
ber, Drake and other big names in
the music industry.
Takeoff, part of the Grammy
Award-nominated trio Migos with
uncle Quavo and cousin Offset, was
shot and killed earlier this month
outside a Houston bowling alley. A
woman and another man were also
wounded in the shooting. No arrests
have been made.
Jenifer Loving (22) stood in line
with her infant son, Mateo, for more
than an hour before the doors at
State Farm Arena opened to fans
who were able to get a free ticket.
She said Takeoff ’s death was heart-
breaking in part because he was
only 28 years old.
Migos’ music represented the cre-
ativity and culture of the black com-
munity, she said and she worried
the group would be too saddened
to make new music — at least for a
“It’s just something that you can
play anywhere and everybody will
just come out and come around and
dance,” she said. “It’s how it brings Fans at Takeoff’s memorial
people together. It’s how it makes the
whole room just fill up with positiv- I could see the tears in her,” Wilson
ity.” said. “I felt the kinship myself, like I
Eric Hood, an Atlanta firefighter, knew him personally.”
said he was shocked when he heard Tyler Williams drove hours from
about Takeoff ’s death because of Montgomery, Alabama, on Friday
the three members of Migos, he was
considered the most laid back.
morning with his two-year-old son,
Migos’ music was an “escape” for “He probably won't remember it,”
many people, he said and he was he said of his son. “But it's something
hopeful the event would leave the to have when he gets older, to know he
rapper's family and the rest of the
group with lasting memories of him.
was there.”
Migos, broke out nearly a decade
Position: Painter x3
“I pray for them,” he said. “I hope ago with the 2013 hit Versace, which
they continue to be uplifting, posi- hit even greater heights in popularity
tive, influential members in the soci- through a Drake remix. The trio were Summary
ety and keep pushing forward.” largely raised by Takeoff's mother in
Dozens of fans lined up ear- an Atlanta suburb. Performs routine to moderately complex surface preparation, painting, and
ly at the arena, home to the Atlan- Houston Police Chief Troy Finner finishing tasks, applying a variety of methods, media, and techniques to both
ta Hawks, despite rainy weather. A said Takeoff was “well respected,”
massive sign outside was lit up with and there was “no reason to believe
interior and exterior surfaces.
the rapper’s image. he was involved in anything criminal
Free tickets to the memorial ser- at the time”. Key Responsibilities
vice were available to Georgia res- Migos’ record label, Quality Con-
idents, but State Farm Arena said trol, mourned Takeoff ’s death in a • Applies paints, sealers, and solvents to exterior and interior building
well before Friday that the event had statement posted on Instagram that surfaces such as plaster, sheetrock, concrete, and wood.
reached capacity and fans without attributed it to “senseless violence
and a stray bullet”. Police have said
• Performs building exterior and interior caulking, finish repair, mud and
tickets should not come downtown.
Organisers did not release a pro- nothing about the gunshot being tape, and texturing tasks.
gramme for the event or allow media stray. • Operates equipment such as airless spray equipment, scaffolding, and
inside. Several fans leaving the event Instead of flowers or gifts, his fam-
confirmed Bieber and Drake's pres- ily has asked that people make do-
motorized lifts.
ence and said Offset and Quavo also nations to The Rocket Foundation, • Uses mechanized high-reach equipment to renew caulking on exterior
talked. which was established in Takeoff's building panel seams, windows, and doors.
Atlanta resident Jeffrey Wilson honour and aims to prevent gun vio-
said the event was moving. lence, according to its website. • Performs special refinishing tasks including wood surface preparation,
“His mother was up there, and — The Cleaner staining, and sealing.
• Ensures proper care in the use and maintenance of equipment and
supplies; promotes continuous improvement of workplace safety and
Dave Chappelle’s ‘SNL’ environmental practices.
• Performs minor plaster repair, blending newly renovated wall surfaces
monologue criticised with existing plaster.
• Surveys building painting project sites to estimate time and material
COMEDIAN Dave Chappelle has ologue, cracking jokes about Kanye quantities required; selects appropriate surface coatings.
drawn new criticism for his mon- West's recent anti-semitic remarks
ologue on this week’s episode of and the rapper's new wave of contro-
Saturday Night Live, as USA Anti- versy and abandoned business part-
Qualifications & Experience:
Defamation League CEO Jonathan nerships, reports Variety. • Class 1 Apprenticeship trained painter
Greenblatt argues that the comedi- “We shouldn’t expect Dave Chap- • At least 1 year working experience after training
an's performance did “not just nor- pelle to serve as society's moral com-
malise, but popularise anti-semi- pass, but disturbing to see Saturday
tism”. Night Live not just normalise, but If you meet the above requirements, send your CV at 2022recruitments@
In his stint at this week's Saturday popularise anti-Semitism,” Greenb- on or before 18 November 2022
Night Live, host Chappelle took the latt wrote
stage for a lengthy 15-minute mon- — IOL
16 Classifieds Wednesday 16 November 2022



