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IEEE Standard for Seismic

Qualification Testing of Protective

Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear

IEEE Power and Energy Society

Sponsored by the
Power System Relaying Committee
and the
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee

3 Park Avenue IEEE Std C37.98™-2013
New York, NY 10016-5997 (Revision of
USA IEEE Std C37.98-1987)

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IEEE Std C37.98™-2013
(Revision of
IEEE Std C37.98-1987)

IEEE Standard for Seismic

Qualification Testing of Protective
Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear


Power System Relaying Committee

and the
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Approved 11 December 2013

IEEE-SA Standards Board

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Abstract: The methods and conditions for seismic qualification of protective relays and auxiliaries
such as test and control switches, terminal blocks, and indicating lamps for use in nuclear
facilities are described in this standard. The primary intent of this standard is to focus on fragility
testing and seismic qualification, also known as proof testing (either to generic levels or specific
levels). This standard covers relays used in nuclear facilities, but may also be applied to any area
in which the seismic response of relays is a design consideration. The prerequisites for the
seismic test are defined in IEEE Std C37.105™.

Keywords: auxiliaries, chatter, fragility, generic testing, IEEE C37.98™, nuclear, operating basis
earthquake, proof testing, protective, qualification, relay, required response spectrum, response
spectra, safe shutdown earthquake, safety function, seismic, seismic test, test, test response

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2014 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 30 April 2014. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.

PDF: ISBN 978-0-7381-8862-1 STD98503

Print: ISBN 978-0-7381-8863-8 STDPD98503

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At the time this IEEE standard was completed, the Standard Seismic Testing of Relays Working Group had
the following membership:
Suresh Channarasappa, Chair
Marie Nemier, Co-chair

Roy Ball Thomas Koshy Arnold Offner

Melanie Hamner Brown Daniel Mikow Mario Ranieri
Jeffrey Burnworth Sheila Ray

At the time this standard was balloted, Subcommittee 2 had the following membership:
John White, Chair
Robert Konnik, Vice Chair
Ed Mohtashemi, Secretary

Chris Abernathy James Gleason Rie Nakamura

Saleem Akhtar Patrick Gleason Marie Nemier
Michiaki Akiyama Patrick Gove Bill Newell*
Steve Benson Bill Hadovski* Sven-Olof Palm
Tom Brewington Jang Hong-Seok* James Parello
Nissen M. Burstein Dirk-Christian Hopp Janez Pavsek
Steve Casadevall Kuniyasu Ichiki Chris Pegge
Suresh Channarasappa Ken Kettle Jan Pirrong
Garry Chapman Bok Ryul Kim Robert Queenan
Jake Chilek* Kyoung-Pyo Kim Sheila Ray
Jonathan Cornelius Kofi Korsah Fred Roy
James Dean Thomas Koshy Steve Sandberg
Dennis Dellinger Serena Krause Glen Schinzel*
Phil DiBenedetto* Bruce Lory Kjell Spang
Yikang Dou Huaxing Lu* Rebecca Steinman
Mike Dougherty Tania Marinez-Navedo* Marek Tengler
Frank Drumm Ikeda Masaaki Ippei Ueyama
Yasutaka Eguchi Mathew McConnel Ying Wang
Walter Emerson Daniel Mikow* Carl Weber*
Wells Fargo* Asif Mohiuddin John Wheless
Sean Foley Ed Mohtashemi John White
Robert Francis Richard Wood*

*Corresponding member

This standard was completed in partnership with the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee, which had
the following membership:
Roger Hedding, Chair
Mike McDonald, Vice Chair
Pratap Mysore, Secretary

Mark Adamiak George Bartok Robert Beresh

Eric Allen Matt Basler Oscar Bolado
Barbara Anderson Tom Beckwith John Boyle
Galina Antonova Miroslav Begovic Gustavo Brunello
Alex Apostolov Gabriel Benmouyal Christoph Brunner
Roy Ball Marc Benou Dac-Phuoc Bui

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Zeeky Bukhala Gerald Johnson Mario Ranieri
John Burger Meyer Kao Roger Ray
Jeff Burnworth Bogdan Kasztenny Mike Reichard
Mark Carpenter Patrick Kerrigan Mohindar Sachdev
Patrick Carroll Mladen Kezunovic Sam Sambasivan
T. W. Cease Sungsoo Kim Miriam Sanders
Arvind Chaudhary Gary Kobet Mark Schroeder
Steve Conrad Ljubomir Kojovic Sam Sciacca
Rick Cornelison Prem Kumar Tony Seegers
Randy Crellin Steven Kunsman Don Sevcik
Randy Cunico Raluca Lascu Tarlochan Sidhu
Ratan Das Don Lukach Mark Simon
Bob Dempsey Vahid Madani Veselin Skendzic
Alla Deronja Amir Makki Kevin Stephan
Bill Dickerson Aaron Martin Bill Strang
Hyder DoCarmo Kenneth Martin Charlie Sufana
Paul Elkin Pierre Martin Mal Swanson
Everett Fennell Walter McCannon Jon Sykes
Dale Finney Mark McDonald Rick Taylor
Normann Fischer Peter McLaren John Tengdin
Ken Fodero Mike Meisinger Sudhir Thakur
Dominick Fontana Rene Midence Michael Thompson
Dale Fredrickson Dean Miller Demetrios Tziouvaras
Fred Friend George Moskos Joe Uchiyama
Rafael Garcia Chuck Mozina Eric Udren
Jon Gardell Brian Mugalian Benton Vandiver
Didier Giarratano Adi Mulawarman Mani Venkata
Harley Gilleland Mukesh Nagpal Ilia Voloh
Jim Hackett Marie Nemier Solveig Ward
Wayne Hartmann Damir Novosel Phil Waudby
Gene Henneberg Jim O’Brien Del Weers
Charlie Henville Russ Patterson Roger Whittaker
Juergen Holbach Robert Pettigrew Tom Wiedman
Stan Horowitz Arun Phadke Philip Winston
Yi Hu Bruce Pickett Murty Yalla
Rich Hunt Jeff Pond Ray Young
Chris Huntley Elmo Price Rich Young
Sinichi Imai Farnoosh Rahmatian Zhiying Zhang
Jerry Jodice Karl Zimmerman

