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MAY 2021
Approximately 80% of animal species on earth are insects, 99% are invertebrates. We
share a large proportion of our genetic material with all life on earth down to the simplest worms.
Insects provide natural services that we often take for granted. They are the pollinators,
undertakers, leaf litter sweepers, garbage collectors, soil conditioners and natural fertilizer
producers of nature (Costanza, R., 1997). Insects have important economic roles, supporting and
providing livelihoods for numerous people, from the silk trade to beekeeping and the pollination
of most of our fruit and a range of other agricultural produce. The description of insects and their
colourful body patterns have initiated prominent contributions to our art, literature and culture
and offer great educational tools (Pyle et al. 1981). Insects are by far the most species-rich
taxonomic group on Earth. To date, 950 000 insect species have been described and many
millions await discovery (Groombridge 1992). Insect species are estimated to account for more
than half of all species on Earth, and beetles alone currently represent a quarter of all described
species (Southwood 1978; Stork 1988).

Moreover, plants provide the key habitat parameters for many insect species ranging from
shelter to breeding sites. Plant-insect interactions have direct effects, for example on the storage
and cycling of carbon and nutrients, as well as strongly influencing succession and competition
patterns in plant communities and food web interactions (Swank et al. 1981; Weisser and
Siemann 2004). Overall, the diversity of insects has received very little attention, due not least to
constraints in time, energy and funds to thoroughly investigate mega-diverse insect taxa. Their
small body sizes and variability in colour patterns mean it is difficult to identify insects and
makes insect diversity studies more challenging than studies on vascular plants or vertebrate
species. Relationships between insect assemblages and plant communities are another key topic
requiring urgent research attention. Insect diversity could be affected by parameters related to
vegetation structure such as plant height, plant size or leaf shape (Price and Wilson 1979; Lawton
1983; Haysom and Coulson 1998, Axmacher et al. 2004). Insect species richness often increases
with an increase in vegetation height, with the highest diversity recorded in full-grown forests
(e.g. Treweek et al. 1997; Haysom and Coulson 1998; Pöyry et al. 2006).
Nonetheless, interactions are highly complex, and higher diversity has also been observed
in open habitats as compared to closed forests, potentially in reaction to changes in microclimatic
conditions (e.g. Axmacher et al. 2004; 2009). Plant species richness and community composition
affect insect diversity. Despite the unimodal model often used to describe relationships between
diversity and productivity (Grime 1973; Rosenzweig 1992; Abrams 1995), an increase in plant
diversity could monotonically improve ecosystem productivity (Tilman et al. 1996; Hooper et al.
2005). An increase in plant diversity would have a stronger positive effect on species richness at
higher tropical levels. However, a recent review found that lower trophic species responded more
strongly to an increase in plant diversity than higher trophic levels in grassland (Scherber et al.
2010). Increases in plant diversity would decrease the effects of biological invasion, pathogen and
hyperparasitism (Scherber et al. 2010). This pattern also means that increasing plant diversity
could potentially enhance ecosystem stability (Tilman et al. 2006).


Insects play a vital role for proper functioning of forest ecosystem, including positive
roles as pollinators, seed dispersers, genetic linkers and detrimental effects by feeding on and/or
killing trees (Faiz, et. al., 2020). In connection, the comparative study on Insect Diversity in
Different Forest Plantation in Wao, Lanao del Sur was addressed in the study as well as the
insect’s frequency of occurrence in each plantation. This study aimed to know how diverse the
insects in the different forest plantation, the relationship of Forest Plantations to the Insect
Diversity, and if there is a difference in Insect Diversity in every Forest Plantation.


The general objective is to determine and compare the Insect Diversity of four plantations
in Wao, Lanao del Sur. The specific objectives are:

1. Identify the species of insect and its frequency of occurrence in each plantation

2. Determine the species diversity of insect in every plantation.

3. Biological activity of species in the plantation.

The significance of the study is to obtain the insect diversity in different plantations and to
know the effects of their diversity. These may create useful information about insect diversity and
their role in the plantations. Thus, the result of this study is useful sources for classification and
identification of insects and which plantations does the insects were diverse.
This study aims only for assessment of insect diversity within a different forest plantation
which due only for one-year duration that limits only in the insect diversity in the area. And also
assess the effect of diversity of insects in the said location.