Notice of an application for a permit in terms of Section 26 (3) of
the Act:
Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following
Where to nd us:
R O O F L E A K S & New Building, Extensions, Painting, Tiling, development on Subdivision L, M and N all of Good Hope
Township (Arnott Road, Mount Hampden).
Waterproong, Gutter
1.It is proposed to develop a mixed-use industrial park with
Cleaning, New &repairs of Carpentry, Plumbing, Driveway, Fabrication, agricultural value chain linkages, distribution and storage
Samora Machel Ave
gutters & boxgutters" warehouses, light and service uses in line with the Mount
lnstallation of new & Hampden Local Development Plan Number 1. The area is
Roof Leaks and Gutters . ZB Bank

suspended ceilings "industrial currently designated for agricultural purposes, wherein the

Rotten Row Stre

proposed development requires the special consent of the Local

Harare Street
&residential proper ties Planning Authority.
country wide. Call C a l l: 0776928733, 0712767096 & Kwame Nkrumah Ave

Zanu PF Headquarters
2.The combined sizes of the three properties measures 22.1509
0772206923, 0719206923 hectares (the average size of the properties is 7 hectares).
,0773104502 3.In terms of the Act, the application is required to be advertised Doves
0242-755372 and the adjacent neighbors notied in writing before being

Kaguvi Street
RENOVATIONS, ROOFLEAKS , considered by the Local Panning Authority.
The application, plans and any special conditions which the No. 1 Kwame Nkrumah Ave
Guttering, Building, Authority is likely to impose in the event of this application being 3rd Block, 1st Floor
extensions, painting, tiling, IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE CASE NO.HC2123/22 favorably considered maybe inspected at the address below
carpentry & Plumbing. Call HELD AT BULAWAYO during normal ofce hours.
In the matter between Any person wishing to make objections or representations
0242751211; 0772651831;
relating to the application must lodge them with the undersigned
Jason Moyo Avenue
0777527474; 0715839719. MARVELOUS DUBE PLAINTIFF within one month of the date of the insertion of this notice.
The Plaintiff named above has instituted proceedings against you P. BAG 2001
claiming: MUROMBEDZI 001 Births 407 Miscellaneous Wanted
i.A deceree of divorce on the grounds of irrretrievable breakdown of the 002 Birthdays 408 Ofce Equipment
PROPOSED SALE OF STAND marriage. 003 Online Shopping 409 Stationary
NUMBER 9088 PUMULA NORTH ii. Stand 2931 Cowdry Park Bulawayo be and is hereby awarded to the
TO ESAU DUBE. (CHAPTER 29;12) REVISED EDITION 1996 004 Weddings & Events 410 Antiques
NOTICE is hereby given in terms of Plaintiff as his sole and exclusive property. Notice of an application for a Permit in terms Section 26(3) of the
Section 152(2) of the Urban iii. Each party retains as their sole and exclusive property whatever 005 Anniversary 411 Tools & Machinery
Councils Act (Chapter 29:15) that
movable property of the marriage which is in their respective possession Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following
006 Bridal Services 412 Arms & Ammunition
Council intends to lease out stand
number 9088 Pumula North in at the time of granting the decree of divorce development on Lot 28 Chisipite Township of Chisipite (8 St 007 Deaths 414 Auctions & Highlights
extent in approximately 270m2 as
shown on Drawing Number S.G iv. Costs of suit. Aubius Walk, Chisipite), Harare. 008 Condolences
10/79 to Esau Dube. If you wish to oppose any of the Applicant’s claims, you must It is proposed to construct fteen (15) Cluster Housing Units on 009 In Memoriam SPECIALISTS SERVICES
PRINCIPAL CONDITIONS OF SALE the above mentioned property which is situated in Residential
1.The stand shall be used for (a) enter an appearance to defend by making an appropriate entry in the 010 Funeral Notices 500 Building
establishing Commercial purpose. appearance book kept in the ofce of the Registrar of the High Court of Zone 2A of the operative City of Harare Enterprise Corridor Local
