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y ° 5 s Register Bookiet Series | AX Register| 2011 t GENERAL KNOWLEDGE WITH GENERAL ENGLISH ‘Time Allowed : 3 Hours | { Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. SSPE IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1, ‘This Booidet has a cover { this page ) which should not be opened till the invigllator gives signal to ‘open it at the commencement of the examination. As soon as the signal is recelved you should tear the right side of the booklet cover carefully to open the booklet. Then proceed to answer the questions. : e 2, This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. 3. -Answer all questions, AMl questions carry equal marks. 4, ‘The Test Booklet ts printed in four series ¢. (1 [E) or (D] See Top left side of this page). The candidate has to indicate in the space provided in the Answer Sheet the sertes of the booklet. For example, ithe carididate gets [A] series booklet, he/she has 16 indicate in the side 2 of the 7 ‘Answer Sheet with Biue or Black Ink Ball point pen as follows ? (BI (C](D] + 5. You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not write anything else on the Question Booklet. 6. An Answer Sheet will be supplied to you separately by the Invigllator to mark the answers. You “" Gnust-write your Name, Register No, and other particulars on side } of the Answer Sheet provided, falling which your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated. 7. You will also encode your Register Number, Subject Code etc.. with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen’ in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fall to encode the above information, your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated. 8. Each question comprises four responses (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to sclect ONLY ONE correct response and mark in your Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there are more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response : for each question. Your total marks will depend on the number of correct responses marked by you In the Answer Sheet. 9. In the Answer Sheet there are four brackets ( A IB 1( C | and { D | against each question. To answer the questions you are to mark with Ball point pen ONLY ONE bracket of your choice for cach question. Sclect one response for each question in the Question Booklet aid mark in, the ‘Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as ‘wrong, e.g. If for any item, (B) ts the correct answer, you have to mark as follows : > (A) MC) (0) 10. You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the examination, After the examination 1s concluded. you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You are allowed to take the Question Booklet with you only after the Examination is over. 12, The sheet before the last page of the Question Booklet can be used for Rough Work. 12, Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you lable to such action or penalty a8 the Commission may decide at their discretion. 13. For Question Nos. 1 to 100 in all matters and in cases of doubt, the English Version is final. 14, Do not tick-mark or mark the answers in the Question Booklet. pyre DONOT TEAR THIS COVER OF THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO ee on ened) IL VERSION OF 01 COVER OF THE ttt F541 (fo0r) [Tum over 3 POEM Liteorp 2ybpler gieneaot 2409) se HEH. A) Acxarmg B) Osiump C) writeaim pal D) cuctreflurrpy. The tributary of Palar river is A) Chinnar river . B) — Cheyyar river ©) Markanda river D) —_Vanniyar river. mayan: OY oS WHSHIDS Gust Cuipys Bewngid 2 A) ~ Qs! ws B) went wid C) ys ws D) — Aiflewgias wg. Mounit Abu is the famous religious centre of A) Hinduism B) Jainism ©) Buddhism D) Christianity. BG HOaGeuain cuenyiler 2.60 auld oreveurgy sapliuGdlpgs 7 A) Qeardioe B) eat. QSagnadl CO vad D) Guedes eqrefl The highest point of the frequency curve is called A) Median B) Arithmetic mean C) Mode : D) Geometric mean. Epascior and dlumsscnoné seve : SdH IA) — + GsAus araflore gue UBAssmdpre 2 cin rssouGelpgs angen (R) : Qjoums asd geoosPNGuwg UUs gu. HG smgeriorT ed FCp GPUN Ootor GPELge eflursor Veo eous Csis@sO: A). (A) ef, (R) soupy B) (A) wppyb (R) afl C) (A) saugy, agentes (R) afl D) (Al wh ppb (R) geug. F542] (1802) * oor [ Turn over POEM 4 Consider the following statements Assertion (A): Indian climate is characterised by tropical monsoon wind. Reason (R): The Northern location of Himalayan mountain is one of the reasons for monsoon. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : A) (Ajis true, but (R) is false B) Both (A) and (R) are true ©) (AVis false, but (R) is true Both (A) and (R) are false 5. apPummudy srodqsah oblg Guciencr oPSlers GeusfI our sei0® A) 1920 B) 1930 ©) 1933 dD) 1935. The white paper of Constitutional reform was issued in the year - A) 1920 B) 1930 °) 1933 D) 1935. 6. “pat UTM LUD" cron SyfucUGd sL_SsSuppaid org ? A) 72a) et. SdlGSsi B) 73 ay aL sslessd OC) 74 aug ec. sslossid D) ° Qeudpicr argiapBleronen. . Which amendment is also known as “Nagar Palika Act” ? A) 72nd B) 73rd ©) 74th D) None of these x [1802] 5 POEM 7. utgue Ig ucqua Heide Gurgsd, Ep GarGsatiuGerer GPuiGaerarés Oarain® eflurer San cous CorsOe@ : a) b) oo a) SHUGaet : a Ayo B) 3 ce) 2. Db) 4 ucgue 1 veepr® Gemp aserpr@ urrediong.w sr @ praia ore bo d 3 2 4 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4, ucgués I VSEO.SH erenGpmt 2 OL SB Capworss Conperag. Match List I with List I correctly and select your answer using the codes given below : a) b) ce) qd) Codes : a A 1 B) 3 c) 2 bd) 4 List 1 Malainadu. Chola Valanadu Pandi nadu Thondai nadu boe d 3 2 4 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 Pep List I Muthudaithu | Sanror Udaithu Vezhamudaithu Sorudaithu. (Turn over POEM 6 8. Ugud Ceciausiinct eédsmaw ysteMagsd DS QurGesswireoreneu 7 A) atragens s1§UUeLUTEd Gamer YsrefeSeugio B) QL des og0ueursd Cancion YoiefleSeuqis ©) syner@laucdr uous D) Uses aig cto ured Sena YstoflaSaugis, Histograms are suitable for : A) Chronological data B) Geographical data ©) Frequency distribution D) Qualitative data 9... Fpdergpid op quer splays Qurgraele ogi Qurgeurs feor Cures St cump Somaru, seoyeurip urgyrig seflaxd srcomtuGApg 2 A) wifes opioid B) oabGioreur Cc) wy flu D) — sabCorreflur wdprd whe opflevid. Which of the following nitrogenous excretory products is generally found in aquatic animals like fishes and terrestrial forms like mammals ? A) Uric acid B) Ammonia Cc) Urea D) Ammonia and Uric acid. 10. gw wfiyecier sgref 8. @sqrer 16 sere ge vd ley CoirdatuGelog afl, 1G nGliysoMer egral A) 12 B) 9 c) 8 dD) 24. The mean of seven observations is 8. A new observation 16 is added. The mean of eight observations is A) 12 B) 9 a 8 D) 24. 