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Road traffic injuries are a leading cause of death globally. Over 1 million

people die each year on the roads (WHO, 2015). Most of these casualties often

occur in low to middle-income countries, where rapid economic growth

accompanied by increased motorization are factors of these road traffic injuries.

In developing countries, the lack of adequate road infrastructures, along with the

inadequacy of a legal regulatory framework contribute to the rise in the number of

road accidents.

Baguio City, a mountainous region in the North, is known as Philippine’s

summer capital. Its topography, soil profile, and exposure to various calamities,

made Baguio City become prone to landslides. The lack of information and road

warning system has become a challenge in decreasing casualties and losses.

Barangay Kapatagan is a vast, highland valley that is home to a wide

selection of popular destinations. Along with its economic development, are

problems in its traffic engineering designs, pertaining to road safety.

This paper, Assessment of the Existing Main Road at Sitio Baras to Sitio

Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City Based on the Traffic Engineering Design

(Road Safety) will aim to bring forth results that will benefit the residents of Sitio

Baras to Sitio Mainit Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.


Background of the Study

Traffic Engineering Design is a vast branch of study in the field of

engineering. It uses engineering principles to achieve the safe and efficient

movement of people and goods (Science Daily, 2019). It is primarily concerned

with the design and construction of road infrastructure, such as road markings,

traffic lights, and traffic signs (Traffic System News, 2020).

Baguio City being the Philippines’ summer capital, has large volumes of

motor vehicles travel in the city, especially on the holidays. The city’s pavement

space was limited due to several vehicles haphazardly parked for the lack of

adequate parking areas. This led to a series of road problems, such as traffic

congestion and accidents, making the road unsafe for pedestrians and drivers

alike (Siy, 2020).

Illigan is a popular tourist destination, with a dense forest in the highlands

of Bukidnon. A series of landslides by the curved roads and a large amount of

soil deposits by the roadside were one of the hazards encountered by many

travelers (Timonera, 2022). The lack of proper road maintenance and slope-

mitigation measures put the road safety in Illigan at risk.

Man problems could still be be encountered on the road, specifically in

rural areas. The researchers will aim to contribute to the locality, hence, making

Barangay Kapatagan the focus of this study, specifically in Sitio Baras to Sitio

Mainit. Barangay Kapatagan has shown great potential to boost the economy of

the province, thus, the sense of urgency to undertake the study of the

appropriate traffic engineering design concerned with road safety.

Statement of the Problem

Barangay Kapatagan is known among tourists and residents alike in

Davao del Sur. Due to its geographical features, it has become a popular

destination for its attraction and for outdoor adventure. Along with its

development are problems concerning the traffic management system in

Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City. The researchers will aim to assess the existing

main road of Barangay Kapatagan based on the traffic engineering design and to

make recommendations on the traffic engineering design in Sitio Baras to Sitio

Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.

Specifically, it will seek to address these statements:

1. The traffic conditions from Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay

Kapatagan, Digos City in terms of:

1.1 Day

1.2 Time

1.3 Location

1.4 Type of Vehicle

2. The existing traffic engineering design in Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit,

Barangay Kapatagan is sufficient to support its current traffic conditions.


Objectives of the Study

This study will aim to determine the following:

1. To assess the existing main road of Barangay Kapatagan from Sitio

Baras to Sitio Mainit based on the traffic engineering design and lastly,

2. To make recommendations on the traffic engineering design

particulary traffic signs, streetlights, arrow signs, pedestrian lanes,

guard rails, rumble strips, and road markings in Sitio Baras to Sitio

Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.

Furthermore, this study will seek to address the statements found in the

Statement of the Problem.

Significance of the Study

This study will give light on the current traffic conditions from Sitio Baras to

Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City based on the day, time, location

and the type of vehicles. Furthermore, this paper will assess the existing main

road based on the traffic engineering design. And finally, it will determine whether

the existing traffic engineering design in Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay

Kapatagan is sufficient to support its current traffic conditions.

This research will not extend its study outside the stated parameters

above and will only assess areas from Sitio Baras (Camp Sabros above), Purok

Bayanihan (Market Place) to Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.


Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The result of this study will contribute greatly to the following:

Community. This study will be most beneficial to the community as it will

help in the future developments of Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit in Barangay

Kapatagan, Digos City.

Future Civil Engineering Projects. The data gathered in this

study will contribute to future construction projects in terms of the route systems

and traffic engineering design of Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan,

Digos City that are sustainable and adaptive to the demands of future progress.

Local Government Unit (LGU). This study will help the group to develop,

review and assess or integrate effective route system and traffic engineering

designs such as opening of access roads, putting up signages, road illumination

and cat-eyes among others in future projects of the barangay.

The Researchers. This study will help the researchers uncover critical

areas regarding the process of civil engineering projects concerning traffic

engineering designs. This will help them utilize their knowledge in their

endeavours as future engineers themselves.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined to have a better understanding of

this study.

Assessment refers to an activity of planning regarding something. More


specifically, assess the existing main road of Barangay Kapatagan

from Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit based on the traffic engineering


Route system refers to the cluster or system of new routes coming in and

out of Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.

Traffic Engineering Design refers to the engineering techniques of traffic

flow, encompassing factors such as road geometry, pavements,

cycling infrastructure, road signs, road markings, traffic lights, and so


Traffic Management refers to organizing in guidance and control of both

stationary and moving traffic, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and all

types of vehicles.

Poor Pedestrian Facilities refers to insufficient of pedestrian and curb

ramps, etc. where streets cross each other for safe movements of

pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Road Capacity refers to the estimated maximum of a given roadway by

number of road lane per vehicles per hour.

Traffic Safety refers to methods and measurement to reduce traffic


Traffic Engineering Design refers to engineering techniques to develop

safe flow of movement of vehicles and pedestrian.

Traffic Infrastructures refers to the roads, railways, ports, and airports.

