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Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City

College of Arts and Sciences

Behavior: Initiation, Patterns, and
• Terrestrial Animal – Komodo dragon (Varanus
• Aquatic Animal – Hydra (Coelenterata spp.)
• Avian Animal – Peafowls (Pavo cristatus)

Dela Cruz, Jao Austin

CAS – 02 – 601P
April 15, 2022
Terrestrial Animal
Basic Description: The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a member of the
monitor lizard family (Varanidae). Varanidae is the largest and heaviest lizards in the
world, weighing up to 165 kg and reaching lengths of more than three meters. They are
ectotherms or cold-blooded animal, which means that their body temperature regulation
depends on external sources, such as sunlight or a heated rock surface. Juveniles are
bright and speckled green with yellow and black bands. Adults have finely spotted skin
with orange and yellow, and it has a dull, uniform color that ranges from brown to grayish
red. They have long, flat heads with rounded snouts, long forked tongues, scaly and hard
skin, bowed legs, sharp serrated teeth, and huge, muscular tails. These lizards have a
venomous bite, and their group behavior in hunting is exceptional in the reptile world.

Habitat/Ecology: Komodo dragons occur on Komodo Island and a few neighboring

islands of the Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia. They are primarily found in the island’s
tropical savannah forests (average of 35°C). The islands are volcanic with steep slopes
and little water (except for the once-a-year short-lasting monsoon). They favor open
lowlands areas with tall grasses and bushes, but they can also be found on beaches,
hilltops, dry riverbeds, arid and mountainous regions.
Behavior of Komodo dragon:
Generally, Komodo dragons are solitary and ferocious predators that roam territories
based on their size, covering approximately 2 kilometers of distance every day. They're
also recognized for being great swimmers, having swum a considerable distance between
islands. Males protect and maintain a territory, patrolling up to 1.2 miles (2 kilometers)
every day. The size of the dragon determines the size of the territories. When a dragon
is on a food run, it will allow other dragons to pass across its area. Within their primary
ranges, dragons dig burrows for shelter at night and shelter when the weather is hot.
Despite their solitary nature, Komodo Dragons frequently swarm around a single kill.
These lizards sit for hours in the forest, concealed by their grey-brown skin, in order to
trap large animals. The victim is then ambushed with extraordinary speed and force. The
Komodo Dragon is considered to be the world's most aggressive type of lizard. They will
hunt both humans, other animals and even their own species. They have incredible
strength, as you could expect from their appearance. Despite their size, they also have
incredible speed. They have the ability to climb, which is remarkable for such a huge
Lizard. They are often found near bodies of water, and they may even swim to get prey.
Their bodies are built to allow them to swim naturally. Monitor lizards have an intriguing
respiratory adaption. Because the rib muscles utilized for breathing are also used for
sprinting, many lizards are unable to run and breathe successfully at the same time.
Monitor lizards, on the other hand, have a gular pouch under their chins. Monitors push
air into their lungs after filling the pouch with air.
Varanus komodoensis is a species that hatches from eggs. To avoid becoming prey for
adult members of the species, young Komodo dragons reside in trees. They're also lot
smaller and sinuous than adults, which allows them to live in trees. They get too huge to
be arboreal around 8 months, change their diet, and become terrestrial.
Feeding Habits:
Komodo dragons devour practically any type of meat (carnivores), scavenging carcasses
or hunting animals as small as rodents to as huge as water buffalo. Small lizards and
insects, as well as snakes and birds, are the main sources of food for the young. They
move on to larger prey, such as rodents, monkeys, goats, wild boars, and deer, if they
live to reach 5 years old (the most popular meal). These reptiles are cannibalistic tertiary
predators at the apex of their food chain. Larger prey is ambushed by Komodo dragons,
who then bite them. They then observe the injured animal until it dies of infection or blood
loss. Komodo dragon saliva is high in bacteria, which causes infection in its prey quickly.
Although particular research on Komodo dragon venom action has not been finished, the
recent discovery of venom in the bites of Varanus species suggests that venoms may be
utilized in subduing prey as well. Grasshoppers, beetles, small geckos, eggs, birds, and
eventually small mammals provide food for juveniles. Varanus komodoensis can swallow
huge chunks of food thanks to its flexible skull and expanded neck. They consume the
majority of their prey, leaving very little behind (Lawwell, n.d.).
Reproduction Behavior:
To mate with females, males engage in a ritual combat. They wrestle in an upright stance,
often drawing blood, in an attempt to throw the loser to the ground. Females emit a
fragrance in their feces that males may detect when they are ready to mate. Male Komodo
dragons then seek out the female, rubbing their chins on her head, scratching her back,
and licking her entire body. If the female shows interest, she responds by licking him. He
then mates with her after grasping her with his claws and lifting her tail with his. Some
males will stay with the female for a few days after mating in order to prevent other males
from mating with her.
Activity Cycle:
They are primarily diurnal, usual awake between 6:00 and 6:30 am. They sun-bask in the
morning hours and sometimes in the afternoon. They seek shade mostly during the
afternoon. Komodo dragons sleep for about 12 hours per day and they take shelter in
burrows and natural cavities, usually under overhanging vegetation or ground. Adults
spend 26 days on the hunt for prey, 10-20 minutes eating, and 3-6 days in digestion break.
The ability to retain and discharge body heat (thermoregulatory behavior) is influenced by
body size. Dragons that are larger heat up and cool down more slowly than dragons that
are smaller. Larger dragons sit and wait for prey, while medium-sized dragons are
energetic foragers.
Seasonal Changes:
The activity levels of Komodo dragons are lowest during the early part of dry season but
