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Unit 3.

I. EXERCISE 1 (use each word only once)
wave attention socialize non-verbal clap approach
assistance obvious signal acceptable appropriate rude

1. I don’t think this film is________ for small children to watch.

2. Air pollution has risen above an________ level.
3. She is very shy. She doesn’t seem to ________ with anyone at her school.
4. Waving, nodding and whistling are some of ___________ language.
5. Teachers are not allowed to give students any___________ in exams.
6. “When I ________ my hands, everyone must stand up” said the teacher to her pupils.
7. You won’t last long in your job if you carry on being so_______ to the customers.
8. They are organizing a campaign to draw people’s _______to the environmentally harmful effects of using
their cars.
9. It’s _______ from what the minister said that he would not resign from his office.
10. All I got was a busy________ when I dialed her number.
11. She gave me a________ as the train was leaving.
12. What will you do if you see your teacher_______ you in the schoolyard?
II. Choose the best answer.
1. Clapping one’s hands to draw attention is not_______ to most people. (slight/ brief/ social/ acceptable)
2. Many people don’t agree that corporal punishment is______ for pupils at school. (assistant/ obvious/
appropriate/ formal)
3. “Hi” is a(n)______ way of greeting people. (informal/ serious/ formal/ important)
4. It is rude to_____ people while you are talking to them. (point out/ point at/ look at/ smile at)
5. Waving is considered the most______ way of attracting someone’s attention.(slightly/ non-verbal/ common/
6. Kate is a very_____ girl. She can make friends easily even though she is in a strange place. (reticent/ shy/
unfriendly/ sociable )
7. She is also a good nurse, who can _____ her patients well. (handle/ work/ look/ deal)
8. Peter______ for all the trouble he had caused to us. (complained/ apologized/ excused/ complimented)
9. Could you please _____ me how to get to the station? (say/ tell/ talk/ speak)
10. The man ______ the boy of breaking the glass window. (told/ suggested/ accused/ blamed)
1. “I'm sorry I'm late.” he murmured_____ (apologize)
2. The family has a very important role in_______ children.(social)
4. _______of the new system will take several days. (install)
5. It is hard to _____ what I mean. I’m too excited. (verbal)
6. The government has been accused of not responding ______to the needs of the homeless. (appropriate)
7. We took a _____ more direct route. (slight)
8. This type of behavior is no longer ______ acceptable. (society)
9. His casual behavior was wholly ______ for such a formal occasion. (appropriate)
10. Rob’s very ______ - he likes his party. (society)
11. His achievements were partly due to the ______ of his wife. (assist)
12. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ______ (communicate)
IV. Give the correct tense of the verb in the bracket
1. Ever since she arrived, she (sit) quietly in the corner.
2. She listened so attentively that not a word she (miss).
3. They treat me as if I (be) their own son.
4 .If you feel tired after a busy week of work, you (check) into the Plaza Ville for some rest and relaxation?
5 . Hurry up or we (miss) the first film.
6 . (Be) patient with your children!
7 . On my trip to France, I lost a suitcase, (break) my glasses, (miss) my flight home.
8 .The man (take) out the key and (open) the car door.
9 .This is the third time you (break) the traffic law”, said the policeman.
10 .By the time he retired from work, all his daughters (get) married.
11. The sun (rise) in the east; now it (set) and the night (fall).
12. Architects (make) the plan of buildings.
13. I (wear) a coat because the sun (not shine).
14. I always (meet) you on the corner of the street.
15. Columbus (discover) America more than 400 years ago.
16. I (not eat) caviar since I was in Moscow.
17. Since when you (know) him?
18. I (not see) you for more than a week
19. How long ago (be) last war?
20. Old George (not be) here for years !
21. They (come) here a month ago.
22. He (not speak) to me for over three weeks.
23. You (have) a new one since last year ?
24. How long ago you (arrive) here?
25. We (finish) our supper half an hour ago.
26. She (not have) a holiday for four years.
27. I (not play) the piano since I was a little boy.
28. They (visit) Dalat a few days ago.
29. My brother (not write) for me for months.
30. My servant (leave) me two weeks ago.
1. “Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office manager.
 The office manager wondered
2. “You stole my best cassette, Amanda!” said William.
 William accused
3. “ You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Margaret.
 Margaret accused
4. “You’d better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth,” said John.
 John advised
5. Helen wanted to know the name of Shirley’s hairdresser’s.
 Helen said, “Shirley, where
6. Why don’t you meet to discuss the pay offer?
 I suggest you
7. “How old is your little boy?” said the nurse to Mrs. Bingley.
 The nurse asked Mrs. Bingley
8. “ Never borrow money from friends” my father said.
 My father told
9. “Where is the station car-park?” Mrs. Smith asked
 Mrs. Smith asked
10. “You’d better go to the doctor if you’ve got a pain in your back, Anna,” Henry said.
 Henry suggested
11. You have done really well to pass your driving test so quickly.
 She congratulated
12. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t ring you to say I’d be late.’
 He apologized
13. ‘I never told anyone about your scheme,’ he said.
 He denied
14. ‘If Brian doesn’t train harder, I won’t select him for the team.’ said the manager.
 The manager threatened
15. The doctor advised me to rest.
The doctor suggested
16. He said: “It was me who stole the money.”
 He confessed
17. “Don’t play near the river!” he told his sons.
He warned
18. “I admit that I forgot to turn on the alarm system,” said Robert.
 Robert confessed
19. I don’t want to be criticized by non-professionals”, said the film star.
The film star objected
20. “Let me drive you home, Mary, I insist!”
Peter insisted
21. The doctor said to me, “You should lose weight.”
 The doctor advised me
22. Mary said, “Let’s go to a movie.”
 Mary suggested .
23. “I didn’t break the windows”, Bill said.
 Bill denied
24. “You told a lie, Tom”, she said.
 She accused Tom
25. “I can’t go to your birthday party next Saturday evening, Jack”, said Mary.
 Mary apologized .
26. “I won’t help you with your homework. Never ! ” Jane said to me.
 Jane refused
27. Joe said, “Please come to my party.”
 Joe invited
28. Mr. Gray said, “Don’t play in the street.”
 Mr. Gray warned the children
29. “Would you like to come on a picnic with us?
 They invited
30. “Please don’t tell anybody what happened.”
 He asked
31. “If you don’t give me a pay rise. I’ll resign.”
 She threatened
32. “I’ll finish the work by the end of this week.”
 John promised
34. “Don’t forget to go to the supermarket after work.”
 They reminded
35. She told me, “I am going to the party with my mother”.
 She told me

