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"Or CPR "

Resuscitation is the most Before you help someone
that is choking make sure
important medical procedure that they really need it
of all

If they're gagging,
CPR is an emergency wheezing, gasping,
inability to make noise
procedure that combines and holding they're throat.
chest compressions to 1. Stand behind the
preserve brain function until person who's choking.
proper medical treatment
arrives for a person whos in BURNS 2. Place your arms
around their waist and
cardiac arrest bend them forward.
Burn are caused by thermal 3. Clench 1 fist and place
sources including fire or high it right above their
temperature objects. belly button.
4. Put the other hand on
top of your fist and
Burns can also be caused by pull sharply inwards
chemicals or acids and upwards.
5. Repeat this movement
up to 5 times.
Burns can be treated by
running it under cold water for
about 20 minutes
Bandage Bandage TECHNIQUE
Arm sling:
-Ask the person to support their
-Start by putting the end of the bandage on -keep the injured part of the body arm with their other hand, and
the inside of their wrist, below the bottom of
their thumb. Wrap the bandage around their
supported in the position it'll be in when gently slide the triangular
the bandage is on bandage underneath the arm, The
wrist, twice.

-use the right size bandage different point of the triangle should be
-Then wrap the bandage from the inside of parts of the body need different widths of underneath the elbow of the
their wrist, diagonally across the back of
their hand up to the nail of their little finger. bandage injured arm. Bring the top end of
Then pass the bandage straight across the
the bandage around the back of
front of their fingers. Locate the apex of triangular bandage, the neck.

place on the shoulder above the affected -Fold the lower end of the bandage up
-Pass the bandage diagonally across the chest over the forearm to meet the top of
back of their hand to the outside of their
the bandage at the shoulder of the
wrist. Then wrap under their wrist. -Bring the two points at the back, making injured side.

some adjustments of the base of

-Repeat this figure of eight until only the triangular bandage

finger tips are still peeking out. When
-Tie the ends together in a reef knot
wrapping, only cover two thirds of the -Make your 2nd square knot, using the above their collar bone, and adjust the
previous layer, so that with each new layer longer point with the apex slings to make sure that it supports
you’re covering a third of new skin.
the entire arm.

-Make some adjustments on the base and


sides of the triangular bandage by folding -Make sure that the edge of the them outside bandage by the elbow is secured by
twisting the fabric and tucking it in, or
advice/first-aid-advice/how-to/how-to- using a safety pin to fasten.

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