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Lesson 4
Integrating Macro Skills in Mother Tongue Lessons

The Four Macro Skills of Communication are listening,talking,reading, and writing.

M.B.S. – First Sem 2022-2023

Pedagogy in teaching Mother Tongue–Lesson4- October 3,2022 | 2

In order to be able to communicate effectively with native speakers you must master the macro
skills. When we learn are native language we usually learn to listen first,then to speak, then to
read. These macro skills are needed in order for us to communicate and understands with each
Mastering this skills will help a learner become more competent in speaking, pronunciation,
vocabulary, grammar and spelling. Macro skills  refer to the primary, key, main, largest etc. skill
set relative to a particular to a particular context. This  is a communication technique that
requires the listeners to understand, interpret and evaluate what he or she hears. These skills are
essential for the communication process and can make a huge difference to your effectivity in the
work place, social situations and your personal life.


 Listening is the most important skill in communication. It is a mental operation involving

processing sound waves, interpreting their meaning, and storing their meaning in
memory. It is a communication technique that requires the listeners to understand,
interpret, and evaluate what they hear of. listening effectively improves personal
relationship through the reduction of conflict and strengthens cooperation through a
collective understanding.
 Makes an effort to hear something; pay attention 
 They serve as an approach to make everybody comprehend which is originally derived
from the given talk or utterance. It is closely related to speaking and it enables the
persons to soak in any information that is given to them; consequently, the information
can be passed on to another party later on after the conversation. On the other hand,
students will develop prediction and anticipation skills in listening. Without listening,
communication can also be crippled. It is vital and should be part mainly in
 Listening is necessary in the sense that it also enables individuals to be able to pay
attention to others in order to understand what is being delivered or communicated to


 Speaking is vocalization of human communication. Being able to iterate an idea, concept

or opinion etc. through speech is essential in the communicative process. being able to
relate what you are thinking in effective manner. concise and direct manner allows you to
present communicate effectively and efficiently with others in a variety situations, this
avoids elements of confusion that may lead to conflict, allows for self development
growth especially if your idea is presented effectively in the workplace and can help
provide an element of control to any given situation by self management. 
 Speaking is the act of talking to someone, of making an utterance with intentional and
unintentional dealings, or of a discourse of a person who really speaks. It refers also to
literary works and artistic communications that are composed of daily recitations, as
ancient poetry and oral literature regardless of a language spoken by the people
worldwide. Oral communication is a vicious cycle which always involves two persons or
more: a decoder and an encoder; the message, the channel and the feedback. Speaking is
used mainly when people are having face-to-face communication, but it can also be over
the phone and now over technology such as webcams and video calling.  

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 Process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency and motivation. Reading is

the way a person gets information from written letters and words. Reading approach is
also based on the philosophy and theories concerning the meaning, nature, and structure
of reading. Further, it consists of a set of decisions to carry out an objective that results in
a plan and its wise implementation. 
 Reading enables man to ponder the mysteries of the world, explore accumulated
knowledge, and contemplate the unknown. All the enigmatic symbolism will be divulged
through reading. No one can question it because it gives emphasis to the importance of
global communication. In the past, books and newspapers were the most commonly read
items; now emails and text messages form a lot of normal day's communication activities.
 Sharing of ideas and information to one another; construct or derive meaning. 
 Is another skill of language that is vital in order to enhance communication and language
among groups of people. Reading is necessary in the sense that the skill is the same
whether in native languages or English. There are several reading skills that are
commonly used in language.It can be defined as the process of looking at or
understanding the meaning of a book by interpreting the characters or symbols of which
it is composed.