increases at end of dry season and throughout the rainy season. The reason is probably
related to weaker prey.
Visual Communication
- When threatened, they do tail lashing, quivering, gular inflation, gaping mouth, and
arched back accompanied by hissing.
- When appeasing, they show displays such as licking, closed mouth (no hissing), and
ritual walking.
- For escaping or flight behavior, they usually show displays of scratching, defecation,
lunging and biting. Moreover, regurgitation may occur in younger animals.
- For sexual displays, aggregations, it's possible that aggregations are necessary for
successful breeding. It's also possible to create and reinforce hierarchies.
- Komodo dragons has one of few vocalizations which is hissing. It is often recognized
as defensive mechanism but it is used during feeding, attacks, and normally by
females during mating.
Olfactory Signals
- The feces of Komodo dragons are left on the paths. Other Komodo dragons (using
their tongues) study chemical clues. When it comes to territorial marking and hunting,
scent is quite essential.
Rubbing behavior
- Komodo dragons with smaller bodies rub their bodies on the ground near or in carrion.
The majority of Komodo rub their hands in their hair or their intestines. Adults do not
engage in rubbing behavior.
Social Behavior
They are mainly solitary. They interact at feeding sites and for breeding. They have
dominance hierarchies which is the determination of position at feeding sites based on
sex and size. Lastly, Komodo dragons perform agonistic behavior where fighting between
males often results in severe lacerations and even death.
Territorial Behavior:
Their territoriality is just minimal to none. Komodo dragons are only territorial in their nest
during breeding season. Very large foraging and scavenging regions are difficult to
defend for them.
Other Behaviors:
- Komodo dragons excavate burrows; they dig out bird (megapode) eggs; search for
rodents, lizards, and snakes. They use their front feet to dig; one leg digs for several
strokes, then the other. Whereas hind legs are not used to pushing out dirt, they back
up slowly, throwing the dirt with forelimbs.
Body temperature regulation
- Komodo dragons are ectothermic. Thus, they raise body temperature by sun-basking
and absorbing energy from warm surfaces—they lower body temperature by seeking
shade or burrowing.
- "Gular fluttering" or "hyoid panting" is used only in cases of extreme overheating.
- The mouth is held open, and the gular region of the throat is inflated with air; the air
is expelled in a fluttering fashion.
- Dig dens to protect themselves from overheating. They may also occupy thickets or
burrows at night to regulate their body temperature. Body temperatures of individuals
drop to as low as 20ºC (68ºF) at night and can reach above 40ºC (100ºF) during the
- Drinking by immersing snout to the eyes, sucking up water, then raising the head and
allowing water to run down the throat (similar to snakes).
- Most manage without free water from April through December.
Resource competition
- Other organisms, including feral dogs, humans, and medium-sized Komodos,
compete for the same significant resources (deer & boar).
Space use
- Varanus salvator avoids contact with more giant Komodo dragons (sympatric on only
one island).
- Smaller animals (such as snakes, lizards, and rats) use Komodo dragon burrows for
Komodo dragons can learn target training by Operant Conditioning and Classical
Operant Conditioning:
According to Ellis (2020), Komodo dragons Monte' and Marigold were brought to the
Zoo as children to work on training and behavior management with them. Male Komodo
dragons can grow up to 10 feet long and weigh 200 pounds; females are roughly half
that size. We obviously wanted to accomplish this while they were still young and small!
While "little," young Komodo dragons have razor-sharp teeth (60) and claws, as well as
a ravenous appetite. Because they are always motivated, i.e., perform a behavior for a
food item, their appetite is a strong motivator for training. Komodo dragons are smart
creatures who respond well to training. Monte' and Marigold had received some training
prior to arriving at the Zoo, so we had an advantage. We employ positive reinforcement
to train them, which involves offering the animal the option of doing the desired behavior
when asked in exchange for a reward, such as a mouse, rat, or fish. The behaviors we
work on on a regular basis are known as target, station, and crate. We can transfer the
dragons safely about by targeting from one location to another, or by having them shift
inside a box for movements from one habitat to another, once we've established these
behaviors. This reduces their stress and allows them to safely participate in their
husbandry and health care on their own time.
Classical Conditioning:
According to Palermo (2015), a zookeeper named Morgan claims that Komodos
respond well to "target training," which is when a zookeeper trains an animal to respond
to different-colored props, or targets, in a specific way. A yellow target, for example,
could signal to an animal that it's time to eat, while a red target could signal to the animal
to approach its caretaker. According to the San Diego Zoo, this type of training allows
zoo employees to properly encourage animals like Komodo dragons to get some
exercise. Morgan added that it also helps students become acquainted with other
members of the staff. For example, instead of the person providing the food, the animals
learn to identify mealtime with a colorful target.
Basic Description: The Hydra (Coelenterata spp.) are a genus of small, polyp-like,
freshwater organisms that are classified under the phylum Cnidaria. They are ectotherms
or cold-blooded organism; they also depend on the external environment to maintain body
temperature. Hydra has a cylindrical, radially symmetric body that ranges in length from
2 to 20 mm. When fully extended, it is visible to the naked eye. While some other species
have been identified, two of the most distinctive species include hydra oligactis, which is
brown in color, and hydra viridissima, which is green in color. The tentacles that form a
ring around the mouth/anus are covered with stinging cells called nematocysts. These
stinging cells can inject toxins upon contact, and are often used for prey capture, defense,
and sometimes locomotion. In addition, hydra has remarkable regenerative ability, and
they do not appear to die of old age, or to age at all.