11. QsusPler Camadinanyd, Qrss GLI SOBUd Ys sain_Pdscut wrt 2 A) gover B) BevMlusd amma Cc) eublé . DD) grerecr. x [1802] 7 Geor) 12. 13, 14, 15. 7 POEM Who first discovered the function of heart and the circulation of blood ? A) Allon B) William Harvey Cc) Smith D) Johnson. Decirencnde (V5 6 5bGnd THE YoNG oorsa0ug ? A)! 1854 . B) 1711 ©) 1801 D) , 1799. In which year was first Tamil printing press established in Chennai ? A) 1854 B) 1711 ©) 1801 D) 1799. auibSiodrm Sdlud) Quid aleny Used cudnt. A) 5B amg , B) 60aug Cc) 62 amg D) 6S augy A Judge of High Court shall hold office until the age of A) 58 years . B) 60 years C) 62 years D) 65 years. ue Aud cummed ecules uw A) gr éuredflur B) Gamwaguor ©) arreSlusr D) gard. The ship which was purchased by V.O.C. Is A) Lucitania B) Komagatamaru C) ‘Kaliya D) Jhansi. obs anced yur eOureggid eGeurhlogs > A)” Agra B) ye CC) wedreafzes D) argv. In which organ does the formation of urea always take place ? A) Kidney B) | Liver C) Spleen D) ‘Thymus. x (7802) (oon) | Turn over POEM 8 16. @\eadsle pH .. A) 125 7 B) 98 oo 74 Dp) 28. The pH of blood is A) 125 B) 98 oc 74 D) 25, 17. Udljbe CascnonierenoGucsrig! A) Came Gein DgburGsrtacne GHsAngy B) ogy Caoner AeodenBgmit C) GnduLL Came Cay Q@sslorp Camoow oso Gimit D) — eapad updspsred Cormnevenu oO Péetue’ Gm. Open unemployment refers to people A) who are not willing to work 8B) who are willing but do not get work C) _ who leave their jobs in search of better ones D) who have been dismissed because in corrupt practices. 18. g 51d CoG Cups 2 Mende id Fer GenpwUGSslue gain A) 2003 B) 2004 Cc) 2005 D) 3008. Right to Information Act was put into force in A) 2003 B) 2004 ©) 2005 D) 2008. 19. sBlps ececmuillds 2 geentsafler craiorandlésens A 17 B) 234 Cc) 78 D) 45. In Tamil Nadu, legislative assembly consists of .. . members. A117 B) 234 © 78 : D) 45. xem] (oor) os 20. 9 POEM ucgue Ig ucgud Mere urged. Sp GarGsatuOeior EPUGaaend AarainG sfuren Seorcous oipOe@ : uc.gues I utiiquids I a) gyreut 1. Q@oyssra by Gagifl 2. unéemsiL ©) Cy gyeat!. 3. erdurt d) Shiny 4. Sere. GWG 50% = a , b ce d A) 1 2 3 4 B) 4 2 3 1 c) 3 4 2 1 bd) 4 3 2 1. Match List I with List If correcily and select your answer using the codes given. below : List I List a) Zawar 1. Iron ore b) Khetri 2. Bauxite ©) — Renukoot 3. Copper d) Singhbum 4. Zine. Codes : a b ce a A) 1 2 3 4 B) 4 2 3 1 c) 3 4 2 1 D4 3 2 1 [Turn over POEM 10 21. 22 23. 24, SDD sim A Yennoud QaranG cbs sro og 7 A) 1909 g4{> qotin@ avi B) 1919 gyi gyain@é or Lip Ch 1935 a quedrGs eLLib D) 1950 al yan aL. Which Act provided Federal system of Government at the Centre ? A) The Act of 1909 B) ‘The Act of 1919 Cc) The Act of 1935 D) The Act of 1950. Den Qsacuc Geter wAteiyschlesr psG amare + 49, 46, 50, 55. 55, 49. 42, 49, 55 A) 50 B) 49 cc) 47 D) 55. For the given values, 49, 46, 50, 55, 55, 49, 42, 49, 55 the mode is A) 50 B) 49 Cc) 47 D) 55. SLog Hosarhowac@a m1 2191 Me suflmauOdsgie + A) aay, J 1G, auiioy, 2146), ered. tb B) sei, PL, auitay, oMay, ahh C) sete, J, slay, 2 wire}, sreng. an@loushl D) seb, SG, H-d.919 eoGeuell, awitey, DG. Which one of the following indicates the correct sequence of the topographical feature beneath the surface of the sea ? A) Slope, Shelf, Rise, Trench, Continent B) Continent, Shelf, Rise, Slope, Trench ©) Continent, Shelf, Slope, Rise, Abyssal Plain D) Continent, Slope. Abyssal Plain, Rise, Shelf, alu Sepeurer aHlogsens Carrey Qeimayb A) wang Gyr @Gorrfé 2Slovid- By sduSy ls, oBlexd C) Quir@GernAs, oHevrd D) a4lig& sHlond. (yoor] 25. 26. 27. 1 : POEM Which of the following is a weak acid ? A) Hydrochloric acid B) Sulphuric acid Cc) Perchloric acid D) Acetic acid. Syren Corend slg ger A). min Hlererapssid a Pure B) mihiny youd eyPuredd C) itty Blesrooragigsid ereveor \LsieaFlgyx stoi D) — wiftny Youd orcdour @isiscflgysd swore Bese. Iniside a uniform spherical shell A) the gravitational potential is zero B) the gravitational field is zero C} the gravitational potential is same everywhere D) __ the gravitational field is same everywhere. obs 7 Aumcntiy 6 Ug AGdss0 adalenu sg iue 2 MemowrsdAlugs > AL Weugy Awssid B) 86eig) Aesa0 C) , 84ug Alessi D) 68a1g HGSso. Which Constitutional Amendment has made “Education” as a Fundamental Right ? A) - 96th Amendment B) 86th Amendment C) 84th Amendment D) 68th Amendment. opr flu Cusp Ae emdurgh) wnt 2 : A) Aeurghdler eCamaqit B) Aourghile wGwastr CC) Aeurghiflesr watt D) Heung ies uer_sserud. Who was Shambhaji in Maratha Kingdom ? A) Shivaji’s brother B) — Shivaji’s son-in-law C) — Shivaji's son D) — Shivaji's army chief. x{isoz) : (ioor) [Turn over POEM 12 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Setreugascrasdysr Ppgpeten sury A) Sotieasfear B) mani ager C) asedgerr D) asfeStud, The coloured gas among the following is A) Fluorine B) Hydrogen C) Oxygen D) Helium. snpfldor Qae soured oes) A) dleonGarenndlen B) AaerGar@gaild C) Aeon Ban@gennlev D) @@ Gens Guragetise. Anaerobic phase of cellular respiration is A) Glycolysis B) — Glycogenesis C) — Glycogenolysis D) — Gluconeogenesis. 2010 womis 9% Gad wnflatiscr smal PHonGoudniuc Gueirast WL QRbEO WGengralparan unprenweip Hoodsgagaler Sereeut wmt 7 A) dyn@omt B) sbSarGereh C) apiteon gré Fuciuer D) guid puytedr. Who was the Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Women’s Reservation Bill passed by Council of States on 9th March, 2010? A) Meira Kumar B) Ambika Sont ©) Sudarshana Natchiappan Dy Jayanti Natarajan. ‘oHUT By" reétUgi A) gGcuem@s preQuid B) =e fone C) senflsensss D) — Qlubpiet rgnpBldonsn. ‘Amba Aadal is 7 A) a type of dance B) Thai Neeradal C) © Oozhi Koothu D)._ none of these. Qpdu syene obs gbsranOs HCL, @yedrmag ueew_0l ys oor eaDtugdlpg 7 A) preg wipro SACL B) @bsreug pbsrainQsHcLb CC) gypraug pbsrainQsdicLb D) atirag gbarainGs GLb. Cioor] 33. 34. 35. 36. 