I/Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others .
1. A. passed B. walked C. accepted D. laughed
2. A. obvious B. most C. appropriate D. hold
3. A. low B. allow C. know D. social
4. A. considers B. times C. hands D. jumps
5. A. clap B. catch C. plane D. informality

II/Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others .
6. A. attract B. person C. signal D. instance
7. A. verbal B. suppose C. even D. either
8. A. example B. consider C. several D. attention
9. A. situation B. appropriate C. informality D. entertainment
10. A. restaurant B. compliment C. usually D. assistance

III/Choose the underlined word or phase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

11. Mom asked me where had I gone the night before.
12. They have been asked me to visit them for ages, but I have never had the time.
13. The teacher said the class that hot air rises and cold air sinks.
14. Don’t leave the house until I will get back !
15. Many couples who both work must hire someone to take care of their children for they.
IV/Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences .
16. I see my brother get ____________ the plane and begin walk towards me.
A. off B. for C. in D. down
17. ' _______ I carry that bag for you?' - 'Oh, thank you.'
A. Do B. Shall C. Will D. Would
18. I can’t go with you as I ____________ my work.
A. hadn’t finished B. haven’t finished C. didn’t finish D. won’t finish
19. I couldn’t help____________ what you said.
A. overhear B. overhearingC. to overhear D. with overhearing
20. When I woke up this morning, it ____________
A. rains B. rained C. was raining D. had rained
21. Tom ____________ before we arrived there.
A. has left B. had left C. will leave D. leaves
22. My parents never let me ____________late.
A. stay up B. to stay up C. stayed up D. staying up
23. She said she____________ that film years before.
A. saw B. has seen C. had seen D. would see
24. You should ____________ more attention to what your teacher explains.
A. get B. set C. make D. pay
25. John asked me ____________ interested in any kind of sports.
A. if I were B. if were I C. if I was D if was I
26. After a ____________ hesitation, she began to speak with such a convincing voice.
A. slight B. rude C. small D. impolite
27. In many cultures, people signify their agreement by ____________their head.
A. turning B. nodding C. raising D. shaking
28. When the play finished the audience stood up and ____________ their hands loudly.
A. waved B. pointed C. clapped D. hold
29. He is not really friendly and make no attempt to be ____________
A. impolite B. rude C. boring D. sociable
30. Children can be a little ____________ and they like to see quick results.
A. shy B. impatient C. slow D. obvious
31. A smile is often a ____________ of friendliness and interest.
A. gesture B. sign C. way D. communication
32. “ You look great in this new dress.” – ‘ ____________”
A. With pleasure. B. Not at all.
C. I am glad you like it. D. Do not say anything about it.
33. Do you feel ____________ to this kind of job?
A. attractive B. attracted C. attractively D. attracting
34. Language is considered a significant means of ____________in international relations.
A. communicate B. communicator C. communicative D. communication
35. The mother asked her son ____________
A. where he has been. B. where has he been. C. where had he been. D. where he had been.
36. If I knew what ____________ , I would tell you.
A. is the time B. was the time C. time is it D. the time was
37. She said she ____________.
A. was very tired last night. B. had been very tired last night.
C. had been very tired the night before. D. was very tired the night before.
38. Martin asked me ____________the film called “Star War.”
A. have I seen B. if I had seen C. whether I have seen D. whether had I seen.
39. ____________________, the workers will stop working.
A. If the working conditions are improved B. Unless the working conditions are improved
C. Unless the working conditions aren’t improved D. If not working conditions are improved
40. Having known the result, ________.
A. they all felt happy B. happiness is on their part
C. so they all felt happy D. all of them feeling happy

