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Background of the Study

Almost any romantic relationship has ups and downs, and they all necessitate hard work,

dedication, and a willingness to adapt and change with your partner. Communication is essential in

developing a healthy relationship, whether it’s new or you've been together for years. Even if you've

had a lot of failed relationships in the past or are struggling to rekindle the flames of romance in your

current relationship, this can help you find ways to stay connected, fulfilled, and happy in the long run.

Also the foundation or instrument of a long-term relationship is built by effective communication and

collaborative effort from both individuals. It allows you to be yourself with your companion, which

increases the level of comfort in the relationship. Furthermore, it serves as a building block that allows

us to convey our thoughts, feelings, messages, and information while also developing love, respect,

trust, harmony, and connection with one another. Understanding the significance of communication in

relationships will help to prevent separation and breakup but not everyone understands the essence

of communication because they are unaware of its advantages, benefits, and value. Hence the

objective of this study is to investigate the unknown and identify the common purpose and importance

of communication in harmonizing, and resolving couple’s relationship problems or issues. As a result,

the research findings on that goal become the key or the way to assist and help couples understand

the concept or idea of communication that will help them keep an unyielding and enduring

relationship. This is mainly for the purpose of letting couples acquire a broader knowledge of a

healthy relationship with their partners.


The main objective of this phenomenological study is to reveal, properly explain, define, and

comprehend the importance of communication in maintaining and developing a strong foundation of a

relationship, through this I want to highlight the role that it plays in harmonizing couples relation with

one another including perspective-taking, disclosure, and conflict techniques. This study is

concentrated to give couples and teens who are having relationship issues and misunderstanding an

insight that they can apply to their current or future relationships.

General Question

Why is communication important in a relationship?

Thesis statement

Communication is essential to human interaction and intimate couple relationships, it is not only

vital for development; it is also essential for developing long-term and fulfilling relationships since it

enables individuals to effectively express their thoughts, know how to compromise with each other

points of view, concerns, and decisions; and it allows couples to work together. Effective

communication is based on the way we talk and listen. Besides, it helps in the prevention of petty

arguments and misconceptions with your partner.

Specific Questions

1. What causes lack of communication in a relationship?

2.What suggestions do you have for improving couples communication?

3.What are the consequences of poor communication in a relationship?

Significance of the Study

This study is significant because it provides knowledge and ideas about the importance of

communication to persons that are in a relationship or about to enter the stage of being with or

seeing someone. The data produced from this research can provide teenagers, and couples with

mindfulness, awareness and insights on the most proficient way to deal with the reality of relationship

conflicts with the assistance of communication. Future researcher can also use this research as their

guide and source of information for their study or can be replicated using additional variables in

another locale. The results will be a possible research literature for their own study.

Scope and delimitation:

This study focuses on the significance of communication in a relationship. The researcher chose

the following respondents, couples and individuals who are either male or female and have prior

relationship experience. The participants will be interviewed for the study, but their identities will be

unknown. The interviewer will ask questions in a specific order of questions with well-defined content.

Respondents must be willing to participate in the study, and the researchers will determine the

importance of communication in a relationship. The findings of this study can teach respondents,

teenagers, couples and future researchers how to effectively communicate when it comes to

relationship issues and conflicts.


As cited in the study by Tomuletiu Elena-Adriana, Oroian Maria, Girbovan Ovidiu, Girbovan

Cristina, Buicu Gabriela, Gyorgy Manuela, the factors that strengthen couple relationships are as

follows: confidence (80%), understanding (73%), communication (64%), mutual acceptance (63%),

desire to evolve together (55%) and time spent together (45%). The authors' motivations, significantly

appreciated by partners, among them are: sexual life (57%), intimacy (55%), and material resources


Between all these motivations, communication is fundamental to human interaction and

intimate couple relationships, in part because communication is a tool for knowing or emotionally

connecting with one another.

As stated by Barnett and Rivers (1996), both men and women agreed that the emotional

connection they shared with their partner was what determined the quality of their relationships.

According to Driver and Gottman (2004), there is greater success in relationships when there is

more positive bidding and more positive responding.

Barnett and Rivers (1996) also compliment (Driver and Gottman) by stating that positive

emotional connection includes "having a partner who really talks to you, is a good listener, is a good

friend, likes and appreciates you as a person, and does his or her share to make the relationship


The predominance of positive communication is to connect rather than isolate and alienate. A

pattern of positive interaction is built up over time (Fredrickson, 2001).