13, POEM Which Five-Year plan was hailed by the Government of India as the Second Greeti Revolution ? A) Sixth Five-Year plan B) Fiith Five-Year plan C) Seventh Five-Year plan D) Eighth Five-Year plan, QPEsurale yudiods sdolau ysssrsde Garain® cubgest wnt 7 A) aires Sig, B) @wéanGeo igy C) Auer Igy Di gQaapiard Gao. English education was introduced in India by whom ? A) Lord Curzon B) Lord Macaulay C) Lord Ripon 1D) Jawaharlal Nehru. AgPjaarqgs yo! crety ui dens GZS Csmedorout ust 7 A) Slip euinnest B) (gem wSapAlp. swe C) ype gy Plibwaurtwer D) Qyeda_nio wCabSigoutwer, Who assumed the title ‘Chitrakarapult’ ? A) Simhavarman B) Mahendravarman I C) — Narasimhavarman | D) Mahendravarman Il. CsmPdsreom 2flod Ehlds usu Qarctosscr sflolsatu. gein® A) wmité 1980 B) Sitiyeufl 1970 Cc) gti 1971 D) Go 1972. New Industrial Licencing Policy was announced in A) March, 1980 B) February, 1970 ©) April, 1971 D) May. 1972. uréie fluency Ur Bleed enouy sy A) 6g GennGug B) suGernGug ©) warGyrGug D), uréieAGurugy Virus attacks bacteria in A) Actinophage B) Cyanophage C) — Virophage D) _ Bacterfophage. (oor) {Turn over POEM 14 37, Siphecion. eurrsElusersoranés evoucd : ses) (A) esmyeneni> (R) Assertion (A) : Reason (R) pragurt AEsepGenr® Perk cugslenpsi. 210, QuTGsi, Qetruid epedrpy upH|ss sagiaugred. SSp GHAI Geter GAIL GS efurer Hor eoug CotsOs@ : . A) (A) af (R) soupy B) (A) wpb (R) Qyain Gn oA ©) A) seup (Rofl D) (A) why (R) Qyein@b seupy. Consider the following statements : Naladiyar, Thirukuralodu Opidapadukyrathu. Arram, Porul, Inpam Mundrum Patri Kuruvathal. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : A) fA)is true, (R) is false B) Both (A) and (R) are true Cc (A) is false, (R) is true D) Both (A) and (R) are false. . 38. wgBw sepa scinerosi gener ois GqgeSler uM genqumss sharon ow Qorgquercamt ecg. Central Vigilance Commission was established by the recommendation of 2 Geurssouleg ? 7 A) Gargem eap B) C) atéemfur Gg D) A) Kothari committee B) c) Sarkaria committee D) Santhanam committee Rajamannar committee. 39. vepOupid sgtue Ke Fpsecin i wiaeen qnesors eMemssuGsgs + . IL. dil. WV. @oboet : A) IV, I, co mn. x (1802) Gopes opacoy Cope wssiuli Wyse 2 SST HCL Qyrgevgsretr. MT B) Vt D) IV, ML, Hit 1V,1, 0, m. 40. al. 42. 15 POEM Arrange the following places in the ascending order for receiving average rainfall : 1. West Coast Il, Western Madhya Pradesh Wl. Uttarakhand IV. Rajasthan. Of these A) WILT By) VILLI Cc) maw “py. gzaaA purer ogApeut’ cep) semps50uL out writ 2 A) eciqwoodthy Sour B) atigwedw ung Shumt ©) etijesdftu: spurt D) unydisnesr Who was known as ‘Grand Old Man of South India’ ? A) Subramania Siva B) Subramania Bharathi ©) Subramania lyer D) _Bharathidasan. sHifwss setionact asitessdenar Qeulalgin Gurg ecucDguren a#Plirale dene aiiptips 2 Ay oa B) 6 oy . D) Qera aenerdgib. ‘The-atoms of radioactive elements that emit radiations are Aa B) 6B coy D)_ Allof these. or Corisesro Ser vedo go Ardsnd Stroy : Mbp iA) : Borupp’ Gee vesgie gles ghph Gersi@d Symes Gurpiss) seo wESgeudsler Ayer senouy. sap) (B) : wGsseu phefler Gevefliurc@s Aye GCunpsgid ger wodssussler Hyer sow. AC p SPUN Goter SHES efurer Aeorcougs CoIsOSO + A) (A) wbpib (B) ofl B) (A) wip (B) soup C) (A) 6 fl (8) seu) D) (A) soupy (B) afl. x (180) [100r) (Turn over POEM 16 43. 44 _ * (9802) Gene therapy is the permanent solution for genetic diseases : Statement (A): The efficiency depends on the uptake of therapeutic gene by the target cell. Statement (B): Depends on the expression capability of the rapeutic gene. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : A) Both (A) and (B) are true B) Both (A) and (B) are false C) — (A)is true, but (B) ts false D) (jis false, but (B) is true. BAPEM Gs CoH Gsmtéd wmerier Apss sila usPaschd Geopaser wenyp Qupawie amped A) wap 6G Cosisct Groen B) smbp) wenpey Q\GLTid C) aSlawren siribp: Qj Qeuell D) wirguce austiesi. The eastern side slope of Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu experiences low rainfall because A) lack of rain bearing clouds B) _ leeward location ©). more wind gaps D) varying heights. 2p rtagaier flop sGaMagd Gung, ecagale eater gaGame PyAefumehesr Versoorcny eybperrenrgy A aflafleApg B) @epdlpg OC) enpmod Qesdlng D) fleap aainmant Qumpsy ompélpsi. ‘As the mass number of a nucleus increases, the binding energy per nucleon in the nucleus A) ° increases B) decreases C) remains the same D) varies in a way that depends on the value of the mass number. 45. 46. 47. 17 . POEM Gof Qeaypwles. onplene w_bgib Cer eob A) cos" (2) By sin”! (2) 7 : ©) cos? (%) . Db) sin? (24). my In optical fibre, the critical propagation angle is SAy Oar QssturiggGguuauache ogy soprads QurGsscuu Gerorgs 7 A) ypembd wGagS\yautnesr — GLaegs Carale BB) Q\yetormd eug@eoo iTedong wet — PA@iypodur Gumi CC) Qyaioremb pyAlinw autos — abp,flast D) gmp shinncér — gruGgcvayt Carats Which of the following is incorrectly paired ? A) Mahendravarman 1 — Rock-cut temple B) Varaguna Pandya tI — Battle of Sripurambyam ©) Narasimhavarman Il — Structural temples D) — Rajasimha — _ Iravateswara temple. Qisurcler wadu Cwisd gyenamud of aGd us gut Claman. Cpitge Aooomuoresngs ? AL 1985 B) 1988 c) 1989 D) 1990. When was the Election Commission of India became multi-member Election Commission ? A) 1985 B) 1988 c) 1989 D) 1990. x [703] © (oon) I Turn over POEM 18 48. Gpngr®. ssbAyr oi Mou aroddes aad A) 1954 B) 1955 ©) 1956 D) 1959, Rajaji started the Swatantra Party in the year A) 1954 "By 1985 Cc) 1956 D) 1959. 49. adippr® wrfle wally, afew quncooud gHUOSSUUL gyeior® A) 1998 B) 1996 © 1997 D) 2000. “Tamil Nadu Human Rights Commission” was established in A) 1998 . B) 1996 c) 1997 D) 2000. 50. 5895 Dsrcwisct coq GAssLUGIO ypreeriosi cross 7 A) Blur evoriiesei: B) Aasygrexon CO) paxgremtiiact D)- Pg Venorune ygrevorissset Which myth is known as “Nagara Thonmangal” ? A) Aadhi Puranas ( a Sugresniiessit ) B) Siva Puranam ( Slapirennib ) ©) Thala Puranas (soupresstinct ) D) — Thiruvilaiyaadal Puranas ( Algalenerum_& Ygrosbect ). 51. Metraugid padmpaha obs adap Sencomiysarse @loCuwres Camrevond 109-5° ? A) bir B) gybCwredlur CC) SeCser D) amtuer or shone. For which one of the following molecules is the bond angle 109-5° ? A) Water B) Ammonia Methane D) Carbon dioxide. [foo] 52. 53. 54. 55. POEM wrdlapACoCu Hai@uiflu cemmwuOsssucr smpdMMey ergy > A) heonTig. trys Cgrypler CC) wartn Oar B) Db) gayle Garp Gymss Asm. Largest organised sector in Tamil Nadu state is A) Fishing industry ©) Mining industry Aleneflen AS asraMesr 2Lagéacnre A) gGarumiach CC) gpGairGLmriyjact The nuclei of ,4 Si, ,,S1°, ,,Si°° and ,,Si** ~ all are . A) isobars C) isotopes pH odrugs A) gy SSqQedr Que Gadlay CC) arfcSlusd awed Oey pH means A) Oxygen ion concentration C) Helium jon concentration _B) D) 148178, 14517, 148i? B) D) B) D) B) D) B) dD) Textile industry Cottage industry. wor 4 Si ereintsor Bor G.netract QGer@wienct. ... Of silicon, isotones isomers. mandrger sue Qadioy urretuLigey 9a Oedley. Hydrogen ion concentration Phosphorous ion concentration. X wbpib ¥ Qaubsler Veteran oy swciiuT@act X =-0-2¥+6-7,¥ =-0-4X+7-2 cratiley X wibmid Y QupHdesion pe OnaysGlacg wrgi 2 A) 0-2288 Cc) 00-2828 B) D) 0-2882 08282. The regression equations of X and Y are X = - 0-2 Y +67. ¥=-O04X+7-2. ‘Then correlation coefficient between X and Y is A) 02288 Cc) 0-2828 x (1802) B) dD) 0.2882 0-8282. [ Turn over POEM 20 56. Qbsw sspdysPdow Weir, sHippmigen ee ngemoéat A) 6. smogmg B) gwbgmt Qpmoemh Oncquet CC) Usgards aid : D) g. U0. @ymnen. Who was the first Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu afler Independence ? A) K. Kamaraj B) Omandur Ramasamy Reddiar ©) Bhakthavatsalam D) 0. P. Raman. 