2.A purchase price of US$6 750.00 Development Plan No.60, wherein the proposed use requires the 011 Funeral Services 501 Carpets & Cleaning
Zimbabwe at Bulawayo within ten days after publication or service of this
and an additional sum of
USD978.75 being VAT shall be paid. summons (Saturdays and public holidays are not counted as part of this
special consent of the Local Planning Authority. 012 Memorial Services Services
1. The site for the proposed development measures 8094m2 in 502 Catering & Bakery
3.ZESA'S general ser vitude
covering the proper ty shall be
ten-day period, nor is the day on which this summons was served); and extent and if the development is allowed a resultant net density of
015 Mining
observed. (b) notify the plaintiff of his/her legal practitioner, in writing, at the address +/-539,6m2 on Bio Digester system will be achieved.
503 Gardening
4.All costs related to this application
given below, or of your entry of appearance to defend. You must give the 2. In terms of the ACT the application is required to be advertised GENERAL NOTICES 504 Hire services
shall be borne by you.
5.Any developments on the stand plaintiff or the legal practitioner an address for service within ve and adjacent neighbours notied in writing before being 100 Babies, Toddlers & 505 Plumbing
should be in accordance with the
Council's approved plans and
kilometres of the court specied above, together with a postal address. considered by the Local Planning Authority. Children. 506 Security & Insurance
relevant by - laws. If you do not enter appearance to defend, the Plaintiff’s claims will be The application plans and any special conditions which the 102 Lost & Found
A copy of the Council's resolution Authority is likely to impose in the event of this application being
507 Boreholes
heard and dealt with by the High Court without further notice to you
(05/10/2022) concerning the
favourably considered may be inspected at the address below 103 Personal Notices 508 General
proposed lease, diagram of the area
and draft conditions of the lease DATED AT BULAWAYO THIS 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2022 during normal ofce hours. Any person wishing to make 104 Tuition 509 Electrical
may be seen on application at the
Town Clerk's Offices Municipal
objections or representations relating to the application must 105 Personal Finance 510 Carpentry
lodge them with the undersigned within one month of the date of 106 Health & Beauty
Buildings, Fife Street, during normal
office hours Mondays to Friday.
Registrar, High Court of Zimbabwe
the rst insertion of this notice.
511 Pest Control
Any persons objecting to the above The plaintiff’s address for srvic is 512 Power Back Up
proposal are hereby required to EMPLOYMENT
lodge their objections with the HARARE CITY COUNCIL
200 Vacancies 513 Farming & Equipment
u n d e r s i g n e d , P. O B o x 5 9 1 , MASHAYAMOMBE & CO 514 Poultry & Livestock
Bulawayo in writing not later than Plaintiff’s Legal Practitioners DEPARTMENT OF WORKS 201 Situations Wanted
2nd day of December 2022.
No.2130 S. Parirenyatwa Street WESTERN REGION SECTION 202 Positions Filled
Advertisement No.8417 Between 13th & 14th Avenue ROOM 308 THIRD FLOOR ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE
Date: 11th November, 2022
TOWN CLERK HARARE 300 Accommodation 601 Photography
available 602 Camping & Outdoor
301 Accommodation Living
Wanted 603 Holidays & Travel
303 Houses To Let 604 Boats & equipment
WE HAVE 304 Flats To Let 605 Fashion & Fabrics
305 Houses for Sale 606 Pets
306 Flats for Sale
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700 Businesses For Sale
@ 2 Joliffe Road, Southerton Let
701 Businesses Wanted
702 Business Opportunities
310 Business Premises for
311 Plots & properties For 800 Motor Cycles
Sale 801 Vehicles for Sale
312 Plots and Properties 802 Vehicles Wanted
Wanted 803 Vehicle Maintenance
313 Business Premises 804 Vehicle Hire
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Spot the difference
Find five differences in this picture of paracyclists at the Zimbabwe National Road Cycling
Championships in Shamva at the weekend. Check for the answers in tomorrow’s NewsDay.