Insects are the largest and most diverse group of organisms on Earth. There are
approximately 30 orders with the number of described species reaching nearly 1 million. Like
amphibians, insect species richness is greatest in tropical latitudes. Insects are found in the
Phylum Arthropoda. “Arthropods” are invertebrates wit segmented bodies, jointed appendages
and chitinous exoskeletons. Insects are the largest group of arthropods by certain characteristics.
Insects have three body regions (head, thorax, and abdomen), three pair of legs and a pair of
antennae (Wigglesworth, V. 1996).


Insects are the largest and the most diverse group of organisms on Earth. The forest
ecosystem is facing a number of challenges such as anthropogenic pressures (wood-cutting,
urbanization and land-use change), climatic changes, environmental issues, invasive pest and
forest management that disturb forest health and/or structure and affect primary productivity
(FAO, 2005). Insects play a vital role for proper functioning of forest ecosystem, including
positive roles as pollinators, seed dispersers, genetic linkers and detrimental effects by feeding on
and/or killing trees. Thereby, increasing net primary productivity of a forest by their activity
(Mattson and Addy, 1975). The vegetation of an area provides an ecosystem to insects and
hence, factors that affect diversity and density of vegetation, affect the population of insects.
Moreover, insect diversity defined as “the variety and abundance of species in a defined unit of
study”. Insect diversity also includes species richness, relative abundance, and species
composition. We need Insect diversity so that we could know the conservation of single species
(populations), conservation of communities, and ecosystem services delivered by insects (pest
control, pollination, nutrient cycling) (Solis, A., 2020).
Furthermore, the conservation of insect diversity is therefore a topic of global importance.
However, insects are mostly ignored by “biodiversity” research; for example, relationships
between insect diversity and vegetation or climate change remain widely unknown. Biodiversity
is the basis for human survival. The composition and richness of species assemblages also
strongly influences ecosystem functioning and stability (Naeem et al. 1994; Tilman and Downing
1994; McCann 2000). However, following the industrial revolution, the rapid expanding human
population and its economic activities have caused a dramatic loss in global biodiversity,
resulting in significant disturbance to ecosystems and our living conditions. Accordingly, the
conservation of biodiversity has become one of the most important challenges on our planet.


Insects have important economic roles, supporting and providing livelihoods for
numerous people, from the silk trade to beekeeping and the pollination of most of our fruit and a
range of other agricultural produce. The description of insects and their colourful body patterns
have initiated prominent contributions to our art, literature and culture and offer great educational
tools (Pyle et al. 1981). In many regions, insects also form an important component of the human
diet. Another important application of insects is biological pest management. Insect predators are
known to be more effective than many chemicals in controlling economically damaging insects
(Dempster 1968). Because of their conspicuousness and susceptibility to environmental factors
many insect taxa can be used as bioindicators (Kati et al. 2004; Choi 2006). For example,
butterfly population dynamics have been suggested as indicators of species richness for
pollinators overall and of the structural and floristic diversity of habitats, as indicators of climate
change and further ecological parameters, and of landscape distinctiveness (Pyle 1976; Heath
1981; Kremen 1994; Pe’er and Settele 2008). Ground beetles are also commonly used as
bioindicators for changes in environmental conditions due to their sensitivity to habitat change
and because carabid studies are being highly cost-efficient (Rainio and Niemelä 2003). In
addition to their intellectual and economic value, insects are vital ecosystem components. Many
of the key ecosystem functions that insects fulfill relate to interactions with vegetation. This
includes various types of herbivorous links, but also many mutualistic relationships like
pollination, seed dispersal or predator defense in exchange for shelter (Qin and Wang 2001).
Plants provide the key habitat parameters for many insect species ranging from shelter to
breeding sites. Plant-insect interactions have direct effects, for example on the storage and
cycling of carbon and nutrients, as well as strongly influencing
succession and competition patterns in plant communities and food web interactions (Swank et al.
1981; Weisser and Siemann 2004).

