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Affect: Smoking tobacco can adversely affect your lungs and stamina.

Effect: Kindly notify me when this is put into effect.

Principle: He is a man of principle.

Principal: Mr. Ramen Borah is the principal of our college.

Lose: Did you lose your house key again.

Loose: This tie is very loose.

Register: His name has been struck off the register.

Registrar: I have applied to the registrar for my documents.

Staff: The teaching staff was present there.

Stuff: what stuff is it mad off??

Storey : I live on the top storey

Story: Can you back your story with facts??

Site: The site has been chosen for the new office.

Cite: can you cite another example like this one.

There: There is no place like home.

Their: Never judge people by their appearance.

Weak: He is too weak to walk

Week: the parcel was delivered last week.

Fill: Please fill out this form.

Feel: thank you for making me feel better.

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