57. ab-a6i6 Sor Curgar Apdacin obs aumaemibs swat ungemieny aomMehlogs 2 A) guoaigg emgags Asm PiugeAS OgmPloorentseyee , B) emgad usPe apewsGaniga pag smerdg Pawobp QpmPloorant weaned C) p87 USA ourapd qenogsg) emPerrent s@BHsed D) . amye wr PHTLYD Can Plerentact senoraxsgo. Aam-Aadmi-Bima Yojana provides social security to A) all labourers in rural areas B) _ all landless labourers living below poverty line in rural areas ©) all labourers in urban areas Db) all labourers in both rural as well as urban areas. 58. magevaciler Ys 20 Gldsurgy senpphotuGid A) airtigeo . B) antAQ C) dermreudl@ D) arewtl@. The protein coat of viruses is called A) Capsule B) Capsid C) Plasmid : D) Cosmid. 59. FBp 2 ctoreudP#le seupmargy org) 7 A) 32576 B) 35893 c) * 36149 D) 37625. x [1803] (Goon) 60. 61. 62. 21 POEM Find the wrong one : ay $2576 B) 35893 Cc) 36149 Db) 37625. DarGsati Goren QooracAhAGsg sfuror encow CeisOsQae : A) SAIL — Crab By TNPL — eet ©) TATA _ oot D) BHEL — —_ searrqyt. Choose the correct one from the pairs given below : A) SAIL _ Salem B) TNPL _ Hosur Cc) TATA - Karur D) BHEL = ‘Thanjavur. ard Caisascie sud ai Aacr usCahs Coucorgug He sjudluid cetueng Aumfle: Qetisgs + A) aGeneGogér cp B) udeubé yrds Cosereqy CO) Qorgies anbAGedr ullibgicoy D) py Aioogmds-or UAZgie07. “There should be an official participation of political parties ‘at all levels of Panchayat Elections.” This was recommended by A) Ashok Mehta Committee B) Balwant Ral Mehta Committee C) Rajiv Gandht recommendations D) _ Narasimha Rao recomendations. ByAldod GY Ths BoG sypbVeacureg 7 A). 1991 B) . 1981 ©) 1982 Db) 1983. When was the Narasimham Committee introduced ? A) 1991 B) 1981 c) 1982 D) 1983. x [1802] (Turn over * POEM 22 63. 1992-93 Awd 1994-95 arenyHlerran sei grecfisr sumfliny wdgi gidnwd) ULOL auengtinmachd OarGsaiuGeionrg. sieoose sot genres showed) Ooi G1Ed Careros os agian, Go KuiGsG Dos Gsmpauror leo Biireoorui Geiwtr Getengy 7, sumficy 360 1992-93 (Blérelweér 385 1993-94 egy 8. ugtléo ) 450 1994-95 353 1992-93 ‘ peer 392 1993-94 (Gong Gund®) F735 1994-95 A) 1992-93 “B) 1993-94 . ©) 1994-95 _ D) Sane Hirer Qeiu apgurgs. ‘The production and export of Kadhar cloth for the period 1992-93 to 1994-95 is shown in bar graphis, Assuming that the enitire cloths produced is exported, the price per square metre is minimum during ; Production 360 1992-93 ( Milion sq. 386 1993-94 metres ) 450 * 1994-95 7 353, 392 Exports 1992-93 (Rs. in 1993-94 Crores ) 435 1994-95, A) 1992-93 ° B)_ 1998-94 Cc) 1994-95 D) Cannot be determined. 64. @ssluroSier agin) wait . 1 BF SLPS emroorsiOdpss. A) wbdiy yesem B) gifleur ©) etigm en D) eggs. Marshy soils in India occur in the coastal areas of A) Andhra Pradesh * B) Orissa Cc) Karnataka D) Gujarat. x [7802] 65. 66. 67. 68. x (1802) 23 POEM SbAVSLS CwooMugage Nor ofucrcorGuplu gjauyg wast wit 2 A) SoiSemyir B) Sbgeryt C) peingat D) Geran. Who was the son and successor of Chandragupta Maurya ? A) Bimbisara B) Bindusara ©) Dhanananda D) Asoka. Epsscin_oocuschle crooo eflurs, Gung Ss0UL eee 7 A) grater @scvautb — gio dul B) — Ceveneveumistiy, aug wibpyo —. Serv JM. amis udp @G @urgiés ComuT@ ‘ LC) press GopCen@ — @tynssit D) ale Lamb Goaphs Qurgc seer sysgeg | — Beaver Herz @Cwer. Which of the following is incorrectly paired ? A) Wealth of Nation — Adam Smith B) General theory of Employment, Interest & Money — J. M. Keynes C) Outline of Money — Crowther : D) Too much money chasing too few goods — Milton Friedman. Qowscile bit Age ghiGse of A) &ygdler B) @enasgienor C) wan. GsnGaet > DD) UpaGgrre. In leaves guttation is taking place through A) Cuticle B) Stomata Cc) Hydathode D) Epidermis. Mer agGacruppist (encieuréei Garter Clumeet agi 2 A) CCl, B) H,0 oH, D) Oy [Turn over POEM 24 Which one of the following is a polar molecule ? Ay CC B) H,0 co Hy D) Oy. 69. OLE adumsé @liug A) Object Loading and Enabling B) Object Linking and Enabling Cc) Object Linking and Embedding Db) Object Loading and Embedding. OLE stands for A) Object Loading and Enabling —&B)_—_Obect Linking and Enabling ©) Object Linking and Embedding D)_~—_Object Loading and Embedding. 70,° geen adler. wpli@ueiresdiic qari ge Lie sevedidr sifleSuds WPWIOueiradledr Upsld QE usems OL 45 wAUGUcirset solewre 2stengy QIAO WAUOUaiora Mei saGge 200 caer, FoResr syHlaIusy wAMUiG\ucrior ersbroor 2 A) 45 B) 50 . c) 100 D) 60. A third of Ravi's marks in English exceeds one tenth of his marks in Science by 45. If he got 200'marks in the two subjects together. how many marks did he get in Science ? A) 45 B) 50 c) 100 D) 60. TI. Q\bslu sirexglencousronrgy seremoyerwgy. A) gitleonedon_eo B) 2) sywempeton_ ey Cc) ugeambdp D) seuteérenmr. The nature of Indian climate is A) Tropical B) Subtropical ©) Monsoon D) Savanna. 72. Ephocinauppst Garg paygoos prov rary Alas g og ? A) webu 22, 1939 B) myedve. 16, 1946 ©). Go 16, 1946 D) gyacw! 15, 1947 (1802) 73. 25 POEM Which among the following was declared as ‘Direct Action Day’ ? A) 22nd December, 1939 B) 16th August. 1946 C) 16th May, 1946 D) 15th August. 1947. ULgWd Ig UrQUad 2c GuTEsA. Kp Gan Gsatu Geren |@AIQsorsrd Gancn® sflurer Ser_eows CarbOa@ : utLguee T udquéo 1 a) BASEL II 1. Gleuefulgtny Ler b) SEBI 2. ertniL@ dL co) NPA 3. Magar sions 4) IRDA 4. cum) pnenité A. epSG6H : a boc d A 3 4 1 2 Bo 4 8 1 2 c) 3 2 1 4 D 1 2 3 4. Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below List 1 List 1 a) BASEL Il 1. Loan Outstanding b) SEBI 2. Insurance ©) NPA 3. Capital Market 4) IRDA 4. Banking Reform. Codes : a bo ec 4 A 3 4 #1 2 Bo 4 3 1 2 Cc) 3 2 1 4 D) 1 2 3 4. [ieor) | Turn over POEM 26 va 75. 76. 