The Legend of B-WPS Office

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The Legend Of Barong Landung

it is said that in the 12th century of bali

there lived a king named Jaya Pangus

he was a descendant of king erlangga reign the people lived prosperously until a

merchant from china came with his daughter

she was beautiful and kind

and jaya pangus wanted to marry her

Kang Cing Wei will you marry me

it would be an honor your majesty

seeing the king fall in love with the

foreigner and mpu siwa gandu expressed his disapproval

greetings your majesty

i am mpu siwagandu

your majesty i beg you don't marry kang

cing wei

it is not proper for a king to marry

someone from the outside

what would your ancestors think what

would the other kingdoms think, your

majesty i beg you don't marry kang cing wei

jaya pangus then replied

Mpu siwagandu, i will not cancel this marriage

i love kang cing wei and i don't care what

her status ,origin or religion is

i love her very much

who cares what other kingdoms think i'll

still follow through with this marriage

your majesty

if you insist on marrying kang cing wei

then you must accept the upcoming danger

and tragedy upon your kingdom

remember my words your majesty

heed my warning

but jaya pangus did not care from

mpu siwagandu words and married

kang cing wei anyways

they were very happy



the sky turned dark, lightning struck,

the wind was heavy, and a flood ensued,

the villagers were running around

desperately grabbing their belongings

some screaming for help

help, i can't swim

then the kingdom fell into chaos and was


jaya pangus then took his people and his

wife to find a new place to live

and finally the king

jaya pangus achieved his goal and founded

the balingkang kingdom which was taken

from the name bali and kang

from kang cing wei's name

they had been married for a long time

but jaya pangus and kang cing wei had not

been blessed with the child

one day

jaya pangus said

my dear i have decided to go to

mount batur to meditate and pray to the

gods to bless us with a child

but it might take months for me to


are you right if i leave and we'll take

care of this kingdom while i'm away.

my love,if that's what you wish to do

then go

i'll be waiting for a return

and hopefully soon blessed with a child

i promise to return as soon as possible

my dear please wait for me

of course i will , have a safe journey and

come back soon

Jaya Pangus then made his way to the top of mountbatur

arriving at the top he met the beautiful

goddess singing at the lake

Jaya Pangus was mesmerized by her beauty and

wonderful voice, he couldn't help himself.

oh beautiful goddess of the lake

who are you? a pleasure to meet you

i am Dewi Danu from the kingdom of lake batur, who are you? and why are you here?

i am jaya pangus and i came here to have

some fun and entertain myself

but when i saw your beauty

and heard your wonderful voice i

couldn't help myself ,will you marry me?

well that's very charming, as you wish, i can accept your marriage proposal

Jaya Pangus forgot about his goal to meditate he was enchanted by Dewi Danu's beauty he even forgot
about his own wife Kang cing wei.

soon jaya pangus and dewi danu got married

and had a child named maya danawa

meanwhile in the kingdom of balingkang

kang cing wei was worried for her husband he had gone for a long time and yet

still hadn't returned

oh Jaya Pangus
why haven't you returned yet oh what dod i do

why am i worrying ,if i keep sobbing

nothing's going to happen

all right i'll go to mount batur, i'll finding my love, i'm coming to find you

kang cing wei then made her way to the top of mount batur

arriving at the top she was shocked and angry

what she saw was the king acting all

lovely dubby with another woman

Jaya Pangus how could you

i thought you were meditating all this time

and yet here i find you with another women

how dare you speak to me like that

don't you know who i am, i am the

almighty dewi danu

the wife of jaya pangus,

hearing this dewi danu was furious

her blood was boiling she was so angry

being cursed by a mere human

she cursed kang cing wei with holy fire

she was startled and ran

where do i go i don't want to die

somebody,anybody, Jaya Pangus help me

Jaya Pangus couldn't fathom what he saw

he felt so ashamed, guilty and sad

Kang cing wei, what have i done she died

because of me she did nothing wrong

it was all my fault

how could this happen

dewi danu i need to tell you the truth i'm not the

man who i say i am ,before i married you

i married kang ching wei and i came here

to meditate and pray to the gods to

bless us with a child

but theni met you

kang cing wei did nothing wrong

it was all my fault

i hope you can forgive me

but if you can't ,i accept my fate

how dare you lie to me jaya pangus you made a great sin fooling a goddess like me

kang cing wei was innocent this whole time

oh jaya pangus

now i will curse you with holy fire

jaya pangus then followed kang cing wei to

the afterrealm after being burned to a

pile of ash

the people of balingkang were devastated to

hear that their king and queen had no

longer been with them in this realm

people of balingkang
your king has lied to me therefore i

cursed him to be a pile of ash

almighty goddess

our king is indeed guilty

but what would we do without the ruler

our kingdom would fall into chaos once


replied the servants

hearing the sincerity of the servants

and the people of balingkang dewi danu

ordered that barong landung would be

brought to the palace of balinkang

and was bestowed the souls of kang cing wei

and jayapangus who would rule from the

after realm and provide protection for all

the people of balinkang

the end

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