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Child Protection Policy

Child well-being
WHICH TO GROWis essential
ANDto realizing academic and
holistic success.
ANDand neglect are significant issues
OUT OFthe world. Child abuse and neglect are violations of a child’s
human rights and are impediments to the child’s education as well as
to their healthy development. The Upper Sepaka Integrated School
(USIS) endorses the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, of which
our host country, Russia, is a signatory.

Schools should fill an important role in society as protectors of children.

Schools need to ensure that all children in their care are provided a
safe, secure and nurturing environment in which to grow and develop, suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect will proceed in accordance
both in and out of school. Educators and school staff, having the with the USIS child protection policy.
opportunity to observe and interact with children over time, are in a
unique position to recognize children who are in need of help and USIS believes that a child’s welfare is paramount. Every child has a right to
protection. As such, educators and school staff have an obligation to be safeguarded from harm and to have their welfare safeguarded. USIS
identify children who are in need of aid and protection and to ensure seeks to be a safe haven for students who may be experiencing abuse or
that the child and family make use of the services needed to remedy neglect in any aspect of their lives. As such, USIS will distribute this policy
any situation that constitutes child abuse or neglect. every year to all parents and new hires, will highlight this policy annually
to students, will provide regular training for all staff, and will make every
All staff and Teachers at Upper Sepaka Integrated School must report effort to use appropriate diligence hiring practices to ensure the safety of
suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect whenever the staff children. In the case of a staff member reported as an alleged offender,
member has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered, is AAS will conduct a full investigation following a carefully designed course
suffering or might suffer abuse or neglect. Reporting and follow up of of due process, keeping the safety of the child at the highest priority.
How are abuse and Neglect may be...
 Physical - failure to provide necessary food or shelter, or lack of
neglect defined? Definitions of abuse are
appropriate supervision (this would include failure to provide proper
adult guardianship, such as leaving children unsupervised at home for
any extended period of time)
complex and culturally based, influencing child-rearing behaviours,
 Medical - failure to provide necessary medical or mental health
gender and role responsibilities and expectations. The primary
determination of abuse is that it is dependent on some form of a
relationship that is used to meet the need of the more powerful person, Possible indicators of neglect include…
either a member of the family, a staff member, or a friend. Research  Child is unwashed or hungry
guides much of the definitions that are based in understanding the  Parents are uninterested in child’s academic performance
impact of certain behaviours. Neglect is failure to provide for a child’s  Parents do not respond to repeated communications from the school
 Child does not want to go home
Physical abuse may involve...  Parents cannot be reached in the case of an emergency.
Emotional Abuse is...  Hitting, shaking, throwing,
poisoning, burning or scalding,
A pattern of actions, such as drowning, suffocating, or otherwise

