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Chapter 2 Scope ➢ Federal financial procedure
➢ Provincial financial procedure
➢ Distribution of revenues between federation and provinces
➢ Federal / provincial legislative list
Constitution of Pakistan ➢ prime source of all legislations in Pakistan
➢ provides that tax for Federation shall be levied under the authority of Act of Parliament (Article 77)
➢ distributes powers among Federation and Provinces
➢ provides procedures for levy and collection of taxes
➢ provides procedures for use of funds received
FEDERAL FINANCIAL Federal consolidated fund (FCF) and ➢ All Revenues, loans, repayment of loans by FG form part of Federal Consolidated Fund
PROCEDURES public account (Article 78) ➢ All other monies by FG, or by SC or any court under Federation credited to the Public Account of the Federation

Custody of federal consolidated fund ➢ Regulated by Act of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

and public account [Article 79] ➢ Rules made by the President (until above provisions are not made)

Expenditure charged upon federal ➢ remuneration of the President and expenses related to his office
consolidated fund [Article 81] ➢ remuneration of
i. Judges of SC & IHC
ii. Chief Election Commissioner
(Q3) iii. Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Senate
iv. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the NA
v. Auditor General
➢ The administrative expenses, including remuneration to officers and servants of SC, IHC, Dept. of Auditor General, Office of Chief
Election Commissioner and Election Commission and Secretariats of Senate and NA
➢ All debt charges and other charges for which FG is liable, including interest, SF charges, Repayment and amortization of capital,
other loan raising expenditure, and redemption of debt on the security of federal consolidated fund
➢ Any sum required to satisfy any judgment against Pakistan
➢ Any other sum declared by Constitution or Parliament

