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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name : _____________________________________ Score : _____________
Grade and Section : ___________________________ Date : ____________

I. Multiple Choice: Read each questons carefully and then choose the letter of the best answer. Write your aswers
before the number.

Test I. Vocabulary Test Give the word that is closest to the meaning of the underlined word. Make use of context
clues to arrive at the correct answer.

1. The doctor ordered the isolation of sick patients from their families.
a. combination b. keeping c. separation
2. If you want to shift responsibility, shift it on to me.
a. maintain b. loosen c. transfer
3. He moved away as if there had been contamination in my touch.
a. cure b. infection c. healing
4. Consumer hoarding of limited goods, such as alcohol and mask, is creating shortages in stores.
a. give b. hide c. waste
5. I have allowed myself to give away to panic like a child in the dark.
a. To be calmed b. to be afraid c. to be contented
6. The manager gave entry restrictions to his employees. They are not allowed to enter their work place
without wearing a face mask.
a. freedom b. Limit c. off limit
7. The child did not know what to say, he is uncertain of his thoughts.
a. clarity b. confuse c. sureness
8. The woman’s compassion for others led her to become a nun.
a. indifference b. hatred c. kindness
9. His summer vacation is productive for he managed to create a mini-garden in their home.
a. fruitful b. unhelpful c. valueless
10. The book accurately captures the mindset of the teenage girl.
a. physical state b. reaction c. way of thinking
Items 11-20 from the play “ A Raisin in the Sun”. Analyze the question carefully and choose the correct answer from
the choices given.
11. The Younger’s apartment can be described as
a. nice but not cared for. c. nice and cared for.
b. shabby but cared for. d. shabby but not cared for.
12. The relationship between Ruth and Walter could be described as…
a. calm c. tense
b. loving d. violent
13. What is the news Ruth finds out at the doctor's office?
a. She is pregnant. c. She is diabetic.
b. She has a severe asthma. d. She has a chronic fatigue syndrome.
14. What does Walter want to do with the insurance money?
a. Buy a car c. Move to a house
b. Start a business d. He has no opinion.
15. What does Beneatha want to do with her life?
a. Become a doctor c. Become an author
b. Become a flight attendant d. Marry a rich man
16. In what city do the Youngers live?
a. Chicago c. New York City
b. Los Angeles d. St. Louis
17. Which among the themes was highlighted when the Younger family refused to accept the money they were
offered by the white?
a. dreams, hopes and plans c. dignity in the midst of suffering
b. family dynamics and love d. rebellion and stubbornness
18. What does “A Raisin in the Sun” symbolize in the play?
a. The dreams of the family c. The conflict in the characters’ decisions
b. The struggles of the characters d. The house where the family lived
19. Which event is included in the rising action of the story?
a. Lena received the insurance money.
b. The Youngers moved out from the house.
c. Conflict arose due to the characters’ individual dreams.
d. Walter loses the insurance money.
20. If mama had the means (opportunity), her hobby would be…
a.. sewing c. singing in the choir
b. gardening d. traveling
21. What do we call the tendency to favor one person, group, thing or point of view over another, often in an
unfair way?
a.Bias b. Favor c. Prejudice d. Pride
22. What is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought or reason?
a.Bias b. Favor c. Prejudice d. Pride
23. What is the play which debuted on Broadway in 1959 and was titled after a famous verse in Harlem?
a. A Raisin in the Sun b. Harlem
c. Black Family in Chicago d. Younger’s Family in Chicago
24. Who is the author of the Play about the black family in Chicago?
a. Langston Hudges b. Lorraine Hunsberry
b. Carrie Lee d. Edgar Allan Poe
25. What does it mean to identify the differences?
a. Compare b. Contrast c. Discover d. Find
26. Comparing is to look at the _____, and contrasting is looking at the _____.
a. difference, similarities b. differences, differences c. similarities, differences d.opposites, same
27. When two things are different they are?
a. The same b. They are not the same or unlike each other c. They are clones d. All the above.
28. Jim likes playing sports. His favorites are football and baseball. John doesn't like sports,
his favorite activity is reading books. How are Jim and John different.
a. They both like sports. c. John is a fan of baseball and Jim is a fan of football.
b. Both Jim and John like reading books. d. Jim likes playing sports, while John likes reading books.
29. When two things are the same they are?
a. Alike b. Opposites c. They are different. d. All of the above
30. What is the definition of contrast?
a. Explain how something is the same from something else c . When two objects are found together.
b. Explain how something is different from something else. d. All of the above
31. What tool is useful when comparing and contrasting two things?
a. KWL Chart b. Venn Diagram c. Brainstorming Web d. T-Chart
32. On a Venn Diagram where do you put the similarities?
a. Right Side b. Left Side c. Middle d. None of the Above
33. . In Science class, you have to read about potential and kinetic energy. In Social Studies class,
you read about mummies and pyramids. How is Science class and Social Studies class different?
a. In both Science and Social Studies you read.
b. You watch videos in science and read in Social Studies.
c. In Science you read about potential and Kinetic energy and in Social Studies you read about
mummies and pyramids.
d. All of the above.
34. When using a Venn Diagram for contrasting, which parts of the diagram do you use?
a. Middle b. Right Side c. Right and Left Sides d. Left Side
35. Alaska and Hawaii are both states. Alaska has a cold climate, while Hawaii has a warm climate.
How are Alaska and Hawaii similar?
a. Alaska and Hawaii are both states. c. Alaska is cold and Hawaii is hot.
b. Alaska is not a part of the United States d. They both have cold climates.

