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Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine VS Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

The features of structure:

As to the Horizontal axis wind turbine, during the process of one circle of rotation of the blades, the
blades receive the combined effects of inertial force and gravity, the direction of the inertial force is
subject to change, while that of the gravity is stable ever, so that the blades suffer an alternating load,
which is very detrimental to the fatigue strength of the blades. Besides, the generator of the Horizontal
axis wind turbine is about tens of meters far away from the ground, which brings a lot of troubles to
repair and maintain the generator.

As to the Vertical axis wind turbine, during the process of rotation of the blades, the condition of
receiving effects is better than that of the Horizontal axis wind turbine, because the directions of the
inertial force and gravity keep stable ever. Therefore, the blades receive a fixed load, and accordingly
the fatigue longevity is longer than the Horizontal axis wind turbine. At the same time, the generator
of the Vertical axis wind turbine is often placed under the rotor or on the ground, and so it is easy for
repair and maintenance.

The starting wind speed:

It is commonly admitted that the Horizontal axis wind turbine enjoys a good starting performance. But
according to the gas-hole experiment practiced by China Aerodynamics Research and Development
Centre (CARDC) on the small-sized Horizontal axis wind turbine, the starting wind speed is usually in
the range of 4~5 m/s, and the maximum has been up to 5.9 m/s. this starting performance obviously
can't be satisfactory.

In the field of wind turbines, it is also commonly said that the Vertical axis wind turbine suffers a bad
starting performance, especially the Ф structure of Darrieus wind turbine, which has no initial starting
ability to speak of. This is also an obstacle on the way of the development of the Vertical axis wind
turbine. Nevertheless, as for the H structure of Darrieus wind turbine, it has an opposite conclusion. As
long as the airfoil and installing angle are selected appropriately, the wind turbine can gain quite
satisfactorily starting performance. Considering the air-hole test, the H structure of Darrieus wind
turbine can start at a wind speed of 2m/s, which is undoubtedly preferable than the Horizontal axis
wind turbine.

The environmental problems:

Although the wind is called as the clean energy, and can be friendly to the environment, with more and
more large-scale wind power farms being built, some environmental problems caused by the wind
turbines have been also prominent. These problems are mainly reflected in two aspects: first, the noise
problem; second, the negative impact on the local ecological environment.
The tip speed ratio of the Horizontal axis wind turbine is generally about 5 to 7, and at such a high
speed, the blades cutting the air flow will produce loud aerodynamic noise, and meanwhile many birds
through such high-speed blade are difficult to escape.

The tip speed ratio of the Vertical axis wind turbine is usually 1.5 to 2, which is much lower than that
of the Horizontal model. Such low rotating speed basically can't produce aerodynamic noise, and
completely mute the noise. The benefits of muteness are apparent, because it solved the difficult that
in the past the wind turbine couldn't be erected in some circumstances, such as urban public facilities,
residential areas, etc. With this regard, it can be got that the Vertical model will enjoy a wider field of
application than the Horizontal model.

The benefits brought by the low tip speed ratio are not only the environmental advantages, but also
beneficial to the overall performance of the wind turbines. Based on the aerodynamic analysis, the
faster the object, the greater the impact of the shape of outlook on the flow field. When the wind
turbine runs in the outdoors, the blades are inevitably contaminated by the pollution, and the pollution
can actually change the shape of the blades. In terms of the Horizontal model, even if this kind of
change to the blades is trivial, it can also reduce the energy utilization. But as for the Vertical model,
its rotating speed is quite low, so it is not so sensitive to the change of the shape, which means that the
contamination to the blades has no effect on the aerodynamic performance of the wind turbine.

The comparative parameters:

Draga Silmija, 

možeš li molim te na osnovu postojećih istraživanja i naučnih radova, napraviti i poslati mi

poređenje HAWT i VAWT Savonius turbina u kontekstu: 

 cijene koštanja izrade, transporta, ugradnje i servisiranja jedne i druge za istu snagu;
 potrebne površine zemljišta za postavljanje jedne ili druge;
 razlika u razini zvuka, brzini vjetra, i drugim parametrima

Pored toga, možeš li napraviti poređenje VAWT Savonius turbina sa drugim VAWT turbinama
(Darrieus i Helix), zašto se Darrieus najviše koristi u odnosu na druge vertikalne, gdje se
najčešće koristi i koji je odnos cijene, efikasnosti i drugih parametara Savoniusa, Darrieusa,

Nako toga, molim te uzimajući u obzir rezultat nove unaprijeđene Savonius turbine, napravi
poređenje s postojećim horizontalnim i vertikalnim po ključnim parametrima (možeš i u
nekoj tabeli kao npr. ovo ispod) -

Isto tako, molim te da navedeš gdje je sve moguća primjena (krovovi, jahte, autoputevi,
kombinacija sa solarima, standardni vjetroparkovi...).