A/ Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank in the following passage.
Good communication is the 41/ being successful and satisfied in many situations: work,
personal, social. At work, communication skills are most commonly shown in your 42/ _________ to use and
understand a language, whether spoken or on 43/ _________. You need a good command of the language to
get your ideas, opinions, and feelings across clearly. Listening carefully is an important communication skill.
The ability and confidence to 44/ _________questions when you need to understand something or get
information from someone is also essential. Competence 45/_______ a language other than your mother tongue
also counts as a communication skill.
41. A. key B. advice C. tool D. rule
42. A. capacity B. ability C. knowledge D. fluency
43. A. writing B. letter C. written D. paper
44. A. ask B. answer C. put D. tell
45. A. of B. for C. in D. to
B/ Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question .
Each society has its own beliefs, attitudes, customs, behaviors, and habits. They give people a sense of
who you are, how they are supposed to behave, and what should or should not do.
People become conscious of such rules when they meet people from different cultures. For examples, the
rules about when to eat vary from culture. Many North Americans and Europeans organize their timetables
around three mealtimes a day. In other countries, on the other hand, it’s not the custom to have strict rules like
this - people eat when they want to, and every family has its own timetable.
When people eat or live in a country for the first time, they are often surprised at the differences that exist
between their own culture and the culture in the other country. For some people, traveling abroad is the thing
they enjoy most in life; for other, though, cultural differences make them feel uncomfortable, frightened, or
even insecure. This is known as “culture shock ”.
When you are visiting a foreign country, it is important to understand and appreciate cultural differences.
This can help people avoid misunderstandings, develop friendship more easily, and feel more comfortable when
traveling and living abroad.
46. The title of this passage is ____________
A. Understanding Cultural Differences for Foreign Travels.
B. Consciousness of Cultural Rules.
C. Traveling Abroad in Life.
D. Developing Friendship.
47. In the passage, people ____________have three meals everyday.
A. in Vietnam and Thailand B. in Germany and in Argentina.
C. in the US and Western countries. D. in China and Indonesia.
48. Embarrassment when dealing with foreigners is ____________
A. the differences of clothes. B. culture shock.
C. misunderstandings. D. consciousness
49. Understanding cultural differences can help people ____________friendship more easily.
A. live B. reduce C. exist D. develop
50. The word conscious in line 3 is nearest in meaning to ____________
A. aware B. fond C. tired D. thoughtful

I/ Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. attracted B. waved C. excited D. demanded
2. A. situations B. forms C. tables D. students
3. A. speak B. either C. leisure D. even
4. A. walking B. party C. warm D. towards
5. A. here B. where C. share D. there

II/ Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others.
6. A. verbal B. person C. common D. attract
7. A. instance B. polite C. accept D. approach
8. A. noisy B. signal C. across D. whistle
9. A. suppose B. social C. excite D. begin
10. A. towards B. slightly C. teacher D. schoolyard