Bottlenecks and Capacity Improvement is a traffic congestion that limit


the road capacity and increase the efficiency.



This chapter provides relevant information that introduce medium in the

presentation of the study. The relevant literature and studies presented are

considered by the researchers to strengthen the claims and significance of the

present study.

Traffic Management

Major area of concern for engineers, architects and town planners is

vehicular traffic management. Road networks exceeds to its physical capacity of

the road spaces for there are more vehicles added every day as a result the

efforts of engineers, architects, and town planners to overcome traffic or lessen

congestion are not achieved. Furthermore, up-to-date information of traffic with

traffic managers are important to control the traffic and direct the traffic to

alternate routes, to assist in mitigating traffic congestion and guarantee better

traffic management (Xavier, et al., 2014).

Lack of Traffic Discipline

It was once the Philippines' golden era of driving etiquette, when

practically all drivers habitually followed traffic laws and regulations.


Unfortunately, such days are no longer with any of us. Instead, we now witness

drivers that drive fully disregarding traffic laws and regulations, and these drivers

are not unaware of traffic laws. There is no single answer to the question of what

caused the decline in driving etiquette. It is the result of a variety of factors.

Inadequate rules, bad enforcement, poor driver education, and poor road

engineering work are just a few of the numerous causes. The major source of

traffic congestion in the Philippines is a lack of driving discipline. Counter-flowing,

unnecessary lane changes, illegal parking, running a red light, stopping at an

intersection, you name it. These are major causes of traffic jams and fatal

accidents, which further slowdown traffic. The economic impact of traffic is

terrible. The cost in man-hours, fuel, and public trust in authorities' capacity to

control traffic is immeasurable. Factory and exporter delivery promises,

particularly for perishables, may be missed, resulting in order cancellation,

employment displacement, loss of revenue for daily wage employees under the

'no work, no pay' agreement, and operating losses for businesses (Mcduckface,


According to the study of Road Traffic Congestion in the Developing

World, drivers are totally unprepared to maintain lane discipline. Poor lane

discipline, particularly at traffic intersections, worsens an already crowded

situation. Additionally, cars routinely run red lights and block intersections, adding

to overcrowding. These issues are worsened by ineffective traffic enforcement,

which provides little incentive for drivers to observe the regulations (Jain,

Sharma, et al., 2012).


Poor Pedestrian Facilities

Road safety is affected by three factors: human-related (driver and

passenger), vehicle-related, and road-related. These three elements must work

together to create an ideal or model safe road. However, traffic safety and road

maintenance are poorly implemented in the Philippines. Furthermore, the

government’s response to those problems isn't always as on the spot as its

reaction to different similarly imperative issues (Vallente Jr. and colleagues,


In most Asian countries, road transport has a greater share than other

modes in transporting goods and passengers; however, it also faces serious

issues, the most notable of which is traffic congestion caused by excessive

utilization of road infrastructures due to a high number of pedestrians, a short

road network length, a high proportion of the population engaged in informal

business, and poor public transportation supply that is not based on peak hour

demand (Langen and Tembele, 2011).

Illegal Parking

In the study conducted by Tsakalidis and Tsoleridis (2015),

improper parking creates a huge influence on the standard of living every

day. The delays in travel time, slow movement of products are results of

crucial depletion of road capacity due to illegal parking.

One of the most pressing concerns related to Baguio City’s


transportation is congestion and vehicles due to increased arrivals of

tourists and an increase in the population owning private cars. It shows

that the population is increasing. The challenge of limiting vehicle traffic on

the road is further complicated by the lack of parking management

strategies to effectively reduce the use of private vehicles and to reserve

space for utility vehicle loading and unloading zones. Lack of centralized

public transport terminals. Inadequate infrastructure for non-electric and

public transport. Lack of enforcement and authority to manage all

transport and transportation operations, rules and standards, techniques,

and training of public transport operators (CLUP-Baguio City, 2010-2020).

Poor Traffic Management Facilities

Road Capacity

The word 'capacity' refers to the maximum number of vehicles that

may travel through a certain part of a lane or roadway in one direction (or

both directions in the case of a two-lane highway) in a specified period of

time under current road and traffic conditions. On a roadway, traffic flow

can range from very little to amounts that equal the facility's capacity.

When the volume of traffic on a highway equals its capacity, the roadway

becomes crowded, with all cars traveling at almost the same speed, which

is determined by the slowest vehicle's speed. When the highway is 2-lane,


two-way, the capacities in the following table are for highways built to a

high standard, which includes 3.65 m lanes, adequate shoulders, lateral

clearances of about 1.83 m or more, adequate stopping sight distance

throughout, no trucks, and no restrictive passing sight distance.

Volume to Capacity Ratio

Under current highway and traffic circumstances, capacity is

the greatest hourly rate at which passengers or vehicles may

reasonably be expected to cross a place in a particular time. The

capacity of different types of roadways is usually measured in

vehicles per day (VPD). Traffic engineers estimate the capacity of a

rural, two-lane, access-controlled roadway with no median to be

17,400 VPD. Highway capacity analysis is used in transportation

planning studies to determine if existing route networks are enough

to handle present traffic or to forecast when traffic growth will

exceed a highway's capacity. If the above-mentioned portion of

road is expected to have a traffic volume of more than 17,400 VPD

in the future, the road would be overcrowded (Traffic data

computation method POCKET GUIDE, 2018).

Table 1

Volume to Capacity Ratio



> 1 Beyond Capacity

  0.75 - 1 Above Capacity

  0.5 - 0.74 Reaching Capacity

< 0.5 Below Capacity

Source. CALABARZON Traffic Management Plan

Traffic Safety

Human-related (i.e., driver and passenger), vehicle, and road are the three

variables that influence road safety. These three variables must work together to

create an ideal or model safe route when developing a road. However, traffic

safety and road maintenance are not well implemented in the Philippines.