Habitat/Ecology: Hydras can be found in a variety of freshwater environments, such as

ponds, spring brooks, littoral zone of lakes, ditches, and shallow, slow moving rivers and
unpolluted streams. They are native in temperate and tropical environments. Hydra, like
a water plant, ties itself to a substrate (such as stones, twigs, or vegetation) with its foot.
Behavior of Hydra:
Feeding Habits:
Hydra oligactis, like all Cnidaria, is strictly carnivorous and predatory, eating annelids,
copepods, cladocerans, and insects, among other small metazoans. Hydra capture their
prey by paralyzing and killing the organism with nematocysts that are released into the
prey. The tentacles bring the prey to the mouth (protostome), which is a glutathione-
induced response. This is thought to be the most important mechanism in digestion. The
creature is subsequently ingested through a star-shaped or circular mouth. When the food
supply is scarce, hydras have been known to feed on the organic material of the substrate.
This, on the other hand, is not considered normal conduct. Extracellular and intracellular
digestion are both involved in digestion.
Reproduction Behavior:
Budding is hydras' most common asexual way of reproduction. Buds emerge from the
intersection of the stalk and the stomach regions. The bud begins as a hemispheric
outpouching that elongates, becomes cylindrical, and produces tentacles as it grows.
After that, the bud pinches off and a new individual emerges. Under ideal conditions, buds
appear every two or three days. Hydras occasionally reproduce through transverse and
longitudinal fission in response to unfavorable situations, such as injuries or periods of
scarcity of supplies.