At the time this standard was balloted, I Subcommittee, Relaying Practices, had the following membership:
Jeffrey Pond, Chair
Brian Mugalian, Co-chair

Tom Beckwith Jerry Jodice Robert Pettigrew

Bob Beresh Gary Kobet Bruce Pickett
Oscar Bolado Will Knapek Mario Ranieri
John Boyle Alex Lee Don Sevick
Jeff Burnworth Jeff Long Mal Swanson
Mark Carpenter Bruce Mackie John Tengdin
Suresh Channarasappa Bruce Magruder Demetrios Tziouvaras
Kevin Donahoe Amir Makki Eric Udren
Fred Friend Peter McLaren Andre Uribe
Rafael Garcia Mike Meisinger Del Wheers
Harley Gielleland George Moskos Roger Whittaker
Jim Hackett Jim Niemira Ray Young
Juergen Holbach Rich Young

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At the time this IEEE standard was balloted, the Nuclear Power Engineering Committee had the following
George A. Ballassi, Chair
James Parello, Vice Chair
Stephen A. Fleger, Secretary
Thomas Koshy, Secretary Elect

Satish Aggerwal Robert J. Fletcher Alexander Marion*

Ijaz Ahmad Robert Francis Kenneth Miller
Dheya Al-Othmany Robert B. Fuld Michael H. Miller
George Attarian David Gladey Edward R. Mohtashemi
Farouk D. Baxter* James F. Gleason Yasushi Nakagawa
Royce Beacom Dale T. Goodney Warren Odess-Gillett
Mark D. Bowman Brit Grim* Ted Riccio
Daniel F. Brosnan* Robert Hall Glen E. Schinzel
Nissen M. Burstein Kuljit Hara James E. Stoner, Jr.*
Keith Bush Daryl Harmon Marek Tengler
Robert C. Carruth David Herrell James E. Thomas
John P. Carter Dirk-Christian Hopp Masafumi Utsumi
Suresh Channarasappa Christopher Kerr Michael Waterman
Dennis Dellinger Bok-Ryul Kim Edward Wenzinger
David R. Desaulniers James K. Liming John White
John Disosway Bruce Lord Paul L. Yanosy, Sr.
Walter F. Emerson John D. MacDonald Won Young Yun
Kenneth Fleischer J. Scott Malcolm Oon-Pyo Zhu

*Non-voting member

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
William Ackerman Daryl Harmon Lorraine Padden
Ali Al Awazi Roger Hedding Mirko Palazzo
George Ballassi Hamidreza Heidarisafa James Parello
Philip Beaumont Werner Hoelzl Jan Pirrong
Kenneth Behrendt Bogdan Kasztenny Moises Ramos
Thomas Brewington Yuri Khersonsky Mario Ranieri
Daniel Brosnan Joesph L. Koepfinger Michael Roberts
Melanie Hamner Brown Thomas Koshy Fredrick Roy
Gustavo Brunello Jim Kulchisky Bartien Sayogo
Jeffrey Burnworth Chung-Yiu Lam Glen Schinzel
Nissen Burstein Raluca Lascu Nikunj Shah
Paul Cardinal Greg Luri James Smith
Robert Carruth Ahmad Mahinfallah Robert Stark
Suresh Channarasappa Michael May Gary Stoedter
Weijen Chen Daniel Mikow James Swank
Ratan Das William Moncrief John Tengdin
Robert Fletcher R. Murphy Michael Thompson
Robert Fuld Pratap Mysore Demetrios Tziouvaras
Frank Gerleve Marie Nemier Eric Udren
Mietek Glinkowski Michael Mewman John Vergis
Jalal Gohari Gary Nissen Michael Waterman
Randall Groves T. Olsen Philip Winston
Ajit Gwal Matthew Zeedyk

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 11 December 2013, it had the following
John Kulick, Chair
David J. Law, Vice Chair
Richard H. Hulett, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Masayuki Ariyoshi Mark Halpin Ron Petersen

Peter Balma Gary Hoffman Gary Robinson
Farooq Bari Paul Houzé Jon Walter Rosdahl
Ted Burse Jim Hughes Adrian Stephens
Wael William Diab Michael Janezic Peter Sutherland
Stephen Dukes Joseph L. Koepfinger* Yatin Trivedi
Jean-Philippe Faure Oleg Logvinov Phil Winston
Alexander Gelman Yu Yuan

*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative

Michael Janezic, NIST Representative

Julie Alessi
IEEE-SA Content Publishing

Erin Spiewak
IEEE-SA Technical Community Programs

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C37.98™-2013, IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of
Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities.

This standard describes the methods and conditions for seismic qualification of protective relays and
auxiliaries such as test and control switches, terminal blocks, and indicating lamps for use in nuclear
facilities. Earlier standards had an emphasis on fragility testing of relays. The primary intent of this
standard is to focus on seismic qualification, also known as proof testing (either to generic levels or specific
levels), rather than fragility testing. This standard covers relays used in nuclear facilities, but may also be
applied to any area in which the seismic response of relays is a design consideration.

This standard is generic in nature. Required response spectra peak and ZPA levels are influenced by in-
structure response. Application-unique requirements must be considered in the testing of relays and
auxiliaries. The information presented in this standard is to be used with plant licensing basis documents
and other industry standards and requirements as applicable.

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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Use of test results ................................................................................................................................. 2

2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 2

3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 2

4. Test preparation .......................................................................................................................................... 4

4.1 Laboratory conditions .......................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Selection and preparation of samples .................................................................................................. 5
4.3 Method of mounting ............................................................................................................................ 5
4.4 Instrumentation .................................................................................................................................... 5

5. Test setup .................................................................................................................................................... 6

5.1 State of the protective relay and auxiliary under test ........................................................................... 6
5.2 Protective relay and auxiliary output ................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Adjustment of the relay during test...................................................................................................... 8

6. Test methods and acceptance criteria ......................................................................................................... 9

6.1 Fragility testing .................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Proof testing ........................................................................................................................................10
6.3 Generic testing ....................................................................................................................................10
6.4 Test acceptance criteria.......................................................................................................................10

7. Documentation ..........................................................................................................................................11
7.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................11
7.2 Test plan and specification .................................................................................................................11
7.3 Test report ...........................................................................................................................................12

8. Generalization of test results .....................................................................................................................12