III/ Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

11. Thomas promised going to the cinema but he didn’t turn up.
12. Everyone who comes to this city notice the beauty of its architecture.
13. Lan says she is leaving here for Hanoi the next day.
14. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them.
15. Mary asked there was anything interesting on TV to see that night.
IV/ Choose the most suitable word or phrase ( A, B, C, or D ) to complete each sentence.
16. I said I _______ you, so here I can.
A. will help B. would help C. help D. helped
17. Can you tell me _______ Victoria Station?
A. how do I get to B. how I get to C. how did I get to D. how I got to
18. She was trying to _______ the waiter’s attention.
A. attract B. pay C. remind D. seize
19. I _______ you everything I am doing, and you have to do the same.
A. will tell B. would tell C. told D. was telling
20. When she _______ her mistake, she apologised.
A. was realising B. did realise C. realised D. has realised
21. If I ________ the chance, I would have trained to be a doctor.
A. would have had B. would have C. have had D. had had
22. John asked _________ .
A. how much that bike cost B. how much this bike cost
C. how much this bike costs D. how much that bike costs
23. Don’t bother Tom. He ________ on the phone right now.
A. talks B. is talking C. has talked D. talked
24. I ________ you that you had to be on time. Why are you late?
A. asked B. said C. told D. wondered
25. The teacher _______ them the answer to the question.
A. explained B. told C. said D. discussed
26. I have never ________ any experience of living in the country.
A. had B. wished C. done D. made
27. He ________ me to buy an air ticket immediately or it would be too late.
A. convinced B. insisted C. advised D. suggested
28. He asked me ________ the film called “Star Wars”
A. have I seen B. if I had seen C. have you seen D. if had I seen
29. Are you going to party? I’m not sure. I _______ go.
A. might B. mustn’t C. have to D. don’t have to
30. You can leave the money with him; he’s totally ________.
A. trusting B. trusty C. trustful D. trustworthy
31. She isn’t _______ well with the new manager.
A. getting on B. going on C. keeping on D. talking on
32. Do you think you could tell me what time _______?.
A. the next boat leaves B. the next boat leave
C. does the next boat leave D. did the next boat leave
33. Helen asked me _______ old buildings.
A. I lived visiting B. you liked visiting C. if I liked visiting D. if you liked visiting
34. Jean _______ stealing the money.
A. refused B. denied C. confessed D. recognised
35. Vanessa doubted _______.
A. whether Liverpool would win B. Liverpool will win
C. whether Liverpool will win D. whether would Liverpool win
36. I regret not booking the seats in advance.
A. I wish I booked the seats in advance. B. I wish I have booked the seats in advance.
C. If only I booked the seats in advance. D. If only I had booked the seats in advance.
37. “John left here an hour ago,” said Jane.
A. Jane told me that John had left there an hour before. B. Jane said John left here an hour before.
C. Jane told John to have left there an hour before. D. Jane told me that John to leave there an hour before.
38. “ Why didn’t you follow my advice?” he said.
A. He asked me to follow his advice. B. He asked me not to follow his advice.
C. He asked me why I did follow his advice. D. He asked me why I hadn’t followed his advice.
39. “ If I were you, I would take the job.” said Mary.
A. Mary was thinking about taking the job. B. Mary advised me to take the job.
C. Mary introduced the idea of taking the job to me. D. Mary insisted on taking the job for me.
40. “I will pay back the money, Gloria.” said Ivan.
A. Ivan apologised to Gloria for borrowing her money. B. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back.
C. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’s money. D. Ivan suggested paying back the money to Gloria.


A/ Read the passage below and decide which answer best fits each space :
Food is such an important part of our everyday lives, not just because we must eat to (41) ____ alive, but
also because it is a central part of our culture and the way we live. Going out to dinner to a restaurant (42) ____
an important part of our social life, especially as we get older. Many discussions have (43) ____ and many
opinions have been shared over dinner.
We also associate romance with food. How many people in the world have asked somebody to marry them
while in a restaurant at a candlelit table? Dinner time is also the most important part of the day for families. With
parents working and children being at school all day, dinner time is very often the only time of day (44) ____ the
whole family can sit together and have a discussion. In many families even this can’t (45) ____ every day,
especially as the children get married and move away from home. This is when Sunday lunch becomes the time
when loved ones can get together and two, three or sometimes even four generations of the same family may be
found around a table.
41. A. keep B. live C. stay D. become
42. A. makes B. is C. forms D. causes
43. A. arisen B. broken out C. taken place D. emerged
44. A. that B. when C. while D. which
45. A. happen B. exist C. last D. go ahead
B/ Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question :
More young couples have meals regularly in their parent’s home with little or no pay, and give their
children to the care of old couple free of charge.
Investigations have shown that parents of many young couples don’t mind providing meals and caring for
their children. However, this practise should not become an accepted social custom.
The old couples expense on food has already increased while young couples spend more on clothing and
furnishing and less on food. If this trend continues, many young couples might take these privileges for granted
and become more dependent.
It is not the right for young couple to make use of the old couples’ love, not only because our nation is well-
known for its special paid to the elderly, but also because the young must become independent.
What young people should do is to become more considerate towards their old parents. After long years of
hard work, they are worthy of such consideration.
46. Most married young couples ____.
A. live with their parents.
B. have meals regularly in their parents’ home for they have little or no fees.
C. have not become independent completely
D. pay no respect to the elderly
47. The writer thinks it is ____ for old couples to provide meals or care for their married children.
A. wrong B. understandable C. right D. an accepted social custom
48. According to the passage, young couples should ____.
A. be less demanding and more caring towards their old parents.
B. look after their children themselves
C. spend less on clothing or furnishing and more on food
D. pay for the meals they have in their parents’ home
49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?
A. What troubles young people most is that no one will look after their children is that their own parents.
B. The reason why young couples depend on their parents to different degrees is that their income is smaller.
C. Old couples should give money to their children instead of providing meals or caring for them.
D. It would be natural that if young couples went on depending on their old parents they would have to provide
meals and care for their children when they get married.
50. This article is particularly written for ____.
A. old couples B. young couples
C. both young and old couples D. young couples’ children

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