General Behavior:
Hydra is a sessile species. Hydras cling to objects such as stones, twigs, grass, and
garbage. Brown hydras are rarely encountered at depths greater than 1.5 meters. There
aren't many spontaneous movements. When the hydra is left alone, its body expands and
its tentacles spread. The body contracts and expands at random intervals for no apparent
reason, and the tentacles are always moving. Basal gliding allows free hydras to travel
from one location to another. Hydras often move by looping and somersaulting their
tentacle ends and pushing themselves along. Hydras migrate to areas with higher oxygen
content when there is a lack of oxygen. The behavior is defined by its mechanical nature,
significant part independence, lack of integration, and lack of consistency.

Figure 1. Acquiring an annotated Hydra behavior dataset. (a) Imaging Hydra behavior
with a widefield dissecting microscope. A Hydra polyp was allowed to move freely in a
Petri dish, which was placed on a dark surface under the microscope objective. The light
source was placed laterally, creating a bright image of the Hydra polyp on a dark
background. (b) Histogram of the eight annotated behavior types in all data sets. (c)
Histogram of the duration of annotated behaviors. (d) Histogram of total number of
different behavior types in 1 s, 5 s and 10 s time windows. (e–l) Representative images
of silent (e), elongation (f), tentacle swaying (g), body swaying (h), bending (i), contraction
(j), feeding (k), and somersaulting (l) behaviors. (Image from: Han et al., 2018)

Trembley (1744) was the first to describe hydra behavior, which includes both
spontaneous and stimulus-evoked movements. Contractions and movement such as
somersaulting and inchworming are examples of spontaneous activities that can be
triggered by mechanical stimulation or light. Tentacle writhing, tentacle ball creation, and
mouth opening are three separate stages of the archetypal feeding response induced by
food-associated cues (Koizumi et al., 1983; Lenhoff, 1968). This complex reflex-like
response is critical to Hydra's survival and sensitive to its needs: well-fed animals do not
appear to demonstrate feeding behavior when presented with a food stimulation (Lenhoff
and Loomis, 1961). Small chemicals like glutathione and S-methyl-glutathione (GSM) can
also strongly influence feeding behavior (Lenhoff and Lenhoff, 1986). Hydra also shows
simpler activities with varying amplitudes and in different body regions, such as bending,
individual tentacle movement, and radial and longitudinal contractions, in addition to these
highly sophisticated behaviors. These more basic actions can be oscillatory and occur in
overlapping patterns, making them difficult to quantify. As a result, complex behaviors like
social or learning behaviors, which can be thought of as sequences of small actions, are
difficult to quantify. Indeed, manually annotating behaviors in recordings that last hours
or days is not only time demanding but also subjective and imprecise. However, in order
to systematically research behaviors across individuals across time, vast databases of
behaviors must be analyzed.

Computational approaches have recently been developed to characterize and recognize

some of C. elegans’ behavior. Brown et al., 2013; Stephens et al., 2008) and Drosophila
melanogaster (Berman et al., 2014; Johnson et al., 2016). The motions of animals are
identified in these pioneering investigations by creating a series of posture templates and
decomposing the animal posture at each time point using these standard templates. For
creatures with relatively fixed forms, this overall framework works well. Hydra, on the other
hand, has a highly flexible body that contracts, bends, and elongates in a continuous and
non-isometric manner, and this behavior may be observed in a variety of body postures.
Furthermore, various individuals of Hydra have varied numbers of tentacles and buds,
which complicates the use of template-based approaches. As a result, an approach that
encodes behavior data statistically rather than explicitly is preferable.