Crossword with Jemina 2 573 Tuesday

Across Down
November 15
1 2 3 4 5
3 Frolicked (7) 1 Harm (6) Answers Answers
6 6 Ripe (6) 2 Office (6)
7 Gullibility (7) 3 Heart (6)
7 8 9 Fog (4) 4 Sore (7) SIMPLE 2 572 Hard
10 Denial (7) 5 Live in (5)
9 11 Downpour (6) 8 Alleviated (5) ACROSS: 1 Scope, 4 Praise, 9 Joke,
14 Willingly (6) 12 Optical device (5) 10 Rubbish, 11 Serene, 13 Knife, 17
Rough, 18 Scheme, 21 Visible, 22
10 17 Error (7) 13 Held (7)
Tick, 23 Assays, 24 Chase.
18 Crazes (4) 14 Natural spring (6)
11 12 13 19 Scuffs (7) 15 Occasion (6) DOWN: 2 Close, 3 Piece, 5 Rebuke,
20 Went out (6) 16 Shelves (6) 6 Initiate, 7 Echoes, 8 Greet, 12 Re-
14 15 16 21 Tremble (7) 17 Disguises (5) quests, 14 Trivia, 15 Chubby, 16 Ass-
es, 19 Hitch, 20 Mocks.


19 Hard



The aim of Sudoku is to enter a number from 1 through to 9 in each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9x9 grid made up
of 3x3 sub-grids. Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each number.
Easy Easy
18 NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022

Messi could top special World Cup record England hoping to ‘unretire’ Stokes in time for 50-over World Cup
ENGLAND are hoping Ben Stokes
IF Argentina reach the World players, former midfielder Javier might reconsider his retirement
Cup final in Qatar, Lionel Messi Mascherano has 20 games at the from one-day internationals and
could set a new mark for the most finals. Messi moving past both help the team defend their 50-over
ever matches at the global show- of those, injuries willing, makes World Cup title next year.
piece competition. him at the very least the leader The talismanic allrounder, who
Messi currently has 19 appear- from his own country. batted England to victory in the
ances over four World Cups, and Ronaldo is already the Portu- T20 World Cup final against Paki-
along with Portugal’s Cristiano guese player with the most ap- stan on Sunday, retired from one-
Ronaldo (17 appearances) will pearances, while he could draw day cricket in July, citing the un-
definitely equal the record for level with Klose on 24 matches if sustainable rigour of playing all
most trips to the finals this year. the European side go all the way formats.
That current record stands at in Qatar. England coach Matthew Mott
five, held by German great Lo- In terms of goals scored at the said test captain Stokes would be
thar Matthäus (1982, 1986, 1990, finals, Messi has six so far, with welcomed back to the ODI squad
1994, 1998) and Mexico's Rafael the top Argentine being Gabriel with open arms.
Márquez (2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, Batistuta’s 10. “When he spoke to me about
2018). Ronaldo has seven goals from his ODI retirement one of the
Matthäus also holds the record previous tournaments and will first things I said was that I would
for most appearances in matches be eyeing the Portuguese record back any decision he made, but I
with 25, having reached two de- of Eusebio, who netted nine. said to him he didn‘t necessarily
ciders in 1986 and 1990, winning Most World Cup matches have to retire, he could just not
the latter. 1. Lothar Matthäus (Germany) play 50-overs for a while,” Mott et for a while, but it will be up to unbeaten 84 in the tense final win
A more contemporary German —25 told British media. him. The more we can get him is over New Zealand.
player is second on the list, with 2. Miroslav Klose (Germany) And I said: “You could always great.” England defend their 50-over ti-
striker Miroslav Klose having — 24 unretire. That is his decision. Stokes was also the hero of Eng- tle in India in October/November
featured in 24 games. He is also 3. Paolo Maldini (Italy) — 23 “Its going to be a World Cup year land’s maiden 50-over World Cup next year.
the record goalscorer in World 4. Diego Maradona (Argentina) and we dont play much T20 crick- triumph in 2019, when he hit an — Supersport
Cups with 16. — 21
Legendary Italian defender 4= Uwe Seeler (West Germany)
Paolo Maldini is number 3 on the — 21
list of most matches played with 4= Wladyslaw Zmuda (Poland)
23, followed by a trio of stars — 21
on 21 games — the great Diego 7= Cafu (Brazil) — 20
Maradona from Argentina, West
Germany’s Gerd Muller and Po-
land’s Wladyslaw Zmuda.
Messi is likely to climb to at
least fourth on that list if he
7= Philipp Lahm (Germany)
7= Grzegorz Lato (Poland) — 20
7. Javier Mascherano (Argenti-
na) — 20
don’t care
plays in each of Argentina’s 7= Bastian Schweinsteiger
group games in Qatar, but an- (Germany) - 20
other potential four games in the Most World Cup goals
knockout rounds could take him 1. Miroslav Klose (Germany)
to the very top and 26 matches in — 16
all. 2. Ronaldo (Brazil) — 15
It would be another major
feather in his cap and accolade
in a glittering career, while if he
could lift the trophy itself, will
perhaps settle the debate over
3. Gerd Müller (West Germany)
— 14
4. Just Fontaine (France) — 13
5. Pelé (Brazil) — 12
6= Sándor Kocsis (Hungary) —
about Man
whether he is the greatest play-
er ever.
It is not just Maradona in front
of him in terms of Argentine
6= Jürgen Klinsmann (West
Germany) — 11
— Supersport