The amount of positive affect that partners show each other, particularly during conflict situations,

is highly predictive of happy and stable relationships (Gottman et al. 1998).

The emotional tone of everyday interactions seems to build a foundation for how positive couples

will be during conflict (Driver and Gottman, 2004).

By looking at it from different angles, communication is an opportunity to know the thresholds of

intolerance and vulnerability, immaturity areas that lead us to react in a certain way to the partner's

words or conduct. In short, adequate communication is devoid of hatred and insults, as well as

defensive attitudes such as apologies, counteroffensives, responsibility denial, and so on.

However, conflicts are normal, but unhealthy relationship patterns sometimes emerge in conflict

situations, including escalation, withdrawal, negative interpretations, and putdowns. That’s why a

good way to resolve a conflict is to know how to make your partner understand that you can see

things from his\her perspective. This fact contributes to the formation of a capital of positive feelings.

Clinical psychologist Harriet Lerner (2002) concludes that when conflicts occur, bidders and

respondents must use the same basic communication skills outlined above. Ideally, they must turn

toward each other and respond rather than avoid the issue.

They should strive to keep bids and responses. What seems to matter most for relationship well-

being for couples is not whether they argue, but rather how they communicate (Gottman et al. 1998).


This chapter presents the research design, research locale, respondents of the study,

and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

Phenomenological design. This study focuses on obtaining descriptions of the respondents' lived

experiences, through interviews. This research study will apply the use of a descriptive qualitative

approach to this phenomenon in its direct relation with the couple. The goal of this research is to

analyze the meaning behind each subject's experiences, emphasizing the importance of

communication in the harmonization of a couples relationship.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Crusher, Patulangon, Malasila, Makilala, North Cotabato for the year


Research Respondents

There will be four respondents or participants in this study who have prior relationship experience,

and living in the Municipality of Makilala who are willing to answer specific questions about the study

with well-defined content.

Data gathering Procedure

Data is gathered through interview, researchers ask one or more participant general, open-ended

questions that will be ask to the respondents which are designed to be informal and conversational in

order to encourage participants to express themselves in a naturally unfolding manner. Three specific

questions are prepared and answers will be recorded by the interviewer.




This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered from the study. The findings will

be presented in relation to the study's stated research objectives. The method used to analyze the

data is already discussed in the methodology chapter.

4.2 1. What causes lack of communication in a relationship?

2.What are the consequences of poor communication in a relationship?

3.What suggestions do you have for improving couples communication?

Gathered Response from the Respondents

Question No.1

What causes lack of communication in a relationship?


Respondent No.1

Busy schedules, personal problems, enter relationship in an early age, various love languages, lack of

compassion, using harsh language to one another, afraid to express their true feelings, jealousy and

misunderstanding, being uninterested to their partners are factors that can contribute to a

relationship's lack of communication.

Respondent No.2

Time management is one of the factors that contributes to a relationship's lack of communication

because time is very important nowadays and it is one of the reasons why couples frequently break

up because it gives negative thoughts for every couple who wants attention all the time, want to be

prioritized and tend to seek for attention.

Respondent No.3
Some couples lack communication because they have no spare time for each other or have lost

interest, may be fed up with each other as well as casual jealousy.

Respondent No.4

Lack of time due to responsibilities at home, school, and any other responsibilities at the same time

are factors that contribute to a relationships lack of communication.

Question No.2

What are the consequences of poor communication in a relationship?


Respondent No.1

The consequences of poor communication in a relationship are breakups, which can cause

heartbreak in everyone who truly loves their partner. Breakups can also lead to suicidal thoughts and

depression because they always think the negative side of their thoughts.

Poor communication might end to misunderstanding and sadly break up.

Respondent No.2

In a relationship, poor communication can lead to conflict or, worse, a breakup.

Respondent No.3

The most common outcome is a loss of trust, which leads to a breakup, because when you and your

partner have poor communication, you begin to overthink what he or she does. It also occurs when

you do not know how to repair it and simply leave it.

Respondent No.4

Poor communication in a relationship can lead to misunderstandings, quarrels, gradual separation, or

the end of the relationship.

Question No.3

What suggestions do you have for improving couples communication?


