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Introduction to C++ Programming

Shaobai Kan
chapter 2

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 1/2


Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 2/2

• Introduction to C++ and its development

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 2/2

• Introduction to C++ and its development

• An example of C++ program

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 2/2

• Introduction to C++ and its development

• An example of C++ program

• Lab and Exercises

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 2/2

Introduction to C++ and its development

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 3/2

C++ & Operating System

• C++ programming language.

———– High - level language.

• Windows, Unix, Linux and Mac OS X.

———– Operating systems.

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 4/2

Standard C++

ANSI / ISO C++. the internationally agreed-upon version

that is portable to any platform and any development

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 5/2

Standard C++

ANSI / ISO C++. the internationally agreed-upon version

that is portable to any platform and any development

Question: What is ANSI? ISO?

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 5/2

Standard C++

ANSI / ISO C++. the internationally agreed-upon version

that is portable to any platform and any development

Question: What is ANSI? ISO?

• ANSI - American National Standards Institute

• ISO - International Organization for


Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 5/2

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

IDE. a software application that provides comprehensive

facilities to computer programmers for software

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 6/2

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

IDE. a software application that provides comprehensive

facilities to computer programmers for software

An IDE consists of
- a code editor
- a compiler
- a debugger
- a graphic user interface (GUI) builder

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 6/2

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

• Computer Lab
—Visual C++ 2005 & Visual C++ 2008

• Home
—Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 7/2

C++ Library

All C++ compilers come with a library of useful

functions and classes that you can include in your

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 8/2

C++ Library

All C++ compilers come with a library of useful

functions and classes that you can include in your

• function. a block of code that performs one or more

tasks, such as adding two numbers or printing to the

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 8/2

C++ Library

All C++ compilers come with a library of useful

functions and classes that you can include in your

• function. a block of code that performs one or more

tasks, such as adding two numbers or printing to the

• class. the definition of a new type.

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 8/2

An example of C++ program

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 9/2

1st Example: Hello World!


// Shaobai Kan, 9/1/08

// Text-Printing Program
Preprocessor Directive
# include <iostream>

“main” function int main( )

Executable statement 1
std::cout << “Hello World!\n” ;

Executable statement 2 return 0 ;

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 10/2

1st Example: Result


Hello World!

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 11/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Comments)

Lines 1 & 2.
" //Shaobai Kan, 9/1/08
//Text-Printing Programming "

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 12/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Comments)

Lines 1 & 2.
" //Shaobai Kan, 9/1/08
//Text-Printing Programming "

"//................... "

- Do not affect the operation of the program; Ignored by

the compiler
- Enhance the readability of the source code

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 12/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Preprocessor)

Line 3.
" # include <iostream> "
—— Preprocessor directive.

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 13/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Preprocessor)

Line 3.
" # include <iostream> "
—— Preprocessor directive.

Question: What does the preprocessor do here?

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 13/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Preprocessor)

hello.cpp hello.cpp

# include <iostream>

Source Code
Source Code

Source code Preprocessor


Source Code

(a) (b)

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 14/2

Line-by-Line Analysis ("main" function)

Line 4. main function


function header int main ( )

openning brace {
function body

closing brace }

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 15/2

Line-by-Line Analysis ("main" function)

main function.

• Every C++ program has a main() function.

• The function main() is called by operating system

automatically when program starts.

• The function main() always return int, e.g. 0 (signal for


Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 16/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Output statement)

Line 6.
" std::cout « "Hello World!\n"; "

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 17/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Output statement)

Line 6.
" std::cout « "Hello World!\n"; "

—— Output statement.

• cout — output stream object.

• std — namespace.
std::— use the standard input/output library.
• white space — blank lines, space characters and tab

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 17/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Output statement)

"\n" — tell cout to output a new line.

Compare the following statements:

1 std::cout « "Hello World!\n";

std::cout « "Hello World!";

2 std::cout « "Hello World!Hello World!";

3 std::cout « "Hello World!";

std::cout « "Hello World!";

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 18/2

Line-by-Line Analysis (Remark)


• Every C++ statement must be ended with a semicolon


• main function must be ended with return 0;

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 19/2

Lab and Exercise

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 20/2

In-Class Exercises:

Exercise 1. Write a program that prints:


Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 21/2

In-Class Exercises:

Exercise 2. Write a program that prints:

* *
* * * *
* *
* *

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 22/2

• Read Sec. 2.1-2.3
• Exercises 2.21, 2.22, 2.26

Introduction to C++ Programming – p. 23/2

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