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Question 2.1
What internal and external sources of information might help you understand
diverse social and cultural groups and help with the application of cross cultural
communication theory?
The sources of information that you should note will include:

 Academic publications
 Academic personnel
 Personal contacts and other network affiliates who can advise you about cross cultural
relationship building
 Bodies like Austrade
 State/territory government agencies
 Chambers of commerce, peak industry bodies etc.
 Staff within your own organization who have the same cultural background as your
networking partners and can provide information and advice from an experiential
 A range of trade and business publications
 Relevant blogs and social media contacts
 Other internet sources and publications, including social media groups
 Members of your organization including, importantly, locals, who are working for you in
the international context
 International clients/customers
 International suppliers
 Cross cultural training providers
 Marketing experts with knowledge of foreign markets and/or of the best ways to access
local knowledge

Question 2.2
Why is it important to identify, access and note sources of information relating
to social and cultural awareness for the groups within your networks?
Participation in international networks will necessarily involve communication and interaction
with people from diverse cultural bases. In order to build lasting and useful relationships you
need to demonstrate suitable social and cultural awareness and understanding.
If you interact with people whose cultural values differ from your own you must source
information, from internal and external sources, about their social and cultural customs. This
will help you communicate effectively and understand what your international counterparts are
likely to expect from networking relationships. Culture influences people’s beliefs, ethics, value,
perceptions, customs, behaviors and other constructed capabilities. Social, personal,
psychological, religious and other cultural factors influence business structures and behaviors in
different countries. Culture and cultural values affect what is seen as valuable and what is seen
as acceptable in terms of communication and interaction with other organizations or
Take action to identify reliable, current and sound sources of information relating to social and
cultural awareness for specific cultural groups within your current and prospective network
membership. Where necessary check and cross check the information you are given to ensure
that it is valid, useful and accurate.

Question 2.3
Explain the communication styles and social mores (acceptable traditional
customs and usages of a particular group) of diverse networking partners?
People from different countries/cultures will have different expectations with regard to
communication. In some cultures it will be more subtle and nuanced than in Australia. Deal
with networking organizations and groups with honesty and integrity. Demonstrate respect by
understanding the local culture. Adapt your communication and the messages you deliver to fit
with the expectations of the cultures in which you are networking. Use communication styles
and social mores appropriate to these cultural groups in order to develop lasting relationships.
If you communicate in a culturally inappropriate or difficult to deal with in the context of
culture, there will be negative responses and the networking connection could be broken. This
could have a flow on effect as networking partners talk to each other. It is for these types of
reasons that it is important to check that your behavior and any messages you put out there
will be appropriate.

Question 2.4
What things should you take into consideration when reviewing the quality of
your communications and relationships with network members?
Take into consideration:

 The overall value of each networking contact

 The type of communication you enter into with the different networking partners
 The type of information, advice etc. you exchange
 The regularity of your communications
 Responses and feedback received from your networking partners
 Whether your communications and contacts are making you and your organization
sufficiently visible

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