Test II. Read and analyze the statements below. Look for a word in the word pool that you could associate with
prejudice and bias.

Racism Rejection Discrimination Isolation Prejudgement

Favoritism Unfairness Partiality One-sideness Dislike
36. Treating People in a way that favors some over others.
37. Showing of special favor.
38. State of being partial.
39. Showing only one opnion or point of view.
40. A feeling of not liking or approving of something or someone.
41. Poor treatment of or violence against people beacaus of their race.
42. The practice of unfairely treating a person or group of people differently from other people or group of
43. The action of negating.
44. The state of being in a place or situation that is separated from others.
45. To form an opinion abut someone or something before you have enough understanding or knowledge.

Test III A. IDENTIFICATION : Identify whether the statement for each item shows bias or prejudice. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
46. A mentally disabled person should not be allowed to go to school. They do not possess the capacity to learn.
47. A big amount of food was shared with his closest neighbor only.
48. He's considered dumb because his grades in all subjects are poor.
49. The newly opened hotel in our town accommodates only rich people.
50. Being a new member of the group, his opinion was rejected during the meeting as the senior officers
underrated this.
51. The Filipinos were not lucky enough to be selected in the contest because they were considered
incompetent to match other countries' strengths.
52. On her birthday, she announces to his classmates that only close friends are invited.
53. All Asians are considered inferior in the knowledge of the international language.
54. Not hiring someone because of their age or gender.
55. Assuming someone is gay because of the way he acts.
56. .Bullying and discriminating against someone with a disability.
57. Accepting exclusive membership of clubs where certain people are not allowed.
58. Posting a negative comment on social media about the economic status of a family.

Test III B. Read the following sentences and determine whether each used comparing or contrasting. Write your
answers on the space provided.

59. Both Aljon and Coco are good leading men.

60. Tomas likes ice cream but his brother John prefers hot chocolate.
61. It's important to remember that time is money even though many believe that money is more important.
62. Unlike time or money, desire for new learnings is an unlimited resource.
63. While Ana is a nurse, her sister Maria is a lawyer.
64. Diane likes country music whie David prefers classical.
65. Angela is performing well in academics, at the same time she enjoys joining extra currilar activities.
Test IV. ESSAY: The possible implementation of limited face to face for the current School Year was presented in the
news in previous months. Based from the information presented by the department of Education, Do you think it is
possible to implement face to face classes despite the fact that Covid 19 virus is still I the community? (10 points)
Test V. OUTPUT- BASED. Play Review. Compose a simple play review on the play “ A raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine
Hunsberry. Consider the following preliminaries. (25 points)
Title of the Play:___________________________________________________________________________
Name of the Playwright: ____________________________________________________________________
Background of the Playwright: _______________________________________________________________
(Include pertinent information about the play and the author)
Background of the Play: ____________________________________________________________________
Discuss how a play differs from other literary forms:______________________________________________
Note: The task was given prior to the scheduled examination.

Prepared By: Cheked by:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher I

Subject Teacher Noted by:


Subject Teacher OIC, Principal IV

Parent’s Signature
Rubrics for Play Review:

5 4 3 2
CATEGORY Exceeds Standards Grade Level Basic Below Basic
I have at least 1 paragraph that I have at least 1 I have identified I did not show
Understanding summarizes the important paragraph that the problem and that I have
story elements of the play. I summarizes the solution. understood
give details and have important story what the play
remembered characters names, elements of the was about.
setting, problem and how it play.
was solved.
Opinion I have not only clearly stated I have given my I have given my I have just
my opinion, but I have taken opinion of the opinion and I given my
time to use connotative play and have at explain why. opinion with
vocabulary to stress my point least 3 clear no real reason.
when I describe 3 reasons why reasons why.
I did or did not like it.

Elements of play In my review I have described In my review I In my review I I did not list or
certain elements of the play in have described have mentioned mention
great detail and critiqued them certain elements different elements of a
(dialogue, scenery, acting, of the play and elements of a play
costumes, etc.) critiqued them play (dialogue,
(dialogue, scenery, acting,
scenery, acting, costumes, etc.)
costumes, etc.)

Grammar and My work is free (or almost My work has few My work needs My work has
Mechanics free) of grammar and spelling grammar and editing for many many errors in
errors. spelling errors. grammar and grammar and
spelling errors. spelling and it
interferes with

Areas of A B C D
Ideas Presents ideas in an Presents ideas in a Ideas are too Ideas are vague or
original manner consistent manner general unclear

Organization Strong and organized Organized Some organization; No organization;

beg/mid/end beg/mid/end attempt at a lack beg/mid/end

Understanding Writing shows strong Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows
understanding clear understanding adequate little
understanding understanding
Word Choice Sophisticated use of Nouns and verbs Needs more nouns Little or no use of
nouns and verbs make make essay and verbs nouns and verbs
the essay very informative
Sentence Sentence structure Sentence structure Sentence structure No sense of
Structure enhances meaning; is evident; is limited; sentences sentence
flows throughout the sentences mostly need to flow structure or flow
piece flow

Mechanics Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous errors

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