Annual Budget statement [Article 80] ➢ FG shall in respect of every financial year laid before NA
➢ a statement of estimated receipts and expenditure of FG
➢ show separately:
i. sums required to meet expenditure described by the Constitution from Federal Consolidated Fund
ii. sums required to meet other proposed expenditure from Federal Consolidated Fund
➢ distinguish expenditure on revenue account from other expenditure
Procedure relating to annual budget ➢ expenditure related to Federal Consolidated Fund may be discussed in NA, but not submitted to vote
statement [Article 82] ➢ other expenditure shall be discussed in NA in the form of demands for grant, to vote
however, demand shall be deemed to be assented unless it is refused/ reduction in amount by majority of members of NA
➢ No demand for a grant except on recommendation of FG
Authentication of schedule of ➢ The PM shall authenticate by his signature a schedule specifying:
authorized expenditure [Article 83] i. grants made by NA
ii. several sums required to meet the expenditure charged upon the Federal Consolidated Fund
➢ Authenticated schedule laid before the NA, not open to discussion or vote
➢ Expenditure from Federal Consolidated Fund deemed authorised when authenticated and laid before the NA
Supplementary and excess grants ➢ If in respect of any financial year it is found that:
[Article 84] i. amount authorized is insufficient
ii. need for expenditure not included in Annual Budget Statement
iii. amount expended in excess
➢ FG may authorize the expenditure from the Federal Consolidated Fund; and
➢ laid before the NA Supplementary/ Excess Budget Statement; and
➢ Article 80 to 83 apply accordingly
Votes on account [Article 85] ➢ NA shall have power
➢ to make any grant in advance in respect of estimated expenditure for part of any financial year
➢ not exceeding 4 months
➢ pending completion in Article 82 and authentication as in Article 83
Power to authorize expenditure ➢ In case NA stands dissolved the FG may authorize expenditure from FCF in advance in respect of estimated expenditure
when assembly stands dissolved ➢ not exceeding 4 months
[Article 86] ➢ pending completion in Article 82 and authentication as in Article 83
Secretariats of Majlis-e-Shoora ➢ Each house shall have separate secretariats, may have common posts
(Parliament) [Article 87] ➢ Parliament may regulate recruitment and conditions of service of the Secretarial staff
➢ Until provision is made by Parliament, Speaker or Chairman with the approval of the President make rules for recruitment and
conditions of service of the Secretarial staff
Finance committees [Article 88] ➢ expenditure of the NA controlled by NA on the advice of Finance Committee
➢ expenditure of the Senate controlled by Senate on the advice of Finance Committee
➢ Finance Committee consist of the speaker/ the Chairman, the Minister of Finance, such other elected members by NA or Senate
➢ Finance Committee may make Rule regulating its procedure
PROVINCIAL FINANCIAL Provincial consolidated fund and ➢ All Revenues, loans, repayment of loans by PG form part of Provincial Consolidated Fund
PROCEDURES public account (Article 118) ➢ All other monies by PG, or by HC or any court under Province credited to the Public Account of the Province
Custody of Provincial consolidated ➢ Regulated by Act of Provincial Assembly
fund and public account [Article 119] ➢ Rules made by the Governor (until above provisions are not made)
Expenditure charged upon Provincial ➢ remuneration of the Governor and expenses related to his office
consolidated fund [Article 121] ➢ remuneration of
i. Judges of HC
ii. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the PA
➢ The administrative expenses, including remuneration to officers and servants of HC and Secretariats PA
➢ All debt charges and other charges for which PG is liable, including interest, SF charges, Repayment and amortization of capital,
other loan raising expenditure
➢ Any sum required to satisfy any judgment against Province
➢ Any other sum declared by Constitution or PA
Annual Budget statement [Article ➢ PG shall in respect of every financial year laid before PA
120] ➢ a statement of estimated receipts and expenditure of PG
➢ show separately:
i. sums required to meet expenditure described by the Constitution from Provincial Consolidated Fund
ii. sums required to meet other expenditure proposed from Provincial Consolidated Fund
➢ distinguish expenditure on revenue account from other expenditure
Procedure relating to annual budget ➢ expenditure related to Provincial Consolidated Fund may be discussed in PA, but not submitted to vote
statement [Article 122] ➢ other expenditure shall be discussed in PA in the form of demands for grant, to vote
➢ No demand for a grant except on recommendation of PG
Authentication of schedule of ➢ The CM shall authenticate with signature a schedule specifying:
authorized expenditure [Article 123] i. grants made by PA
ii. several sums required to meet the expenditure charged upon the Provincial Consolidated Fund
➢ Authenticated schedule laid before the PA, not open to discussion or vote
➢ Expenditure from Provincial Consolidated Fund deemed authorised when authenticated and laid before the PA
Supplementary and excess grants ➢ If in respect of any financial year it is found that:
[Article 124] i. amount authorized is insufficient
ii. need for expenditure not included in Annual Budget Statement
iii. amount expended in excess
➢ PG authorize the expenditure from the Provincial Consolidated Fund; and
➢ laid before the PA Supplementary/ Excess Budget Statement; and
➢ Article 120 to 123 apply accordingly
Votes on account [Article 125] ➢ PA shall have power
➢ to make any grant in advance in respect of estimated expenditure
➢ not exceeding 3 months
➢ pending completion in Article 122 and authentication as in Article 123
Power to authorize expenditure ➢ In case PA stands dissolved the PG may authorize expenditure from Provincial Consolidated Fund in advance in respect of
when assembly stands dissolved estimated expenditure
[Article 126] ➢ not exceeding 4 months
➢ pending completion in Article 122 and authentication as in Article 123
