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Analyze video: Paok 16-24

- travelling, when a player has taken more than 2 steps without the ball being dribbled.
2. Jump ball- a violation is an infraction of the rules. Which of the choices does not belong
to the violations in basketball?
3. Analyze video: Oldenb 63 62

- illegal dribble, a player who accidentally loses and then regains control of a live ball on
playing court
4. Normally, all two or three referees are independent in terms of making their decisions-
lead referee
5. Analyze video: tsn lal 93 tor 92-
5 seconds, the player taking the throw-in shall not take more than 5 seconds to release
the ball
6. 1 scoreboard- there shall be 2 backstop units places at each end of the playing court
and each consisting the following parts except:
7. Analyze the video: london 2012-

3 points, a goal credited to the team attacking the opponents’ basket into which the ball
has entered as goal released from 3 point field goal area counts 3 points.
8. Observe the player dribbling the ball
: Personal Foul, a player’s illegal contract with an opponent, whether the ball is live or
9. Which of the following is/are an example of generic safety guidelines you should
consider for any sport’s physical activity? I, 2 and 3
10. The following will cause sports injuries, except: execute required exercises properly
11. Tuck jump is an exercise that will help basketball players develop their skills in:
rebounding and executing a dunk shot
12. The deliberate attempt to move ball between two teammates: passing
13. As coach and trainer of a basketball team, the exercises that should be includes to
develop the rebounding: tuck jump and ladder drills
14. Observe the vide: as the referee, what would be your hand signal for the violation
committed by the player wearing the dark green jersey?

A player is out of bounds when any part of his body is in contact with the floor, out of
15. Exercise could be harmful when: it involves fast or repetitive twisting (jerking, bouncing,
or long-lasting or held movements)
16. Observe the video carefully: identify hand signal?
1 point. A goal is credited to the team attacking the opponent’s basket into which the
ball has entered as a goal released from a free throw counts 1 point
17. Which movements best described the lay-up shooting in basketball? Raising the ball as
high as possible and flip it straight through the rim
18. Analyze the situation: as referee, what hand signal will you execute?

A team in control of a live ball in the frontcourt has caused the ball to be illegally returned
to its backcourt, ball returned to backcourt
19. The following are considered physical health benefits of basketball, except: offers a great
way to meet people.
20. The following statements for 3 point field goal are true, except are: the team bench areas
shall be marked outside the playing court by 2 lines.
21. A team’s cOnsists of its team’s own basket, the inbounds part of the backboard and that
part of the playing court limited by the endline behind its own basket, the sidelines-
22. Which among the choices is not related from the statement’ a time-out is an interruption
of the game requested by the head of coach or first assistant coach- a throw-in is done
23. James naismith was challenged by Luther Halsey Gulick whom today is renowned as the
- inventor of basketball
24. The illegal movement of one foot or both feet beyond the limits outlined of article 25.1.1
that in any direction, while holding a live ball on the playing court: travelling
25. Push-ups is to muscular endurance. Burpees is to: muscular strength
26. When a team is in control of a live ball in the frontcourt and the game clock is running the
player of the team shall not remain in the opponent’s restricted area. 3 seconds
27. The following statements are true about basic steps to prevent a sports injury, except:
static stretching must be performed and execute prior the physical activity.
28. Video:

travelling, the illegal movement of one foot or both feet beyond the limits outlined in this
article, in any direction, while holding a live ball on the playing court.
29. For all women’s competition in all categories: no less than 510g and no more than 567g
30. Which among the choices is not true for the substitution procedure? The free throw
shooter must be substituted because he: he is not a good free-throw shooter.
31. Exercises that are excellent to improve foot speed, coordination and overall quickness:
32. A type of dribbling to be used to cause your defender to lose his balance as you move
the ball forward with a high dribble- change of pace
33. To develop your skill in basketball for dribbling, fast movement in retrieving and stealing
the ball, changing of direction for defensive- hexagon drill and ladder drills
34. Which among the choices is not true for the substitution procedure? The free throw
shooter must be substituted because : he is not a good free-throw shooter
35. Exercise could be harmful when: it involves fast or repetitive twisting
36. Observe the situation carefully:
Excessive swinging of the elbow, It is a foul by an offensive player with the ball to
use an extended forearm or hand, while dribbling, to prevent an opponent from
gaining control of the ball.


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