Respondent No.1

Trust your partner, offer transparency and honesty, be patient, and pay attention. These are the three

suggestions I have to help one's relationship, but keep in mind that just because you have these three

doesn't mean it will work; communication requires both couples perseverance and courage to work.

Respondent No.2

My advice is to prepare yourself before entering into such a relationship. It is not always filled with

happy, sweet, and fairytale-length conversations, so do not expect much. You both need to be

patient, especially when it comes to communication. Do not forget to update her/him because it is

your responsibility in a relationship to consider each other feelings.

Respondent No.3

Communication is more than just telling each other about your days and what you had for lunch. It's

about being able to delve deep and get to know this person as thoroughly as possible. To improve

communication, try to express your thoughts and listen to his/hers. Also, let them know what you're

needed for.

Respondent No.4

To improve communication with your partner you both must be calm before speaking, make

compromises, and avoid shouting, additionally prioritize being heard and listen to one another.


Discussion/ of the results

The first research problem was to determine what causes a relationship's lack of communication.

According to the data gathered, busy schedules, dating in an early age, personal issues, different love

languages, lack of compassion, collaboration, and time management, jealousy, using violent

language and being fed up with one another, being afraid to express their true feelings, and, most

relevantly, losing interest in one's partners can all contribute to a relationship's lack of communication.

The second research problem was to determine the consequences of a relationship with poor

communication. The most common result, according to the respondent, is a loss of trust,

miscommunication, conflict, fights, and, in the worst-case scenario, breakups, which can cause

heartbreak in anyone who truly loves their partner, as well as suicidal thoughts and depression

because they always think the negative side of their thoughts.

The third research problem was to come up with suggestions to help couples communicate better.

Based on the data gathered and the interviews conducted, the respondent stated that it is important to

be patient, to have trust, and remain calm before speaking in order to have better communication.

Make compromises, prevent unnecessary yelling, and pay attention. Expect it to not always be full of

happy, sweet, and fairytale-length conversations, as communication takes perseverance and courage

on both sides. Always keep in mind that effective communication requires both parties to listen and

understand each other. Keep her/him informed because it is your responsibility as a couple to

consider each other's feelings, express yourself, and listen to each other.



This chapter summarizes the findings, provides a conclusion, and offers some recommendations

based on the study's findings.

Summary of findings

Communication is fundamental in relationships since it allows us to share our interests, concerns, and

support to one another; organize our lives and make decisions; and collaborate. The way we speak,

how we respond, and our body language all contribute to effective communication.

Regarding with the data that the researcher gathered, the salient findings of the study are as


Researchers have found out that although love and connection are valuable, communication is still

the key to keep a relationship stronger, healthy and connected. Listening, understanding, and being

honest with each other are co factors of communication that help repair an almost-broken

relationship. There are also factors that influence to a lack of communication in a relationship such

emotional difference, emotions and how you feel play a big role in communication. Being aware of the

fact that, no matter how hard they try, compartmentalizing personal issues, furthermore

misunderstanding or misinterpretation of a message, this issue is very common in the communication

process but if left unchecked can lead to bigger problems. Messages must be properly convey to your

partner, additionally time management problem and lastly jealousy. Poor foundation of communication

lead to consequences like, an increase in conflict and argumentative behavior. Individuals may start

doing things purposely to get on each other's nerves, mistrust, blaming each other for everything and

not complying to rules or requests, that can hinder the growth of the relationship. It is not easy to cope

up with this, couples, individual may experience emotional, psychological and social challenges. This

usually might trigger mental health concern such as substantial depression, anxiety, and stress. The

researcher also found out that communication requires both sincerity and honesty when having a

conversation. Treatment in silence is not permitted. Indifference, not hatred, is the antithesis of love.

When your partner is speaking, respond without any ulterior motives. Transparency and honesty in
communication are essential. Clarity misunderstandings, do not simply walk away or listen without

responding. Keep in mind that you're in this relationship together.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The researcher concluded that couples struggled to communicate for a variety of reasons, including

sense of self-importance, personal issues in school, family, and even with oneself, time management,

jealousy, prioritization, and a lack of empathy for the other person.