Furthermore, the government's response to these crises is slower than its

response to other critical situations (Vallente Jr., et. al., 2014).

The type and characteristics of crashes evolved when higher-standard

motorways and expressways were built, shifting from head-on collisions and tree

collisions to occurrences of cars going off the road and hitting with man-made

obstacles. In response, the clear zone idea was created — an unobstructed,


traversable region provided outside the perimeter of the through travelled way for

wayward cars to be recovered. Depending on the design speed and traffic

volume, the clear zone contains auxiliary lanes other than those that operate,

such as through lanes, bike lanes, and shoulders, as well as variable widths of

fore slope and back slope beyond the shoulder (Department of Public Works and

Highways - Bureau of Design, 2015).

Traffic Incidents/ Accidents

Traffic incidents that occur during large-scale rescue operations are

suspects of causing potentially significant delays.

Vehicle collisions, breakdowns, and debris in traffic lanes are the most

typical types of accidents. These events disrupt the normal flow of traffic,

usually by blocking the travel lanes, which further results in capacity

reduction (Robinson et al., 2018).

According to the records of accidents of the Philippine National

Police (PNP) Kapatagan, Digos City (from the month of January – June

2022), the most common Vehicular Traffic Accident [VTA] in Kapatagan,

Digos City are Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Damage to Property

due to Human Error of drivers for failure to check brake systems. The

main reason of the large number of vehicular accidents in Kapatagan,

Digos City is because it covers the four major thoroughfares namely Sitio

Barras, Prk. Bayanihan, in front of Rizal Central Elementary School


Road, and Sitio Mainit Road which is the main road used by tourist

visiting tourist destinations in Kapatagan, Digos City. In terms of

interventions to minimize these cases, the Police Office in Kapatagan,

Digos City deploys Police Officers to conduct preventive patrol, and

motorist assistance for the awareness of the public.

Traffic Engineering Design

Traffic flow is made of individual interaction of drivers, cars, physical

factors of roadway, and standard environment (Garber and Hoel, 2012). There

are two types of traffic stream facilities, the uninterrupted flow, and the

interrupted flow. Uninterrupted flow centers are sections of highways in rural

regions and not using a traffic signal, stop or yield signs, and at-grade

intersections. Meanwhile, interrupted flow centers are sections of highways with

traffic signals, stop or yield signs, un-signalized at-grade intersections, and

reduce parking maneuver. There are principal forms of traffic flow parameters,

macroscopic and microscopic. Both parameters require the quantity or rate of

flow, speed, and density. The most effective distinction is that during

microscopic, the speed of individual vehicles is recorded.

Traffic Infrastructure

Safe and reliable operation of traffic is ensured in order to maximize the

effectiveness of the system; thus, traffic management is the action applying the

existing traffic infrastructure. Additionally, managing the traffic with the existing

infrastructure with least cost is extremely essential because of the spontaneous

and catastrophic surge of vehicular growth in most places in India (Hanumappa,

et al, 2018).

Poor transport infrastructure is present in most of the rural areas in Africa.

Contributor to the susceptibility of the communities in developing places is the

poor state of rural road networks thus, hindering the entry to important social

services and convenience. Furthermore, Road network maps are not up-

to-date and incomplete. Due to the absence of precise maps of town road

networks hinders assurance of access to social services and prompt response

to emergencies to distant locations (Oloo, 2018).


Phenomenology is known as instructional qualitative research design. The

philosophical foundation of qualitative research stems from phenomenology, from

existentialism. Consequently, qualitative research is contextualized in unique

philosophical paradigms which center on diverse conceptions of

reality.Phenomenology is the study of prereflective or lived experience through

reflection. To put it another way, the phenomenological tradition is distinguished

by the study of the lifeworld as we immediately experience it, prereflectively,


rather than as we conceptualize, theorize, categorize, or reflect on it.

Phenomenology is now widely regarded as one of the alternative qualitative

research methodologies available to researchers.

Bottlenecks and Capacity Improvements

The most common reason of traffic congestion is roadblocks. During peak

traffic hours, bottlenecks occur when the number of lanes converging on a

roadway, bridge, or tunnel exceeds the number of lanes available (Jin and Jin,

2015). This can happen when demand exceeds the capacity of road. The

capacity of a road indicates the greatest amount of traffic it can carry. However,

most systems require established estimations of the bottleneck's specific traffic

characteristics, such as capacity, jam-density, free flow speed, and so on. As a

result, these systems are limited to previously identified bottlenecks. Hence, non-

recurrent bottlenecks are frequently impossible to reduce with homogenization

methods over a vast area. Due to the often-large reduction in speed limit,

incident detection systems are limited in enhancing traffic efficiency (Carlson et.

al, 2013). Furthermore, densely deployed detectors are required to obtain

information about the traffic condition and traffic characteristics at arbitrary

locations. The number and width of lanes, the length of merges at interchanges,

and the orientation of the roadway all contribute to capacity (Han & Ahn, 2018).


On-street parking can limit a roadway's effective width, resulting in slower

speeds and less severe crashes. It may, however, increase collisions involving

vehicles trying to drive into or out of parking spaces.

Table 2

Design safety strategies for on-street parking

Restrict on-street parking to low-speed

Install pedestrian refuge medians or

Reduce likelihood of crash channelized islands

Where parking is appropriate, use parallel

parking rather than angular parking
Reduce roadway design speed, operating
Reduce crash severity speed, or both in high pedestrian volume

Source. Design Guidelines, Criteria & Standards

Pedestrian Facilities

Pedestrians are segregated from motor traffic on low-speed roadways by

a barrier. An elevated curb separates the walkway from the street. A vehicle may,

however, climb the curb over 40 km/h for very flat approach angles. A buffer area

between the sidewalk and the edge of the highway is suggested for roads with

design speeds exceeding 40 kph. When sidewalks or multi-use pathways are


near to a high-speed facility's traveled way, care should be given to shielding the

sidewalk, considering vehicle and pedestrian traffic volumes, highway geometry,

sidewalk/path offset, and cross-section characteristics.