ANCHESTER United Ronaldo interview was issued earlier "It's complicated. It's difficult. It's
forward Cristiano Ron- on Monday, when the club said: "Man- hard."
aldo says the club‘s chester United notes the media cover- World Cup is Ronaldo's 'absolute
owners, the Glazer fam- age regarding an interview by Cristiano focus'
ily, “don't care about Ronaldo. The club will consider its re- Ronaldo is currently in Qatar with
the club” on the sporting side. sponse after the full facts have been es- a Portugal squad aiming to add a first
Ronaldo made headlines after telling tablished. World Cup triumph to their Euro 2016
Talk TV he felt "betrayed" by the club — "Our focus remains on preparing for victory.
and another section of that interview the second half of the season and con- In contrast to his club situation, he
was released on Monday night. tinuing the momentum, belief and to- says the group is "united" before a dif-
"Manchester are a marketing club — getherness being built among the play- ficult Group H campaign in which they
they get money from the marketing," ers, manager, staff, and fans." will face Uruguay, South Korea and
he said. Manchester United have not won Ghana.
"It will be hard for Manchester to be a trophy since claiming the Europa He posted a message on Instagram
top of the game in the next two or three League title in 2017 and fans have alongside a picture with four inter-
years." staged a number of protests against national teammates — fellow United
What next for Ronaldo? the Glazers' running of the club. player Diogo Dalot, plus Wolves keeper
The 37-year-old Portugal forward, "The fans are always right," said Por- Jose Sa, veteran Pepe and Paris St-Ger-
who has only scored one Premier tugal captain Ronaldo. "They should main's Vitinha.
League goal this season, said: "The know the truth. The players want the Translated, the message reads: "To-
owners of the club, the Glazers, they best for the club. I want the best for the tal and absolute focus on national team
don't care about the club, profession- club. This is why I came to Manchester work. United group, towards one objec-
al sport." United, this is why I love this club. tive: realise the dream of all Portuguese
Ronaldo added that he has never "You have some things inside the people!"
met the Glazers, who took over the club club which don't help Manchester Portugal begin their World Cup cam-
in 2005. reach the top level like City, Liverpool paign on November 24 against Ghana.
United's only public response to the and even now Arsenal. — BBC Sport
NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022 19