Hydra, like many animals, performs behaviors on a variety of time scales. Basic activities
like elongation and bending are usually long and consistent in time, but tentacle swaying,
body swaying, and contraction are frequently brief and burst. Feeding and somersaulting
are more sophisticated activities that can be divided down into motifs. (Lenhoff and
Loomis, 1961). Feeding appears to be a gradual, consistent behavior with smooth
transitions between tentacle writhing, ball production, and mouth opening. Somersaulting
is a fixed action pattern-like activity that consists of a series of basic behaviors, including
elongation with tentacle movements, contraction, bending, contraction, elongation, and
contraction; the full sequence takes a few minutes to complete. Using the Fisher vector
features that encode the video statistics, the researchers were able to capture basic
actions such as silence, elongation, tentacle swaying, body swaying, bending,
contraction, and feeding. The amount of time spent on each phase and how each step is
carried out differs amongst species. Thus, it is critical to precisely recognize the core
behavior categories that make up these complicated activities in order to research Hydra

At the same time, Hydra can have overlapping behaviors. A Hydra specimen, for example,
could be bending its tentacles or swinging its body while elongating. Allowing only one
behavior label per time span would be imprecise in such instances. We permitted a'soft'
classification technique to capture this condition, accepting up to three highest
classification kinds with a classifier probability within a twofold difference between them.
On the validation data, we achieved 86.8% overall accuracy with joint classifiers (81.6
percent with hard classification), and 59.0% with fresh test data (50.1 percent with hard
classification). Hydra's categorization performance was improved by allowing for a
realistic circumstance when it transitioned between two actions or executed multiple
behaviors at the same time.

Categorizing somersaulting video clips with fundamental behavior classifiers revealed a

preserved structure throughout the progression of this behavior, in addition to optimally
classifying the seven basic behaviors mentioned above. Somersaulting is a complex
behavioral sequence that was left out of the seven behavioral kinds that were visually
detected. Tentacle swaying, elongation, body swaying, contraction, and elongation are
common activities that can be divided into a series of simple behaviors. Indeed, we
noticed a strong corresponding structure in our classification of somersaulting with the
seven basic behavior types: the classified sequences begin with tentacle swaying,
elongation, and body swaying, then a sequence of contraction and elongation before a
core bending event, and finally, elongation and contraction complete the entire
somersaulting behavior. This segmented classification based on breaking down a
complex behavior into a sequence of multiple elementary behaviors agrees with human
observations, indicating that our method is able to describe combined behaviors using
the language of basic behavior types. In this study, the researchers were able to quantify
six basic actions and they discovered unexpectedly consistent behavior statistics across
animals within the same species, regardless of experimental conditions. According to the
findings, Hydra's basic behavioral repertoire is stable. This sturdiness could be attributed
to a homeostatic neural control of "housekeeping" actions that existed in the earliest
neurological systems.

Three major functional networks are responsible for these behaviors, it extends through
the entire animal and are activated selectively during longitudinal contractions,
elongations in response to light and radial contractions, while an additional network is
located near the hypostome and is active during nodding. These results demonstrate the
functional sophistication of apparently simple nerve nets, and the potential of Hydra and
other basal metazoans as a model system for neural circuit studies. First, a circuit that
seems to be involved in digestion in the hydra’s stomach-like cavity became active
whenever the animal opened its mouth to feed and expel waste. A few hours after
ingestion, the content of the body column is expelled through the mouth by a quick radial
(as opposed to longitudinal) contraction of the body column after the mouth has opened.
A second circuit fires when the hydra contracts its body into a ball to hide from predators.
Longitudinal contraction of the ectoderm occurs, which reduces the animal down to a tight
ball, is associated with a type of extracellular electrical signals named longitudinal
contraction bursts (CB). A third seems to sense light and may help let the animal know
when to eat – despite being blind, hydra need light to hunt and they do more of this in the
morning. A dark-habituated Hydra that is exposed to light will respond by elongating its
body towards it, bending its hypostome-tentacle junction to produce a motion reminiscent
of nodding, and eventually moving towards the light source by somersaulting. Tentacles
sometimes also generate electrical pulses (tentacle pulses), found during contractions.
But in addition, Hydra displays robust spontaneous electrical activity, i.e., activity in the
apparent absence of any external stimulus and, sometimes, also in the absence of any
clear behavior. One example of this are the rhythmic electrical potentials, which have
been thought to propagate in the endoderm of the animal and to increase in frequency
during elongation of the body column. Activation of the endoderm by rhythmic potentials
is thought to cause radial contraction (reduction of the radius of the animal) and therefore