Table 3

Design safety strategies for pedestrians

Provide continuous pedestrian facilities
Install pedestrian refuge medians or
channelized islands

Reduce motor vehicle Offset pedestrian locations away from

pedestrian crash likelihood at traveled way with pedestrian buffers
roadside locations
Physically separate pedestrians from
traveled way at high-risk locations

Improve sight distances by removing objects

that obscure driver or pedestrian visibility

Reduce severity of motor Reduce roadway design speed, operating

vehicle-pedestrian crashes at speed, or both in high pedestrian volume
roadside locations locations

Source. Design Guidelines, Criteria & Standards


Drainage inlets, grates, and other similar items should be flush with the

surface. The ground surface of the pavement must be capable of supporting

wheel loads. Within clear zones, traversable drains should be employed. In


metropolitan areas, curbs and curbs with gutters are widely utilized to segregate

pedestrians from traffic flow. Curbs, on the other hand, have limited re-direction

capabilities, especially at speeds exceeding 40 km/h. (Department of Public

Works and Highways, 2015).

Table 4

Design safety strategies for curbs in urban areas


Use appropriate curb height compatible with

expected vehicle trajectories

Design curb to minimize potential Orient barriers with respect to curbs so as to

for vaulting vehicles improve curb-barrier interaction

Grade adjacent terrain flush with the top of

the curb

Source. Design Guidelines, Criteria & Standards

Roadway & Street Lighting Design

One of the most basic requirements for motorists traveling on highways in

a safe and coordinated manner is good visibility, whether day or night. Street

lighting that is properly built and maintained will provide comfortable and

accurate visibility at night, facilitating and encouraging both automobile and


pedestrian mobility. The demand for illumination should be determined in

conjunction with crime prevention initiatives and other community concerns.

To determine suitable illumination levels, warrants for the justification of

street lighting include not only determining the functional categorization of the

route, but also pedestrian and vehicular volume, night-to-day collision ratios,

roadway layout, merging lanes, bends, and crossings (Department of Public

Works and Highways, 2015).

Theoretical Framework

Traffic Management is the process of adjusting or adapting the use of an

existing road system to meet specified objectives without resorting to substantial

new road construction. Traffic management functions directly or indirectly affect

the lives of people. The management’s failure to perform effectively may affect

them in terms of security, financial status, and personal endeavors.

This study is seen through Three Phase Traffic Theory (2012). According

to this theory, the traffic phenomena are explained by three phase theory: free

flow, synchronized flow, and moving jam. Free flow pertains to moving without

anything stopping it. Then, free flow transitions to synchronized flow. In the

synchronized flow, the speed of vehicles drops significantly, but there is no

noticeable change in the flow rate observed. This is due to the increase in the

density of vehicles so that the product of the speed and the density remains

nearly the same. The term synchronized reflects the synchronization of speed of

the vehicles in different lanes. The wide moving jam can only spontaneously

occur through synchronized flow. Wide moving jam is meant to reflect the

characteristic feature of the jam to propagate through any other state of traffic

flow and through any bottleneck while maintaining the velocity of the downstream

jam front.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1

The conceptual framework shows the flow of the study

Route System and Traffic

Engineering Design
(Road Safety)

Traffic Management

Field Investigation

Traffic Count Evaluation of Current Traffic

Engineering Design

Road Networks / Modern Traffic Engineering

Route System Design

The Route System and Traffic Engineering Design in Sitio Baras to Sitio

Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan has an apparent traffic management problem. To

address this, the researchers will conduct Field Investigations, specifically, traffic

counts and evaluation of the current traffic engineering design through picture

documentations. By doing these, we will aim to recommend new road networks

and modern traffic engineering design to address the existing traffic management

problems in Barangay Kapatagan.

Research Assumptions

If the assessment of the existing main road in Barangay Kapatagan is

contrary with the data yielded from the field investigation, then the current traffic

engineering design is not sufficient to support the current traffic conditions in Sitio

Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.



This chapter includes a discussion of the chosen research methodology

and design, and the materials and instruments to be used. Furthermore, data

collection procedures, the procedure of the study, and ethical considerations will

be presented. A summary of the research methodology concludes this chapter.

Research Design

The researchers will assess the existing main road of Barangay

Kapatagan, from Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit based on its current traffic

engineering design. A qualitative research approach will be utilized to study and

evaluate the traffic engineering design of Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City. Field

investigation (i.e., traffic count and documentation) and by using secondary data

references will be used as means of gathering the data.

A Phenomenological research design of qualitative research involves

collecting data to understand concepts, experiences and phenomenon that can

be used to gather in-depth insights of a problem or generate new ideas for

research (Bhadari, 2020) and one of the tourist spots can experience a traffic is

we the researcher use the phenomenological research design under qualitative

research which involves collecting data and the collecting data that we use are

the traffic count and documentation, and by using secondary data references will

be used as means of gathering the data. One of the major problems of

Kapatagan from Sitio Barras to Sitio Mainit is traffic and they experience traffic

especially on Saturday to Sunday because non-work and their have a lot of

tourists come to Camp Sabros and also in the supermarket in kapatagan they

can also experience a traffic because they have a lot cargo vegetable in Monday

to Friday and also Saturday to Sunday can cause a traffic in Barangay

Kapatagan from sitio barras to Sitio Mainit. This approach will be utilized in this

paper, entitled: “Assessment on the Existing Main Road of Barangay Kapatagan,

Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit based on the Traffic Engineering Design.”

Locale of the study


This study will be conducted at Barangay Kapatagan, a rural area. This

area (Barangay Kapatagan) is known for its beautiful scenery and abundant

production of agricultural products. It is located at Digos City (Latitude: 6° 55'

40.1808'' N, Longitude: 125° 20' 5.2584'' E). The field investigations will be

conducted from the following stations: Sitio Baras – Camp Sabros, Purok

Bayanihan, Purok Apo Centro, Sitio Mainit.