7 iiwat Ursin GL. Gree Qe frysor.weutt A) 1806-0 g601@ orgy yg. B) geting wire Sleng - C) 18574 gyeter@ AGumis seve DD) wrumi yga. Mangal Pandey is associated with A) Vellore Sepoy Mutiny of 1806 B) Dandi March .C)_— Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 D) — Mabar revolt. Sa Auy sree wed MEAS sieud Qupeusids aryeond A) BLpasoyt I7ge syed : B). wsGw oe KerSla gard gyi A eorow seme to C) Ag du OpOGerena sone D) Qyr@vdvaiy superar syed. Mandapam is of national level importance because of its A) location in the coastal region B) location of Central Marine Fishing Rescarch Institute ©) location on National Highway D) location near Rameswaram. Sdragamoppet obs geo Ajbay focrons oqo garg 7 A) aust: 5HQ. B) 6obssO ©) Berens wm D) Gy (RAM). Which one of the following ts not a permanent storage device ? A) Hard disc B) Compact disc C) Magnetic tape D) RAM. Dy cinc srevniuGers. A) gyerGenreonn B) Acyd Cc) or D) s&evref. Aggregate fruit is present in A) Annona B) Citrus Cc) Mango D) Tomato. 78 79. 81 27 POEM wane Uren. gréeAlecuict met A) 29.0mid. 1857 B) 10 Go, 1857 C) 24 gaye, 1857 b) 29 mOeir. 1857. Mangal Pandey was hanged on A) 29th March, 1857 B) 10th May, 1857 ©) 24th April, 1857 D) 29th June, 1857. QeAu s7AuocrorMIe obs aygssi Guiles sib 1955 g alleuhlsdlng 2 A) oye 11 B) awsg 12 Cc) ome: 13 D) agysgi 14. Which Article of the Constitution of India deals with the Citizenship Act, 1955 ? A) Article 11 B) Article 12, c) Article 13 D) Article 14. QsHhurrcdler apae AA s\owsert writ > A) T.T. Flupcigevonoré er B) -Y. V. Gijig ©) seingpaio QeLiquinit D) -C. etuSIptoeeeflus, Who was the first Finance Minister of India ? A) T.T. Krishnamachari B) Y. V. Reddy C) Shanmugam Chettiar D) _C. Subramaniyam. 2010-4 Qui Sucle A. Qerkid wpxd K. CerG@amG@aydoas HACurGsS Mppsscior obs paPlpere Cprud vile eypbesuce gs 7 A) AgmSeer secor@Sig. 4y B) gall Qnpiler aptiey CC) Bettgprie Uleneortiy agai eee Guy uy D) — uurdveusfl Spermafless qpoui Uibibhw oy luny ‘The 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to A. Geim and K. Novoselov for A) development of graphene - B) work on fibre optics C} invention of charge-coupled device D) work on the origin of galaxies. x {igo2 : (oor) [Turn over POEM 28 82. Descent of Man cep gresler oy Aifluit A) quercourhi eurensiy B) emitedv Lime ©) godiuer andevBer D) qytgit ems. Who wrote the book ‘Descent of Man’ ? A) Alfred Wallace B) Charles Darwin Cc) Julian Huxley D) Arthur Eddington. 83. wisorenanSler uci ergltan Al ganoveut : A) Symguont B) Poargisn CC) Cenoflur amps) D) — eciwor ecugrgy, ‘The woman leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha is A) Meira Kumar B) . Nina Gupta C) Sonia Gandhi D) Sushma Swara). 84. Se8u amppret ergeocousant ogg 2010-0 Qubpaut A) aiBlgmtiudedtr B) ‘shetuéerer C) gleams se D) — sneanrra str Who is the recipient of the National Lifetime Achievemnt Award in 2010 ? A) Amitabh Bachchan B)_ Thangarbatchan €)— Rajanikant D) Kamal Hasan. 85. MIG aoiuplesr grand soobstute Petr alfleurdeb A) Military Innovative Group B) Military Improvement Group C) Military Indian Group D) Mikoyan-Gurevich. Expansion of MiG which is related with defence is A) Military Innovative Group B) Military Improvement Group C) Military Indian Group D) Mikoyan-Gurevich. 86. Qed O78, asdrO 2010-Gad Ferro QGss PsreraGuhs sedact cuted SOLOU THE AQKUMsGES sort sSwgi 2 6 Ay MTNL B) Tata Tele c) BSNL D) DoCoMo. x [1803) (oor) 87. 88 89. 29 POEM India in August 2010 lifted restrictions on telecommunication gear from Chinese vendors. A) MTNL B) Tata Tele Cc) BSNL. D) becomo. to buy redler psd amiuenidp. a Payson wdpid oAagbgs Geers mario A) wordvtt peg B) eumqscér Bagi C) ato ami D) — qpbsnu pam. World's first zero-carbon, zero-waste and car free city is A) Masdar city B) Vatican city ©) London city D) Mumbai city. Giine 2010 Bo gang, Hoyle cezmcuragy smité 2 64 wrer® ogg 7 A) loa B) 160g Mag D) Seg. Which SAARC Summit was recently held in Thimphu in April, 2010 ? A) loth B) 16th cy) 14th D) 9th. 2010 yb gyeirigd Ror Gupp smod@ads Cumigachd aad wepurs Qo upset Curcquire Cetoecul. aSlenerwm:@ erg? A) Bug B) aprédl C) sraubgs D) Querafiev. Which sports was included for the first time as a medal sport in the Commonwealth Games, 2010? A) Kabaddi B) Hockey C) Football D) Tennis. k 1 gebut 2010 & velit umfleghe AFSPA Gogud gm arg_sélbe SLigdacue Qcieng.. AFSPA aang @Hléeelpg A) xen usm ( Apiy sSlamgio ) arid. 1958 B) usd Leo ( Aptis slampd ) Lit, 1958 C) Ose ver ( Andy slampid ) sib, 1958 D) Spal Ue ( Api aang ) eLid, 1958. x [1503] [fo0r} (Turn over POEM 30 AFSPA has been extended for one more year in Manipur from Ist December. 2010, AFSPA stands for A) The Assam Force ( Special Power } Act, 1958 B) The Armed Forces ( Special Power ) Act, 1958 ©) The Additional Force ( Spectal Power ) Act, 1958 D) The Artillery Force { Special Power } Act. 1958. 91. Gedriout 16 & grefler Apcuinsio eees 2 , . A) 2.08 expen Heid B) 2.6 adaShupley Bend ©) neve 2 cxoray fled D) 28 @@aren sles. What is the speciality of 16th September ? A) World Tourism Day B) World Literacy Day ©) World’Food Day D) World Ozone Day. 92, 2011 gpemeutles Auras (pasrono CHise Qencugrs Q\Gbseut wnt 2 A) Fgcyomapt ss) B) — paSer ercueot Cc) S.Y. @Gyrafl D) — Garumes artior, Who was the Chief Election Commissioner of India in January, 2011 ? A) Krishnamurthy B) Navin Chawla Cc) S.¥. Quraishi D) Gopal Sharma. 93. Fp Gan Gsaiui Geiornuscild, ais usc gad. 2010 & sla BHsassId aotenréiugy 7 A) GLa, Aprune, ceing et B) YQ, waster oy, Anita ©) Gameur, wast. oy, Opddyt D) GLa, cndeu, Qputiyi. Which one of the following areas was affected by August, 2010 earthquake ? A)” Delhi, Noida, Chandigarh B) Bhuj, Mt. Abu, Jaipur C) Goa, Mt. Abu, Jaipur D) Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur. x [ieo2): (oor) 94 95. 97. 31 POEM 2009-0 gainGdaror Cased Corie ules Geutiergmncsr gmodlesigenresr unyrQ Qenoorg) Quidyowd 2 A) gra A. Guns wpb eurdocit Caren B) . QreDer Come wbpxd gun H. AgLsiv ©) smody dvetdv wpprd or Gursmg D) CNR gre wp M.S. sasmBgmpedr, Venkataraman Ramakrishnan shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the year 2009 along with A) John A. Pope and Walter Kohn B) Irwin Rose and Robert 11, Grubbs C) | Thomas Steitz and Ada Yonath D) CNR Rao and M. S. Swaminathan. Shs QE GooTsemd Heder. 2 AainGaclng «OSHS Qeerpgs 2 A) Sleeves of - A 14 * B) Merdy aa al - 9 Cl gh arava of D) Waray ere all - 1 10. Which one of the launch vehicles carried Qccan Sat-2 to the space ? A)! PSLV-C14 B) PSLV - C9 Cc) GSLV D) PSLV- C10. Sletreugid os Gigs gebut 2010 & enitd eutsgse sairamA wem Guidog ? A) urdlevgmretr B) uksorn Gacig Cc) Gpunei dD) @pdlur. ‘ In which’ of the following countries was SAARC Trade Fair organised in December. 2010 ? A) Pakistan B) Bangladesh C) Nepal D) India. ebGarn 2.wigSlocrpders MEurGH FHriy eIOUMEgg Goes 2 A) 30 g6GLrut 2010 B) 30 @etitbur 2010 C) + 30. yssv@ 2010 D) 30 pauiurt 2010. 