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Choose A, B, C, or D which is the most correct answer!
1. The man is carrying a luggage using his …..

A. ear C. nose
B. eye D. hand
2. The salt tastes …..
A. bitter C. sour
B. sweet D. salty
3. We have ….. to taste a cake.
A. ear C. nose
B. eye D. tongue
4. Use your ….. to operate the TV touchscreen.
A. finger C. sight
B. leg D. hair
5. A dog has strong sensory in its nose. It can ….. things hidden in the box or bag.
A. Touch C. Taste
B. Smell D. See
6. Samuel : Do you know the function of ear?
Samy : Yes, I do. It is for …..
A. touching C. hearing
B. smelling D. seeing
7. He is writing using his …..
A. Eye C. Nose
B. Hand D. Lip
8. We have ….. senses.
A. four C. six
B. five D. seven
9. Many of friends like Prita, because she is a ….. kid.

A. helpful C. smiley
B. kind D. polite
10. He is writing using his …..
A. Eye C. Nose
B. Hand D. Lip
11. You should took a queue ticket and …..
A. be polite C. knock the door
B. wait your turn D. help parent
12. Don’t make a ….. noise. When someone is sleeping.
A. silent C. loud
B. quiet D. quick
13. Help your parent is manner in …..
A. Class C. School
B. Home D. Office
14. When we talk to our teacher, we have to …..
A. bully him C. use polite words
B. keep the class neat D. bother him
15. She likes ….. her mom.

A. helping C. seeing
B. arguing D. pushing
16. My uncle is a …..

A. engineer C. plumber
B. gardener D. fire fighter
17. Vero : Do you like gardening?
Kayla : No, ……
A. I do C. you do
B. I don’t D. you don’t
18. Laila always ….. the plants using watering can at her small garden.
A. waters C. loves
B. eats D. sees
19. We take soil using ……
A. hose C. gloves
B. watering can D. trowel
20. Look, there are many bees in the …..

A. grass C. trees
B. beehive D. soil
Read the text below to answer questions number 21 – 25!
My Garden
Hi, my name is Jennie. My house has a big garden. It's really big enough for many
plants. There're many trees and plants like mango, jackfruit, pineapple, papaya, and lime.
My mom and I planted vegetables like spinach and Chinese cabbage there. There are
hundreds of anthurium flowers in my garden. Anthurium is my mom's favorite flower.
21. What is the title of the text above?
A. My garden C. My hobby
B. My house has a big garden D. flowers in my garden
22. What is Jennie’s mom favorite plant?
A. mango C. sunflower
B. lime D. anthurium
23. Is there any hundreds of anthurium?
A. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it is not.
B. No, it is not. D. No, it is.
24. Do Jennie and her mom planted spinach and Chinese cabbage in the garden?
A. Yes, they do. C. Yes, she doesn’t.
B. No, they don’t. D. No, she doesn’t.
25. The total types of trees and plants in the garden are …..
A. eight C. ten
B. nine D. hundreds
26. Cooperate with other students is manner in …..
C. Class C. School
D. Home D. Office
27. Students should ….. teacher’s explanation in the class.
A. See C. Smell
B. Hold D. Listen
28. Teacher: Please mention the function of …..!
Student : We can hold or take things.
A. Eye C. Nose
B. Hand D. Lip
29. Please use your ….. to operate the TV touchscreen.
A. Eye C. Nose
B. Hand D. Lip
30. The lemon tastes …..
A. bitter C. sour
B. sweet D. salty

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