Figure 2

Map of Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.


Source. Adapted from Google Earth

Sources of Data

This study will use the results from the traffic counts that will be done in

stations assigned, from Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos

City. Furthermore, secondary data will be utilized as well, (i.e., Kapatagan Road

Map, and Handbook of Traffic Engineering Design Standards in the Philippines)

and other files that will support this study. Moreover, picture documentations of

problematic areas in the barangay will also aid in the assessment of the existing

main road.

Delimitation of the Study

This study will assess the existing main road of Barangay Kapatagan from

Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit. The researchers will conduct traffic count and will

gather updated secondary data references (i.e., Kapatagan Road Map, and

Handbook of Traffic Engineering Design Standards in the Philippines). Outside

the parameters mentioned above will not be applied in this study.

Data Gathering Instrument

A research instrument will be used to gather sufficient data needed to

complete the study. The instruments that will be used are field investigations,

specifically traffic counts and documentations and retrieving data from secondary

data references.

Field Investigation will be used by conducting traffic count in Sitio Baras (Camp

Sabros), Purok Bayanihan (Market Place), and Sitio Mainit. The data collected

will be used to determine the number of vehicles passing through the areas

mentioned. Aside from traffic counts, picture documentation of problematic areas

in the barangay will also be used in the assessment of the existing main road.

Secondary Data References will be used to collect data from Local Government

Unit (LGU), City Planning and Development, and Department of Public Works

and Highways (DPWH). The data collected will be used to assess the current

main road of Barangay Kapatagan, Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit based on the

Traffic Engineering Design.

Procedure of the Study


During the field investigation (i.e., traffic counts and documentation):

1. The group will be divided to man in stations starting from Sitio Baras

(Camp Sabros), Purok Bayanihan (Market Place), and Sitio Mainit to

conduct the traffic count.

2. Pictures will be taken upon scouring the site of any problem areas (e.g.,

depressed areas and sewage).

3. Assessment will be done by comparing the results from the field

investigation to the secondary data references (i.e., Kapatagan Road Map,

and Handbook of Traffic Engineering Design Standards in the Philippines).

4. In obtaining secondary information, the researchers will create a validated

letter to the City Planning and Development Coordinator and Local

Government Unit (LGU) to access the needed references that will be

helpful in this study.

Methods of Data Analysis

The researchers will use content analysis and thematic analysis.

According to Agarwal (2019) there are two common types of content analysis

and those are the conceptual analysis which determines the existence and

frequency of concepts in the response of the respondent, and the relational

analysis which deals to develop the conceptual analysis further by examining the

relationships among concepts. These describe common words, phrases, ideas

and to identify and interpret patterns and themes in collecting the data.

Average Daily Traffic (ADT)

The ADT, also known as mean daily traffic, is the average number

of vehicles passing through a certain spot on a road in a short period of

time (often 7 days or less). It's calculated by multiplying the total daily

volumes for a certain time by the number of days in the period. (Traffic

Data Computation Method POCKET GUIDE, 2018).




1700 RATIO 1700



1700 RATIO 1700

The most basic unit for traffic monitoring and forecasting is the

ADT. It gives an aggregated traffic volume measurement. When used


together, it is used in conjunction with other traffic data items to determine

the size or function of planned highways, particularly those with low or

moderate traffic volumes.

Ethical Considerations

This study will incorporate ethical concepts, and the researchers will make

sure that moral concerns are considered and used appropriately. When

conducting the study, the researchers will consider the requirements and

interests of those who may be impacted, making sure that sufficient supervision

is in place for the conduct of the research and that a foundation of trust is

established. To maintain responsibility, trust, respect for one another, and

fairness in all values that must be shared by all parties engaged in the study,

ethical consideration is extremely important, as explained by Chetty (2016).

Informed Consent

The researchers will present a formal letter outlining their intentions for

gathering and carrying out field research. (What Is Informed Consent in

Research? - Definition & Purpose, 2013). The researchers will provide a letter of

consent to the parties concerned as part of the research since it is crucial to

preserve formality. For the people involved to be informed and educated about

the entire study, the letter will include information about the research study, its

advantages, hazards, and other data required.



This chapter discusses the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of

data. Field investigation was used to gather data at Barangay Kapatagan, Digos

City. The data gathering was conducted for 5 days, in addition, according to Palo

(2019), the main point of view in doing traffic surveys is to identify the current

state of transport and for design and solution of transport in the upcoming years.

In collecting traffic data, traffic surveys are performed which consist in counting

the quantity of vehicles of different categories.

The Traffic Condition from Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan,

Digos City, in term of:


Table 5.a

Traffic condition in terms of Days

Mon 6011 1503 0.1 Below Capacity
Tue 4943 1236 0.07 Below Capacity
Wed 5271 1318 0.08 Below Capacity
Thu 7580 1895 0.11 Below Capacity
Fri 4698 1175 0.07 Below Capacity
Sat 8006 2002 0.12 Below Capacity
Sun 5309 1327 0.08 Below Capacity

TOTAL 41818 10455 0.60 Reaching Capacity

Table 5.a presents a data that was from the traffic count conducted by the

researcher, during their data gathering. All the days from Monday to Sunday are

under the condition of below capacity in terms of Volume/Capacity Ratio.

Saturday has the highest ratio while Tuesday has the lowest ratio.

The data shows that the capacity of roads from Sitio Baras (Camp Sabros)

to Sitio Mainit are sufficient to accommodate all the vehicles that will pass by

these roads. Based on the data by traffic count, the condition of the roads at

Barangay Kapatagan is adequate to be used by different types of vehicles daily.

Table 5.b

Traffic Condition in terms of Time (Peak Hrs.)