Additionally, approximately 80% of animal species on earth are insects, 99% are
invertebrates. We share a large proportion of our genetic material with all life on earth down to
the simplest worms. Insects provide natural services that we often take for granted. They are the
pollinators, undertakers, leaf litter sweepers, garbage collectors, soil conditioners and natural
fertilizer producers of nature. Insects are important also because of their diversity, ecological role,
and influence on agriculture, human health, and natural resources. Insects create the biological
foundation for all terrestrial ecosystems. They cycle nutrients, pollinate plants, disperse seeds,
maintain soil structure and fertility, control populations of other organisms, and provide a major
source of food source for other taxa. Most major insect pests in agriculture are non-native species
that have been introduced into a new ecosystem, usually without their natural biological control
agents. Insects have evolved unique features in the animal world that are a surprise to experts in
biomechanics and bioengineering because many are recent inventions of humans. Insects have
been in competition with humans for the products of our labor ever since cultivation of soil began
(Jankielsohn, A., 2018).


Forests are important for many reasons. They provide wood products important to our
economy and our daily lives. They are valuable as recreation areas where we can enjoy their
natural beauty and as places where wildlife can make their homes. Forests provide oxygen for all
animals, including humans, and help make and hold valuable topsoil in place (Meeus, A., 2018).


A pollinator is the biotic agent, animals or vector that moves pollen from anthers to
stigma of a flower. Insects and other animal pollinators are vital for the production of healthy
crops for food, fibers, edible oils, medicines, and other products. It is estimated that more than
1,300 types of plants are cultivated around the world for food, beverages, medicines, condiments,
spices and even fabric. Out of these, almost 75% are pollinated by animals. In fact, pollinators
such as bees, birds and bats affect 35 percent of the world’s crop production which increased
outputs of 87 of the leading food crops worldwide and obviously within these, fruits and
vegetables are the most
benefited items. With highest efficacy of honeybees, approximately 100,000 different species of
animals around the world act as pollinators to 250,000 plant species on the planet. But now the
population of wild, native and managed pollinators is declining at an alarming rate owing to
alterations in their food and nesting habitats, shrinkage in natural ecosystems, pesticide poisoning,
alien species, diseases and pests, over-collecting, human activity, climate change, smuggling and
trading of certain rare and endangered species. Therefore, conservation of pollinators' habitats and
implementation of agro-environmental practices to enhance wild plants resources and nesting
sites for bees in agricultural landscapes are vitally important (Das, A., 2018).

Furthermore, pollinators and their habitats provide ecological, cultural, financial, health,
human, and social values. Pollinators enhance the reproduction and genetic diversity of around
80% of the plant species. More than half of plant species are self-incompatible or dioecious and
completely dependent on biotic pollination. These plants are critical for the continued functioning
of ecosystems as they provide food, form habitats and provide other resources for a wide range of
species. Some examples include mangroves, dominated by obligate outbreeder plants, which
provide important services such as preventing coastal erosion, supporting fisheries, protecting
from flood and salt intrusion, providing wood fuel and timber, as well as habitat and food
provision for bees and many other species (e.g. birds, mudskippers) among others (Mukherjee et
al. 2014). Another example are tropical forests, as they contain a high number of dioecious
species, contributing to climate regulation, wild meat, malaria and other diseases regulation,
fruits and seeds that support many other species in the forest, among other services. Furthermore,
products produced by stingless bees, such as honey, wax, cerume (a mix of wax and propolis),
propolis, pollen and the bees themselves, are used by many indigenous people for different
purposes, which include nourishment, traditional medicine, activities related to their spiritual and
contemplative life and their hand-crafting (Rodrigues 2006).