2. The researcher concluded that misunderstandings, arguments, loss of trust and love, loneliness,

hatred or a negative perspective towards one's partner, less intimacy and connection, which can lead

to breakup or worse mental health problems are all consequences of poor communication in a


3. The researcher concluded that couples must communicate openly and honestly. To gain clarity,

ask questions. If you're busy, ask for a time that is more convenient for the both of you. Listen,

comprehend, and respond, must consider both feelings. Remember that despite all the odds and

challenges, you must stay connected.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researchers come up with following


1. Couples should never lose sight of the fact that they are on the same team; the problem is your

enemy, not each other; there is no reason to degrade one another because there will always be

another issue down the road; both of you may be different individuals with different characteristics and

opinions at times, but the two of you can collaborate, compromise, and communicate to resolve


2. When communicating with your partner, it's necessary to keep in mind that the goal is to strengthen

rather than break the relationship. Put yourself in the shoes of each other. Try to comprehend why

they are feeling this way without invalidating each other's feelings.

3. Keep your language and tone in check. Name calling or bringing up something that happened a

long time ago are two things that will end an effective communication. Especially in the case of a

situation that was resolved or forgiven. Keep your cool and refrain from shouting.

4. To deepen the study, the researcher recommends to the future researchers to have further study

about the importance of communication in the harmonization of couples relationship.

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Vangelisti, A.L. (2016) On the Importance of Communication Research. Retrieved from


Tomuletiu, E.A., Oroian, M., Girbovan, O., Girbovan, C., Buicu, G., Gyorgy, M. (2014). The impact of

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Research Information



Principal Investigator: Rona S. Remolano Department: English

School: Notre Dame of Makilala, Inc. Phone: 09663020346

1.Purpose of this Research: You are being asked to participate in a research study designed to

know your perspective about the role and importance of communication to the harmonization of

couple’s relationship.

2.Procedure: You will be asked to do the following:

 You will be interviewed less than an hour about your insights and knowledge, and


 You will be asked to certify the transcript of the interview.

3.Possible risks or discomfort: No known or possible risks can pose harm to you in any form, as

this research will only involve an interview. However, the interview might consume a portion of your

time. To lessen the possible inconvenience on your part, the interview will be done at a place

convenient to you.

4.Possible Benefits:

 The findings of this study will be extremely beneficial to couples who are having issues

involving communication and other relationship challenges. Individuals who are thinking about

starting a relationship will learn tips and techniques that they can use and apply in the future.

5.Financial Considerations:
 No additional cost on your part might result to your participation in this research.

6.Confidentiality: Your identity in this study will be treated with utmost confidentiality. The result from

this study or any other data may be published for scientific purpose, but will not give your name or

include any identifiable reference to you unless you wanted to.

7.Termination of research study: You have the option to participate or not in this research.  If you

choose not to take part, there will be no consequences. You will be informed of any significant new

findings discovered during the course of this study that may influence your willingness to continue

participating. If you decide to stop, you will not be charged.

8. Available sources of information: Any further questions, and concerns regarding this study will

be answered by the principal investigator.

Name: Rona S. Remolano

Phone Number: 09663020346


I have read and comprehended the information provided, and acknowledge that I have had the

opportunity to ask questions. I understand that my participation is entirely voluntary, and that I am free

to withdraw at any point, without explanation or cost. I understand that a copy of this consent form will

be given to me. I willingly agree to take part in this study.

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Research Participant

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Principal Investigator


Research Information



Principal Investigator: Rona S. Remolano Department: English

School: Notre Dame of Makilala, Inc. Phone: 09663020346

1.Purpose of this Research: You are being asked to participate in a research study designed to

know your perspective about the role and importance of communication to the harmonization of

couple’s relationship.

2.Procedure: You will be asked to do the following:

 You will be interviewed less than an hour about your insights and knowledge, and opinions.

 You will be asked to certify the transcript of the interview.

3.Possible risks or discomfort: No known or possible risks can pose harm to you in any form, as

this research will only involve an interview. However, the interview might consume a portion of your

time. To lessen the possible inconvenience on your part, the interview will be done at a place

convenient to you.

4.Possible Benefits:

 The findings of this study will be extremely beneficial to couples who are having issues

involving communication and other relationship challenges. Individuals who are thinking about

starting a relationship will learn tips and techniques that they can use and apply in the future.

5.Financial Considerations:
 No additional cost on your part might result to your participation in this research.

6.Confidentiality: Your identity in this study will be treated with utmost confidentiality. The result from

this study or any other data may be published for scientific purpose, but will not give your name or

include any identifiable reference to you unless you wanted to.