TIME (Peak Hrs.)



AM 22233 11117 0.6 Reaching Capacity

PM 19585 9793 0.56 Reaching Capacity

  TOTAL 83636 31364 1.80 Beyond Capacity

The table presents the data of the traffic count conducted during the data

gathering of the researcher. A field investigation was conducted at a specific time

of the day specifically during peak hours. Both peak hours in the morning and in

the afternoon is under the condition of Reaching Capacity in terms of

Volume/Capacity Ratio (pg.11, Table 1).

The data shows that the condition of the roads from Sitio Baras (Camp

Sabros) to Sitio Mainit has almost reach its capacity to accommodate all the

vehicles that passes on these roads. This indicates that there is a high number of

vehicles that passes through the roads of Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay

Kapatagan, Digos City. Based on the table presented, it indicates that the road

capacity at Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City is crowded for it has an equivalent

Volume to Capacity Ratio of Reaching Capacity.

Table 5.c

Traffic Condition in terms of Location




1 Sitio Baras 7241 3621 0.2 Below Capacity

2 Petron 13986 6993 0.40 Below Capacity
3 Prk. Apo Centro 18612 18612 1.07 Beyond Capacity
4 Sitio Mainit 1979 1979 0.11 Below Capacity
TOTAL 41818 31205 1.79 Beyond Capacity

Table 5.c presents the data from the traffic count that was conducted by

the researchers during their data gathering. The researcher purposely chooses

four stations along the roads from Sitio Baras (Camp Sabros) to Sitio Mainit

Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City. The three location is under Below Capacity

Ratio, while one station is under Beyond capacity Ratio.

The data shows that the three station that is under Below Capacity Ratio

is adequate to accommodate all the vehicle that pass through the stations. The

station that is under Beyond Capacity Ratio indicates that road capacity at the

specific location is filled with many different types of vehicles that passes through

the station. Based on the data presented in the table, the condition of the roads

at the third location is crowded with vehicles and the capacity of the roads is

inadequate to accommodate all the vehicles that leads to accidents, bottlenecks,

and traffic congestions.

Table 5.d

Traffic Condition in terms of Types of Vehicles




1 Heavy Truck 584 83.429 0.005 Below Capacity

2 Medium Truck 1431 204.43 0.012 Below Capacity
3 Small Truck 1678 239.71 0.014 Below Capacity
4 Utility Vehicle 567 81 0.005 Below Capacity
5 Light Vehicle 22856 3265.1 0.19 Below Capacity
6 Tricycle 896 128 0.01 Below Capacity
7 Rickshaw 2687 383.86 0.03 Below Capacity
8 Motorcycle 10934 1562 0.09 Below Capacity
9 Bicycle 185 26.429 0.002 Below Capacity
  TOTAL 41818 5974 0.3 Below Capacity

Table 5.d presents the data from the traffic count conducted during the

data gathering of the researcher. The types of vehicles that is found in the table

are the vehicles that is considered by the researcher present at location and is

also considered as part of the scope of the study. All the types of vehicles are

under Below Capacity Ratio. The most common types of vehicles that are

present at the roads of Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan Digos

City are Light Vehicles (Refer to Appendix D.).

The data shows that all the types of vehicles are under the Below

Capacity Ratio, this indicates that the road capacity from Sitio Baras to Sitio

Mainit is adequate to use by the vehicles. In addition, the roads from Sitio Baras

to Sitio Mainit is long that the data of the the traffic will yield to Beyond Capacity

Ratio, thus, the result of Table 5.c in terms of location is right. There is a specific

location where the number of vehicles fill up. Furthermore, the most common

types of vehicles that passes through the roads of Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit are

Light vehicles. The condition of the roads of Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit are

adequate to accommodate all the vehicles that passes through, this indicates

that the types of vehicles that passes through these roads are minimal for the

roads of Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit are long in terms of distance.

The existing traffic engineering design at Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit,

Barangay Kapatagan is sufficient to support its current traffic conditions.

The tables below present the existing traffic engineering design from Sitio

Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City. The table are themed

according to the existing traffic engineering design at Barangay Kapatagan,

Digos City.

Table 6.a

Traffic Engineering Design – Cliff Railings



At least 1 meter from You will see that this

the hazard they are region has a high

shielding and offset by elevation and lacks

(at least) 4 meters from any side barriers or

the road (if the cross- railings, even though it

section permits) to allow is already a cliff. The

safe stopping. risk was also added by

the curve.

There are areas in Baranggay Kapatagan Road that need cliff railings.

Cliff railings are essential to highway safety, especially in rural, high elevation

areas. It is supposed to keep cars within the road, keep them from falling off or

slow the cars down. Safety barriers such this cliff railing improve roadside safety

when hazards in the clear zone cannot be removed, relocated, or modified. If

used around a curve, a safety barrier should only be installed because it is the

sole remaining option for reducing crash severity on that curve.

Table 6.b

Traffic Engineering Design – Road Maintenance



For hot mix asphalt This one's lack of road

(asphalt concrete maintenance is evident

pavement), the from the cracks and

minimum compaction holes in the roads. The

requirement is 91%, and foundation is weak

for crushed surfacing because some of the

and base courses, it is cement is broken apart.


The most common indicators of insufficient road maintenance are

presence of potholes and bumpy roads, as seen on some areas of Barangay

Kapatagan. These can possibly lead to mobility constraints, significantly raised

vehicle operation cost due to sustained vehicular damage and an increase in

accident rates if the situation worsens.

