Lesson 1 (Dei Verbum)

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DEI VERBUM ➢ 1400-80 B.C.

– written before the

birth of Jesus.
➢ Pope Paul VI
➢ November 18, 1965
➢ The focus of the Bible is not only
about Jesus or prophets, but as
well as to expose the human
experience of the people.


- Bible comes from the Greek word

“biblios” means library of books.
➢ 46 books – Old Testament PENTATEUCH/TORAH
➢ 27 – New Testament
➢ 73 total books in the bible - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy
TESTAMENT - Creation story [Genesis]
- Fall of Man [Genesis]
- Covenant or agreement
- Believed to be written by Moses,
- “I will be your God and you will
- Abraham, Moses, Israelites, Laws
be my people” – Genesis 17:8
- God established everything
- Old Testament – agreement
(name, power, authority).
between God and people.
- The Israelites were disobedient
DEI VERBUM ABOUT THE BIBLE that’s why it took them 40 years
to get to the promise land. [they
➢ God revealed himself to his
built Golden Bulls as gods]
people so that they can draw
near to the father through Christ NEVIM
in the Holy Spirit.
➢ After the fall, God felt himself
responsible for man and
continued to take care of him in
order to give him eternal life and
retain the relation with God.
➢ Sin of Disobedience – sin of
Adam and Eve
➢ God established a covenant to
renew our relationship with him,
which is through obedience.


➢ written in Hebrew (Israel)

- They rely on the learning from
experience rather than divine
- Book of Job – teaches how to
endure suffering existing.


- Controversial book
- They are called
deuterocanonical because they
were written in Greek.
- It is intertestamental period –
serves as a lead towards the
happenings in the New
- 2 Macabees – discussed about
- Distribution of Land purgatory, which is not accepted
- Story of King David in other religions (and because it
- Construction of the Temple is written in Greek).
- Babylonian Exile
- Message of the Prophets about
the Messiah [prophecy about the DEI VERBUM
coming of the Messiah – ➢ The objective of the Old
obedience gives security and Testament is to prepare and
protection to the King (Jesus)] declare in prophecy the coming
- Jonah’s story – example of death of Christ, and the messianic
and resurrection of Jesus kingdom.
➢ God revealed himself to his
people, but he always expects
KETUVIM – Writings an answer from them. This answer
is the obedience of faith.


➢ All written AFTER his death.

➢ 59-120 A.D.
➢ The New Covenant is an
agreement that God has made
➢ The New Testament was written in

- These books are interested in

instruction and pedagogy
- It is the fulfillment of the mission
entrusted by Jesus to the Apostles
- Salvation and Conversion
- Story of Saul/Paul
- Martyrdom of the people during
the time.
- St. Stephen – first martyr


- The other writings are concerned
with evangelized communities
and missionary activity.
- It discussed the structure of the
church, the selection of bishops
and deacons.

“My People are destroyed for lack of

knowledge” – Hosea 4:6

- Activity of Historical Jesus

• Miracles ➢ The New Testament is hidden in
• 12 Apostles the Old and the latter is
• Mary and Joseph manifested in the former, and this
• Kingdom of God is because the books of the Old
Testament attain and display
their full meaning in the New, and
HISTORICAL in their turn, shed light on it and
explain it.
➢ They are our principal source for
the life and teaching of the
Incarnate Word (Jesus Christ).
➢ He revealed that God was with
his people through his words and
deeds, his death and
➢ God used certain men “inspired
authors” in the composition of
the Sacred Books, who wrote only
whatever God wanted to be
written and no more, even if the
writing was in a human fashion
with literary genres.
➢ Ordinary people write the gospels
➢ Sacred Tradition transmits the
word of God entrusted to the
apostles by Jesus and from the
apostles to their successors
➢ Scripture not only primary source,
also Magisterium.
➢ The Magisterium of the church is
not superior to the word of God
but rather a servant, and teaches
only what has been handed on
to it.

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