  Is a skill that needs to practice at all times. You know why? writing means much more
than using orthographic symbols. It is a thinking process which is characterized by a
purposeful selection and organization of experience. It is an act of discovery, of
communication, of joy. It connects us to work, to culture, to society, to existing
knowledge, and to the meanings of our lives. Without it, poor communication will occur
as far as written communication is concerned It is the act of putting sentences together in
connected discourse, but the main focus is on basic communicability. It is designed to
give beginning learners the feeling that they are able to write and that what they write has
a profound value.
 Most people rely on writing because they can’t express themselves and it is better for
them to write in order to fulfill their wishes to the persons they love or long for in order
to communicate effectively. Writing is closely linked to reading as, like speaking and
listening, they really work in harmony to ensure successful communication. Again
language can be a potential barrier with writing. Writing activities consist of exposing the
learners to diverse rhetorical forms through extensive reading and providing intensive
practice in the actual writing or compositions. In conclusion to this, good writing can be
taught by teachers who provide frequent and challenging chances or opportunities for
writing to enable the learners to develop their skills and confidence.

Therefore, the four language skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening are highly
interconnected and, therefore, cannot be taught independently. The understanding of these skills
is very important in order to enhance everyday languages. Communication Skills is something
that can bridge you between the unknown world and the known world with sufficient information

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to dish out. Likewise, it’s about expressing and conveying your thoughts, emotions, notions and
concepts with another human beings. 
Communication skills is the key progress and advancement in continuing to learn things more
accurately and effectively. 
Without communication nothing would get done and the world would pretty much stand still. All
five macro skills of communication are indispensable in everyday life and should never be

The four macro-skills in communication are the most important skills in teaching a particular
language. Each of them is indispensable in the learning process and teaching performance on
behalf of the learners and mentors. These skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing
will use as the main vehicle to obtain definitely a certain language and to serve as a conduit to
encompass widely the interrelated realms of communication and global community. 
The learners’ ability to speak is marvelous and his mastery in other areas of learning such as
listening, reading and writing gives a clear indication that he has the distinct opportunity of
being a learner of a fantastic classroom teacher.

Teaching should be adjusted to the needs of the learners. Because of this, it is imperative to
determine first their difficulties and needs so that whatever materials a teacher purports to
design should be in accordance with these needs. This is what is known as directional teaching.
This means an assurance of more achievements in teaching  the event will animadvert upon itself
and it will boomerang to the concerned persons if things are not properly addressed. 
It reciprocates best communication skills that can aid in keeping one’s head and confidently
taking charge of unfamiliar situations.

These four skills enhance the process of communication and the language skills. For example, in
our everyday life, there are many situations in which people use more than one language skills
in order to communicate with others. This means that people talk while they are listening and
they write reference they have read. It is also important to acknowledge that the four language
skills are sometimes referred to as macro skills of language. Language is vital in the sense that it
enables people to be able to interact or communicate effectively for the purpose of conveying a
message. It is imperative to understand that language varies from one society to another
depending on a particular group of people. Therefore, there are four language skills that are
commonly used in order for people to be able to interact or communicate such as listening,
speaking, reading and writing.

Being able to communicate well is important. There will be different people to communicate
with. This includes family and different health professionals. Some of the information here may
help to make the communication work effectively. When you are seriously ill, there will be many
things that need to be discussed. Some of these discussions may be difficult and emotional.

Your family and friends will be concerned about what is happening. They may have a lot of
questions and concerns. It is helpful to think about how to manage these conversations. How do
you want to share your information and who with? The people you are important to will also
have their needs to share with you. You may not know how to talk to people about what is
happening. There are health professionals who can support you with this.

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Consider choosing someone in the family to talk to everyone. Setting up a telephone tree may
help. This is where each person contacts someone else. This shares the time involved in keeping
everybody up to date. It also means that not everyone is calling you or your health professionals
for an update.

Talking is not the only way we communicate. Sometimes sitting quietly together can be enough.
The four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are important in order to
improve everyday life communicative interactions. They enable individuals to learn language
which leads to exposure to a rich but comprehensive input of real spoken and written language
in use in order to do things such as exchange of meanings, and motivation to listen and read the
language and to speak and write it. It is imperative to process and use the exposure of these
skills in order to enhance language skills.

M.B.S. – First Sem 2022-2023

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