Annex A (informative) Applicable IEC standard ..........................................................................................13

Annex B (informative) Fragility test .............................................................................................................15

B.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................15
B.2 Seismic test spectra and requirements ................................................................................................15
B.3 Application of fragility test data ........................................................................................................17

Annex C (informative) Contact chatter duration measurement .....................................................................18

C.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................18
C.2 Ideal contact chatter ...........................................................................................................................18
C.3 Typical recorded contact chatter events .............................................................................................18
C.4 Guidance for measuring digitally recorded contact chatter events.....................................................20

Annex D (informative) Bibliography ............................................................................................................21

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IEEE Standard for Seismic
Qualification Testing of Protective
Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear

IMPORTANT NOTICE: IEEE Standards documents are not intended to ensure safety, security, health,
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1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This standard specifies test methods and conditions to be used in the seismic qualification testing of
protective relays and auxiliaries such as test and control switches, terminal blocks, and indicating lamps for
use in nuclear facilities.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this standard is to establish test methods and conditions for determining the seismic
capability and to demonstrate seismic qualification of protective relays and auxiliaries specified in
IEEE Std C37.105™-2010. The prerequisites for the qualification testing are defined in
IEEE Std C37.105™-2010. These test methods are divided into three main categories, as described in
IEEE Std 344™-2004; fragility, proof, and generic testing. To define the specific conditions for seismic
testing of protective relays, the following parameters shall be specified:

a) The settings and electrical inputs to the protective relay and auxiliaries, and other pertinent
information as detailed in this standard required to define its condition during the test

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IEEE Std C37.98-2013
IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

b) The unintentional change in state, contact chatter, deviation in operating conditions, tolerances, or
other change in performance of the relay that constitutes failure
c) The seismic levels (required response spectra) to be imposed during the test

This standard provides guidance to establish the test parameters listed above, determine seismic capacity,
and to demonstrate the ability of protective relays and auxiliaries to perform their safety function during
and/or after the specified seismic motion. In addition, this standard provides the requirements for
documenting the necessary seismic qualification of protective relays and auxiliaries.

1.3 Use of test results

The end user shall confirm the applicability of the test methods, conditions, and results for the intended
application of the relay.

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

IEEE Std 323™-2003(R2008), IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations. 1,2

IEEE Std 344™-2004(R2010), IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E
Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

IEEE Std C37.105™-2010, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

IEEE Std C37.90™-2005, Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power

3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 3

auxiliary relay: A relay whose function is to assist another relay or control device in performing a general
function by supplying supplementary actions.

NOTE 1—Some of the specific functions of an auxiliary relay are: 4

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08854, USA (
The standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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Notes in text, tables, and figures of a standard are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement
this standard.

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IEEE Std C37.98-2013
IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

a) Reinforcing contact current-carrying capacity of another relay or device

b) Providing circuit seal-in functions

c) Increasing available number of independent contacts

d) Providing circuit-opening instead of circuit-closing contacts or vice versa

e) Providing time delay in the completion of a function

f) Providing simple functions for interlocking or programming

NOTE 2—The operating coil or the contacts of an auxiliary relay may be used in the control circuit of another relay or
other control device. For example, an auxiliary relay may be applied to the auxiliary contact circuits of a circuit breaker
to coordinate closing and tripping control sequences.

NOTE 3—A relay may be auxiliary in its functions even though it may derive its driving energy from the power
system current or voltage; for example, a timing relay operating from current or potential transformers.

NOTE 4—Relays which, by direct response to power system input quantities, assist other relays to respond to such
quantities with greater discrimination, are not auxiliary relays; for example, fault-detector relays.

NOTE 5—Relays that are limited in function by a control circuit but are actuated primarily by system input quantities
are not auxiliary relays; for example, torque-controlled relays.

biaxial test: The relay under test is subjected to acceleration in one principal horizontal axis and the
vertical axis simultaneously.

dependent biaxial test: The horizontal and the vertical acceleration components are derived from a single-
input signal.

fragility: Susceptibility of equipment to malfunction as the result of structural or operational limitations, or


fragility level: The highest level of input excitation, expressed as a function of input frequency, that an
equipment can withstand and still perform the required Class 1E functions.

fragility response spectrum (FRS): A test response spectrum obtained from tests to determine the
fragility level of equipment.

independent biaxial test: The horizontal and vertical acceleration components are derived from two
different input signals that are phase incoherent.

octave: The interval between two frequencies that have a frequency ratio of two. For example, 1 Hz to 2
Hz, 2 Hz to 4 Hz, and 4 Hz to 8 Hz.

one-third octave: The interval between two frequencies that have a frequency ratio of 2 to the 1/3 power.
For example, 1 Hz to 1.26 Hz, 1.26 Hz to 1.59 Hz, and 1.59 Hz to 2.0 Hz.

operating basis earthquake (OBE): An earthquake that could reasonably be expected to occur at the plant
site during the operating life of the plant considering the regional and local geology and seismology and
specific characteristics of local subsurface material. It is that earthquake that produces the vibratory ground
motion for which those features of the nuclear power plant, necessary for continued operation without
undue risk to the health and safety of the public, are designed to remain functional.

operating time: The time interval from occurrence of specified input conditions to a specified operation.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

protective relay: A relay whose function is to detect defective lines or apparatus or other power system
conditions of an abnormal or dangerous nature and to initiate appropriate control circuit action.