inattention to a child’s causing physical harm to a child
emotional needs, failure to Sexual abuse is committing or allowing
 Creating a substantial risk of
provide psychological care, or any sexual offense against a child to be
physical harm to a child’s bodily
permitting the child to use committed. This includes intentionally touching either directly or through
alcohol or other drugs. clothing, the genitals, anus, or breasts of a child for reasons other than
 Committing acts that are cruel or
hygiene or child care purposes.
inhumane regardless of observable
Specific example may injury, such as implementing
Sexual abuse has some different characteristics of child abuse that
extreme discipline which
include... demonstrates a disregard of a
warrant special attention. While physical abuse is often the result of
immediate stress and not usually planned, sexual abuse requires
 verbal humiliation child’s pain and/or mental suffering
planning. The planning, referred to as grooming, often results in victims
 refusing to acknowledge  Engaging in actions or omissions
accepting the blame, responsibility, guilt and shame for the sexual
presence of child resulting in injury or creating a
behaviour of the offender. Sexual abuse requires far more secrecy than
 invasion of privacy for no substantial risk to the physical or
other forms of child abuse, making it more difficult to identify and report.
specific reason mental health or development of a
 Violent threats, etc. child
Many victims, through the process of grooming, are taught that the sex is
 Fabricating the symptoms of, or
a form of love, and the children can present as happy and well-adjusted
Can include grooming for deliberately induces illness in a
with no negative symptoms because of their perception of being loved.
non-sexual purposes such as
 Failing to take reasonable steps to
radicalization. Working with the sexual offender cannot be done by school counsellors.
prevent the aforementioned
Possible indicators of sexual abuse resulting to harassment, intimidation, or humiliation, through the
 use of other forms of technology, such as, but not limited to
 Sexual knowledge, behaviour or use of language not appropriate to age
texting, email, instant messaging, chatting, internet, social media,
online games, or other platforms or formats as defined in DepEd
 Unusual interpersonal relationship patterns Order No. 40, s. 2012; and
 Venereal disease in a child of any age  Any other form of bullying as may be provided in the school’s child
 Evidence of physical trauma or bleeding to the oral, genital, or anus areas protection or anti-bullying policy, consistent with the Act and this
 Difficulty in walking or sitting IRR
 Refusing to change into physical education (PE) clothes or fear of
The term “bullying” shall also include:
 Child running away from home and not giving any specific complaints  “Social bullying” – refers to any deliberate, repetitive and
 Not wanting to be alone with an individual aggressive social behavior intended to hurt others or to belittle
 Pregnancy, especially at a young age another individual or group.
 Extremely protective parenting  “Gender-based bullying” – refers to any act that humiliates or
excludes a person on the basis of perceived or actual sexual
Bullying orientation and gender identity (SOGI).