Despite the fact that Hydra behavior has been studied for centuries, little is known about
whether it has complex behaviors like social interactions and learning, how its behavior
changes in response to environmental, physiological, nutritional, or pharmacological
manipulations, or what the underlying neural mechanisms are for these potential
Avian Animal
Basic Description: The Peafowls (Pavo Cristatus) is a large-sized, colorful bird
belonging to the pheasant family. Male peafowl are referred to as peacocks, and female
peafowl are referred to as peahens, even though peafowl of either sex are often referred
to colloquially as "peacocks". One of the largest flying birds is the male peacock. Their
entire length can be around 8 feet, with the body being approximately 3 feet long and the
tail being around 5 feet long (train). Peacocks weigh between 9 and 13 pounds. Females
aren't as colorful as males, and their tails are much shorter. Peafowl are divided into three
types: Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus or blue peacock), Asian Green Peofowl (Pavo
muticus or green peacock), and Congo Peafowl (Afropavo congensis), native to parts of
Africa. Their tail feathers, known as coverts, form a long distinctive train that spans more
than and have vibrant "eye" markings in blue, gold, red, and other colors. The enormous
train is employed in wooing displays and mating rituals. It can be stretched into a beautiful
fan that spans the bird's back and touches the ground on both sides. Females are said to
select their partners based on the size, color, and quality of these extravagant feather

Habitat/Ecology: Indian blue peafowl are mostly found in temperate deciduous, open
rainforest habitats. Green peafowl preferred also preferred dry deciduous forest over
mixed and evergreen forest. Areas that had sufficient water sources and were relatively
distant from any human presence were also preferred if given the choice. Their basic
requirements include a suitable roost tree, a small territory, and sufficient food. In their
native range, peafowl are only found from 900 to 1200 m above sea level in areas with
appropriate forest habitat to support them. Peafowl are able to adapt to much colder
climates than their native range. In captivity, they can survive winters in southern Britain
with only a simple shelter. However, in areas that are both damp and cold, peafowl do not
fare as well. They are often kept in urban gardens and zoos.
Behavior of Peafowl:

Peacock behavior, in addition to their stunning physical characteristics, is a common

source of terror. Peafowl, particularly peacocks, are known to be aggressive, territorial
birds. Peahens who have deposited eggs will attack anyone who approaches their nest
too closely, while peacocks that prefer to keep their harem of peahens to themselves
during mating will attack other males if they feel encroached upon. This, along with the
peacock's low intelligence, has led to wild peacocks attacking dark-colored luxury
automobiles in urban areas: the birds see their reflections, mistake it for a second bird,
and attack. Peacocks have also been observed pursuing humans in order to steal their
food. At the same time, when a peacock gets angry, it spreads itself out – and seeing a
bird your size or larger fan out, with feathers that could be mistaken for eyes, is more
than enough to trigger a long-term anxiety in a child. (Blake Flournoy, 2019). Peacocks
rarely attack people, yet it happens frequently enough that the birds have been featured
in a number of news articles about zoo visits gone awry. Children have been pecked
and scratched by the birds, requiring stitches, while peacocks attacking their own
reflections have caused hundreds of dollars in property damage in one town besieged
by the birds. This, combined with concerns that peafowl could spread avian flu, has
prompted a number of zoos to relocate their peafowl populations to bird sanctuaries.
Peafowl are ground-nesting forest birds that roost in trees. They eat plants that grow on
the ground. Peafowl are thought to be polygamous in all species. The males, like other
Galliformes, have metatarsal spurs or "thorns" on their legs, which they employ during
intraspecific territorial conflicts with other members of their species. Peacocks use
vocalization as a key means of attracting peahens during courting. According to certain
research, peafowl were impressed by the complexity of the "song" created by displaying
peacocks. Peacocks frequently sing soon before, just after, or occasionally during

Food Habits:

Peacocks are omnivorous birds. During the day, peacocks seek for food on the ground
and consume whatever they come upon. They devour almost anything they can get their
hands on. Insects, snakes, grain, grass, worms, frogs, snails, seeds, fruit, flowers, and
various regional crops make up the majority of their diet in the wild. Peahens spend
months educating their chicks about nutrition.