NOTE—A protective relay may be classified according to its operating principle or performance characteristics.

relay capacity level: The acceleration level in gs used to catalog the seismic capacity of the relay,
understood to refer to the required response spectra shape as defined in Annex B, Figure B.1 and not the
zero period acceleration (ZPA) of the test response spectrum.

required response spectrum (RRS): The response spectrum issued by the user or the user’s agent as part
of the specifications for proof testing, or artificially created to cover future applications. The RRS
constitutes a requirement to be met.

response spectrum (as applied to relays): A plot of the peak acceleration response of damped, single-
degree-of-freedom bodies at a damping value expressed as a percentage of critical damping of different
natural frequencies when these bodies are rigidly mounted on the surface of interest.

safe shutdown earthquake (SSE): An earthquake that is based upon an evaluation of the maximum
earthquake potential considering the local and regional geology and seismology and specific characteristics
of local subsurface material. It is that earthquake that produces the maximum vibratory ground motion for
which certain structures, systems, and components are designed to remain functional. These structures,
systems, and components are those necessary to ensure the following:

a) Integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary

b) Capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition
c) Capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential off-site
exposures comparable to the guideline exposures of 10 CFR-Chapter 1, Part 100

test response spectrum (TRS, as applied to relays): The acceleration response spectrum that is
constructed using analysis or derived using spectrum analysis equipment based on the actual motion of the
shake table.

transitional mode: The change from the non-operating to the operating mode, caused by switching the
input to the relay from the non-operating to the operating input, or vice versa.

triaxial test: The relay under test is subjected to simultaneous independent acceleration in three orthogonal
axes (two horizontal and one vertical).

zero period acceleration (ZPA) (ZPA as defined by IEEE 344™-2004): The acceleration level of the
high frequency, non-amplified portion of the response spectrum. This acceleration corresponds to
maximum peak acceleration of the time history used to generate the spectrum.

zero period acceleration (ZPA) (ZPA, as applied to relays): The acceleration level in gs as shown in
Annex B, Figure B.1.

4. Test preparation

4.1 Laboratory conditions

All relay seismic tests shall be conducted within the operating temperature range of the relay under test.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

4.2 Selection and preparation of samples

The test specimens shall be randomly selected from production and shall conform to
IEEE Std C37.90™-2005 and manufacturer’s applicable standards of quality assurance and control. They
shall have all calibrated quantities recorded along with manufacturer’s product specifications and
applicable tolerances. The test sample size shall be at least three. Additional test samples beyond three may
be used to meet the contact configuration requirements in 5.2.1. For plant-specific type testing, the number
of test specimens can be reduced if appropriate justifications including common mode failures are
provided. If the samples are selected to represent a family of relays, the requirements as specified in Clause
8 shall be considered.

Reference shall be made to IEEE Std C37.105™-2010 for pre-seismic tests and evaluations when the relays
are being considered for Class 1E functions. Additional considerations for pre-seismic vibration shall be
taken into account for plant-specific non-seismic vibration tests that shall be performed before the seismic

4.3 Method of mounting

The test specimen shall be mounted on a test fixture that duplicates the specimen’s normal mounting in
service using recommended mounting hardware. The effect of normal electrical connections shall be
considered. The test fixture must be a rigid structure to minimize amplification and spurious motion within
the frequency range of the test. A test fixture may be determined to be rigid by performing a resonance
search test and verifying that the fixture has no natural frequencies below the cutoff frequency of the
required response spectrum (RRS).

Various techniques may be used to attach the relay to the test fixture such as socket, 19 in rack, DIN rail, or
PC board. Some relays are mounted directly to another component (such as a breaker) that is being tested.
When developing the test procedure for generic qualification, consideration shall be made for relays with
various mounting methods and orientations. The worst-case mounting method shall be selected or multiple
mounting methods tested since the directional nature of the excitation input may impact the relay

4.4 Instrumentation

4.4.1 Instrumentation required

Sufficient instrumentation and data acquisition equipment such as accelerometers, meters, and recorders
shall provide the following:

a) Acceleration at mounting surface of relay and/or auxiliary and table. If a rigid test fixture is used,
an accelerometer is not required at the mounting surface.
b) Electrical inputs to device under test.
c) Output change of state.
d) Operating time of device under test, if applicable.
e) Test response spectrum.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

4.4.2 Instrument accuracy

All test equipment used to monitor the tests in 4.4.1 shall be checked and calibrated periodically in
accordance with an established quality assurance program. The accuracy of the measurements made to
monitor the parameters listed in 4.4.1 shall be as listed below. If it is noted during the evaluation that the
device under test requires a greater accuracy to assure proper operation, then the appropriate accuracy
specification shall be included in the test plan and included in the test report.

a) The measured acceleration values shall be within ±5% of true value.

b) The measured electrical input values shall be within ±5% of true value.
c) The measured relay output change of state detector time shall be within ±5% of the true value.
d) The measured relay operate time shall be within ±5% of the true value or ±0.5 ms, whichever is
e) The test response spectrum generation equipment shall produce a plot within ±5% of the true plot.

5. Test setup

5.1 State of the protective relay and auxiliary under test

All relays shall be tested in the non-operating, transition, and operating modes. The auxiliaries shall be
tested similarly in order to test all operating states, i.e., on-off, open-closed, energized-de-energized. For
each of these tests, Table 1 lists (by relay characteristic) the required relay settings and inputs. Relays with
seal-in or holding coil function shall be tested in the transition from the non-operating to operating mode as
specified in Table 1, and all other relays shall be tested in the transition from the non-operating to operating
and operating to non-operating modes. The relay shall be transitioned during strong motion of the
acceleration time history. During the seismic simulation, the relay input shall be changed to the value
specified under operating input in Table 1 and the relay operate time measured as defined in 5.2.4. The
percentage deviation from a static test of the same operating input shall be included in the documentation.

Table 1 shall be used to establish seismic test setup parameters for single protective relaying functions. For
multifunction relays, it shall be determined what minimum set of functions that will properly address all of
the seismically sensitive sub-components and/or functions of the relay, and those functions shall be tested.
For those relays it may not be necessary to exercise all of the functions listed in the table that are included
in the multifunction relay. When not testing all included functions, adequate justification shall be properly
documented. To properly address all the seismically sensitive sub-components, the tests may be combined
into a single test; in some cases, more than one test may be required. The parameters listed in Table 1 can
be modified to minimize unnecessary stress on the equipment, simulate actual applications, or other reasons
as can be justified. In such case, adequate justification shall be properly documented.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Table 1 —Relay settings an inputs (non-operating and operating modes)

