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The Nature of Inquiry and Research

Course content:

The Nature of inquiry and Research

Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature
Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically Collect Data
Reporting and Sharing findings

Research is a scientific, experimental, or inductive manner of thinking.(Baraceros, 2016).

Research is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information in order to

increase our understanding of a phenomenon about which we are interested or concerned (Leedy and
Ormrod, 2013).

Practical research aims to discover truths about topics that interests or affects the researcher(s) in order
to improve.

Research is systematic and objective creation of knowledge.(Creswell, 2013)

Why do research?
1. Add to existing knowledge
2. Improve practice
3. Inform policies
4. Solve problems, not emergency

What is Quantitative Research?

1. A systematic investigation of observable phenomena
2. Gathers quantitative and numerical data
3. Subjects to statistical method

Characteristics of Quantitative Research


1. Objective
2. Clearly Defined Research
3. Structured Research Instruments
4. Numerical Data
5. Large Sample Sizes
6. Replication Future Outcomes
Statistical Methods Quantitative Rese arch

1. Pearson R(relationship between two variables)

2. ANOVA(analysis of variance) statistical difference between 2 variables with effect
3. T-test(the presence of statistical difference between 2 variables)
4. Multiple regression (relationship bet. Several IND variable and 1 DEP variable)


1.single reality vs. multiple realities

2.establishing relationship and explaining cause or correlation vs. understanding situations in a
participant’s perspective
3. pre-established design vs. emerging design
4.detached researcher vs. immersed researcher generalize vs. assess applicability

Strengths of a Quantitative Research

1. Objectivity
2. Real and unbiased
3. Facilitates sophisticated analysis
4. Analyzed in quick and easy way
5. Replicability
6. Useful in testing qualitative research

Qualitative Research Design

a. Correlational- Studying relationships

b. Experimental- Manipulating conditions and studying effects
c. Descriptive- Describing characteristics

Note: correlational and descriptive is non experimental research

A.) Descriptive- sometimes called survey research, it aims to describe systematically the facts and
characteristics of a given population or area of interest, factually and accurately.
e.g What are the sleeping habits of SHS students in NNCHS?, What factor affected the SHS track
choice of SHS students?

B.) Correlational Research- aims to describe and measure the degree of association between two or
more variables or sets of scores

C.) Comparative/Quasi-Experimental- also known as ex-post facto(after the act) research. It

discusses why and how phenomena occurs. This kind of research derives conclusion from
observation and manifestations that already occurs in the past.
e.g How weight influences stress-coping level of adults

D.) Experimental Research- attempts to influence a particular variable, test hypothesis about cause-
and-effect relationship

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