The Covid Pandemic Has Been A Dark and Difficult Time For Many of Us

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Part 1: Diagram

Simple argument:

Reason 1: The virus lives in the atmosphere

Reason 2: We tend to put our masks on desks or places where bacteria spread very easily and put
them back on afterwards

Reason 3: It is also possible to contract the virus if the mask is not properly put on or if it’s not an
appropriate mask

Claim 1: ====== > Masks do not protect you completely from catching the virus

Sub-argument for reason 3:

We sometimes feel obliged to lower it to breathe better or even because it is very unpleasant.

There are masks that are more recommended by the World health organization than others which
create confusions

Some people can’t afford to buy “supposedly” more efficient masks as they are more expensive than
the regular ones

Simple argument 2:

Reason 1: masks are efficient when combined with other measures

Reason 2: recent Special masks are efficient as they have been designed specifically for covid as
opposed to regular masks that existed before

Reason 3: Based on a study, masks reduce the contamination rate by 53 %.

Claim 2: ====== > Masks are although very useful

Simple argument 3:

Reason 1: We can still carry the virus even if vaccinated so we are still a threat for people who are
not vaccinated.

Reason 2:

Lack of efficiency of the vaccine for some cases so need to wear a mask to be safer

Reason 3: mask psychologically make people feel safe combined with vaccination.

Claim 3: ====== > Masks have continued to show their utility even after the vaccination era

Main Claim: I would have recommended wearing a mask despite that it is not 100 % efficient as the
governments made us believe in the beginning


The covid pandemic has been a dark and difficult time for many of us. Some have seen their loved
ones very affected and for others more tragically have died. covid has caused many problems in our
society, both for people at risk and at no risk. Indeed, as you may already know, people at no risk
must also protect themselves from the disease so as not to contaminate vulnerable people. The mask
against this virus was created and its wearing was imposed in society under the pretext that it
protects against the disease. The wearing of the mask has been a very controversial subject in the
sense that there was a lot of disagreement about its real usefulness. The assumption that every
human claimed in the early months of covid when the virus was still unknown to scientists is that the
mask would protect them from catching the virus. After several months, it has been proven that this
is not entirely true. Masks do not completely protect you from catching the virus. Indeed, the virus
lives in the atmosphere so even if we are alone and people have passed through this area before us,
we can catch it. It is also possible to contract the virus if the mask is not properly put on or if it’s not
an appropriate mask. Indeed, we sometimes feel obliged to lower it to breathe better or even
because it is very unpleasant. There are masks that are more recommended by the World health
organization than others. Some people can’t afford to buy “supposedly” more efficient masks as they
are more expensive than the regular ones. We tend to put our masks on desks or places where
bacteria spread very easily and put them back on afterwards. This contributes enormously to the
spread of the virus. On the other hand, as has been said by Mayo clinic. “Face masks combined with
other preventive measures, such as getting vaccinated, frequent hand-washing and physical
distancing, can help slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 “Therefore, it should be
combined with these measures to see its efficiency. Recent masks have proven their efficiency as
they have been designed for the covid virus as opposed to regular masks that existed before the
covid. Based on a study, masks reduce the contamination rate by 53 %. Therefore, masks are useful
in this pandemic. Masks have continued to show their utility even after the vaccination era as first we
can still carry the virus even if vaccinated so we are still a threat for people who are not vaccinated.
For some people the vaccine has not been very efficient for their cases, so they still are safer with
masks. Finally, mask psychologically make people feel safe combined with vaccination.

Finally, I would have recommended wearing a mask despite that it is not 100 % efficient as the
governments made us believe in the beginning. Indeed, it has its drawbacks and advantages.
However, I must admit that it has more advantages than drawbacks, especially if it is used efficiently
and hygienically. Also, we learned during this pandemic to not be selfish and to think about others’
health. Indeed, people who have vulnerable health were the most affected ones. We thus had to put
the mask anyways and combine it with other hygiene means to protect them.

Mayo Clinic. (2020, August 20). Can Face Masks Protect against the
coronavirus? Mayo Clinic; Mayo Clinic Staff.

admin. (2020, September 4). Le port du masque : avantages et inconvénients.

Centres Dentaires Lapointe.

Gregory, A. (2021, November 18). Mask-wearing cuts Covid incidence by 53%,

says global study. The Guardian.

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