PSL slashes gate charges for Chibuku final

BY FORTUNE MBELE way and we have said we want to
hear from the fans. I guess this week
THE Premier Soccer League (PSL) they will come in their numbers and
has slashed gate charges from $3 to pass a vote,” Ndebele said.
$1 for the rest of ground in a bid to The Chibuku Super Cup final this Baltemar
woo fans for this year’s Chibuku Su- year returns to BF where it was Brito
per Cup finals set for Barbourfields played in 2019, with Highlanders
Stadium at the weekend. beating FC Platinum in the final.
Those in the grand stands will now “We have limited venues that meet
fork out $2 instead of $5 with the VIP international standards and we felt
reserved for invited guests. apart from the National Sports Sta-
The Chibuku Super Cup final, the dium, Baobab, Mandava, we have
biggest knock out football tourna- BF which is hosting this final. We al-
ment in the country has had surpris- ways have a rotation of the venues.
es this year with giants Highlanders, In terms of the clubs that are in the
Dynamos, Caps United and current final; Chiefs and Herentals; its may-
PSL champions all booted out of the be a new era and competition for all
tournament. the clubs are now at the same level.
And the tournament pits surprise This competition has shown that any
packages Bulawayo Chiefs and Her- team can be in the final. It is a tour-
entals on Sunday.
PSL chief executive officer Kenne-
dy Ndebele yesterday said they were
nament of surprises, a measurement
of competition,” Ndebele said.
A number of events and competi-
Brito tips Brazil, Portugal for World Cup
aware of concerns by football stake- tions are lined up during the week to BY FORTUNE MBELE Netherlands while Brito’s fa- of them to win the World Cup,”
holders raised on various platforms. drum up enthusiasm for the final in- vourites, Portugal and Brazil Brito said.

“We think we had a good season cluding roadshows while musician IGHLANDERS are in Group H and G respec- However, his assistant Tor-
and this year’s Chibuku Super Cup Clement Magwaza, dance ensemble coach Baltemar tively. res will be rooting for Portu-
final comes as the curtain comes Inkululeko Yabatsha School of Arts Brito is torn be- The Highlanders’ gaffer will gal who play their first Group
down on the league. This is a thank (Iyasa) and various poets will enter- tween rallying be- be watching the World Cup match next Thursday against
you to the football fans. The $1 for tain fans on the day. hind his country from the comfort of his home in Ghana at the Stadium 974 (Ras
the rest of the ground will be a meas- Football fans can also win tick- of birth Brazil and Portugal, Portugal as he leaves the coun- Abou Aboud) while Brazil play
ure on whether our football is over- ets for the final in competitions where he is a permanent citi- try on Thursday together with their first Group G match on
priced. We always hear these debates being run on the PSL’s social media zen as the 2022 Fifa World Cup his assistant and countryman the same day against Serbia at
on why our football is charged that pages. roars to life in Qatar this week- Antonio Torres. Lusail Stadium.
end. “I was born in Brazil and I Brito and Torres have left the
Brito, a former assistant to played my football there in Bra- country and are expected to re-
the legendary Jose Mourinho, zil. But then I got married to a turn in January in time for pre-
says if any of the two football woman from Portugal and my season preparations.
giants can win the World Cup it children were born in Portugal. The duo has promised High-
would be good for him. I am now a Portuguese citizen landers fans that the team will
The World Cup starts on Sun- born in Brazil. It becomes dif- be in the fight for the Castle La-
day in Qatar when the hosts ficult for me to choose between ger Premier Soccer League title
meet Ecuador in a Group A Brazil and Portugal because my next season.
match in the opening game. heart belongs to the two coun- Follow Fortune on Twitter
Group A also has Senegal and tries. My wish is for any one @fmbele


Some of the scenes from the ZPGA Championship — presented by Universal Sports Club which is currently Position: Scooter Rider (x5)
underway at Roy Harare Golf Club