Relay setting Relay input
(For user-specific test, actual Non-operating mode Operating mode
settings are preferred; for
Relay type
generic qualification, use
following recommended
Overcurrent relay (Non-
a) Instantaneous Minimum setting 25% of pickup setting 200% of pickup setting
b) Time delay Minimum setting, time dial 60% of pickup setting 200% of pickup setting
Directional current relay Same as single function current Same as single function current Same as single function
a) Overcurrent relays relays current relays
b) Directional Maximum sensitivity 100% of voltage and current as in 50% of voltage and current
unit overcurrent unit, with the current as in overcurrent unit, with
voltage phase relationship of the current voltage phase
unity power factor in the tripping relationship at maximum
direction sensitivity angle in the
tripping direction
Voltage relay Maximum setting or Rated voltage 80% of setting
a) Undervoltage approximately 90% of rating,
whichever is lower
b) Overvoltage Minimum setting or 80% of setting 120% of setting
approximately 100% of rating,
whichever is higher
Differential relay Maximum sensitivity, 25% of pickup current in the 200% of pickup setting
minimum slope and time dial if differential circuit and tap current through differential circuit
induction disk in one restraint circuit
Temperature relay Minimum setting 80% of pickup 120% of pickup
Reclosing relay Instantaneous or minimum time Energized in a reset condition Energized for a reclosure
Synchronizing and Minimum angular setting and Completely de-energized with Rated voltage on both
synchrocheck relay time dial delay where rated control power voltage where sides at 0°
applicable applicable
Timing relay Minimum time delay Completely de-energized 85% of rating (ac) or
80% of rating (dc)
Frequency relay 0.5 Hz below normal system 100% rated voltage at normal 85% rated voltage at 1 Hz
a) Under- frequency with a minimum system frequency below setting
frequency relay delay
b) Over-frequency 0.5 Hz above normal system 100% rated voltage at normal 110% rated voltage at 1 Hz
relay frequency with a minimum system frequency above setting
Impedance (distance) Maximum sensitivity with the Rated voltage and current at unity 200% of rated current at
measuring relay minimum reach power factor in the tripping maximum sensitivity angle
direction and voltage produced by
an impedance of 50% of
the relay setting
Auxiliary relay and Normal calibration 0% of rating 85% of rating (ac) or
switches 80% of rating (dc)
Power or angle Maximum sensitivity 100% voltage, 25% rated current 80% voltage, 200% of
directional relay at maximum sensitivity angle in pickup current at
the non-tripping direction maximum sensitivity angle
in the tripping direction
Current or voltage Maximum sensitivity and Three phase, balanced current or An imbalanced condition
balance relays minimum time delay voltage at rated magnitude representing 120% of
sensitivity setting

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

5.2 Protective relay and auxiliary output

5.2.1 Contact monitoring

At a minimum, a representative sample of contacts of each type may be monitored if justification is

provided and documented demonstrating that the contacts selected conservatively represent all of the types
of contacts that may be used in the relay. In the event justification is not provided, all contacts shall be
monitored. The monitoring configurations include a combination of normally open contacts wired in series
and normally closed contacts in parallel when the relay is in the operating mode. In this case, when a relay
is in the non-operate mode, the normally open contacts are wired in parallel and the normally closed
contacts are wired in series.

While the focus of this section is protective relays, the intent is for the user of this standard to understand
that the auxiliaries (e.g., switches, lights, etc.) downstream may have the same inputs/outputs as the
protective relays. The protective relays and auxiliaries shall operate as a system. All multi-contact relays
that can have a variation of contact formations shall be tested with a contact arrangement that is the most
severe with respect to contact chatter.

For contacts that do not have a seal-in or holding coil function, contact chatter is more likely to occur when
the monitoring voltage and load current are at the lowest acceptable limits. The sensitivity to the seismic
events is greater during these conditions since only the minimum spring and electromagnetic forces are
maintaining the contacts open or closed. Thus, for these types of contacts, loading shall be applied at the
lowest acceptable limits for voltage and/or current.

5.2.2 Contact loading

If a contact circuit between a pair of external terminals has a seal-in or holding coil function, the contact
load circuit shall be such that it draws twice rated seal-in or holding current from the source voltage. The
load shall have a series L/R ratio of 0.04 s. This load shall be applied for non-operating and operating mode
tests. The source voltage for all contact loadings shall be 125 V dc or rated, whichever is less.

5.2.3 Control power

If the relay uses external control power, it shall be applied during the test at 80% rated voltage or
manufacturer-specified minimum value, whichever is greater.

5.2.4 Relay operate time

Relay operate time shall be the time measured from initiation of electric input to completion of 2 ms
sustained electrical output minus 2 ms. The operation is considered to have been completed when the
required contact state has been maintained for the minimum required duration. The sustained electrical
output duration may be changed if justification is provided and documented.

5.3 Adjustment of the relay during test

Any adjustments performed on a relay during a test program shall be classified into maintenance or repair.
Examples of acceptable maintenance activities during testing include calibration of the relay and retorquing
of mounting and structural fasteners. Examples of acceptable repair activities include replacing damaged
components such as sheared bolts and retightening loose electrical terminals.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

While the preferred approach is to make no adjustments (neither maintenance nor repair) during testing,
adjustments may be performed if properly noted and documented, allowing the user to evaluate the impact
of the adjustments on their potential applications. The relay would then be “qualified with a limitation” and
adjustments and limitations shall be recorded per list item h) in 7.3.

At the completion of a testing series (whether fragility or proof), it is permissible to inspect the relay and
make adjustments to ensure the relay’s physical and functional integrity before continuing to a subsequent
series of tests. Any adjustments made shall be recorded per list item h) in 7.3.

5.3.1 Maintenance

When maintenance is performed during qualification, it shall be included in the post-earthquake field
maintenance checks and procedures for the equipment.

5.3.2 Repairs

When repairs are necessary after the operating basis earthquake (OBE) testing, the general requirement is
to retest unless justified otherwise.

When the condition requiring repair during the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) testing meets the following
criteria, continuation without retest may be justifiable:

 Does not interfere with the performance of the safety function during or after the test,
 The SSE can be shown to be not cumulative due to testing in other axes,
 Does not unacceptably affect equipment performance in subsequent qualification tests, such as the
loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA).
When repairs constitute a design change, the equipment must be retested, unless justified otherwise. When
repairs are made, the details shall be included in the test report per list item h) in 7.3.

6. Test methods and acceptance criteria

The relay qualification test sequence is identified in 6.1 of IEEE Std C37.105™ -2010. This subclause
describes the applicable seismic test methods that may be used to generate data that establishes the ultimate
capability and/or demonstrates seismic qualification of protective relays and auxiliaries. The ultimate
capability is established by conducting fragility testing as described in 6.1. The seismic qualification is
demonstrated by conducting proof or generic testing as described in 6.2 and 6.3. The test acceptance
criteria applicable to all three test methods are provided in 6.4.