Table 6.c

Traffic Engineering Design – Landslide Measures


From the image there is

Slopes that are no slope mitigating in this

flattened and well- situation. The road's side

rounded are excellent has a steep vertical slope

in areas with wide that increases the

terrain and flat to likelihood that it may

rolling topography. collapse, which might be

very problematic in that


Designing road cuts and embankments should be done and should have

been done for already-existing road cuts and embankments, in accordance with

the most recent standards and construction norms. Proper shaping of roadside

slopes is crucial. The visible transition from the road to the existing land features

is smooth on slopes that do this. Such slopes are also necessary for efficient

erosion control, sufficient drainage, and low maintenance. To provide a seamless

transition from the shoulder edge to the existing grades, all slopes should be


Table 6.d

Traffic Engineering Design – Road Illumination



 If the lighting We can see from the

specifications are met, provided image that

the use of outdoor there is no alternate

luminaires with high lighting or road

efficiency linear/compact illumination on this

fluorescent/LED lighting road. Because there

may be permitted for are no houses

pedestrian paths in rural nearby, the region is

areas, alleys, and rather dark.

barangay roads of one to  

three (1-3) meters.

Poor road illumination makes it difficult to maneuver roads, especially at

night. Accidents have occurred because of low visibility. Excellent road

illumination would not only help in accident mitigation in Barangay Kapatagan but

would also help pedestrian with weak eyesight travel at night with ease.

Table 6.e

Traffic Engineering Design – Traffic Signs & Road Markings



Use them only on the

As we can see, there
outside of the curve
are no apparent traffic
and always display
signs or road markers in
them in both
the region, making it
directions (unless
particularly dangerous
dealing with a one-
for drivers that are going
way road). Make that
your CAMs are


One crucial safety measure to stop cars from driving off the road is the

visual direction of drivers along highway signage. Road users are given direction,

information, and understanding about the path ahead through signage. Warning

signs on mountainous highways, like this one in Baranggay Kapatagan, are

important because this is a particularly dangerous stretch of road. Because it

serves as a warning system for drivers and/or riders of subpar road conditions or

sudden changes in the geometry of the road. But keep in mind that warning signs

shouldn't have a speed restriction sign as an additional plate. Regulatory and

warning signals must be kept apart.


Table 6.f

Traffic Engineering Design – Pedestrian Facilities


The entire project design

There are no
must include pedestrian
pedestrian facilities
links between site
placed to ensure the
buildings and public
safety of the people
transportation facilities.
in this area, which is
Facilities for pedestrians
a public market
must be planned to
where we can expect
minimize the need for
there are many
driving both within the
development and between

neighboring projects. 

The overall project design must include pedestrian connections between

public transportation facilities and site buildings. Pedestrian facilities must be

designed to reduce the use of motor vehicles for trips within and between

developments. Even though Baranggay Kapatagan is a rural area, pedestrian

facilities are required to ensure everyone's safety. As a result, the overall site

plan should consider including pedestrians to reduce risk in the area.


Table 6.g

Traffic Engineering Design – Road Studs


Due to the lack of

The best material to lighting, this location is

use for pavement dark when night falls.

markings is People who are familiar

thermoplastic, and with Kapatagan know that

glass beads should be the area is frequently

used to make them fogged in, necessitating

reflective. the use of road lights for


To improve visibility at night, raised reflective pavement markers (RRPMs)

or road studs may be used in addition to road markings. On wet roads, RRPMs

offer significant advantages, making them ideal for Baranggay Kapatagan. In

addition to lane lines, centerlines, barrier lines, edge lines, traffic islands, and

median markings, they may also be utilized independently. Additionally, it can be

seen in rain and fog, which can infrequently be found in Barangay Kapatagan.

When driving would be hazardous due to bad weather, these road studs would

be quite useful.

Table 6.h

Traffic Engineering Design – Drainage


  Roadway to drainage Baranggay Kapatagan is

bottom slopes must be a hilly terrain, therefore

at least four to one or when it rains, the water

higher. On main storm current is high. This

sewers, the maximum makes it dangerous,

distance between especially if there isn't

access structures, good drainage or a water

such as catch basins storage that can stop the

or manholes, shall be road from eroding.

300 feet.

Drainage is really needed in this area for it provide an important function in

sustaining quality roads by providing adequate storm and subgrade groundwater

drainage. However, drainage that are extremely deep or wide can negatively

affect safety, the rural atmosphere of a road, and vegetation. When it rains, water

may flow over the road and the slope (flash floods). Because it makes the road

slick and erodes the pavement, water over the road is undesirable. More

significantly, water on or directly below the pavement increases the pore water

pressure in the pavement and basement, which has the effect of hastening the

deterioration of the road and the development of cracks and potholes in the

pavement. Therefore, a drainage allowing water flow from the slope to be

diverted should be present on the uphill side of the road.




This study aimed to assess the existing main road of Barangay Kapatagan

based on the traffic engineering design and recommendations have been made

on the traffic engineering design in Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay

Kapatagan, Digos City.

Specifically, it sought to address these statements:

1. The traffic conditions from Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay

Kapatagan, Digos City in terms of:

1.1 Day

1.2 Time

1.3 Location

1.4 Type of Vehicle

2. The existing traffic engineering design in Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit,

Barangay Kapatagan is sufficient to support its current traffic conditions.

In this study, the researchers used qualitative research method that used

phenomenological research design that was utilize to study and evaluate the

traffic engineering design in Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City. In which it involved

in collecting data to understand concepts, experiences and phenomenon that can

be used to gather in-depth insights of a problem or generate new ideas for


research. This study was conducted in the course of one (1) semester in Cor

Jesu College, Inc., from February to June 2022. The research instrument used

were field investigation such as traffic count and documentation, and from

secondary data references.

Summary of Findings

The primary data was collected through field investigations, specifically,

traffic surveys and picture documentations. The traffic surveys examined the

current traffic conditions in terms of the day, time, location, type and number of

vehicles. Furthermore, picture documentations of problematic areas in Sitio

Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan were done to assess the existing

traffic engineering designs in the mentioned sitios. The data yielded from the

picture documentations showed that there is an insufficiency of traffic

engineering designs to support the current traffic conditions in Sitio Baras to Sitio

Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City. The following traffic engineering

designs are lacking or insufficient in the area.

