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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education
Virac, Catanduanes
SY: 2021- 2022

Name: Marcelino, Romeo Jose B. Date:

ID No: 2020- 05646
Course/ Yr./ Block: BSED- ENGLISH 2C


Eng 205 –Language Programs and Policies in Multilingual Societies

First Semester, SY 2021-2022

I. Answer the questions comprehensively.

1-21. There are 7 aspirations in the implementation of MDG. Choose at least three (3) and
discuss the practices, issues and challenges in its implementation.

Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women

Recognizes the importance of promoting full and equitable participation of

women and men to reduce challenges and sustain development; especially in

language acquisition of women. The language we use in our daily lives plays a role

in the empowerment or disempowerment of women in the workplace and

entrepreneurial dealings. Language in many situations dictates the power we have in

relation to our other colleagues and partners, and to other people in society. The

media and popular culture tell us that "girl" and other terms are "adorable," but in

reality, these terms are very much for women who want to take them seriously as

professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders. Lose power. The languages we hear and

use in our daily lives influence our communication and our relationships with adult

women in the socio-economic field.

“Educators have shown that mother tongue-based education helps girls perform

better”. They believed that the positive impact of mother tongue-based education

may be even stronger for girls than for boys. Literacy programs focusing in local

languages can improve women’s lives rapidly. Literacy initiatives that are effective
are essential in understanding and knowledge of the local language, and local

beliefs, culture, power relationships and problem-solving systems for women.

Reduce Child Mortality and Improve Maternal Health

Improving maternal health is the key to saving the lives of women who die each

year as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. Almost all of these deaths can be prevented

if women in developing countries have access to proper nutrition, safe water and

sanitation, basic literacy and medical care during pregnancy and childbirth. Starvation

and malnutrition have been shown to increase both disease incidence and mortality;

contributes to improving maternal health through efforts to: improve women’s access to

productive resources and income; improve women’s nutritional status; and empower

women to obtain better health care, education and social services.

It stated that, women with higher language knowledge are proven to be

communicate effectively. Therefore, can access health services and can be diagnoses

properly than those with insufficient knowledge in languages that are used. health

outcomes are also achieved by improving genuine educational opportunities for ethnic

minority girls and women. The impacts of literate, educated mothers on their

communities in terms of better health have been well-documented. There was much

greater participation and enthusiasm with local ethnic groups to produce videos, story

boards and other health education materials in the local languages.

Combat HIV and Aids, Malaria and Other Diseases

HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases not only threaten the lives of millions of

people around the globe. They also hamper economic growth and international

development. They not only bring tragedy to one person but to the entire community

and country as well. It aims to combat HIV / AIDS, malaria and other illnesses. HIV,

malaria and other illnesses have direct and indirect effects on rural development,

agricultural productivity, food and nutritional safety. In part to the lack of essential

information provided in their own languages, in a culturally sensitive manner and by

people they trust.

Program must be tailored to the cultural specificities of a community to be most

relevant and effective. This is perhaps most important in the context of HIV and
AIDS, where understandings of health, relationships, individual and social choices,

and behaviors are strongly influenced by culture.

22-30. As a student, are you knowledgeable enough when it comes to Filipino sign language? In
the present times, how important is Filipino sign language? Expand your answer.

Of course, we can’t ignore the most obvious reason why sign languages are

awesome. Sign languages are an extremely important communication tool for

many deaf and hard-of-hearing people. Sign languages are the native languages

of the Deaf community and provide full access to communication. Although sign

languages are used primarily by people who are deaf, they are also used by others,

such as people who can hear but can’t speak. For a child, the stages of acquiring a

sign language are the same as those for spoken language. The muscles in a baby’s

hands grow and develop faster than their mouths so signing can be a better option

for early communication, especially when the child still can’t speak. If a baby’s first

language is a sign language, they will often start “babbling” with their hands rather

than their mouth.

Sign languages, like spoken languages, vary from country to country. FSL has

been recognized as the national sign language of the Filipino Deaf through the

Filipino Sign Language Act in October 2018. The law mandates that FSL be used in

transactions with the Deaf and as the language of instruction for Deaf learners. For

many years, the marginalization of the Deaf did not only perpetuate a culture of

derogation but also pushed them to the sidelines to the extent that they are

excluded in most domains of Philippine society. In such a historical context, a shift

of perspective on deafness emerges. As result, deafness is increasingly being

taken as a linguistic rather than a disability issue in the country.

While FSL has achieved a de jure status as the national sign language, a lot of

work must be done in the education and awakening of the majority of the Filipino

population regarding Deaf studies and education. Forced by the legality of the

language and growing national support, the discourse regarding FSL is also an

interrogation of the perennial neglect of the rights of the Deaf to access quality and

free education and to sustain their lives with the same freedom and equal

opportunity that the hearing population enjoys.

31-39. What is the present state of Filipino sign language in inclusive education? Discuss is its

Inclusive education aims to enable students with special needs to learn in a

flexible learning environment to receive a quality education that optimizes their holistic

development potential. This goal depends on the teacher being able to achieve unity.

Education system through positive value formation, knowledge provision and

development. The ability of gifted students to cope with life's challenges. A paradigm

shift towards an inclusive education system in which students with disabilities are

integrated into the regular learning environment with ordinary students has been the

goal of advocates of inclusive education for decades. Without government regulation,

only a small number of non-profit organizations operate sign language education and

translator training programs. In the present state, teachers act as translators in the

classroom (also exempt from translation responsibility in first instance courts, police

stations, etc.). Teacher education programs do not provide sign language training, and

public-school teachers are typically hired with no sign language skills at all, or offer

intensive courses in pre-training for several weeks and, if possible, annual on-the-job

training or “enhance” sign skills. Whatever the method for adapting and

accommodating education systems to those with hearing or oral difficulties, early and

concrete interventions are necessary. If sign language is unrecognized, it results in

linguistic deprivation, which makes learners vulnerable to abuse and can lead to

cognitive delays and more.

40-49. Tagalog is the national language in the Philippines. However, in the present times, it
seems that Filipinos are more fluent in English than in Tagalog. Does this present
scenario can greatly impact the implementation of National Language Policy and
Mother Tongue Education? Justify.

Yes, it does. The world of learning has greatly progressed that even language is

a major factor in determining one’s competency. English has become a universal

language across the globe; it is the second language commonly used in any foreign

countries. In the Philippines, English has become a major influence in children’s

learning; it paved the way for a brighter and competitive future for generations to

come; It has become a major skill or essential for children to be able to compete in

an economic world.
However, the usage of English language overshadowed the importance of a

child’s first language or in this case Tagalog. Its safe to say that English has greatly

impact the implementation of National Language Policy and Mother Tongue


50-60. In the present times, is the implementation of Language Program and Policies given
importance? Why or why not?

Good Luck!

Prepared and Submitted by:


Instructor I
Date: _______________

Checked and Reviewed by:


Program/Department Chairperson
Date: _______________

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