6.1 Fragility testing

Fragility testing is used to determine the ultimate capability of protective relays and auxiliaries to perform
their intended function. The fragility data will aid the user in the selection of relays for various
requirements and applications.

A fragility test shall subject protective relays and auxiliaries to one of the multi-frequency multi-axis tests
described in 8.6.3 and 8.6.6 of IEEE Std 344™-2004. Other seismic test methods described in 8.6 of IEEE
Std 344™-2004 may be used if justified. It is noted that variations in the seismic environment have been
shown to influence the fragility level.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

The tests shall be initially conducted at a target response spectrum. An example of a target response
spectrum is provided in Annex B. The test level and frequency range shall be adjusted until operability and
structural integrity requirements of the protective relay and auxiliaries are met. The test duration shall be in
accordance with 8.6.5 of IEEE Std 344™-2004.

Fragility test data may be equivalent to seismic qualification when generic or proof test methods as detailed
in 6.2 and 6.3 are met, and provided that a minimum of five OBE tests have been conducted. The OBE test
level shall be performed at a minimum of one half of the full level.

6.2 Proof testing

Proof testing is used to qualify protective relays and auxiliaries for a particular requirement. A proof test
requires protective relays and auxiliaries to be subjected to one of the multi-frequency multi-axis tests
described in 8.6.3 and 8.6.6 of IEEE Std 344™-2004. Other seismic test methods described in 8.6 of IEEE
344™-2004 may be used if justified. The protective relays and auxiliaries must be subjected to the
particular response spectrum, time history, or other parameters defined for the mounting location. The test
duration shall be in accordance with 8.6.5 of IEEE Std 344™-2004.

No attempt need be made to explore the failure thresholds of the protective relays and auxiliaries.
Therefore, the proof test requires the preparation of a detailed specification. The specification is usually
written by the ultimate user as an application requirement. The protective relays and auxiliaries are tested to
the specified performance requirement and not to their ultimate capability.

6.3 Generic testing

Generic testing of protective relays and auxiliaries may be considered a special case of proof testing. The
test requirements of 6.2 apply. The specification is usually written to encompass most, or all, of the known
requirements. The objective is to show qualification for a wide variety of applications during one test
program. The resultant generic RRS typically encompasses a wide frequency bandwidth with relatively
high acceleration levels. The user is cautioned that the enveloping of a variety of requirements can produce
a very severe test motion.

6.4 Test acceptance criteria

6.4.1 Output change of state

The output change of state shall be considered failed if either (1) it is unable to transition during seismic
testing or (2) it exhibits contact chatter.

Relay contact chatter is the unauthorized intermittent closure or opening of contacts. Furthermore, relay
contact chatter is quantified as an unauthorized change of state equal to, or greater than, 2 ms unless a more
restrictive length of time (less than 2 ms) is warranted due to the component or system requirements.
Alternatively, the unauthorized operation of a defined external auxiliary device operated by the relay under
test will also be considered as a failure. Annex C provides examples on various forms of contact chatter and
guidance on the measurement of the chatter duration.

The time measuring circuit shall have a reset time of less than 200 µs to avoid integration of a number of
short pulses or a sample rate of minimum of 5000 samples/s. The time measuring circuit shall have an

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

operating point of no less than 50% of applied voltage unless a more restrictive voltage excursion limit is
warranted due to the component or system requirements.

6.4.2 Structural damage

Structural members of the protective relay and auxiliaries exhibiting any fracture damage or plastic
yielding that might cause misalignment or failure of the relay to perform its safety function shall be
classified as a test failure.

6.4.3 Post test

During the post-seismic test inspection, if the protective relay and auxiliary does not perform without
adjustment and within accepted tolerances defined by IEEE Std C37.105™-2010, it shall be classified as a

7. Documentation

7.1 General

The documentation for seismic qualification of protective relays and auxiliaries shall consist of a
qualification specification and a qualification report as described in 7.2 and 7.3, respectively. The
documentation shall demonstrate that the protective relay and auxiliaries are qualified to perform their
safety function when subjected to the earthquake motions.

7.2 Test plan and specification

The following information shall be provided in the test plan or specification:

a) Physical description of relays and auxiliaries.

b) Identification of safety functions and acceptance criteria during and after the SSE.
c) Operational settings (or ranges) for adjustable relays as applicable.
d) Relays and auxiliaries mounting details, including all interface connections.
e) RRS for the horizontal axis and the vertical axis, with applicable damping values and indication of
artificially broadened areas.
f) When an RRS is not furnished, see Annex B.
g) The required earthquake strong motion time duration.
h) The required number and amplitude of the OBE and SSE.
i) Environment in which the equipment is designed to perform its safety function.
j) Applicable margin requirements, if any (see IEEE Std 323™-2003).

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

7.3 Test report

The following information shall be provided in the seismic qualification report:

a) Identification of the relays and auxiliaries being qualified including applicable safety functions.
b) Test performance specification and acceptance criteria during and after seismic testing.
c) Equipment mounting details, including all interface connections.
d) RRS levels.
e) Test method and procedures including monitoring for operability, relay electrical inputs, and
f) Test data (including proof of performance, TRS plots, time histories, PSD or Fourier analysis,
coherence checks as necessary, number of OBEs and SSEs applied, duration, etc.), type of multi-
frequency testing employed, and the acceleration time history of the input motion shall be provided
in addition to the TRS. As a minimum, a time history of the SSE table motion shall be provided for
one test in each of the three directions of excitation.
g) Test facility information including location, test equipment, and calibration.
h) Test results and conclusions, including functional test data and statement of any anomalies and
i) Documentation including references to all drawings, bills of material, instruction manuals,
applicable QA procedures, etc., as necessary to perform an adequate review.
j) An approval signature and date.

