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The Water Cycle

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Transpiration is the exhalation of water through the stomata of leaf.

Assessment Activity 1

Label the three processes of the water cycle.

Assessment Activity 2

Explain how water vapor in the air can end up as water in the ocean.


The Water Cycle

What are the major steps in the hydrological cycle?
Water continuously circulates from the ocean to the atmosphere to the land and back to the ocean,
providing us with a renewable supply of purified water on land.
Water moves from the atmosphere to the land and ocean in the form of precipitation.
Water evaporates from the ocean, from soil, stream, rivers and lakes to form clouds in the
Transpiration from plants also contributes to cloud formation.
Apart from evaporation from land, water may flow from land into rivers and streams known as run-
off. The area of land being drained by run-off is called a watershed.
Water also percolates or seeps downward through the soil and rock to become ground water.
Discuss the importance of trees in named processes of the
hydrological cycle.
Suggest ways in which human overpopulation may affect the water
How may human’s negative effect on the hydrological cycle be
What is precipitation? List four forms of precipitation.
Explain the processes that purify water in the hydrological cycle.

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