refers to any severe, or repeated use by one or more students of a written, Student Discipline in Handling
verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any
combination thereof, directed at another student that has the effect of  Upon complaint, the child and the parents/guardians shall be
actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or informed in writing;
emotional harm or damage to his property; creating a hostile environment
at school for the other student; infringing on the rights of another student  The child shall be given the opportunity to answer the complaint in
at school; or materially and substantially disrupting the education process writing, with the assistance of the parents/guardians;
or the orderly operation of a school; such as, but not limited to the
following:  If necessary, the school head shall call for a conference between
 Any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim the parties;
like punching, pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, tickling,
headlocks, inflicting school pranks, teasing, fighting and the use of  The decision of the school head shall be in writing, stating the facts
available objects as weapons; and the reasons. The penalty of suspension for one (1) week may
 Any act that causes damage to a victim’s psychological and/or be imposed by the school head, if such is warranted.
emotional well-being;
 Any slanderous statement or accusation that causes the victim  The decision of the school head may be appealed to the schools
undue emotional distress like directing foul language or profanity division superintendent.
at the target, name-calling, tormenting and commenting negatively
on victim’s looks, clothes and body;  If the penalty is suspension for more than one (1) week, the same
 “Cyber-bullying” or any bullying done through the use of shall be subject to the approval of the schools division
technology or any electronic means. The term shall also include superintendent.
any conduct
 The child protection officer or counselor will maintain contact with
Procedures for reporting suspected cases of child the child and family to provide support and guidance.
abuse or neglect…  The child protection officer or counselor will provide the child’s
teachers and the principal with ongoing support.
Step 1 Staff will discuss any child report or reasonable cause for
 The child protection officer or counselor will provide resource
materials and strategies for teacher use.
suspicion of abuse or neglect with the child protection officer or grade-
 The child protection officer or counselor will maintain contact with
level counselor within 48 hours. The child protection officer or
the outside therapist to discuss the child’s progress in school.
counselor will take initial steps to gather information regarding the
reported incident and form a school-based response team, which will
All case documentation will be kept in the child’s school confidential records
include the school nurse, child protection officer, counselor,
file. In addition, USIS will make every attempt to share this information to
psychologist, and other individuals as the principal sees fit. In all cases,
protect the child, and student records sent to schools will be flagged, letting
follow-up activities will be conducted in a manner that ensures that
the receiving school know there is a confidential file for the child.
information is documented factually and that strict confidentiality is
maintained. For the Staff...
Based on what is learned, a plan of action will be Step 2 Guidelines:
developed to assist the child and family. We acknowledge that actions Every member of staff at the school is responsible for contributing
must be mindful of nationality and status in the country. This plan may to the safety and wellbeing of pupils at the school. All staff need to be aware
include any of the following: of the information below and follow the guidelines contained there as part
 In-class observations of the child by a member or members of of that responsibility. For the Staff... When a child reports abuse or there is
the school response team. reasonable cause to believe that abuse is occurring, the staff member must
 Discussions between the child and child protection officer or talk to the child’s child protection officer or grade level counsellor as soon as
counselor in order to gain more information. For younger possible and no later than 48 hours. The child protection officer or
children these discussions may include drawing pictures and counsellor and reporting staff member will then meet with the division
playing with dolls to gather more information. principal to take initial steps to gather information regarding the reported
 Meeting with the family to discuss the school’s concerns. incident. The child protection officer or counselor and principal will form a
 Referral of the student and family to external professional school-based response team as needed to address the report. This response
counseling. In cases where outside authority is deemed team will include the school nurse, counselor, psychologist, and other
necessary, one or more of the following may take place: individuals as the principal sees fit. In all cases, follow-up will be conducted
 Notification to the management of the sponsoring in a manner that ensures information is documented factually and that strict