8. Generalization of test results

Applicability of seismic test results for a family of protective relays and auxiliaries shall be based on
similarity analysis as detailed in 9.3.3 of IEEE Std 344™-2004. There are obvious situations where the test
results on a particular model of relay may be valid information for many relays of the same type, provided
the mechanism directly associated with the device’s output, its electrical rating, and its packaging are
justified to be equivalent. A particular relay may consist of several subassemblies. A test on the complete
package is directly applicable to the relay using only one or more of the identical subassemblies; however,
the tests on a relay incorporating only one of these subassemblies is not valid for the complete relay. The
seismic test results shall be reviewed for these significant design variations that could affect the
qualification of an entire line of relays. These considerations should be addressed before the specimens are
selected for testing.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Annex A


Applicable IEC standard

Table A.1—IEC protective relay standards relevant to IEEE Std C37.98™

IEEE Std C37.98 clause(s) IEC standard Comments
5.1 State of the protective and IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09 Part 4.3 Test The electrical input values are very
auxiliary relays under test and Severity Class specifically defined for each relay
Table 1 based on the type. There is a defined
The electrical input quantities of the relay operate, non-operate, and transition
are described as 1) below the operating state for each relay. The percentage
value and 2) above the relay. The above and/or below the setting is also
tolerance is defined as plus and minus the defined. The setting at the highest
manufacturer’s declared variation. The sensitivity is the same; however, it is
relay setting shall be at the highest specifically defined for each relay
sensitivity. type.
5.2 Relay output IEC 60255-21-1993-09 Part 7 The contact loading for all monitored
Test Procedure contacts is defined in 5.2.2.

The contact loading for monitored

normally open or closed contacts is
defined as monitoring device load
requirements or manufacturer’s
6.0 Test methods IEC 60255-21-1-1988 The seismic test methods defined in
Provides a description of the seismic test IEEE Std C37.98™ are for random
input and method for performing a multi-frequency seismic test inputs
sinusoidal type seismic test on a relay. only.
The standard provides the amplitude,
frequency values and range, sweep rate,
and tolerances for a sinusoidal vibration
seismic test.

IEC 60255-21-2-1988-10
Provides a description of the seismic test
input and method for performing a shock
type seismic test on an energized or non-
energized relay and a bump test on a non-
energized relay. The standard provides
the peak acceleration, pulse duration, and
number of pulses required for shock and
bump tests.

IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09
Provides a description of the seismic test
input and method for performing a single
axis sine sweep seismic test and a biaxial
multi-frequency random seismic test.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Table A.1—IEC protective relay standards relevant to IEEE Std C37.98™ (continued)
IEEE Std C37.98™ clause(s) IEC standard Comments
6.0 Test methods IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09 Part 4.3 The broad band seismic test input
The seismic test input level is based on specified is not based upon the
the severity class of the relay. severity class of the relay. The
seismic test methods defined are for
random multi-frequency seismic test
inputs only and for single frequency
seismic test inputs.
6.1 and Annex B Fragility testing IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09 Part 3.4 Standard response spectrum shape is
Standard Response Spectrum defined as follows: peak g value
(250%) from 4 Hz-16 Hz and ZPA
Standard response spectrum shape is value (100%) from 33 Hz-100+ Hz.
defined as follows: peak g value (300%) The damping value is 5% and the
from 2 Hz-~12 Hz and ZPA value starting frequency for the shape 1 Hz.
(100%) from ~22 Hz-35 Hz. The 1 Hz point is defined as 25% of the
damping value is 5% and the starting ZPA.
frequency for the shape 1 Hz. No value is
provided for 1 Hz.
6.1 and Annex B SSE and OBE, IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09 Part 5.3.1 The duration of each OBE and SSE
and the Duration of testing Time-history used for the test test shall be 30 s with a minimum of
15 s strong motion.
The time history shall have a duration of A pause between tests is not
20 s with a tolerance of ±5 s. 50% of the specified. Pause between tests should
duration of the total duration of the test be sufficient to perform required
shall be within ±10%. functional monitoring.

IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09 Part 5.3.2

Application of time-histories

A pause of 60 s shall be taken between

each test.
6.1 and Annex B SSE and OBE, IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09 Part 5.3.2 Five OBE level tests at 50% or
and the Duration of testing Application of time-histories greater of the SSE level test are
required to be performed prior to the
Two biaxial conditioning time histories 3 SSE tests. SSE tests shall be
(tests) are required in each axis for a conducted with the relay in non-
biaxial test, followed by 1 time history operate (de-energized), operate
(test). (energized), and transition states.
6.4 Test acceptance criteria IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09 Part 8 The criteria for acceptance are:
Criteria for Acceptance Ability of the relay to transition
during seismic testing. Relay contact
The failure shall be no maloperation due chatter (unauthorized change of state)
to vibration. Maloperation is defined as shall be equal to, or greater than, 2 ms
an output circuit changed for more than 2 unless a more restrictive length of
msec. time is specified.
6.4.1 Output change of state IEC 60255-21-3-1993-09 Part 7 The time-measuring circuit shall have
Test Procedure a reset time of less than 200 µsec.

The time-measuring circuit shall have a

reset time of 0.2 msec or less.

Appendix A suggests using an

acceptance of 10 µsec due to the
increasing amount of equipment with
very short operating times.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Annex B


Fragility test

B.1 Introduction

This annex provides guidance to develop seismic test levels to conduct fragility testing. A normalized
generic broadband spectrum (Figure B.1) is provided in this annex for conducting fragility testing. The
seismic fragility test details are provided in 6.1.

The use of fragility testing data will assist in the selection of protective relays and auxiliaries. One number,
the relay capacity level, will be used to catalog the fragility of the relay. This relay capacity level (a value
expressed in gs) is understood to refer to the required response spectrum shape as defined in this standard
(see Figure B.1) and not the ZPA of the test response spectrum.

If the generic broadband RRS shape provided in this annex is used for relay testing, similar relays may be
easily compared by reviewing the relay capacity levels. The use of that data will help designers of
generating stations, substations, and various power system installations in their selection of relays to
consider for use. Note, however, that relay capacity level is an indication of fragility testing level and may
or may not represent full qualification.

B.2 Seismic test spectra and requirements

To define the seismic conditions for fragility tests, a number of practical considerations should be taken
into account. One approach is to construct a spectra that is sufficiently broadband in its frequency content
that it envelopes, within practical limitations, the individual requirements for most locations. Using this
broadband spectrum it may be possible to meet most seismic requirements.

A suggested broadband normalized response spectrum is shown in Figure B.1. The broadband normalized
response spectrum is defined by four key points in Figure B.1:

Point A = 1.0 Hz and an acceleration equal to 25% of the ZPA

Point D = 4.0 Hz and 250% of the ZPA

Point E = 16.0 Hz and 250% of the ZPA

Point G = 33.0 Hz and a level equal to the ZPA

It should be noted that the horizontal and vertical table input motion for the test should be equal within the
limitations of the seismic test table.