1 x (1802) [Turn over POEM 32 When was the Ayodhya Verdict delivered by Lucknow High Court ? A) October 30, 2010 B) September 30. 2010 C) August 30, 2010 D) November 30, 2010. 98. Qatiduit 2010 & cengis UPS) ssuroyd QahHe Gamfurayd GyrednG yAlis grocer oy QuUbpHAEMET ECan sSLLor 2 A) GomeLit cursor oSumcaryiy B) eeall CC) Betrahwds Gung ast D) urge. In September, 2010 India and South Korea signed two Memoranda of Understanding on A) Automobile trade B) Education ©) Electronic goods D) Defence. 99. CprGoigé aoSlO@uedn. crérugy AY Gleusitenen wit enact B) QWMdsrale argmid gw os wrener C) QO hAuroyo wsCarSunayd Geromhg ps8w Gyre Geudur@set D) Qpbsw orsortue Ser Gumi aorengseo Gui. “Nomadic Elephant” refers to A) White Elephant B) type of elephant found in Africa C) joint military exercise between India and Mongolia D) ame of a military aircraft in Indian Air Force. 100, aed ofls oieroSe avemenas x pups) Qeinyd ar@ eg 2 A) OgpinwsdAl B) urdlevaner Cc) @edur D) guuimer Which country is the largest producer of Mica in the world ? A) Germany B) Pakistan c) India D) Japan. x (502) 33 POEM 101, Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and sclect the correct answer from the codes given below : Column A Column B a) notion 1. arrival b) mettle 2. strange o} advent 3. courage a) queer 4. idea. Codes : a boc a A 3 1 2 4 B44 3 1 2 ao 2 1 38 4 Dp 1 8 4. 2. 102, Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below : Column A Column B a) strove 1. suitable b) convenient 2. shine ©) strategy 3. tried a) gleam 4. plan. Codes : AL 30 4 2 Bo 2 3 1 4 D) 4 1 2 3. [1802] (Tam over POEM 34 103. Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below + Column A Column B a) apex 1. passage b) channel 2. gift ©) verge 3. top boon 4. brink. Codes : aobocioa AN 4 1 3 2 B) 1 2 3 4 co 3 1 4 2 by 2 304 1. 104, Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below : Column A Column B a) pleaded 1. good qualities b) virtues 2. delight glee 3.- deviated a) diverged 4. requested. - Codes : A 2 4 1 3 Bo4. 1 2 3 Qo 4 3 1 2, py 3° 2 1 4, * | 1802 | 1001 105. 106. 107. 108. 35 POEM Match the following words/phrase given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below : Column A Columa B a) sans 1. participate b) take part 2. Ife history of one’s own self ©)” autobiography 3. met d) called on 4. without. Codes : A B) on ES s Oo 4 38 2 1 D) 4 1 2 3. Choose the correct synonym for the italicized word : | fed on filth for nineteen years. A) dirt. B) rich C) tasty D) bitter. Choose the correct synonym for the italicized word : I was jolted by an enormous noise. A) small B) big ©) narrow D) dim. Choose the correct synonym for the italicized word : They lashed me. A) wounded ©) beat [#543] |. | 1802 | [Turn over POEM 36 109. Choose the correct synonym for the italicized word : Mary was hurt. A) upset B) . pleased ©) affected D) + wounded. 110, Choose the correct synonym for the italicized word : L used a pressure cooker instead of a stone vat. A) pressure pan B) frying pan C) large tub D)__ big pan. 111, Choose the correct antonym for the italicized word : ‘The girl was delighted to watch the roadshow. A) shocked B) sad ©) forced . D) lost. 112, Choose the correct antonym for the italicized word : In 1815, Beethoven found himself in a still more miserable condition. A) pleasurable B) suitable C) tolerable D) _ negligible. 113. Choose the correct antonym for the italicized word : His anxiety is clear. A) antmation B) alert ©) confidence D) conflict. 114, Choose the correct antonym for the italicized word : They chained me up like wild animals. A) tamed 7 B) dangerous c) lame D) large. 115. Choose the correct antonym for the italicized word : Was he desperate or frightened ? A) terrified B) worst C) encouraged D) hopeful. i »| 1802 ] . [4002 116. 17. 118. lig. 120. 121 37 Select the word with correct prefix : A)‘ proentity B) _reentity ©) nonentity D) — deentity. Select the word with correct prefix : * A) international B) interior ©) intercom D) inferior. Select the word with correct prefix : A), prepaid B) depaid ©) mispaid D) enpaid. Select the word with correct suffix : A) * needy : B) _ needly ©) needness D) _needee. Select the word with correct suffix : ‘A)— madom B) cleverdom ©) "kingdom D) __ pendom. Fill in the blank with the suitable article : Have you ever seen ... elephant ? A) the B) an oa D)noarticle. 122. 123. 124, Fill in the blank with the suitable article : ‘. Eskimos make houses of snow and ice. B) The OA D) Noarticle. Fill in the blank with the suitable article : Honest men speak ....... truth. ° Aa B) an ©) the D)__ noarticle. Fill in the blank with the suitable article : . ... apple a day keeps the doctor away. A) The B) A co An D) Noarticle. [802] 1001 POEM [Turn over POEM 38 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131, Fill in the blarik with the suitable article : What . . beautiful scene this is ! A a B) Cc) no article D) Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition : There is still no cure . A) with B) ©) over D) Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition : Suresh went there .. my bike. A) by B) Cc) von D) Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition : The students stiould work hard to get . A) on a B) ©) through D) Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition : He is never tired . . working. A) at B) Cc) of D) Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition : The glass is the floor. A) between B) ©) ‘before D) Select the correct question tag : They won't attend the meeting, ... A) ° will they B) ©) cant they D) 02 ] (400% ] an the. . the common cold. for to. at in, over about. from. after on. won't they aren't they. . the examinations. 132. 133. 134, 135. 136. 137. 138. 39 POEM Select the correct question tag : Lam a social worker, .... A) amt B) amntl Cc) arent . D) dol. Sclect the correct question tag : He didn't attend the party, . 2 A)" does he B) did he Cc) adi D)_ don'the. Select the correct question tag : Let us go to the beach, . A) don't we B) dowe C) shall we D) haven't we. Select the correct question tag : Mohan doesn't work hard, . A) does he B) ishe C). has he D)_ willhe Select the correct tense : ‘Sheela jumped off the bus while it . A) moved B) has been moving ©) was moving D) had moved. Select the correct tense : Had the doctor arrived in time, he . life of the patient. A) will have saved B) would have saved C) has saved D) _ had saved. Select the correct tense : . Here .. ... the bus. A): has come B) is coming Cc) comes D) _ will come. 139. x| 1802 | Select the correct tense : A good citizen always . selflessly. A) acted B) will act, Cc) act D) acts. [Tur over POEM 40 140. Choose the correct tense form of the verb given in brakets : lL. (eat ).my breakfast at 8-00 every morning. A) will eat B) ate ©) ameating D) - cat. 141, Select the Active voice : . A) He spread the kerchief on the map B) Sambu’s trip was sponsored by Goldstein ©) ~ Ithas been clinched by us D) The house was built by my father. 