Social Behavior:

Peacocks are social with one another, even if they don't get along with many other birds.
Parties are gatherings of peacocks. Older peacocks are the ones who want to be alone.
To protect themselves from other animals, peacocks roost in lofty trees, a practice
known as roosting. To warn one other of danger, they create screeching sounds.

Mating Behavior:

Peacocks have ornate feathers to demonstrate authority and to attract peahens for
mating. The more peahens a peacock attracts by strutting about and shaking his
feathers, the more he attracts. The feathers aren't his tail feathers, as you can see. The
tail is hidden beneath the feathers. To attract peahens, the peacock emits a sound that
sounds similar to a cat's meow. Peacocks are polygamous, meaning they want to mate
with as many peahens as they can. Male peacocks can mate with up to six different
female peacocks during the mating season. Peahens lay 4–8 brown eggs per clutch.
The peacock version of a man cave or bachelor pad is where the guys congregate while
waiting for the females to show up. After the mating process, peacocks and peahens do
not see one other again. The eggs are incubated by peacock mothers. A month of
incubation is required for peacock offspring to hatch. Without the help of the father
peacock, the mother peacocks look after the peacock chicks. Male peachicks don't start
growing trains until they're around 3 years old. The peahen departs to lay her eggs,
which are normally three to eight brown eggs. To lay the eggs, she digs a shallow hole
in the ground, ensuring sure it is hidden by tall grass or bushes. She sits on the eggs for
around 28 days after that.

Breeding Behavior:

During the breeding season, male peacocks converge for a communal display, which
the peahens watch. Peacocks defend their territory by engaging in intra-sexual behavior
to keep outsiders out. They compete for positions within the congregation in order to
present a united front for the peahens. Older, dominant males typically occupy central
locations, which has an impact on mating success. During inter and intra-sexual
selection, some morphological and behavioral features, such as train length for territory
acquisition and visual and vocal displays used by peahens in mate choosing, come into

Raising Young

Peacocks do not raise their young; peahens are the ones that do. Peahens tend to live
in close quarters and assist one another in raising their peachicks. Peahens can begin
breeding at the age of two or three years. Most peafowl live to reach 20 years old.

General Behaviors:

The Peacock's colorful tail is fanned out to show power and to attract a mate. They live
in groups, and the male will frequently be surrounded by a harem of multiple females.
They don't get along with a variety of domestic birds, including turkeys. Many people are
unaware that a Peacock is a flightless bird. Most people only see them as pets or
wandering around the zoo. The wings of those particular Peacocks have been cut to
prevent them from flying away. They are known for being exceedingly gregarious, and
their gatherings are known as parties. They can survive alone as well, although it's
usually the older males that aren't in a group. They will create a small group for a brief
period of time when they wish to mate. Even after spending a lot of time monitoring a
particular party, the complexities of their hierarchy can be difficult to comprehend. It
actually looks like he's doing a fancy dance. Scientists believe that the female will select
her mate based on who has the most impressive tail, so the male really wants his tail to
stand out during the dance.
- These birds have an unusual habit of building nests on the ground and perching in

- These peafowl are aggressive and will not allow any unwanted visitors, including other
peafowl, into their domain. The chicks, on the other hand, frequently transcend territorial
boundaries. Adults would not greet these crossing juveniles unless they belonged to the
parents for whom they crossed the region.

- Peacocks are gregarious birds who enjoy mingling with humans and displaying
magnanimity toward them.

- These peacocks travel in groups of eight to ten.

- As the mating season approaches, peacocks make a loud noise. Peacocks are among
the world's loudest creatures, screaming out to one another in the morning and late at
night. When it's about to rain, peacocks make meowing sounds. When they detect
danger, they also make alarm calls. Peacock males sing in order to attract female

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