Cairns grabs two-shot lead Reporting to: Channel Development Manager

BY DANIEL NHAKANISO have come to the party by bringing Key Responsibilities

back the PGA Championship and we
SEASONED Zimbabwean profes- are really grateful to them. It only • Delivering newspapers to agents and retail shops timeously as
sional golfer Ryan Cairns took ad- takes a few corporates with the vi-
vantage of benign scoring conditions sion to see the opportunity for their instructed by the Transport Supervisor;
to grab a two-shot lead over Never brand and to grow the game of golf
Milazi, Bradley Kulasi and Robson and get more Zimbabwean flags fly-
• Ensuring that all customer invoices are signed on receipt of goods
Saurombe after yesterday’s opening ing high on the world circuits.” and returned to the office as proof of delivery;
round of the Zimbabwe PGA Cham- Cairns will begin the second round
pionship — Presented by Universal of the 54-hole tournament, two shots • Transporting Staff to assignments;
Sports Club. clear of the trio of young Kulasi, duo
The 38-year-old winner on the Sun- of Milazi and Saurombe, who ap- • Collecting unsold newspapers daily from retail shops and;
shine Tour was in brilliant form, pears to be reaping the benefits of
carding a four-under-par-68 at his his extended run on South Africa’s
home course, Royal Harare Golf developmental circuit, the Big Easy Qualifications & Experience:
Club which was yet again in the pris- Tour recently.
tine condition. Chapman Golf Club teaching pro • Valid Class 3 driver’s license
Cairns who is part of the Zimba-
bwe Professional Golfers Associa-
William Lake is in a three-way tie for
fifth position with Tatenda Mkunde
• A clean driving record
tion (ZPGA) executive said he is very and junior golfer Tariro November, • Strong interpersonal skills, including verbal communication and
excited by the return of the ZPGA who held his own in the star-studded
Championship following a lucrative field. conflict resolution skills
US$10 000 sponsorship from Univer- It was also a good day in the office
sal Sports Club and its members. for former Sunshine Tour winner
“It great to have the ZPGA Cham- Tongo Charamba overcame a back
pionship back on the schedule. I’ve niggle to card a level par round of 72.
If you meet the above requirements, send your CV at
been on the ZPGA committee with Charamba is tied for seventh posi- on or before 18 November 2022
a few driven people over the last few tion together with Mohammed Man-
months and we have really set our dhu and Bulawayo-based Brian Gon-
minds into growing the tournament do.
schedule locally and proving more A total of 54 players drawn from
opportunities for our players. I think the country’s leading professionals,
corporate Zimbabwe is starting to amateurs and junior golfers are tak-
have a better appreciation of what ing part in the ZPGA’s flagship tour-
we are trying to do,” Cairns said. nament, which has been missing on
“I think we are trending in the the local golf calendar for several
right direction we are working with years due to lack of sponsorship.
great sponsors and partners who see Follow us on Twitter
the vision. Universal Sports Club @NewsDayZimbabwe
20 NewsDay | Wednesday November 16 2022


Glazers don’t care

about Man United: ISSN 2079-9896

Manchester United forward
Cristiano Ronaldo says the
club‘s owners, the Glazer fami-
ly, “don't care about the club” on 9 772079 989005 01 the sporting side.
Page 18

Sakunda dumps
Rufaro project

BY MUNYARADZI MADZOKERE Harare mayor, Jacob Mafume. threw away the baby and the bath the whole stadium simply because as benchmarking of a stadium de-
“We are shocked and disturbed water,” Mafume said. we asked someone to provide plas- sign.