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IEEE Std C37.98-2013
IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Figure B.1—Multi-frequency broadband response spectrum

The range of maximum acceleration, 4.0 Hz to 16.0 Hz, has been suggested to envelop the range of peak
acceleration input to the relays by the equipment and panels on which they are mounted. Below 4.0 Hz, it is
possible to encounter building frequencies to as low as 1.5 Hz. The resulting panel motions would probably
be enveloped by the line AD since the amplification of panels at these low frequencies is small. Above
16Hz, there are equipment and panel resonances; however, the seismic energy input in this range is
generally reduced and, therefore, the motions would probably be enveloped by the line EG. The end user of
the spectrum shall ensure that the required response spectrum is modified as required to address any high
frequency components (e.g., hard rock high frequency and/or hydrodynamic loads).

The fragility test response spectrum will in all probability not have a shape that exactly matches the RRS of
Figure B.1. A relay will be assigned an acceleration ‘g’ rating based on the lower value of the horizontal or
vertical ZPA, or point G of Figure B.1, when the fragility test response spectrum has completely enveloped
the shape of Figure B.1. Figure B.2 illustrates the use of this method of seismically rating a relay. In this
example, note that the point G on the RRS defines the g rating of the relay as 2.68.

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IEEE Std C37.98-2013
IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Figure B.2—Fitting the required response spectrum to a fragility test response spectrum

B.3 Application of fragility test data

The seismic environment, both in terms of the levels and frequencies of vibration, vary from one situation
to another and from one relay mounting location to another. It is not practical to perform fragility testing
for every conceivable set of operating conditions and seismic environments. It may be possible to use the
fragility data described above in the qualification of a relay when the electrical settings, the failure criteria,
and the seismic conditions employed in fragility testing satisfy the requirements of the specific application.
When the fragility data cannot be extended or otherwise justified to be applicable, it shall be necessary to
qualify the relay using proof or generic testing for specific applications.

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IEEE Std C37.98-2013
IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Annex C


Contact chatter duration measurement

C.1 Introduction

Subclause 6.4.1 defines relay contact chatter as the unauthorized intermittent closure or opening of
contacts. It further quantifies that the unauthorized change of state equal to or greater than 2 ms as
constituting a failure. This annex provides examples of the various forms of contact chatter that may be
digitally recorded during seismic testing of relays and provides guidance on the measurement of the chatter

C.2 Ideal contact chatter

Figure C.1 shows an ideal recorded chatter of a normally closed contact. The reference wetting voltage
(Vref) would be constant until the chatter initiates and then would return to its steady state value after the
chatter event. The 2 ms contact chatter duration is readily established by measuring the delta time between
when the voltage dropped below reference voltage (Vref) to when the voltage returned to reference voltage

Figure C.1—Ideal chatter signal

C.3 Typical recorded contact chatter events

A digitally recorded relay chatter event seldom appears as the ideal signal shown in Figure C.1. Typical
relay contact chatter events recorded during seismic testing are like the traces shown in Figure C.2, Figure
C.3, and Figure C.4.

Figure C.2 shows contact chatter for a normally closed relay contact where two pulses occur. The reference
voltage drops for just less than 2 ms before it returns to the reference voltage (Vref) but then immediately
drops again for about 0.5 ms before it returns to the reference voltage (Vref). In this case, the chatter
duration is considered to be less than 2 ms since the signal returned to reference voltage (Vref) before it
dropped again. Therefore, the relay would be considered to have exhibited two independent chatter events
each less than 2 ms and therefore met the acceptance criterion.

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IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Figure C.2—Multiple chatter recorded on a NC relay contact during seismic testing

Figure C.3 shows contact chatter for a normally open relay contact where three pulses occur in succession.
The signal voltage returns to Vref (which is zero volts) between each pulse. In this case, the chatter duration
is considered to be less than 2 ms since the signal returned to the reference voltage between each pulse.
Therefore, the relay would be considered to have exhibited three chatter events, each less than 2 ms and
therefore met the acceptance criterion.

Figure C.3—Multiple chatter recorded on NO relay contact during seismic testing

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IEEE Std C37.98-2013
IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Figure C.4 shows relay contact chatter for a normally closed contact where the chatter event recorded
begins to return to Vref after about 1.5 ms but then drops back to zero volts for an additional 1 ms. For this
example, the chatter duration is considered to be 2.5 ms. Therefore, the relay would be considered to have
exhibited chatter events greater than 2 ms and therefore did not meet the acceptance criterion.

Figure C.4—Single chatter complex chatter on a NC relay contact

recorded during seismic testing

C.4 Guidance for measuring digitally recorded contact chatter events

Digital techniques are commonly used to evaluate contact chatter duration. The input to chatter detection
software requires a reference voltage be specified along with the threshold deviation from the reference
voltage to determine the onset of the chatter event. Selection of this threshold will affect the chatter
duration that is determined by the software. The threshold should allow for slight variations in the reference
voltage so that any ripple or noise component is not considered in the chatter evaluation. A conservative
value for the selection of the threshold voltage would be 10%. The digital chatter monitoring system will
start determining the chatter duration when the voltage drops 10% below reference voltage and end when
the reference voltage returns to 90% Vref. Lower threshold values may be used, but this will result in shorter
chatter duration. For example, if 50% threshold had been used in the example shown in Figure C.4, then the
chatter detection software would have reported this event as two events of less than 2 ms instead of a single
event equal to or greater than 2 ms, which is considered as a failure.

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IEEE Std C37.98-2013
IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

Annex D



Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use

[B1] IEC 255-21-1-1988, Electrical Relays, Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on
measuring relays and protection equipment, Section One – Vibration tests (sinusoidal).
[B2] IEC 255-21-2-1988, Electrical Relays, Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on
measuring relays and protection equipment, Section Two – Shock and bump tests.
[B3] IEC 255-21-3-1993, Electrical Relays, Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on
measuring relays and protection equipment, Section Two – Seismic tests.
[B4] IEEE Std 627TM-2010, IEEE Standard for Qualification of Equipment Used in Nuclear Facilities.

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