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John Kenneth S.

Lupango GAS – Physics

Grade 11 – Anglerfish Mrs. Ejm Izobelle B. Cabarles
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
“Differentiate Language used in Academic Text from Various Discipline”

1. Language of Law
2. Language of Journalism
3. Language of Literature
4. Language of Literature
5. Language of Journalism

1. I have encounter some difficulties in understanding the text, because I have no idea
what’s the surgeon is saying all about and there are some term they used that I didn’t
understand mostly.
2. Asphyxia - a condition arising when the body is deprived of oxygen, causing
unconsciousness or death; suffocation.
Ligature - Material used to tie something in surgery. Ligatures are used to tie off blood
vessels, and they may be made of silk, gut, wire, or other materials.
Abrasion - the process of scraping or wearing something away.
Ecchymosis - a discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath, typically caused
by bruising.
Lesion - a region in an organ or tissue which has suffered damage through injury or disease,
such as a wound, ulcer, abscess, or tumor.
Cyanosis - a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate
oxygenation of the blood.
Hemorrhages - an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel, especially when profuse.
Galea - a structure shaped like a helmet.
Congestion - An abnormal or excessive accumulation of a body fluid.
Over Aeration - wastes energy and can negatively affect process performance.
Sub Pleural Petechial Hemorrhages - are areas of pericapillary bleeding that occur in a
wide spectrum of disorders, including some of particular forensic interest.
3. The report structured by saying first the cause of death by the dead, then suddenly he
discussed specifically how it happened and the surgeon saying all the injury obtained by
the dead in their own vocabulary or medical terminology.
4. Sentence Number -
1.) Death occurred from the effects of asphyxia, cerebral anemia, and shock
2.) The victim’s hair was used for the constriction ligature
3.) Local marks of the ligature were readily discernible. There were some abrasion and a
slight ecchymosis in the skin.
4.) No obvious lesion in the blood vessels of the neck.
5.) Cyanosis of the head was very slight and no pronounced hemorrhages in the galea of
the scalp.
6.) Great compression was effected almost immediately, with compression of the
arteries as well as of the vein, and that the superior laryngeal nerve was traumatized in
the effect of throwing the victim into profound shock
7.) The lungs revealed cyanosis, congestion, over aeration, and sub pleural petechial
5. The autopsy surgeon’s report is all about the cause of death, manner and evidence
using their medical terminology.

1. Yes, because I’m not familiar on language or terms that they used on their indictment.
2. Grand Jurors - listens to the prosecutor and witnesses, and then votes in secret on
whether they believe that enough evidence exists to charge the person with a crime.
County - defined as an administrative division of a state or country.
Feloniously - against the law, or related to crime.
Statute - a written law passed by a legislative body.
3. No its not commonly used in ordinary communication because only in the legal job such
as lawyer, they commonly used those language or terms on their profession
4. Grand Jurors knew that John Doe kill and slay Ms. Porphyria Blank by strangulation.
5. For my opinion, the last paragraph of the District Attorney’s statement means that the
indictment is proven that it’s against the peace and dignity of others, and the accusation
on John Doe is true and John Doe will be punished by the law.

1. The news I read in the news website is “PH weakest country in fighting pandemic” and
its much longer than the “Local Girl Found Slain by Rejected Lover” and the news is
using some journalistic language that I didn’t understand mostly of it and I noticed that
the news I read has many source of contents from other agencies of the government to
assure that the news is legit.
2. The news I read is giving some information and knowledge to many people to keep
them updated and the text is all about the girl found dead in a cottage with John Doe.
3. Maybe yes or no because other words have some deep meaning that others can hard to
understand, but for me no because I understand what is the information that the news
article want to say from the readers.
4. The person who narrates the story is a journalist.
5. The event narrated clearly and has good information to inform the readers.

Post-Test –
1. Language of Law
2. Language of Journalism
3. Language of Medicine
4. Language of Law
5. Language of Journalism
Assignment -
a. Based on what I observed in the hearing, the arguments is presented in a formal
b. The kind of language used in the hearings is Language of Law
c. They address themselves respectfully and let other people to give their own statement.

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