employer or the welfare office of the home-of confidentiality is maintained. The following procedure will be used:
record. 1. Interview staff members as necessary and document
 Consultation with the family’s respective embassy information relative to the case.
or consulate. 2. Consult with school personnel to review the child’s history in
 Consultation with local authorities the school. And report status of case to school director.
3. Determine the course of follow-up actions.
4. At all steps along the way records will be taken and reporting
Step 3 After a reported and/or substantiated case of child abuse or
will take place.
neglect, the following will occur
Sexual abuse
Recognizing Abuse and neglect are forms of
child maltreatment. Somebody Involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, not
when a may abuse or neglect a child by
inflicting harm, or by failing to
necessarily involving an act of violence, whether or not the child is aware of
what is happening. The activities may involve:
child may be
prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or  Physical contact, including assault by penetration (e.g., rape, or oral
sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing
community setting; by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger.
at may
They risk
be abused by an adult or adults or another child or children. If any and touching outside of clothing.
member of staff has significant concerns about the welfare of a child, they  Non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in
should immediately make them known to the child’s child protection officer or the production of, sexual online images, watching sexual activities, or
grade level counselor at the school. These concerns may include: encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or
grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet).
Physical abuse
Physical abuse may involve a parent or care-taker: Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also
 Hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.
suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child.
 Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or care-taker Neglect
fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately causes illness in a child. Neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:
Emotional abuse  Provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion
Emotional abuse is the severe and persistent negative effects on a child’s from home or abandonment)
emotional development through persistent emotional maltreatment. It may  Protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger
involve:  Ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-
 Conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, givers)
or unvalued.  Ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.
 Not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately
silencing them or making fun of what they say or how they It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic
communicate emotional needs.
 Developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on
children. These may include interactions that are above the child’s Guidelines for record keeping
developmental capability, as well as over protection and limitation of
exploration and learning, or preventing the child from participating in Well-kept records are essential in situations where it is suspected or
age-appropriate social interaction. believed that a child may be at risk from harm. Records should:
 Seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another. 1. State who was present, time, date and place;
 Serious bullying (including Cyberbullying), causing children frequently 2. Use the child’s words wherever possible;
to feel frightened or in danger 3. Be factual/state exactly what was said;
4. Differentiate clearly between fact, opinion, interpretation,
Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of child maltreatment, observation and/or allegation;
though it may occur alone. 5. Be written in ink and signed by the recorder.
MGA ALITUNTUNIN NG PAARALAN 1) Maging alerto sa mga hudyat na tinutunog ng kampana.
PALAGIAN AT MAAGANG PAGDALO SA KLASE: 2) Gamitin nang wasto ang mga basurahan sa pagtatapon ng basura.
1) Pumasok at palaging dumalo sa klase. 3) Maglaro ng mga kapaki-pakinabang na mga laro.
2) Ipagbigay—alam kaagad sa guro kung liliban sa klase ng hindi 4) Iwasan ang paninigarilyo.
inaasahan. 5) Iwasan ang anumang uri ng sugal.
3) Iwasan ang pag-iwas  sa klase ng hindi  pa tapos ang takdang oras 6) Iwasan ang paggamit  ng mga mahahalay o malalaswang pananalita.
4) Ipabatid sa guro ang pag-iwan sa klase kung kinakailangan  bunga ng 7) Magkaroon ng pagpipigil sa sarili sa pagsira sa mga halaman, puno at
pagkakasakit  o di maiiwasang dahilan. pag-akyat sa mga bakod at gate.
5) Pumasok sa paaralan, sampung minuto  bago magsimula ang klase. 8) Panatilihin ang katahimikan at kaayusan sa pagpasok at paglabas ng
6) Iwasang  magpakalat- kalat pagkadating sa paaralan. silid-aralan.
GAWI O KILOS SA LOOB NG SILID-ARALAN: 9) Ugaliing laging nasa gawing kanan sa pagdaan sa mga pasilyo at maging
1) Laging pumasok na handa para sa mga aralin. sa pag-akyat o pagbaba ng hagdanan
2) Maging magalang sa pananalita sa lahat ng oras. 10)Humingi ng pahintulot sa guro kung lalabas ng silid-aralan. Isuot ang
