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Homeostasis and Exercise

Activity Sheet

Name: Figueroa, Elijah Wayne R., Ferrer, Moises, Ocampo Francis Dominic Section: 1NU12
Date: November 15, 2021

I. Fill up the table below with the values you’ve gathered with your partner.

A. Resting Values

Parameter Normal Value* Student Reading

Heart Rate 60-100 beats per minute 94 per minute
Blood Pressure less than 120/80 mmHg. 100/60
Pulse pressure between 40- and 60-mm Hg 49-mm Hg
Respiratory Rate 12 to 16 breaths per minute 13 breaths per minute
Body Temperature between 97 F (36.1 C) and 36.5 C
99 F (37.2 C)
Blood oxygen level** 95 to 100 percent 97%
*Normal values can be researched from the internet. Normal values should depend on your age range and
*Can be measured using Pulse oximeter, if you don’t have one of this at home then you may skip this value.

1. Describe what you are feeling during the measurement of the values.
I was feeling normal during the measurement of values just like how I spend my day. I also
feel calm due to no physical activities are done during the measurement. Lastly, I feel just
relaxed getting it as all are in normal range

2. Let your partner observe your state during the measurement of the values. Write down her
In the resting value, I noticed nothing because everything is in the normal state and he has
not done anything yet.

B. Exercise Values

1. Select a partner to do the experiment with.

2. Conduct the following during the Exercise phase of the activity. (Activities will be
dependent on your physical state. Do not over exceed what you think is at par with
your body’s current state).
 10 push-ups or 20 push-ups (or until you cannot do it anymore)
 20 jumping jacks or jumping jacks for 30 secs
 Planking for 20 secs or planking for 60 secs
3. While doing the exercise, please make sure that your partner is watching you doing the
4. Input the Exercise values after conducting the exercise regimen above.
5. Always rehydrate every after exercise.
6. Only allocate a maximum of 1 min of interval from one exercise to the other.

Parameter Normal Value* Student Reading

Heart Rate 60-100 beats per minute 190 beats per minute
Blood Pressure less than 120/80 mmHg. 122/69 mmHg
Pulse pressure between 40- and 60-mm Hg 57-mm Hg
Respiratory Rate 12 to 16 breaths per minute 21 breaths per minute
Body Temperature between 97 F (36.1 C) and 37.9 C
99 F (37.2 C)
Blood oxygen level** 95 to 100 percent 93%
*Normal values can be researched from the internet. Normal values should depend on your age range and
*Can be measured using Pulse oximeter, if you don’t have one of this at home then you may skip this value.

1. Describe what you are feeling during the measurement of the values.
Due to the exercises, I felt tired after it while measuring the measurement of values. Also, I
immediately rested and sit down because of the exercises I have done. I felt my body
heating up after doing the exercises. I am also catching my breath after the exercise

2. Let your partner observe your state during the measurement of the values. Write down her
I noticed that his exercise values have changed slightly since he did a light exercise, which
could cause the results to differ from the resting values.

C. Recovery Period Values (10-15 mins after the Exercise)

Parameter Normal Value* Student Reading

Heart Rate 60-100 beats per minute 96 per minute
Blood Pressure less than 120/80 mmHg. 105/60 mmHg
Pulse pressure between 40- and 60-mm Hg 50- mm Hg
Respiratory Rate 12 to 16 breaths per minute 15 breaths per minute
Body Temperature between 97 F (36.1 C) and 37 C
99 F (37.2 C)
Blood oxygen level** 95 to 100 percent 96%
*Normal values can be researched from the internet. Normal values should depend on your age range and
*Can be measured using Pulse oximeter, if you don’t have one of this at home then you may skip this value.

1. Describe what you are feeling during the measurement of the values.
I feel relaxed a bit but not like the way I was relaxed I was resting. I also felt calm after the
15-minute rest and everything was going back to normal rates.

2. Let your partner observe your state during the measurement of the values. Write down her
I observed that his exercise values cool down since he is in a recovery state. His recovery
period changes since his body undergo cool down period.

II. Guide Questions.

1. What is the importance of regularly taking the values of your different parameters?

2. What is the importance of knowing the normal values of your different parameters?

3. What did you feel while doing all the parts of the activity? What were notable in each stage
of the exercise?

4. What do you think are the things that your body did to compensate to the exercise that you
The blood flow was regulated by the body to return to its normal flow and due to the rest
we had it gave our body the energy to recover. Everything was regulated by the body to
return to its homeostasis stage.

5. What factors might have affected the result of your body’s homeostatic ability? List them
down and explain why they affected your results.

There are a lot of factors that affect the body’s homeostatic ability one of which is the
environmental factors such as extreme temperature. Exercising in extreme temperatures
like hot weather puts extra stress on your body and it causes the parameters to change.
Diseases such as hypertension affect the body’s homeostatic ability it prevents the proper
blood flow into and out of the kidneys, therefore, affecting its functions and filtration and
disrupting the homeostasis of itself and the body as a whole. Blood glucose and oxygen
content also affect the homeostatic ability of our body to function thus, it causes changes in
the parameters of our body. In addition, if you do not properly breathe during or after an
exercise, the heart may not be pumping enough blood throughout your body. To sum it up,
Issues of homeostatic imbalances are common but can be corrected by simply exercising
proper breathing after or before the exercise also taking necessary meals that are nutritious
and balanced to help our body to compensate for the exercise.

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