On the other hand, to produce a fruit, pollen needs to be moved from the male part of a
flower (the anthers) to the female part (the stigma); this is pollination. However, pollination is
only the -first step in the process of fruit development; once a pollen grain lands on a stigma, it
will germinate and a pollen tube will grow down the length of the stigma into the ovule where
fertilization occurs. Although most flowers have male and female parts on the same flower, many
fruit crops, Haskap included, must receive pollen from a genetically distinct plant in order to
produce fruit. These plants are self-incompatible, and thus require cross-pollination. For
crosspollination to yield fruit, not only does this pollen need to be from a different flower, it also
needs to be from a different plant (and for many crops, from a different cultivar) (Pandit, M.,

Pollination is important because it leads to the production of fruits we can eat, and seeds
that will create more plants. Pollination begins with flowers. Flowers have male parts that
produce very small grains called pollen. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from one
flower to another. Many insects help move pollen between flowers and act as “pollinators”.
Butterflies, moths, bees, and flies are examples of insect pollinators. When a pollinator visits a
flower, it is looking for food but while feeding these insects accidentally transfer pollen grains
between flowers and help the plants produce fruits and seeds.


Plants, animals and microorganisms interact to form complex webs which supply the
ecosystem services upon which all life depends. With climate change a real and present danger
and natural resources increasingly overexploited, human well-being is ever more dependent on
the remaining pockets of resilience and ecosystem health (Bauhus, J., 2010).


Plantation forests are a type of managed forest in which the trees are planted of the same
age and generally of the same species, and are intended to maximize the production of wood
fiber. Plantations provide a multitude of valuable goods and services. Carbon sequestration is one
of these services. Its importance has increased markedly because forests are seen as a key pillar
of greenhouse gas mitigation to combat climate change. Forest plantations are an increasingly
important forest resource worldwide. In some countries (Australia, New Zealand, Chile) they
already provide the bulk of wood products. By 2050 the total area of plantations is expected to
exceed 200 million hectares, and owing to their generally higher productivity than natural forest,
for plantations to become the main source of wood products globally. Future demand for wood
will increasingly be met from forest plantations, so helping to alleviate pressure on remaining
natural forests. Successful forest plantations require species well matched with sites,
improvement of genetic stock, control of competing vegetation, and attention to thinning and
related operations
that enhance tree quality and stand growth. Plantations are more at risk from pests and diseases
than natural forest formations, but experience so far shows that with adequate monitoring and
with underpinning of biological research such risks do not make plantation forestry
unsustainable. Long-term monitoring of productivity over successive rotations suggests that
plantation practices are sustainable provided that due attention is given to conserving organic
matter and avoiding damage to sites (Evans, J., 1992).

In addition, forest plantations embrace a range of forest types with the one common
feature that the great majority of the trees present were established on the site by planting and/or
seeding (sowing). Tree introductions have facilitated plantation development, and many of the
successful plantations of the last 150 years were built on experience gained from arboreta and
trials of exotic (introduced) species.


Locale of the study

The study is aimed to accomplish at College of Forestry and Environmental Science

building at Central Mindanao University, University town Musuan Maramag, Bukidnon. The
study will be conducted at different forest plantations in Wao, Lanao del Sur with an elevation of
557 meters or 1,882.7 feet above sea level, a coordinates of 7° 38’ North and 124° 43’East.

There were different forest plantations in Wao, Lanao del Sur that was abundant of
different insect species. Those forest plantations were monitored and most of them were under the
Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) in Wao, Lanao del Sur.

Figure1: Location of study area

Data Collection
In every plantation, the insect species should be examined and observed so that the insect
diversity will be obtain. Comparison in each forest plantation will be conducted for a better
outcome and so that the objectives will be meet. The data will be collected from the gathered
results and observations. The coordinates of the different forest plantation will be gathered from
Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Office (MENRO).
Species identification

The different forest plantation should be identified as well as the insects that will be observed.
The insects will be identified with the help of experts from the Central Mindanao University
College of Forestry and Environmental Science. All data that can be used are recorded including
forest tree plantation, insect diversity and other relevant information.

Data Processing

Species Diversity Indices

To analyze the vegetation data for the diversity and species richness of the area, Shannon Wiener
and Simpson indices formulas are used. Diversity index by Simpson assumes that the proportion
of individual species are adequately weight their importance to diversity. This are the following
equation to be used:

D= 1 ∑( )^2

D= Diversity

Pi= Proportion of the ith species in the total sample

Data Analysis

To ease the researcher in determining the insect diversity of different plantation, the data will be
analyzed through Pearson Correlation Analysis and Principal Components Analysis using
Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) Statistics.
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