142. Select the Passive voice : A) The table was repaired B) _ Ravi heated water in a test tube ©) The doctor gave an injection to the patient D) Mahatma Gandhi led the Dandi March. 143. Select the correct voice of the verb from the options given : ‘The wall .. . by him, A) paint B) is being painted ©) painted D) painting. 144, Select the correct voice and fill in the blank : ‘When he arrived home, he ... .. by a detective. A) is arrested B) are arrested C) will be arrested D) was arrested. 145. Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank : He... 1... by his own friends. A) cheats B) | cheated ©) has cheated D) was cheaied. 146. Fill in the blank with the suitable participle : Did you see him A) dance B) dancing ©) tobe dancing D) danced. x | 1802 * 147, 148. 149, 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. » [1802 } al Fill in the blank with the suitable participle : We, generally, admire the beauty of a . A). danced. B) ©) dances D) Fill in the blank with the suitable infinitive This box is too heavy .. A) ft B) C) to lift D) Fill in the blank with the suitable gerund : He is interested in A) draw , : B) C) todraw dD Fill in the blank with the suitable gerund : The cinema was . A) bore B) ©) boring D) Identify the sentence pattern : ‘The news turned him pale. A) S.V10.D0 3) Cc) SVAA. D) Identify the sentence pattern : The children shouted. A) SV.O. a B) o) , Sv. D) Identify the sentence pattern : ‘She worked hard. A) Sv.0 B) cc) svc. D) Identify the sentence pattern : 1 presented him a pen. A) SV.CA. o sv.oc. . peacock. dance dancing, Isfuing to be lifted. drawing to be drawn. to be boring bored, SV.0.C. SV.C.A. Ss.V.C. SV.OC. S.A. ASV. SV.0.A. S:V.10.DO. POEM 42 155. Identify the sentence pattern : Ravi bought a bicycle yesterday. A) SV.0.C. B) SV.O.A. ©) $.V.10.D0. Dd) SV.CA. 156. Change the following verb into noun form : Die A) died B) death C) dyed D) dead. 157. Change the following verb into noun : Frightened A) frightening B) . fear ©) fearsome D) fearing. 158. Change the following noun into verb form : Remembrance A) remind B) reminiscent C) remark D) remember. 159, Change the following noun into verb : Animation A) animate B) to animate C} animator D) ‘animating. 160, Change the following adjective into adverb : Generous A) generously B). _generousness C)_— generosity D} generate. 161. Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone : The computer is .. A) sleep B) sleet “ c) sleeve D) sleek. ~ (io) 100r| * 162. 163. 164, 165. 166. 167. 43 POEM Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone : ‘The children who sing well can join the .. A) choir B) coir Cc) core D) . comer. Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone : The ... is a hot burning heavenly body. A) _ soon B) son ©) sin D) sun. Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone : He always offers ..... ... to the poor, 4) alms B) arms ©) harm D) aims Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone : Prevention is .. . than cure. A bitter ° B) better ©) batter D) butter. Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone : ‘The soldiers should use their in fighting. A) mite B) right ©) might D) rite. Comprehension : ‘Once, while riding a street car in Berlin, Einstein told the conductor that he had not given back the right change. The conductor counted the change. But he found it to be correct. So he handed it back and said that the trouble with Einstein was he did not know figures. However, Einstein took no notice of his remark. ‘What did Einstein say to the conductor ? A) He had given back the right change B) He did not know figures C) He had not given back the right change D) He counted the change. x | 1802 | . [i001 | {Tum over POEM 44. 168. Comprehension : Oliver Twist's ninth birthday found him a pale thin child, somewhat diminutive in stature. But nature or inheritance had implanted a good sturdy spirit in Oliver and perhaps to this spirit may be attributed his having any ninth birthday: What has nature Implanted in Oliver ? A) Nature had implanted a good sturdy spirit B) Reduction in size C) — Bxtremely small D) Nature had implanted not a good spirit. . 169. Comprehension : 7 Guyana is a small country situated in the Northern Coast of South America, on the Atlantic Ocean: People of Indian ancestry form nearly 50 per cent of its population. The rest are local Amerindians and Chinese descent. Where ts the country Guyana situated ? ,A) South America B) South Altantic Ocean . ©) North America D) Northern Coast of South America. 170. Comprehension : The Arctic tern is an unusual bird. It nests close to the North Pole in the summer. In autumn il flies south all the way to Antarctica. In summer Arctic tern nests tn. - A) Antarctica B) South ©) North Pole, D) Arctic Ocean. 171, Comprehension : Hobby is an activity which someone does for pleasure when they are not working. There are various hobbies as stamp collecting, gardening, painting, drawing, acting, reading etc. Among these hobbies, reading is very useful to a person. Which hobby is very useful ? A) Drawing B) Reading C) Painting D) Gardening. + | 1602] (a00r] 172, 173. 