3) Ugaliin ang pagdadala ng sariling gamit sa paaralan. "Hall ID Pass"kung magtutungo sa palikuran, kantina o saanmang lugar
4) Makinig ng mabuti sa lahat ng oras. sa paaralan.
11)Iwasang magpagala-gala sa mga pasilyo; umuwi kaagad sa bahay
5) Hintayin ang pagkakataon mo na makapagsalita.
pagkatapos ng klase.
6) Ibalik/Isauli ang aklat, upuan at iba pang kasangkapang sa tamang lugar
12)Iwasan ang pagtigil sa mga gilid at tabi ng silid-aralan na mayroong
matapos gamitin.
7) Simulan at tapusin kaagad ang mga gawain.
13)Sinumang mag-aaral na mahuling gumagala sa oras ng klase ay dadalhin
8) Iwasang abalahin ang kamag-aral habang gumagawa. sa Guidance Office at ipapatawag ang magulang. 
9) Maging matipid sa paggamit ng mga kagamitang pampaaralan.
SEREMONYA SA PAGTATAAS AT PAGBABA NG WATAWAT: 1) Panatilihin ang kalinisan ng upuan, hugasan ng kamay, dingding at sahig
1) Ugaliing makibahagi sa pagtataas ng watawat.
ng palikuran.
2) Tumayo nang matuwid at sumabay sa pagkanta ng  Pambansang Awit 2) Buhusan ang inidoro matapos itong gamitin.
at sa pagbigkas ng panunumpa ng Katapatan. 3) Iwasang magkaroon ng pagbabara sa mga inidoro.
3) Awitin ang Pambansang Awit at bigkasin ang Panunumpa nang buong
4) Maghugas ng kamay pagkatapos gumamit ng palikuran.
linaw at may damdamin.
5) Iwasang kumain,maglaro at mag-aral sa loob ng palikuran.
4) Mataimtim na pagmasdan ang watawat habang itinataas o ibinababa
5) Pumunta sa mga silid-aralan nang maayos at tahimik matapos ang 1) Gamitin nang wasto ang inuman; iwasan ang paghuhugas dito.
pagtataas at pagbaba ng watawat. 2) Panatilihing malinis ang inuman.
6) Dumating sa takdang oras kapag naatasang manguna o mangasiwa sa SA KANTINA:
seremonya ng pagtataas at pagbababa ng watawat. 1) Tangkilikin ang mga produkto/paninda sa kantina ng paaralan.
1) Lagyan ng cover ang mga aklat, iwasan ang pagpunit o pagsulat sa MGA TUNGKULIN AT RESPONSIBILIDAD NG MGA
bawat pahina ng mga ito. MAG-AARAL:
2) Panatilihing malinis ang mga dingding, bakod at tarangkahan ng
paaralan. 1) Sundin at igalang ang mga alituntunin ng paaralan.
3) Panatilihing malinis ang mga upuan at mesa , iwasan ang pagsulat  sa  2) Pangalagaan at ingatan ang mga bagay na pag-aari ng paaralan.
mga ito. 3) Panatilihin ang katahimikan at kaayusan sa loob         ng paaralan.
4) Isara nang mabuti ang mga gripo matapos itong gamitin.
4) Huwag magdadala sa loob ng paaralan ng mga       bagay na
5) Pangalagaan ang mga halaman at bulaklak sa hardin ng paaralan.
nakasusugat, inuming nakalalasing, ipinagbabawal na gamot, sigarilyo
6) Linisin ang mga kasangkapan at kagamitan, ibalik sa tamang lugar at malalaswang         babasahin.
matapos itong gamitin. 5) Respetuhin ang bawat mag-aaral, mga guro, mga         magulang o
7) Gamitin nang maayos ang mga kagamitang panlaro. tagapag-alaga at mga empleyado ng          paaralan.
6) Pumasok sa takdang oras araw-araw na malinis at maayos ang
1) Dumating sa itinakdang lugar sa tamang oras.
7) Makinig sa guro sa oras ng klase at mag-aral nang mabuti.
2) Maghintay nang tahimik sa pagsisimula ng palatuntunan.
8) Gawin ang mga takdang-aralin at magpasa ng    proyekto sa takdang
3) Manatilihing tahimik habang may nagbigay ng tanging bilang. oras kung kinakailangan.
4) Pumalakpak nang tama sa pagpapakita ng pagkalugod sa katatapos 9) Iwasan ang paggamit ng anumang “electronic device” sa oras ng klase.
na bilang o kung nais pang itoý pabalikin. 10)Pagsuot ng ID sa loob ng paaralan.
5) Ugaliing nakaupo upang makita ng mga nasa likuran ang programa.
11)Iwasan ang pagkkukulay o pagha-highlight ng buhok, paglalagay ng nail
6) Iwasan ang pagsipol, pagpadyak ng mga paa o pagsasagawa ng di- polish sa kuko, pagsusuot ng hikaw para sa mga lalaki at paglalagay ng
kanais-nais na kilos. make-up para sa mga babae.
7) Lumisan sa kapulungan ng tahimik at maayos.
PANGKALAHATANG TUNTUNIN SA KILOS/GAWI SA PAARAN: 1) Pananakot o pagbabanta sa kapwa mag—aaral, sa dignidad o pag-aari
1) Magsuot ng malinis at nararapat na kasuotang pampaaralan, ugaliing niya o ng sinumang miyembro ng kanyang pamilya.
nakakabit ang ID. 2) Pagsunod-sunod o pagmamatyag sa pang-araw-araw na gawain ng
2) Magalang na bumati sa mga guro at iba pang kawani sa paaralan. isang tao na may masamang intensiyon.
3) Maging masayahin. 3) Pagkuha o pagsira sa pag-aari ng iba.
4) Paggamit ng mga salitang nakasasakit sa damdamin ng iba.
4) Igalang ang lahat ng kawani ng paaralan.
5) Pagkakalat ng tsismis, panunukso, pang-iinsulto o pangungutya
5) Umiwas sa pagsali sa mga illegal na samahan. sa isang tao, may kapansanan man o wala.
6) Iwasan ang pagdidikit ng mga illegal na poster at pagsusulat o 6) Pisikal na pananakit gaya ng mga sumusunod: suntok, tulak, sipa, sampal,
pagdudumi sa mga dingding at pader ng paaralan. hampas o palo, kurot, untog, sakal, kutos o batok, kalmot, anumang bagay sa
7) Umiwas sa mga di kanais-nais na gawain tulad ng pangingikil, kapwa at iba pa.
8) Pagsali sa Gang at Fraternity.
9) Pagkontrol sa kalayaan ng kapwa mag-aaral.
10) Panghihikayat na huwag kausapin o awayin ang kapwa kamag-anak.
11) Pagguhit, pagpapakita o paghawak sa anumang maselang bahagi ng
katawan ng  isang tao.
12) Cyber-bullying o pambu-bully gamit ang makabagong teknolohiya o
anumang “electronic device” gamit ang internet.
13) Paghihiganti sa taong nagsumbong o tumestigo tungkol sa anumang
naganap na pambu-bully.


