The World Fact Book. (2010) - Retrieved August 1, 2010, From Central Intelligence Agency

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Group #_____________________ Group Member Initials _________________

Cultural Research Worksheet:
Directions: As a group, work together to research and fine an ethnic group to create a myth
and digital story. Remember to site you resources in MLA formatting. If you do not
remember ask the teacher or refer to the research reference section in your textbook for
electronic sources.
Country: __United States__________

Total population: _______310,232,863 (July 2010 est.)______

b. Religions:__ Protestant 51.3%, Roman Catholic 23.9%, Mormon 1.7%, other Christian 1.6%,
Jewish 1.7%, Buddhist 0.7%, Muslim 0.6%, other or unspecified 2.5%, unaffiliated 12.1%,
none 4% (2007 est.)

List of ethnic groups and percentage of population make up:


____79.9% white_________________________


_____12.85 % black______________________


________4.43% Asian_____________________

iv. _____.97% Amerindian or Alaskan___________

v. ____.18_Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander________

_____1.61 two or more races (July 2007)_____

MLA Citation:
The World Fact Book. (2010). Retrieved August 1, 2010, from Central Intelligence Agency:

List three countries that the group is interested in writing a myth about.
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
List the population, religions, and ethnic groups within each continent.
Cultural Research Worksheet 1

d. Total population: ________________
e. Religions:______________________

List of ethnic groups and percentage of population make up:

i. _____________________________
ii. _____________________________
iii. _____________________________
iv. _____________________________
v. _____________________________

MLA Citation:

g. Total population: ________________
h. Religions:______________________

List of ethnic groups and percentage of population make up:

i. _____________________________
ii. _____________________________
iii. _____________________________
iv. _____________________________
v. _____________________________

MLA Citation:

Cultural Research Worksheet 2

a. Total population: ________________
b. Religions:______________________
c. List of ethnic groups and percentage of population make up:
vi. _____________________________
vii. _____________________________
viii. _____________________________
ix. _____________________________
x. _____________________________

MLA Citation:

After reviewing the data group collected from research, decide what ethnic group to do
further research, and write and create a myth and digital story. Answer the questions below
as thorough as possible. Collect as much detail about the ethnic group as possible.
Remember to cite your references using the MLA style for citation.
Country:________________________________ Ethnic Group________________
1. Where is the largest population of the ethnic group in this country, state, county,

2. What is their native language? What other languages do they speak?

Cultural Research Worksheet 3

3. What religion(s) and religious rituals do they practice? What are their beliefs?

4. What do they celebrate? What are some of the traditions that are passed down
from generation to generation?

5. What foods do they eat? What are some of the recipes that are passed down from
generation to generation?

6. What type of music do they listen to? How important is music and art to their

7. What dances represent their culture?

Cultural Research Worksheet 4

8. What are some unique features of their culture?

MLA Citations:

Cultural Research Worksheet 5

Group #_____________________ Group Member Initials _________________


Now that you have gathered more specific information about the ethnic group, as a group
brainstorm three story ideas for your myth. List the ideas below and write down the ideas
for each story. Your teacher will assist you with any questions that you may have.

Possible Story Topics/Plots:

Character Traits of Main Character:

Cultural Research Worksheet 6

Possible Settings:

What themes would I like in my story, or what lessons would I like to teach?

Cultural Research Worksheet 7

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________


What is the purpose of your story?

Is there a theme? If so, what is the theme?

Setting Description

Where does your story take place?

What year? __________________ What time of year? ____________________

How does the setting go along with your problem?

Cultural Research Worksheet 8

How does the setting fit your character?

Cultural Research Worksheet 9

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________

Main Character Sketch

Characters Name: _____________________________________ Age: _______

Background Info: __________________________________________________



Positive Traits: ____________________________________________________



Negative Traits: ___________________________________________________



Ambitions/Goals: __________________________________________________
Cultural Research Worksheet 10


Clothing: ________________________________________________________

Eye Color: ______________________ Hair Color: _______________________

Glasses/Contacts: ________________ Hair Style: _______________________

Height: _________________________ Weight: _________________________

What other people think of this character: ______________________________




Cultural Research Worksheet 11

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________

Plot Outline
Problem: _________________________________________________________


Type of Conflict (Character v. Self, Nature, or Character 2): _________________

Explain Conflict: __________________________________________________



Attempts to Solve Problem (Create 5 and use at least 2):

1) _________________________________________________________


Cultural Research Worksheet 12

2) _________________________________________________________


3) _________________________________________________________


4) _________________________________________________________


5) _________________________________________________________


Climax (Final Attempt to Solve Problem): _______________________________



Successful? Why/Why Not? _________________________________________


Cultural Research Worksheet 13

Falling Action (What leads up to the resolution?): _________________________




Resolution (Give 3 possible, and choose 1):

1) ________________________________________________________



2) ________________________________________________________

Cultural Research Worksheet 14



3) ________________________________________________________



Cultural Research Worksheet 15

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