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pea |) Writing My | FIELD STUDY 2 i we Learning / Tele Lesson Plans ‘To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher's class. Note al the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this episode. “revise the lesson / le a Writing My Learning / Lesson Plans Lesson Plan / Learning Plan ~ This refers to the blueprint of the daily teaching and learning activities It is w step-by-step guide which helps teachers in maintaining the quality of instruction. Lesson plans consist of essential components such as learning outcomes, learning content, resources and procedures. An effective lesson plan has a great impact on the teaching- Jeaming process. It is a must that teachers plan their lessons effectively to ensure a successful instructional experience. There are thre types of lesson plans: detailed, semi detailed and brief ‘ome schools design their awn lesson plan template which includes their vision, mission, goals fand.core values, jartment of Education has provided templates for Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) og (DLL). This was done to institutionalize instructional planning which is eaming process. Guidelines were formulated to assist teachers in planning, fisirlessons fo meet the needs ofthe diverse learners, PI a i ee ee ee DAILY LESSON LOG (OLE) ee Monday. Tuesday ‘Wednesd [omecrives A Co Sands 8 Perominee Sarde Tesang Gripes COR Tite te Cena ach (B-conTeNT [E-LEARNING RESOURCES — “A Reo Tears Oe Peas 2 Learers Mes oa 5 Taboo PDS Risa Matera FOF Leng Resource (LR) poral [Bother earning Rescues [D: PROCEDURES "Review previews sion oF presetng 3] ew aon 5, Eating 3 purpose fr te Ton .Fesertng ecenples/instances of new leon 1 Disssing new concepts and prctcn) a sia 1 Diss nov SPS PR Being nary (ads Fema ‘nas prcicalappeaions ofc caps and ss aly ving Mila ceneralstons and abate ‘hn about he lesan Tr aluag learing 3: Adena ees To appeton or reeds REFLECTION 7 No.of amar whe eared 7055 on the formative assessment Bo of eames who requ adatona? oremediason [ere the eed sone war Nao Feamers who have caught up with be Ie Ne. of arts who continue to que [Eheim i Py dd i we? iat duties a enter WER 1 inal or uperveor can ha me hat RENT T How did you respond to the diverse types of learners? 2.1 gender, needs, strengths interests and experiences 2.2 linguistic, cultura, socio-economic and religious b 2.3 with disabilities, giftedness and talents 2.4 in dificult circumstances 215 from indigenous groups 3. What Instructional strategies will you employ in face-to-face or in a remote learning delivery for this lesson? Explain, 4, Was the language used appropriate to the level of the students? Explain your answer briefly. 5. What pes and level of questions did you formulate? Are they of the higher order thinking skills (HOTS)? Write two (2) ‘examples. 6, What instructional resourees will you use? ‘Why? Cite the possible online resources that ‘you can utilize whether done in the classroom or in emote learning? 7 Are your modes of assessment aligned with your learning outcomes and activities? Cite a specific example, 8, Will your performat ks ensure the ‘mastery of the learning competencies? Explain briefly. a CS etn ash Poet oxo jing / Iesson plans 1, The problems / challenges I encountered in writing my Jeaming / Jess” P vesivt a Baa 3. Some strategics/solutions/means that 1 can employ to improve these situations / problems. So ee a 4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible ttle of, episode is To further enrich my knowledge in writin lassroom or in remote leaming, these activities. (include books, 1 my learning / lesson plans whether in the these are some of the online resources which will help me it websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to you" peers.)

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