Provisions relating to provincial ➢ Certain provisions of Articles are applicable on PA as follows
assembly, etc. to apply to provincial i. Parliament as PA
assembly, etc. [Article 127] ii. President as Governor
iii. FG as PG
iv. PM as CM
v. FM as PM
DISTRIBUTION OF REVENUE National Finance Commission [Article ➢ Formation time: Within 6 months of the commencing day and thereafter Intervals not exceeding 5 years
BETWEEN FEDERATION AND 160] ➢ Constituted by President
PROVINCES (Q2, Q4, Q6 & Q9(a))
➢ Consisting of Minister of Finance of FG & PGs and other persons appointed by President after consultation with Governors
➢ Duty of the Commission is to make recommendations to the President as to:
a) distribution between Federation and Provinces of net proceeds of taxes
b) the grants-in-aid by the FG to PGs
c) exercise by the FG and PGs of the borrowing powers conferred by the Constitution
d) any other matter referred by the President to the Commission
➢ Taxes in (a) above are following raised under the authority of the Parliament:
i) taxes on income, including corporation tax but not including taxes on income consisting of remuneration paid out of the
Federal Consolidated Fund (income tax)
ii) taxes on the sales and purchases of goods imported, exported, produced, manufactured or consumed (sales tax)
iii) export duties on cotton, and such other export duties as may be specified by the President; (custom duties)
iv) such duties of excise as may be specified by the President (FED); and
v) such other taxes as may be specified by the President
➢ Share of provinces in each award shall not less than previous award (share)
➢ The Federal FM and Provincial FMs shall monitor the implementation of award biannually; and
➢ lay their reports before Parliament and PAs
➢ Asap on recommendation, the President by order specify the share of net proceeds of taxes allocated to Provinces; and
➢ that share shall be paid to the Govt. of the Provinces;
➢ not form part of the Federal Consolidated Fund
➢ recommendations, together with an explanatory memorandum as to the actions taken
➢ laid before both Houses and PAs
➢ The President by order may make amendments or modifications in the law relating to the distribution of revenues between the
FG and PGs (at any time before above order).
➢ The President by order make grants-in-aid of the revenues of the Provinces in need of assistance; and
➢ such grants shall be charged upon the Federal Consolidated Fund
Natural gas and hydro-electric power ➢ FED on natural gas levied as well-head and collected by the FG
[Article 161] ➢ royalty collected by the FG
➢ not form part of the Federal Consolidated Fund
➢ paid to the Province of the well head
➢ FED on oil levied as well-head and collected by the FG
➢ not form part of the Federal Consolidated Fund
➢ paid to the Province of the well head
➢ net profits earned by the FG / undertaking by FG
➢ from bulk generation of power at a hydro-electric station
➢ paid to the Province of hydro-electric station
➢ Explanation: net profits = revenues - operating expenses (includes taxes, duties, interest, RoI, Dep, obsolescence, overheads and
provision for reserves)
Prior sanction of President required ➢ No bill or amendment shall be introduced or moved in the NA except with the previous sanction of the President which
to Bills affecting taxation in which a. imposes or varies a tax or duty the whole /part of the net proceeds is assigned to any province
provinces are interested [Article 162] b. varies meaning of "agricultural income" relating to income tax
c. affects principles of the above provisions where monies are or may be distributable to provinces
Provincial taxes in respect of ➢ PA may by Act impose taxes on persons engaged in professions, trades, callings or employments
professions, etc. [Article 163] ➢ within limits fixed by Parliament
➢ no such Act of the Assembly be regarded as imposing a tax on income
Grants out of consolidated fund ➢ The Federation or a Province may make grant for any purpose out of consolidated funds
[Article 164] ➢ even purpose is not one with respect to which Parliament or PA may make laws
Exemption of certain public property ➢ FG is not liable to taxes by the Act of PA for income or property
from taxation [Article 165] ➢ PG is not liable to taxes by the Act of Parliament or other PA for income or property
➢ Trade or business is carried by / on behalf of PG outside the Province may be taxed under the Act of Parliament or PA
➢ above does not include imposition of fees for services rendered
Power of Majlis-e-Shoora ➢ Parliament shall have power to make a law for levy /recovery of tax on income of corporations etc established /owned / controlled
(Parliament) to impose tax on the / directly / indirectly by Federal / Provincial law / Government
income of certain corporations, etc. ➢ All proceedings before commencement of Constitution deemed always to be valid and not called to question
[Article 165A] ➢ Every judgment of any court / tribunal against above deemed to be void and of no effect

LEGISLATIVE LISTS Powers of the Federation to legislate ➢ Duties of customs, including export duties.
on taxes ➢ Duties of excise, including salt, but not including alcoholic liquors, opium or other narcotics;
➢ Taxes on income other than agricultural income;
(Q1, Q5, Q7, Q8 & Q9(b)) ➢ Taxes on corporations.
➢ Taxes on the sales and purchases of goods imported, exported, produced, manufactured or consumed, except sales tax on
➢ Taxes on the capital value of the assets, not including taxes on immovable property.
➢ Taxes on mineral oil, natural gas and minerals for use in generation of nuclear energy.
➢ Taxes and duties on the production capacity of any plant, machinery, undertaking, establishment or installation in lieu of any one
or more of them.
➢ Terminal taxes on goods or passengers carried by railway, sea or air; taxes on their fares and freights.
Powers of the Provinces to legislate ➢ Agricultural income tax
on taxes ➢ Sales tax on services
➢ Taxes on transfer of immovable property
(Q10) ➢ Professional tax
➢ Tax on luxury houses
➢ Tax on registration of luxury vehicles
➢ Property tax

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