Ako bismo npr. radili turbine manje, cca. 1kW, možemo li biti cijenom konkurentniji od
sličnih i verikalnih i horizontalnih trenutno dostupnih
i ako da zašto tj. kako? Možemo li za istu cijenu dobiti veću snagu? Trenutno na ovoj alibabi
horizontalne djeluju jeftinije po 1kW. Da li se možda cjenovna razlika i prednost postižu na
vjetrenjačama veće snage a ne na ovim manjim? 

Ja ću uraditi ekonomsku analizu, u smislu, potencijala i veličine tržišta, trenutnog učešća

vjetroelektrana u ukupnoj globalnoj proizvodnji el. energije, potencijale različitih tržišnih niša
i sl. 

Ako možeš ove info poslati do narednog četvrtka 17.11. bilo bi super. 

Hvala ti.
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

R.B. Grant Electrical Contractors supply and install Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT).
This kind of wind turbine is the most famous and most widely used. They work on the principle of the
windmill and usually they have three blades (especially for large installations) which are made stiff to
prevent them from being pushed into the tower by high winds.
Horizontal axis wind turbines have the main rotor shaft and the electrical generator on the top of their
tower and they must be pointed into the wind or against the wind (both are possible). They can be
turned around on their axis. Some of them work with a constant speed, but with a variable-speed
turbine, more energy can be collected using a solid-state power converter.
All HAWT have protective features to avoid damage when high speeds are reached. This is done by
feathering the turbine blades to stop their rotation, helped by brakes.
The speed of the blades extremity can reach 200mph (320km/h). Furthermore, with their high
efficiency and their low torque ripple, the HAWT are very reliable.
They are a good compromise between power, speed and price. However, there is an associated
problem with turbulence for this kind of turbine, especially for small domestic installation. That is
why the micro roof-mounted wind turbines with an horizontal axis cannot exceed 2kw.
Kestrel e400n(b) Small Wind Turbine

Whether to boost solar and other renewable energy application in a reliable and cost effective manner,
or as part of a small wind farm installation…..
whether to integrate within a water pumping system to reduce utility costs, or to provide continual and
reliable power for repeater stations…..
either tied to the grid using approved inverters to reduce energy costs, or for housing, community &
health centres not connected to the national grid…..
…..the e400n(b) by Kestrel is adaptable to meeting many specific electrical needs.
 Up to 3,500w of power from a high performance 3-blade turbine.
 Affordable clean electricity, adaptable to your needs
 Reliable and convenient with a long life design
 Valuable asset for fulfilling energy requirements
 Advanced passive pitch control system that maintains full power in any wind, optimising
energy harvest capacity
 Moderates noise emissions effectively, making it an and reliable method of renewable
energy generation in all installations and environments
 The advanced direct drive alternator incorporates three main shaft bearings for longevity
and increased reliability
 Minimum maintenance, comprises of only periodic visual checks
 Eligible for UK feed-in tariffs
See Kestrel e400n(b) Brochure.
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

R.B. Grant Electrical Contractors supply and install Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT).
Vertical axis wind turbines have their main rotor installed vertically, which is a plus point because you
don’t need to change the orientation of the turbine with the direction of the wind. But with this
configuration, you decrease the nominal rotation speed. With a vertical axis, the electrical generator
can be installed near the ground using the rotation power of the rotor directly.
For a roof-mounted vertical axis, the wind coming onto the roof can be sent to the turbine multiplying
the speed by two.
Two types of vertical axis exist:
Darrieus Type

They work on the same functioning as plane wings. Their name comes from the French inventor,
Georges Darrieus. This type is efficient, but an important torque ripple is developed and cyclical stress
is produced on the tower resulting in a low reliability. They need an external power source to start due
to the low starting torque.
Savonius Type

This model is constructed with two or three scoops. They are quite small and don’t need a lot of space
allowing installation on the frame. It can start with low wind speeds and has an important torque
which change during the rotation.
Differences between Vertical Axis and Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

For a large installation, horizontal axis wind turbines are the best solution due to their yield. But for a small installation, using
a vertical axis could be beneficial for your energy consumption and your comfort, especially if you want a roof-mounted
wind turbine. Indeed, with a VAWT, you won’t have problems linked with vibrations and they can start with a slow

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