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FIELD STUDY 2 Learning Enhancing a ae Face-to-Face | |“ Cearning Environment | To have a meaningful and successful and successful accomplishment in this FS oplsodo, be sure to ‘wad through the whole episode before parcipating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher's class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this episode. nd BP this Learning Episode, I mast be abl assist in the preparation ofthe teaitonal fo Enhancing a Face-to-Face or In-Person Classroom Environment for Learning Ina fice-to-fie classroom, students and the teacher are physically preset, ‘ime set in the classroom. The teacher prepares activites, provides instruction and Students leaning. Equipment and instructional materials are made available in the Where teaching and leaning tke place most ofthe tine Some ofthe advantages ofa face-to-face learning environment forthe st ‘Tess distraction and more concentration than when studying tho “eater understanding and real world examples fom tac ‘reater chance of completing couse work by doing it in Team more easily and more comforably in familia situation; ‘ccess more relevant information ffom teachers ter oppory comet and th lsat od tach Hex re same carcerisis of te > Leaming spoce pial. Bl fom se contin sf sot ave delivered with the teacher, physically facilitating, REOHiP5 287m tne from textbooks and other resources provided of refered. ‘ Clase mectings occu regularly on a specific time or sched ‘Teacher leads the conversation, within a limited amount of fie “Assessment is done face-to-face and usually during the class mecting ‘Notice the physical arrangement found in two classroor nm spaces. Spot the similarities and the differences. Given the onceps and the infographi, how can you partipae and assist na face-to-face leaming environment? . Bo Having been exposed tothe traditional classrooms in your basic educate ‘that everything is familia. However, as teaching-leaming theories evelve ave are changes that are taking plac, ‘What changes have you noticed inthe face-to-face classroom spaces? Classroom Environment Before: Classroom Environmet CS —— ‘What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face leaming enviror From the changes that you identified, choose one that you ean do. How will 2 Do you think making the leaming environment conducive ‘enable the leamers to achieve better leaming outcomes? for a face-to-face classroom will Explain your answer. CB Yen anh oe What common problem have I noticed ina face-to-face learing ‘Can I translate this problem into a question? ) How would I solve the problem? PORTFOLIO ENTRY. Title: The Face-to-Face Leaming Environment CPi ts. vo ‘environment is face-to-face. Prepare @ Visit a school, where the leeri Hae Ne describing the face-to-face learning environment in terms of vironment eee ivhecpuos inside the room more than enough fo leas to moye about? + Does the foom arrangement match with teaching-leaming,prinepl several room arrangements in the schoo!? j + ‘Are the visual displays attractive and do they stimulate Tea + Ae the schoo premises safe and isthe classroom space free + Are leamers comfortable in terms of light and ventilation? — Psychological Environment : * Are there sets of rules and procedures followed? What are th + Are there sets of expectations that can motivate the leamers 4 + Are these observable inthe classroom? ~ Classroom atmosphere based on trust, cooperation and en + Modeling of positive atitude, respectful behavior, cons + Avoidance of ridicule, sarcasm, superiority inthe elas + Opportunities for leamers to share their experience other Social Environment + Are there opportunites for positive interaction inside the cl + Ate there outdoor activities that foster friendship, * How are individual needs and differences considered? fale al

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