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Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and procedures in ‘a Face-to-Face / Remote Learning =e ‘To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment 1 or a Be sae road Hyeagh the whole episode before participating and 28800 0 To ret a ote all th information you wil need! and tasks Vol ore working on this » explain the classroom ‘those need to be done). reflect on the basic questions wh procedures in she classroom and in "+ fist down some possible topies for ection researct Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedt (Wace-to-Face or Remote Learning) Tread Routines are the batkbone of dal of daly classroom teaming. Routines don't just make the life of the t : essere te) Efficient routines make it easier for ae ishing routines any inthe activities run smoothly; eee fa eae ae he clatroom; makes en ei dreetionsinstuctions; and eres, Ie tb fostintitons ad abies yon (asin Clas va : Danan fr Fela Sticy PARTICIPATION Av 1 routines remotely. nt system $0 families to and students whether in the classroom or remotely To teach classroom it is best fo record videos and to post these in the Igaming» managemer students may watch them over and over agin for better retention and for view them so they cin assist ther children when needed. Sudens ean take an active role in establishing classroom routines) TREY: €=8 brainstorm on ideas Which they will most likely do and follow. Routines as imperat tapecially when done in remote Teaming s0 that there will be Tess distractions Both fos synchronous and asynchronous paricipalion, ‘submission of tasks and requirements Movement into ‘and out of the 1 classesini t,and why and ae line formation Getting supplies and materials Psat. omy 1p exw sh on cy eri ing ies td Pi es remain, Cams be guided he UST Sg lee 1. How will gain student atention inthe classroom /Femot? 2. What are the routines and procedures tha [need 10 establish BS After my classes whether on a faceto-face or remote learn ‘What verbal and non-verbal communication will T use 10 $4 need help/attntion in the classoom / remote learning? How must students gevsecure the needed work materials and | {nthe classroom / romote learning? the classroom / remote learning? What procedures must be followed by students who need (0 necessities inthe classtoomionline classes? ‘What rules must be set for students who finish task early/ anaot complete work on time? ‘What procedures must be observed for tardiness / early dismis ‘What procedures must be done when submitting in the classroom remote learning? pence ag 10. What procedures must be employed in movem classroom/remote learning? ents into. af Having these guide questions in mind, consult : q sonst your Resource Teac assistance or paricipaton that you can do to help Reonees Teach routines, Complete the matix for the routines that poe after lasses in the classrom/remate leering te eet ome classes, List down the problems which you have eng Orde a ate encountered while in After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedure, state what you noticed by answering the following questions: *+ How did you fee ater employing your lassoom toutnes and establishing your procedures inthe claseoom / remote lating? ty gto IS My . , How did your students respond to your easroom routines snd procedures? Jot = + Whatwasthe feedback four Resource Teacher on your clsoom outings i OEE? ta + Was there a change inthe clastom envionment teaching Ieaning piocess aeeyOuE Implemented you isroom ois na presi? + Wharwai ti feedback your Resour Teather on your clasoom routes none? si _ ae 1. Whatfactos/ coniions promptedyouto exis hos lassoom ouines Rd DSS beg {Gane muita mproverentincassoon managsnet ar onplying eae toe oe eee ‘Did he teaching teaming process improve? Justify your answer 74 eit y Tari ave so xine we ig i mbes? CB Yt tah Pt ro ing my classroom routines ‘The problems /halenges encountered in establishing ', Some siratepiestways which I ean employ 1 improve my classroom routines Te funtr eich my loot onesiblshng clase routines and inthe claom or emot eng. thse sone telco ths aes ocae eos nbs, you he rderendteloeeiea

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