1. Lack of Cliff Railings

2. Lack of Proper Road Maintenance

3. Insufficient Landslide Measure

4. Insufficient Road Illumination

5. Insufficient Traffic Signs and Road Markings

6. Insufficient Pedestrian Facilities


7. Non-existent Road Studs and lastly,

8. Lack of Proper Drainage

Adapting these traffic engineering designs would help to make it sufficient to

support the existing traffic conditions in Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit, Barangay

Kapatagan, Digos City.


The researchers have learned so much over the course of this study. The

planning of route system and development of traffic engineering designs were

both difficult to undertake, for it takes a long time to achieve this. However, the

goal of this study was to assess the existing main road of Barangay Kapatagan

from Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit based on the traffic engineering design. It has

been found that the existing traffic engineering designs in Sitio Baras to Sitio

Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan is not sufficient and appropriate to the current traffic

conditions in the concerned Sitios. The inappropriate traffic engineering designs

caused difficulty to manage traffic in their area and an increase in accident


The researchers also aimed to make recommendations on the traffic

engineering design in Sitio Baras to SItio Mainit, Barangay Kapatagan, Digos

City. These recommendations stemmed from what was seen as solutions to the

problems found in the traffic engineering design, as a product of the field


documentations done in the study, these recommendations were done with the

guidance of Civil Engineers who extended their time and knowledge to assist in

this study.

The findings from this research would greatly help the community as it will

help in the future developments of the barangay. Moreover, data gathered in this

study would contribute to future civil engineering projects, for it would open up an

avenue of projects connected to route system and traffic engineering designs

that are sustainable and adaptive to the demands of future progress.

Furthermore, this research would help the Local Government Unit (LGU) to

develop, review and integrate effective route system and traffic engineering

designs such as installation of cliff railings, improved roads markings and putting

up proper signage.

This study has faced several challenges that made it a little harder to

accomplish the completion of this paper. For one, the insufficiency of available

secondary data references offered by the agencies that the researchers

contacted. However, despite that, this study still managed to address and answer

the research questions.

Finally, for future researchers who plan to pursue and further develop this

study, they should integrate the detailed planning of route systems, complete

with the road networks and the development of traffic engineering designs in

Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.



Primary Recommendation

To the Civil Engineers

Engineers in the field of traffic engineering must consider the whole

picture to maximize traffic flow and eliminate congestion. Vehicle mobility on

roads and highways, as well as pedestrian movement. Traffic engineers work

hard to improve traffic calming in residential areas in addition to improving traffic

flow, building highways, and installing road signs and lighting. Our traffic

engineers design roads and traffic signs that help us move from point A to point

B quickly and safely. Drivers may get confused in their perceptions of

expectations when they engage with other cars entering or exiting the roadway,

resulting in unpleasant conduct on their side. Certain expressways may become

freeways in the future, they should be planned, operated, and maintained at the

greatest level possible to ensure long-term success.

Local Government Units (LGU)

LGUs shall implement the establishment of a network of cycling lanes and

walking paths to support people’s mobility in their respective localities. LGUs

shall review all local roads within its areas of jurisdiction, including provincial,

city/municipal, and barangay roads, and determine sections that may be

developed into a continuous cycling lanes network with walking paths.

1. In terms of mobility and safety, rural expressways are identical to

freeways. Additionally, when the route is expanded, expressways

may become freeways in the future. Fulfill the demands of the

traffic. All rural expressways have a 3.65 m minimum lane width.

2. A sufficient shoulder on rural expressways is required for

emergency parking, disabled cars, and emergency response

vehicles. The shoulder also offers important protection. Improve

traffic flow and capacity for motorcycles and bikes. This statement

is based on our actual survey from Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit

Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.

3. Engineers should not compromise the design and implementation

of projects, such as using substandard construction materials, to

save construction costs. This statement is based on the DPWH.

4. Engineers should integrate all the design parameters such as

conducting geotechnical study and works, establishing the seismic

hazard characteristics and following the standards in the

Department of Public Works and Highways to ensure the structural

integrity of the Highways.

The following are the effective Traffic Engineering Designs recommended

by the researchers pertaining to Sitio Baras to Sitio Mainit Barangay Kapatagan,

Digos City.

1. Traffic signs are required to give cars route details, instructions,

and warnings. To ensure that road users get the intended

message, these should be obvious. Examples include No passing,

Slippery Roads, No Parking, Upcoming Crossroads, etc.

2. Street lighting has been suggested as a potentially low-cost

measure that might reduce road accidents. Street illumination may

help drivers see better and be more aware of potential hazards on

the road.

3. Rumble strips are a road safety a feature that causes a tactile

vibration and an auditory rumble that is sent via the wheels into the

car's interior to warn distracted drivers of potential hazard.

4. Guard Rails - The function of a guard rails is to keep drivers safe

when they exit the highway. The rail is designed to keep

automobiles from colliding with things like steep embankments,

slopes, utility poles, retaining, and bridge pillars.

5. Crosswalks are one of the most important parts of the roads and of

road safety. Crosswalks are there to protect both automobiles and

pedestrians from harm. Without crosswalks, walking on our

highways would be extremely unsafe.

6. Road Markings - Help Regulate Traffic, Motorists who are on the

road must adhere to existing driving and traffic regulations. Road

markings support this by highlighting driving maneuvers that are

allowed on specific segments or stretches of the road.


To the Future Researchers

Finally, for future researchers who plan to pursue and further develop this

study, they should integrate the detailed planning of route systems, complete

with the road networks and the development of traffic engineering designs in

Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City.

Planning of route systems and development of traffic engineering designs

in Barangay Kapatagan, Digos City is a tedious task that will take a long time to

complete. It is best to partner up with government agencies like Provincial

Engineering’s Office, City Tourism’s Office and City Planning and Development

to fully maximize the efforts in the practical application of this study.

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