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Fill in the blanks.
1. Military Courtesy
2. Military Discipline
3. Enlisted Personnel
4. Mutual Respect
5. Discipline
6. Military Discipline
7. The Salute
8. Roman times
9. attention
10. parade rest

Direction: Discuss the concept of Military Taboos using an appropriate graphic organizer as presentation
tool. Note: Any form of graphic organizer will do as long as the idea is vividly presented.


Showing Disrespect to Vulgar Conduct and

Electronic Devices Gossip
the Uniform Language

Military members can Nothing shows greater Often, it serves as a Cadets may risk
be court-martialed for disrespect to another huge rumor mill that receiving a reprimand if
disgracing the uniform person than to can get you caught up their conduct is
through bad conduct continue talking on in telling and passing poor, affecting their
or by violating the your cell phone, or to half-truths or outright chance of advancement
regulations that use an electronic untruths about others, or the ability to hold
govern wearing of the device while the other is considered a form of their current
uniform. person is trying to bullying and may be position. Worse, any use
have a conversation against the law. of profane or abusive
with you. language by any
members of the unit
undermines their
effectiveness as leaders.
Activity 2.
1. Military Courtesy - Military courtesy is just demonstrating excellent manners and decency
when dealing with others. Military courtesy conveys respect from subordinates to
2. Military Discipline - is described as the condition of order and obedience among personnel in
a military organization, and it is characterized by the men's prompt and willing responsiveness to
instructions, as well as their understanding compliance with regulation.

Military courtesy has numerous forms, some of which comprise a stringent and in some
instances complicated code of behavior. The forms of speech, the salute, proper clothing of
military equipment, associated ideas of standing at attention, and norms of etiquette in different
ceremonies are examples of military courtesies. Military courtesy has long been considered to
show respect both up and down the line of command. Military etiquette and traditions have
proven to be critical in giving rules for all behaviors that all military members are required to
follow. The military places a premium on clear communication and alignment when it comes to
respectful communication. People who are prepared to be good followers and work as part of a
team are more likely to achieve successful achievements. The military does this by having a clear
vision that is complemented by precise missions that allow troops to behave in accordance with
organizational objectives. Courteous communication is asking for assistance when necessary in
order to complete a task to perfection. Simple civility is a good sign of a person's bearing,
manners, and discipline. Military civility is also critical in fostering and creating a good sense of
camaraderie among soldiers. Its purpose is to strengthen the chain of command and the discipline
of a unit's soldiers. Military customs on the whole refer to the accepted traditions that form part
of the military practice, rules and standards of operation. They have gone to play an essential role
of generating morale, discipline, teamwork and effectiveness of army mission. These traditions
date back to instances in ancient ages involving military actions. Just as personal discipline is
viewed as an essential feature for success in life, military discipline is indispensable within the
army. Military discipline ascertains the soldiers gain a proper concept and view of discipline
through training programs. It also outlines the regulations, rules and general principles that
guarantee obedience of the army soldiers.

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