174, 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 45 POEM Select the correct sentence : ‘A) The dance room is spacious B) Dancing room is spacious €)__ Dance room is spacious D) The danced room is spacious. Select the correct sentence : A) Though he was weak, but he attended the class B) Though he was weak, he attended the class C) Though he was weak so he attended the class D) Though he is weak hé attended the class. Select the correct sentence : A). Water are collected in the tank B) Water collects in the tank C) Water will be collecting in the tank + D) Water is collected in the tank Select the correct sentence : : A) _ This is the boy whom won the gold medal B) This is the boy who won the gold medal C) This is the boy whose won the gold medal D) This is the boy which won the gold medal. Find out the error : ‘She kept the book in the table A B c r Find out the error : They called me _as a fool A BC dD Find out the-error : He is aman_ ofletter “A BOC D Find out the error : We reached Mumbai in train A B c DO x [1802 1001 [Turn over POEM 46 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. » [0a Find out the error : ‘This book has sold by the bookseller A B c D Find the odd word ( Verb ) : A) play B) player C) playful D) playboy. Find the odd word ( Adverb ) : A) wearer B) wearied C) wearily D) weariness. Find the odd word ( Verb ) : A) aggressive B) aggression C) aggressor D) — ageress. Find the odd word ( Noun } : Al+ convict B) convicted ©) convince D) __ convineible. Find the odd word ( Adjective ) : A) hermetic B) hermit ©) hermitage D) hermit crab. Select the éorrect plural form for the given word : penny A) penny B) pennies ©) pennytes D) _pennys. Select the correct plural form for the given word : thesis A) thesiss B) _ thesises O) thesis D) theses. Select the correct plural form for the given word : brush A) brush B) brushes ©) brushis D) _ brushies. oe " ” 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194, 47 POEM Select the correct plural form for the given word : foot A) feet B) foots Cc) feets D) _ footes. Select the correct plural form for the given word : tooth A) tooths B) _ toothes ©) teeth D) tooth Identify the Compound sentence : A) __ Raising his voice, Ravi shouted at his friend B) _ Ravi raised his voice to shout at his friend C) Ravi raised his voice and shouted at his friend D) —Onraising his voice, Ravi shouted at his friend. Identify the Complex sentence A) __ I will read the book if you give it to me B) I will read the book and tell you the story C) Iwill read the book to you D) _ I will read the book with you. Identify the Complex sentence + A) He can sing even though he cannot hear B) He can sing but he is deaf C) He can sing in spite of being deaf "P) He can sing despite his inability to hear. Identify the Simple sentence : A) Jumping up he ran away B) The day dawned and birds began to chirp ©) Ifyou work hard you will win D) Though he was. rich he was unhappy. x { 1802 [sor] | (Tum over POEM 48 195. Identify the Simple sentence : 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. x | 1802} Ay B) Cc) D) ‘Though the hare ran fast, he lost the race Looking at her watch she decided to start The hare ran fast but he lost the race ‘They garlanded him when he arrived. Identify the degree Raju is not so short as Raghu. A) ° Comparative degree B) Positive degree Superlative degree D) None of these. Identify the Comparative degree : A) B) ° D) Love is stronger than death Raghul is not intelligent as Dayal Kumaran Is the tallest boy in the class Mani is not so wise as Ravi. Identify the Superlative degree : A) B) co D) Very few professionals are as noble as teacher The pen Is mightier than the sword Porus was as great as Alexander in valour Mount Everest is the highest peak of the Himalayas. Identify the Positive degree : A) B) Cc) D) Honesty is the best policy Prevention is better than cure Australia is the largest island No other planet is so big as Jupiter. Identify the Positive degree : A) B) Cc) D) ‘The Thar is hotter than the Sahara Delhi is the largest city in India Delhi fs larger than any other city in India Ooty is not so cool as Kodaikanal. [1001 | 49 POEM (SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ) “ x | 1802 ] [001] POEM 50 ( SPACE FOR ROUGH WORE ) [4002 Group T-B Ac, HR&CE 82 POEM Seamgsgmoi ud the | A coo 2011 Qurg) sPley Gurgy 2, HFlerapid SQUP/ssuu Geter Spy : 3 wax | [Qwrgés wslUGucdrse ; 300 Seanrsaepse usloeilé @apedr Sipbocin. BPlysoyacen sevemo4 st wig seeyid Hadlu siplajeoy set 1. @ho cles Sprains ge Gagimnsu Gip usosenp)é GanckeGsiang. Gptai Carded Borhée lar SOprelerus APSGDU, saizaramMourent mp aang Cogimp@us pha etry, Sersaereims Sbsenaurer Crime sovanahtura Sess Cubs Gopmpaer Qompros socwors APigs Apis CaucinGd. spin Cactlagag cdeorucling Ge cleorrs Dpr@cry 200 Serrdserens Gen cir Geirongi. Shor Samboephei ler ulssays. qian Senrsoe5h ewmnen of iueinact Ganei ery. 4, oSenrs Gwrecy [A]. [B]. [E] sos [B] cor rite amonche suc Goes, psi usasPear Gig God poral acto sli gepi urtdsaid) Sawamiusast lainssret anu chan bande oppGaw saubgine HLeAe ebbge araien Gaceo. ranjamors 96 Sasamiugest [A] conguin Song Opretny Cudseserd sat sms pegou Sen.p—erefler Qrannd udspPlé Tp areinisgotmary Fai Koag agm0 Hp Snow igen Comte oSiage ence Sacton 7 i BI [CJ {[D} 5. a heebeow Ls sarenae Qiso ubapsler cus Gods ouiids aisibGlncat sjemnbgicion Bi Bele HawPreye Becher Gay emus eens Gyrbone weges enn a Sia oows GHsgb one co. Ao gssret Hay reese sararofiunenyré salu B7OD. Benchenelier wad vdapsld admehencu Up cabs, Guu oppo Ga Geten eSuysiscoer Bind sup Garte Qe pele s.teerg alm. goret Gesangeroacne. 7. Salmenen ts UBle set Garand ett ‘eesticipmout ‘Meo Bereflér @yoin min ubspslie conaghbene ar, rach Vagend Bip OER tl LibglapeDeN Feratond odbee vere CaenGs, Godscm. olinscmer Shan spree Buse OAS orcs pardon stash chen paras Gravmngonsci. 8. gaidang ‘cHeareyn (A) (B). (C) boss ID) cer grat alec ammd, GarcoQaie. func Seance GG) gq cfure dln ep Gyia Geig cle cberefie eflegs ance Gaciro Gaines Cours Tourer eilen_vct ge Gacidegs eras sedlame gusc Dad aflurargy Sany cage ce gdstaGen oie Toow Slen_sorele eSBs amc CoueikiOo. cuugumsdlgud © Gociltg Sb) G6, clon mubptar Gpts@eOne Calcd. e-voesm-u Guigp osiiouciract jact Sen Spirefler GH ae ant Oid efiurasr aSlen_aefler cedrexdflsansenws Gurige I 9. sSergardior gadeng Gane ecnedges aaifa, IAL IBl IC] oppb (BT com gree Shen baciand aceren, go Gnctaing chon udion Sune ofigum agp «Soro go) Oe Se ncipale Spa Udy Gere Gumgdans ofipge ont. Gavan, gdianre Gameleee BE i aus Gelb ORGhe cm sarchs C3165 ComkOd. 96 Spreibe geboibo Sudigere obs ain puprapre seg. xpnjamine Guach (B) ccc 2 Sacurah seSlard snp Veragwuny epipge am. Couaki Oo. (A) HBC) (0) 10. fuser Samp Dprgiier sips udspargud seaGa géog APbaGan enn Garage ae Sam opr ae tomate eo ub Seodos Sprays pare Sees Hiren Peabo ity. Gorey cpabpildr duoc admesenca chen proces acivoraicume fo Gor Op oS Gaaa@o. Qeuckesird Opn eciloaip Cpiny Coadson or uect 2 Em cr GOLGs Gsomann. Li, géituedt tease untausbe ses Cie sah usepsoe Geusepos evCurdpge 12. Godacin. Peele conpuncugy SSlard Cprourercmud KEEAUGAGED HL aysmamenog acters Gogo car slag satuoding. gy 13, 1 @pe 100 andere Sasa guide agar GanGsaiuc ode ePiyactsne 14, Sens Aprile Seneow gdh Gaur, eka. G& an Geur mung. x [803] * [oor »

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