NERGY giant Sakunda by the untruthful and malicious al- “What is clear to us is that busi- tic chairs and to assist us.” Rufaro Stadium last hosted
Holdings has withdrawn legations that Sakunda intends to nesspeople have for long had a Sakunda Holdings is the major league matches during the 2019
its commitment to reno- purchase Rufaro Stadium, which parasitic relationship with the City sponsor for two of the country’s season before it was red-flagged
vate the iconic Rufaro Sta- is a public asset. Nothing could be of Harare. People come to Hara- biggest clubs — Dynamos and by the Zifa First Instance Board in
dium to meet internation- further from the truth, and we be- re with nothing and Harare makes Highlanders. 2020.
al standards citing lack of coopera- lieve you know that.” them millionaires and when Hara- The two parties entered into an The stadium has since become
tion from Harare City Council. Chitambo said the allegations re needs assistance they say give MOU whose framework required an eyesore after renovations by the
Back in February, council accept- were unfounded and a coordinat- us land. them to come up with a project city council stalled and its collapse
ed a proposal by the energy giant ed attempt to derail the agree- “We have not put Rufaro Stadi- feasibility study which would cul- has created problems for the sev-
for a long-term lease which would ment. um for sale and, therefore, anyone minate into a detailed technical en Harare-based teams in the Cas-
have seen Rufaro Stadium refur- “We wish to place it on record who wants to assist, who wants agreement for the project. tle Lager Premier Soccer League as
bished into a world-class facility that Sakunda did not have any naming rights to the stadium must A project management team there is only one approved stadium
but Harare mayor, Jacob Mafume commercial interest in this project enter into a contract of naming made up of Sakunda and City of in the capital, the National Sports
said the energy giant was seeking suffice to say that our participation rights that is recognisable like the Harare officials toured South Afri- Stadium.
“a parasitic” deal. in the same was entirely philan- ones we see everywhere in the ca earlier in the year to visit stadi-  Follow us on Twitter @
In the proposal, Sakunda Hold- thropic, for the public good. Con- world, not where we end up losing ums for research purposes as well NewsDayZimbabwe
ing expressed its vision to drive sequently, we would like to hereby
community development in Mbare notify you of our immediate with-
by establishing a Fifa-accredited drawal from this partnership,” Chi-
stadium for use by Dynamos and
other local clubs.
The rehabilitation of Belgravia
Sports Club and its facilities for use
by Dynamos for training purposes
tambo said.
“Given the toxicity we have now
seen in Council’s attitude, and a
lack of political will to implement
the project on the part of Council,
DeMbare sack Ndiraya
was also part of the deal. Sakunda hereby withdraws its par- BY SIZALOKUHLE NCUBE third on the table, 17 points work Ndiraya has done in
But Sakunda have cited lack of ticipation from the project. Not- behind champions FC Plati- the last few years to rebuild
cooperation from the City Fathers. withstanding all project designs CASTLE Lager Premier Soc- num. Dynamos and position it for
It also accused the council of mak- and plans will be donated to Coun- cer League giants, Dyna- “Dynamos Football Club long-term success.
ing unfounded allegations that the cil in the public interest.” mos have ended speculation announces that head coach “Ndiraya remains a Dy-
energy giant wanted to purchase Mafume said he did not about their head coach Ton- Tonderai Ndiraya’s contract namos son whose loyalty
the facility. understand the stance taken by derai Ndiraya’s future say- with the club will not be re- to the club has never been
“Following our numerous re- Sakunda. ing they had severed ties newed after its expiry on the doubted. We wish Ndiraya
quests to present to your office “I have no idea what Sakun- with him. 31st of December 2022,” the all the best in his future en-
our final feasibility study report da is saying. What I understand is Ndiraya’s contract expires statement read. deavours.”
and proposed designs for the re- that they wanted to get the stadi- at the end of the year and the “It is with regret that we Only this week Ndiraya
furbishment of Rufaro Stadium, we um for 30 years for providing plas- club has decided against re- have reached this difficult warned the club about chop-
write to express our gravest mis- tic chairs (bucket seats) and when newing it. decision but Ndiraya will al- ping and changing coaches.
givings on the unfortunate events we were in the middle of nego- In a statement late last ways be remembered for his They last won the league ti-
and communications emanating tiating that surely a whole stadi- night, DeMbare announced contribution to Dynamos tle under Kalisto Pasuwa in
from your office,” Sakunda said in um cannot go just after someone that they had decided to take both as a player and a coach. 2014.
a letter signed by chief operations donates plastic chairs. They then a new path after a difficult “However, this develop-  Follow us on Twitter
officer Mberikwazvo Chitambo to went into a tantrum where they season where they finished ment does not dwarf the @NewsDayZimbabwe

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