Unang Pagkakamali
1) Ipatatawag ng Child Protection Committee ang magulang o guardian
upang pag-usapan ang insidente ng pambu-bully.
2) Magkakaroon ng kasulatan tungkol sa anumang

Pangalawang Pagkakamali

1) Hindi bibigyan ng sertipiko ng Good Moral Character.

2) Suspensyon na hindi lalampas ng isang linggo.
3) Ang batang “nag-bully”, kasama ang magulang o tagapag-alaga, ay
dadalo sa counseling sessions na itatakda ng paaralan.

Paalala: Kung ang pambubully ay nagresulta sa isang “serious physical

injury” o pagkamatay.

1) Ipagbibigay-alam agad ang insidente sa opisina ng :

A. Schools Division Superintendent
B. Local Social Welfare and Development
2) Suspensyon na hindi lalampas sa tatlong linggo.
3) Pagpapatalsik sa paaralan.
Republic of the
Department of
Surallah District IV

Upper Sepaka

Respect – Love - Learning - Contribute

This Student FOREWORD
belongs to:
Name: __________________________________________
The Student Handbook provides information
Gender: ______ Age: ________ LRN: __________________
regarding student’s involvement in the curricular, co-
Contact Number: __________________________________ curricular and extra-curricular activities of the school. It
serves as a resource document of the policies, rules and
guidelines of the school for any courses of action and
Home Address: ___________________________________ decisions. This will judiciously define and clarify the
Father’s Name: ___________________________________ relationship among students as well as the administration,
Mother’s Name: __________________________________ faculty and staff. This handbook also includes information
Guardian’s Name: _________________________________ about the school, its services and facilities that the
students can avail. Through this, the students will be
properly guided and made aware of their responsibilities,
In case of emergency please notify: accountabilities and obligations, as well as understand
their commitment to the administration for their well-
Address: To you dear student, Welcome to UPPER SEPAKA
Relationship: INTEGRATED SCHOOL! You are all encouraged to study
Contact Number: hard and enjoy the opportunities offered to you by

Date of first entry in school:

dream of To MISSION
protect and promote the right of every
Filipinos Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and
who passionately complete basic education where:
love their country
and whose values Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-
and competencies sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.
enable them to Teachers facilitate learning and constantly
realize their full nurture every learner.
potential Administrators and staff, as stewards of the
and contribute institution, ensure an enabling and supportive
meaningfully to environment for effective learning to happen.
building the nation. Family, community, and other
stakeholders are actively engaged and share
As a learner- responsibility for developing life-long learners.
centered public
institution, Maka-Diyos
the Department of Maka-tao
continuously Makakalikasan
improves itself
to better serve its Makabansa

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