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1. The biggest problem is probably the economy and the associated problems and consequences.

economy is in crisis: unemployment and inflation are high, social injustice is growing. Unemployment is
particularly high among younger people.1 The situation is even worsening due to the corona pandemic.
Causes anger and frustration, which is also evident in protests. Furthermore, the embargo is still in
place due to foreign policy discord with other countries.2

2. With a total of 80 million inhabitants, Iran is a young country: three quarters of the people are under
40 years of age.3 But only a few benefit in the country, many are without prospects. In addition to
social issues, Iran is increasingly suffering from massive environmental problems. At the same time,
political opposition to the state persists. Despite these diverse problems, Iran has a diverse civil society.
ran is a country with a high standard of education, a high literacy rate, and over 65 percent of all
students are women.4 In addition, Iran is an urban country; 75 percent of all Iranians live in cities and
have access to modern means of communication there. People sense an ongoing crisis. In general,
many lack the perspective that change is possible. They have lost hope that things will get better in the
future without a profound break with the current situation. People also feel a high degree of social
injustice. They see that they have no perspective to improve their life or to shape their life at all.
Families can no longer support their children and grandchildren due to their financial situation. This
leads to a downward spiral, as unemployment is also high. The bad economic situation also means that
there are hardly any calls for political freedoms. Likewise: those who have several jobs to keep
themselves and their families afloat no longer think about freedom of the press or freedom of
expression. The middle class has collapsed since sometimes even the wages of an academic are no
longer enough to feed a family. Due to the continuing tense situation, there are also no (foreign)
investments, and economic strength continues to decline. Ultimately, no improvement will be possible
as long as the basic questions are worked on.

3. A solution would be sustainable economic growth with gradual opening of the state and greater
liberalization. Many people in Iran have a good education. Besides the political and social problems,
Iran has a relatively strong social system. this can be a basis for the necessary improvements to develop
a stable economy. On this basis, a solution to the problem should be developed. Important necessary
steps would first be a liberalization of the state. this is the only way for the state to become interesting
for investors at home and abroad. For a development of the social structure as a prerequisite for
economic growth and in order to offer the citizens a perspective, liberalization and a change to a
stronger rule of law, possibly with a stronger secularity, are probably necessary.
(1) First of all, a better climate for investors must be created. this would require negotiations
with the international community to remove embargoes.
(2) domestically, the creation of prospects for the citizens would be the top priority. this should
in particular include a liberalization of government and social life. change can only succeed if
all social groups can agree on a consensus. this will also have to include further improvements
in the rule of law. For example, human rights must be firmly anchored, freedoms established
(this does not mean giving up the rich culture and traditions, as is sometimes feared) and the
principle of checks and balances expanded and strengthened.
(3) if better framework conditions have been created internally, it is of great importance to
open up to other states and to seek diplomatic relations. further isolation is counterproductive.
(4) the country still needs to be stabilized internally and externally.
(5) A stable, open society and state can then exploit HR potential and become interesting for
foreign investors and can be a partner in international trade.


4. More difficult is the question of how the solution can be implemented in the current political
environment. Many of the political changes that are probably necessary are not given in the current
situation. as long as there is no will to make political changes, it will be difficult, especially outside of
politics, to achieve the necessary positive impulses for economic growth and, as a result, improvements
for the people. But such a will can only come from within and not through intervention in the state
from outside. but as already described, an improvement in the economy and thus, for example, a
reduction in unemployment and other things, can hardly be implemented without a liberal political
dimension. Unfortunately, the current political and social situation paralyzes such a development.
nevertheless, there can be small approaches if, for example, foreign policy compromises and new
agreements are created. however, really significant improvements in the current situation will be very

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