7.Termination of research study: You have the option to participate or not in this research. If you

choose not to take part, there will be no consequences. You will be informed of any significant new

findings discovered during the course of this study that may influence your willingness to continue

participating. If you decide to stop, you will not be charged.

8. Available sources of information: Any further questions, and concerns regarding this study will

be answered by the principal investigator.

Name: Rona S. Remolano

Phone Number: 09663020346


I have read and comprehended the information provided, and acknowledge that I have had the

opportunity to ask questions. I understand that my participation is entirely voluntary, and that I am free

to withdraw at any point, without explanation or cost. I understand that a copy of this consent form will

be given to me. I willingly agree to take part in this study.

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Research Participant

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Principal Investigator


Research Information



Principal Investigator: Rona S. Remolano Department: English

School: Notre Dame of Makilala, Inc. Phone: 09663020346

1.Purpose of this Research: You are being asked to participate in a research study designed to

know your perspective about the role and importance of communication to the harmonization of

couple’s relationship.

2.Procedure: You will be asked to do the following:

 You will be interviewed less than an hour about your insights and knowledge, and opinions.

 You will be asked to certify the transcript of the interview.

3.Possible risks or discomfort: No known or possible risks can pose harm to you in any form, as

this research will only involve an interview. However, the interview might consume a portion of your

time. To lessen the possible inconvenience on your part, the interview will be done at a place

convenient to you.

4.Possible Benefits:

 The findings of this study will be extremely beneficial to couples who are having issues

involving communication and other relationship challenges. Individuals who are thinking about

starting a relationship will learn tips and techniques that they can use and apply in the future.

5.Financial Considerations:
 No additional cost on your part might result to your participation in this research.

6.Confidentiality: Your identity in this study will be treated with utmost confidentiality. The result from

this study or any other data may be published for scientific purpose, but will not give your name or

include any identifiable reference to you unless you wanted to.

7.Termination of research study: You have the option to participate or not in this research. If you

choose not to take part, there will be no consequences. You will be informed of any significant new

findings discovered during the course of this study that may influence your willingness to continue

participating. If you decide to stop, you will not be charged.

8. Available sources of information: Any further questions, and concerns regarding this study will

be answered by the principal investigator.

Name: Rona S. Remolano

Phone Number: 09663020346


I have read and comprehended the information provided, and acknowledge that I have had the

opportunity to ask questions. I understand that my participation is entirely voluntary, and that I am free

to withdraw at any point, without explanation or cost. I understand that a copy of this consent form will

be given to me. I willingly agree to take part in this study.

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Research Participant

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Principal Investigator


Research Information



Principal Investigator: Rona S. Remolano Department: English

School: Notre Dame of Makilala, Inc. Phone: 09663020346

1.Purpose of this Research: You are being asked to participate in a research study designed to

know your perspective about the role and importance of communication to the harmonization of

couple’s relationship.

2.Procedure: You will be asked to do the following:

 You will be interviewed less than an hour about your insights and knowledge, and opinions.

 You will be asked to certify the transcript of the interview.

3.Possible risks or discomfort: No known or possible risks can pose harm to you in any form, as

this research will only involve an interview. However, the interview might consume a portion of your

time. To lessen the possible inconvenience on your part, the interview will be done at a place

convenient to you.

4.Possible Benefits:

 The findings of this study will be extremely beneficial to couples who are having issues

involving communication and other relationship challenges. Individuals who are thinking about

starting a relationship will learn tips and techniques that they can use and apply in the future.

5.Financial Considerations:
 No additional cost on your part might result to your participation in this research.

6.Confidentiality: Your identity in this study will be treated with utmost confidentiality. The result from

this study or any other data may be published for scientific purpose, but will not give your name or

include any identifiable reference to you unless you wanted to.

7.Termination of research study: You have the option to participate or not in this research. If you

choose not to take part, there will be no consequences. You will be informed of any significant new

findings discovered during the course of this study that may influence your willingness to continue

participating. If you decide to stop, you will not be charged.

8. Available sources of information: Any further questions, and concerns regarding this study will

be answered by the principal investigator.

Name: Rona S. Remolano

Phone Number: 09663020346


I have read and comprehended the information provided, and acknowledge that I have had the

opportunity to ask questions. I understand that my participation is entirely voluntary, and that I am free

to withdraw at any point, without explanation or cost. I understand that a copy of this consent form will

be given to me. I willingly agree to take part in this study.

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Research Participant

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Principal Investigator

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