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a. Identify the functions of communication;

b. differentiate verbal communication from nonverbal communication;
c. recognize the features of an effective communication; and
d. apply the unique feature(s) and functions of communication by group presentation and


Topic: Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of communication process from the other.
 Functions of Communication
 Verbal and Nonverbal Communications
 Features of an Effective Communication
Reference: English 11 Module, MELCs, https://www.studocu.oral-communication-in-context
Materials: Projectors, laptop, Visual Aids, Printed Materials
Code Number: EN11/12OC-Ia-4: Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of
communication process from the other.

A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Review

B. Motivation

1. Activity

2. Analysis
a. What do you think are the lessons found in the video clips you just watched?
b. As a student, do you think that communication in our your daily lives is
important? Why do you think so?

3. Abstraction
Basically, there are five functions of communication. These are control, social
interaction, motivation, emotional expression, and information dissemination.
A. Control – Communication functions to control behavior.
B. Social Interaction – Communication allows individuals to interact with others.
C. Motivation – Communication motivates or encourages people to live better.
D. Emotional expression – Communication facilitates people’s expression of
their feelings and emotions.
E. Information dissemination – Communication functions to convey information.
 Verbal Communication
-refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message. For effective and
successful verbal communication, use words to express ideas which can be easily understood
by the person you are talking to. Consider appropriateness, brevity, clarity, ethics, and
vividness when engaging in this type of communication.

 Nonverbal Communication
refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and
represent meanings. All kinds of human responses that are not expressed in words are classified as
nonverbal communication. Examples of nonverbal communication are stares, smiles, tone of voice,
movements, manners of walking, standing and sitting, appearance, style of attire, attitude towards
time and space, personality, gestures, and others.

 Features of Effective Communication

1. Completeness
2. Conciseness
3. Consideration
4. Concreteness
5. Courtesy
6. Clearness
7. Correctness

4. Application
Divide the group. Create a one minute presentation that applies the different function
and features of an effective communication.
Your output will be assessed using this rubric.
Group Presentation Rubric

Excellent Good Fair Poor

4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Organizatio Excellent Good Fair Poor
Presentation was very Presentation was fairly Presentation was not Presentation lacked
organized and was organized and pretty clearly organized. organization. Poor
very easy to follow. followable. Transitions Transitions between transitions between
Transitions between might have been members were group members
group members were slightly discontinuous jumpy or awkward. individual parts.
well planned and but did not take away Presentation lacked
executed cleanly. greatly from the overall order and very
presentation. difficult to follow.
Teamwork/ Excellent Good Fair Poor
The group worked The group worked well Group communicated Group did not work
very well with each with each other and relatively well with a well together. There
other and the communicated well. few lapses in the were obvious
presentation was Some members presentation; some miscommunications
shared equally among participated slightly students dominated and lapses in the
the group members. more than others. the presentation and presentation.
others did not
participate much.
Content Excellent Good Fair Poor

Group members had a Most of the group Group members had Group members had
stronghold on the members has a solid only a superficial little to no
content and content understanding of the understanding of understanding of the
was thoroughly content. Content content. Several content addressed in
addressed. No missing minor mistakes were made the presentation.
mistakes were made elements or contained during the
with regard to content minor errors. presentation.
Prop(s) Excellent Good Fair Poor
Props used were Props used were Props used did not Props were not used
used effectively somewhat effective, support verbal at all.
throughout but weren't used presentation. They
presentation. Group consistently thoughout lacked information,
members used visual presentation. or groups members
aids as a supplement, read from them.
not as a crutch.

Identify the function of communication in each of the following situations. Write your
answers on the space provided.
__________1. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
__________2. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
__________3. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
__________4. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler.
__________5. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
__________ 6. Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.
__________7. The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
__________8. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.
__________9. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
__________10. A tourist guide orients a group of tourists about a heritage site.

When you get home tonight, write down a situation in which you have personally
experience that led to misunderstanding and share how you overcome the



T-I, English


T-III, Teacher In-Charge

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